Thursday, 16 March 2023

The Golden Rule

INANNA [ASET] ISIS [LILLITH] MAAT says, who will lift her veil 

Data [codes] are streaming out and knowledge is branching out to many, that need certain data – so read between the lines when reading these posts


The Electromagnetic earth grid which the resonance is called the Schuman resonance which is the frequency – Sch [Shu] is a masculine deity [NTR] aka the NTR of Light, space, dryness – Men [Min] and Min is a deity [NTR] a S-E-X NTR >> would it not be balanced if it was one masculine and one femi-nine, Shu has a counterpart and her name is Tefnut and she is the NTR over moisture – so the correct term is Sch-tefnut frequency, but the 6ethers flipped the grid which is a magnetic grid that surrounds the earth [KI] which is emitting from her heart – this is the layout in which the atmosphere accumulates around – this grid is man-made and is not the one we are dealing with because its coming down – their grid is the man-made Matrix [society included] the whole system which is called the illusion – the false grid – the false horizon – this is the veil

This veil hides [hidden] the innerworkings of Mother Earth – if the wombman which is one with Mother Earth springs forth with Mother Earth has Mother Earth – they incarnate in the form of a Human [Humin] [Schuman] and becomes ‘aware’ of the right frequency that Mother Earth [KI] is supposed to be on, then they immediately activate to match that correct frequency – they start to self-correct the frequency, tone, sone, vibration, acoustics+

The artificial grid is designed to create a hologram [holo – halo] in the mind which redirects the user from rediscovering [amnesia] who they are in their relation to Mother Earth [TA] TIAMAT [KI]

Once they ‘activate’ a signal is sent out to the ETHERS which is psychically rationalized for a [1000] others – to heal [1] is to heal a [1000] it’s a chain reaction – you are all looking at the same angle [angel] nine to nine of the ninth power [triangle], you are already in alignment already – [1] to see the line of vision and this will straighten everyone elses vision out [chain reaction] so that you can use your i-magi-nation – to visualise a false Matrix inside of the natural grid and then you begin to align your mind with others who are also on the same channel with you – the radio, everyone who is tuned in, those that are in-tune [144hz] with the reception of the radio who the host is coming from the SUN who is being fuelled by Sirius and NIBIRU – they are broadcasting and those in reception will know what song they are about to play next because you will 'here' her

Spiritual and physical energy is going to happen to the structure of the man-made Matrix – you can break down the Matrix [society] and what is in it like education, banking, economics, religion+ and so on, its all coming down, its all going to crash – they are all built on top of each other including the power grid is made by man, its all built on one another, so when one crashes, the others will follow suit  

Rolling blackouts is a system that the 6ethers use to computerise everything – this is their preparation – its all tided to the computer that is run through the internet [the signal comes from Sirius, it always did] – the US military have the world rights down here, when the US military announce that the government has been switched over successfully to [A.I] they tell each other in distance places just by turning off a light switch – but these turning off a light or lights are in a series of rolling blackouts over a period of time – these turning off the light is like turning off the light before you go to bed at night, it will be both positive and negative, so say like those who have money in the bank, over night they will have fu9k all in the account, now he or she might kill themselves because they lost all their money and they don’t know what happened, the bank is closed until further notice – so this is negative for many, whereas the banks closing and money running out will be positive for those who are here to crash this Wendy House down, banks sit on billions, millions that dildo(s) raise for so-called ‘good causes’ that sit in bank accounts that the banks then use the money to bankroll other negative things, like wars, we know they will never give a cure for say Cancer because there is no profit in the cure only in misery, yet millions every year raise billions for banks – so this system crashing will be seen in positive and negative ways depending on the user

We keep an eye on the 3D world but we are not of the 3D world – we just need to keep an eye on the signs and symbols from above and below – so the soul – you know

We will be going back to a matriarchal [Ma-Tri-Arc-Al] form of government – the illuminati has been overthrown aka the ‘deep state’ are over but until it is announced we will continue with ‘business as usual’ the USA think Trump can save them, Trump does not have a military background or political background, he does represent other reptilian families but he will play no role – the Matriarchal [holy Trinity] must be reinstated first, the FEMI9 principle must be implemented first

Matrix means [3] TRI 

We know that the transitions are taking place but what we don’t know is when KI will say, here I AM, come and take me by the hand – she is not a thief in the night like his Bible says, you will hear her coming because she is wearing heels

Ma [Ma’other] Mother

The tri-nity is [1] Priest (Priestess)] [2] Law Giver [3] Statesman (StatesWombman)
The reinstatement of the FEMI.9 NRG ELECT - RONS aka Gods Elect

Although Lou closed her eyes for the last time on March 14 - she never closed her eyes on you 
Mama Bear lives on 

Supreme Electron
PTAH - One that opens the way 

The 432hz is more natural to the universe, to us, and to the planet and is the frequency that we had been vibrating on since we got here, the 432hz is mathematically consistent to the Fibonacci series of numbers and therefore is by universal design, todays music is unnatural, the difference between 432hz and 440hz is 8 vibrations per second but is [was] a big difference in our consciousness experience 

We experience things differently, so that when sum one tells you sum thing, you feel a certain way and when you don’t feel it, when you experience it we usually brush if off, our bodies are 70%-80% structured crystal water [liquid], you are a superconductor [electro] aka electro genetics

You have consciousness and energy that travels throughout the body and allows us to move, a thought occurs and energy is produced and that energy [Kundalini] then travels down the spine to corresponding nerves and veins but its this liquid that helps it travel [liquid and electricity]

Thoughts travel at 477 [9] trillion miles a second aka instant 

The Electron is [God] level, abstraction defined by [7] characteristics

[1] Divine Simplicity [not consisting of parts] [2] Omnipresent [present everywhere, eternal] [3] Omniscient [all-knowing] [4] Omnipotent [all powerful] [5] Omnibenevolent [all good] [6] Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer - GOD [7] Giver of Life and the Bringer of Death

Based on the definition of [God], the Electron is the only empirical object which satisfies all of the criteria as being [God], as in level 9

In the beginning the word was sone [sound] OM144 Utterance [gods spoken word]

The Electron is divine simplicity; the doctrine of divine simplicity says that [God] is without parts, not composite, and not made up of sum thing else, the Electron is a subatomic, fundamental particle, having no components or substructure

The Electron is [Omnipresent, Omnipresence] is the quality of being present everywhere at the same time, all Matter [Maat] is composed of Atoms, and all Atoms [Atum] are composed of at least [1] or more Electrons, thus, everywhere there is sum thing, there is at least [1] Electron - this is important if you are 6ether and you have [1] ion and you grew your Ab [heart] CHAKRA - your part of this

The Electron is [Omniscient, Omniscience] is the quality of knowing all information and information is light [data] 

Neurons are cells that are the core components of the Brain [Organ] which processes and transmits information in the forms of Electrons as electrical signals

Electrons are what thoughts, ideas, and knowledge are made of, literally everything that is known is facilitated by way of Electrons, this Electron is FEMI.9 [gods elect-ron]

The Electrons is Omnipotent, Omnipotence is the quality of being [All] poWRA-ful, in physics, power is the rate at which a force does work, all of the Forces in the Universe are based on the 4 fundamental forces, and Electrons participate in 3 of the 4 Fundamental Forces, Gravitation, Electromagnetism, and the Electro-weak forces, Electrons do not participate in the strong nuclear force, but Electrons can participate in nuclear reactions, hence, the Electrons is Omnipotent

The Electrons is Omnibenevolent, Omnibenevolence is the quality of being all good, and goodness and is defined as always adhering to a set of rules, laws, or codes, the set of rules or equations that the Electrons always adheres to includes the man science jargon >> Pauli Exclusion Principle, the Schrödinger equation, the Dirac equation, Wave-Particle Duality, and Angular Momentum, just to name a few

The Electron is Creator, the exchange or sharing of Electrons between two or more Atoms is the main cause of Chem-ical bonding which creates the Molecules of all substances, conversely, the Chemical reactions which destroy, or transform, one substance to another involve the loss or change in position of Electrons

The Electron gives life, life is a characteristic of physical entities having Biological processes, and Biological processes are any number of [Chemical Reactions] that results in a transformation

Chemical reactions are caused by the loss or change in position of Electrons, conversely, the cessation of Chemical reactions, is when Electrons stop flowing, and is what brings about death

On the walls of KHMT [Khami] in the Greek word Hieroglyphs our ancestors left us knowledge, the light bulb, KHMT is over 450,000 Ki years old, Dendera has a device that is 90,000 years old but Dendera is less years than device, the Sphinx is over a million Ki years old, when poWRA-ed up, it emitted light, it was indeed a light bulb and it worked, we also had a Direct Current [DC] battery

Sum additional similarities between [God] and the El-ectron are lov9, it is said by many that [God] is lov9 [light] as a thought or emotion, the feeling of lov9 occurs due to the movement of Electrons in the organ [brain, muscle] and body - in your TRI- system 

Light, [God] created light by saying Let there be Light, Electrons moving from higher orbital shells to lower orbital Shells is the origin of Light [Lov9]

Origin the word backwards  = Nigir-O [Niger][Nigga][Naga][Negus]

In the Clouds, it is said that [God is in the Clouds], Electrons orbit the nucleus of an Atom in Electron clouds, you can’t see [God] or Electrons, currently there is no method in existence to directly see an Electron or any subatomic particle

Electrons in the Atomic mode, Atoms and Electrons have never been directly seen, but scientists have proved that sub-atomic particles exist through experimentation which facilitates a consistent method to observe the effects made through predictions provided by the Atomic Model

A model is a representation of a system in the real world, and is intended to help us overstand systems and their properties, the atomic model represents what the structure of an Atom could look like, based on what we know about how Atoms behave, it is not necessarily a true picture of the exact structure of an Atom, models are often simplified and cannot always be absolutely accurate

Ptah as an ancient Alkebulan [African] Electron Model

The relationship between [El] and [P-TA-H], the N.TU [Neteru] Ptah is given the title [Dū Gitti] Lord of Gath in a prism from Lachish which has on its opposite face the name of Amenhotep II

The title Dū Gitti is also found in Serābitṭ text 353, points out that Ptah is often called the Lord or one of eternity and thinks it may be this identification of [Ēl] with Ptah that lead to the epithet tolam eternal being applied to [Ēl] so early and so consistently

[El] Al is the Origin of the name of [God] in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and various Mesopotamian text, [El] is from Babel, Bab-El and is associated with A.NU, [El] aka GOD LEVEL [9] 

EL [the origin of the Mesopotamian name for God] is in the word [ELECTRON]

EL - Mesopotamian word for God
LECT - word, speech, thought [Greek lexis and logos]
TRON - Greek suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument from TRAN aka TRANSFER
ELECTRON - a tool for God’s words and thoughts

Study Particle Physics, Study Quantum Physics, learn about the ELECTRON, get to know the Supreme Beings, the [ELECTRO] is [God] and is the word [sone] of [God]

P-ta-h [Tah] Opener, One who opens the ways [9th God]
Ptah as an Electron Model

Electrons arose out of the primordial Abyss of energy during the big bang at the creation of the universe, Ptah rose out of the primordial Abyss called Nun, during the creation of the universe

The Electron is a Sub-Atomic particle that precedes the Atom, Ptah proceeded Atum [Atom] and as the primordial mound, was beneath Atum, or Sub-Atumic [Atomic]

The Electron is the is the worker particle or the craftsman particle in nature response for creating the chemical bonds of Matter, and Ptah was a craftsman [N.TU] responsible for creating in nature

Electrons are the substance of thought, logic and reason, Ptah was symbolic of thought, logic and reason as the Logos and Nous, creating by imagining in his heart and speaking with tongue

The Electron gives birth to light in the form of Photons, Ptah is the father of Atum, who becomes Atum-Re, symbolic of light

The Electron has 7 orbital shells, there are 7 Pygmy [Ta-hites] of Ptah called the Khnemu [Khemet] 

The relationship between Electron poWRA, flow [current] and [DC] stable voltage are created by the equation P=1V and this is the OHM[144] law

Ptah holds the staff [Waas] composed of symbols related to poWRA, life [Electron Flow] and Djed [stability] Ptah beard [9 ether] black hair is touching the Waas and he is communicating with you

Priest [Sem] [Sunny] Semu
ionized fumes
electric discharge [snake] bulb
Lamp socket [Lotos)]
Cable [Lotos stem]
Air god [SHU] 
Isolator [Djed-Pillar]- foot pedal
Light bringer Kek with knifes
Symbol for [current]
Inverse polarity [Harpolarität +]
Energy storage [electrostatic Generator]


Atoms-Galaxies-DNA are surrounded by Geometrical shapes and patterns all with the number 9 hidden inside

Maat is nin9 to the Ninth poWRA of Nine [9to9 to the 9th poWRA]

The construction of the universe, galaxy, soular system, life itself revolves around the number 9 the highest number, all galaxies spiral in the number 9

Facial Infinity
432x432= 186,624
1+8+6+6+2+4= 27/2+7= 9

Speed of light = 186,282 miles per second
1+8+6+2+8+2 = 27/2 + 7 = 9

432/12 = 36 (9)
432/9 = 48 (3*)
432/8= 54 (9*)
432/7= 61.71428571428571= 69(6*)
432/6= 72 (9)
432/5= 86.4 (9)
432/4= 108 (9)
432/3= *144* (9)
432/2= 216 (9)
432/1= 432 (9)
6+6+6 = 18 (9)

6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons = 18 [1+8 = 9] 

3+9+6+9+9+9+9+9+9= 72/7 +2= 9

Average numbers of respirations per 24hr period 25,920
25,920/ 60 = [432] 60 seconds or 60 minutes

144hz [9] Omega + Alpha 

 And the beat goes on, its a jungle out there 

All them people on the beach and no one looks up 


 Eyes, nostrils, teeth [Hologram] 

NIBIRU returned in 2012 with ISON [2] scout, probes leading the way, for those that watched their reintroduction was a proud moment - they were here - 2012 with the loop into 2021 - 2023 means completion, the planet is not ending, the world is ending, learn, know the difference 

NIBIRU came through SAHU [SA.HU] SAH [Orion-Belt] when they were reintroduced back into this SOULAR system in 2012 [2021] there are [7] stars that make up this portal, star con-stella-tion - stella means star - two ways of this SOULAR system which SAHU and  PAARE [SUN] are the only two and are heavily guarded - there are [9] stars, two are hidden and those [3] you see in the middle are not coming from the SOULAR system but from the 19th system which is merging into the system aka the DRACO system - Sirius is also in this system because that is where this planet is going 

Different images of the MOON [MONO] SHESHQI [SIN] KUNGA from the USA and the UK 
You can see the shield [aura] top image we can see PURPLE inside the sphere and what is that at the bottom inside the sphere and the bottom - check the core and outer cores and shape and those 4 rays or 6 - blue emitting from them or Technicolor + the rim is also holding [7] colours, frequencies 


Beyond the horizon -check how the SKA is broken up - where is that coming from 

What is beyond the horizon - where is that crown ray coming from 

Snapshot of the real war - advanced crafts are in the SKA made of light - they are here for their planet, their off-spring and their soular system - everything else will be deleted - go the Ukraine footage, that is who they are really fighting for the portal that sits in what we call Ukraine  

Lead craft middle right 


UK [WALES] crafts in the SKA 


Can you see what they are hiding behind their chemical veil 

Where is the plane that is chemically spraying the SKA with BAAL




NU ZEALAND - check the energy-radiation - RED = MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 electron principal  

See the BLUE 

You can see the EMF is totally disconnected which means the planet got penetrated, there are crafts that will deflect surplus energies and shield plasma surplus, the planet is lit - energy lingers for 3 days which is 72hrs which is [9] - you may not sleep and be wide awake, the body is taking the brunt of the energies and will take time to adjust - keep the mind nice and easy 

17.3.2023 - [RED BAND] 

GERMANY  - reboot - blackout 

ITALIAN - reboot - blackout 

KANADA - every hour you can see a pattern in the tones - the KANANDIAN SHUMANN is the CROWN area of the planet - the models are lit and the resonating frequency is being recorded - read all data in CHAKRA colours aka radiation aka energies - there are adjustments being done above and below because I can hear them in my ears - I have read through this post over and over and cannot see any mistakes, grammar, wrong words or no sense at all or wrong key for a letter, I will read it again later, however I am mutating, I have been on the internet near enough the length and breath of my [7] year tribulation which is over, I also had my own countdown in my own personal Chi [Qi] life to which I have expressed in the posts on this site, however I have paid the price by looking at the screen for so many hours over [7] years - my words, even talking, I don't want to talk or write anymore - my mind just wants imagery and music and silence, you know its 2023 which equates to [7] and this means completion, the irony for me is that it is also my own completion - sum thing that is deliberate and unavoidable, yeah I have fear, fear from myself, different days brings out the Nigg9 in me - its hard holding him down at times, and the emotions and feelings, balancing down here is no joke, you do this all the way until your last breath - they never told us how hard it was going to be down here but then again they never told us how easy it would be down here, they never told us of either, we learnt that while we were down here, in real time - we are all mutating - its not just your DNA [DEA] - you are being peeled back layer by layer - as above - so below - we are using telepathy now and less words, less man made devices, the mind [cave] is where you'll find me nowadays - its my home - I built it 

HEAVEN meets EARTH - the ceiling of space is right there 

Multiple light sources in shield and huge [ether] sphere inside shield 

Australia - interesting the ray is going up - also notice how low the clouds are, the ceiling is getting closer and closer - Thailand and Australia have sum spectacular images coming from over that region - is this the SUN or portal - the SUN is under the DOME with us and the STARS and MOON so is this the SUN which is multidimensional portal or another type of portal


MALAWI [fallout from the Equator] the water is going back to the equator and will eventually be released with pressure back to where the water came from - a lot of coastlines will be going under hence the military will be taking over a place near you

PERU [HERU] is leaking and check out the land - its dry and looks like its been dry for a long time, the water coming in is not for replenishment of the lands, its to flood them - we are at extinction levels

Just another day 

KALIFORNIA- where the snow was dumped are likely the areas around the planet where they dumped the snow - they have a lot to lose if they do use HAARP 

How does the clouds go like that in the SKA - 

Australia M7+ 
Train derailments in the USA continue - trend

Just watch the footages and don't focus on what he says, he loves to talk about everything but what you can see - this is the X FILES 

The 3D world must be deleted 

MA.AT + HERU combined = FEMI9 [EL] EC [TRON] TRAN 

'Can you feel it' 

When the ULMEC [OLMEC] returned and found that the lineages had been infiltrated the ULMEC moved the remainder to ANGKOR WAT - we never had blood sacrifices until the others came or were invented [created] 



KHEMET + BUNTU words welded together  

B/W images are from the 1800s-1900s 
750,000 capacity

That sucks in helicopters 

Carbon compound [HIVE] 
Melanin [Ether] sits in KARBON 

Shame on you 

Listen to what she says about emotions and feelings [Elephant] and you murdered their grand-great parents  

Real height of guards at the entrance - huge beings, creatures walked this land with giants 

They were on the [temples] in INDI [INDIAN] roofs, what are they, cogs, part of the antennas, you can see inside connecting parts, joints - many of these sites were disconnected on purpose - they are are connected planet-wide, stone is part of the natural circuit board of this planet - stone holds frequencies, tones, along with water that has currents [currenSea] El-ephants have poor eye sight but their soles [souls] plug into the natural circuit board of the planet, they know you are there -  

'eye really want to learn the Golden rule' 

Bleed the heart - you must be lighter than a SHU [FEATHER] 

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