The Raven Queen
If the [devil] is busy in the workshop [mind] then what
should we be busy at, so while the [devil] is busy at building his mental
capacity to control you, sum one has to develop their mental capacity to
control the [devil] we have to outwit the [devil] – so when people tell you
that you are overthinking – no you are not – out of mind is the [devils]
workshop but out of mind is also the workshop were we have to defeat the
[devil] – this means we cannot let the [devil] get more educated than us –
The word [devil] is d-ev-il [dark-Eve] and dark- Lilith
names put together, dark is the ether [melanin] western world are using the
word devil to mean negative
IN.ANNA [INANNA] is a title and translates ‘beloved’ this
title is the same title for A-Set in KHMT [KHEMET] there have been many people
who have held the title of INANNA – this INANNA is mother NINTI – there are
other people who held this title [INANNA]
NANA [NANNA] is a different title – you have Mother KI
[EARTH] and then you would have an ambassador to KI for humanity in order to
give her grievances to about how we are treating KI and this is with INANNA
because she is most skilled at talking to KI and the supreme creator
The DEVIL wears PRADA and she whistles while she works
Devil [Angel]
Dark energy – dark matter, the deep black theory takes us
into the triple blackness, the abyss [Nu], which is the darkness of outer space, the
outer limits and the outer limits is where we enter the twilight zone because
things don’t look as real as there is always sum thing strange to behold and
that is the realm of chaos and chaos is dark energy and dark energy is called
dark matter and dark matter is represented in ancient times as the dark mother
and the dark mother her siStar is called Lillith who is the planet Saturn who they
call Satan, Saturn was eclipsed when they put the Moon out there to control
their women(s) periods and thus being in control of their dark chaotic forces
that swirls around in a portal that we call the Uterus and when the energy is
swirling around in the Uterus and if the heart is pure opens has a channel for
a righteous child to come through
So the woman that can balance out the Melanin [Ether] which is
infinite dark chaos and the priority primordial waters of Nu [Nun] Abyss which
is the warm waters of the one we call Big Mama, we are in the contraction right
now being born in the womb of Big Mama – are we really here or are we just
experiencing life through Big Mama for we all was in grandmothers womb from way
back when our mums where born – the attentive mind can take the messages that
she got from way back when and she can make sh9t a realisation – which is what,
the restoration of nature, the tribes, the nations so they can restore the land
– the water and air, that is called LAW, to restore LAW and ORDER aka become
one with nature – neglect KI and she will fight back – we are nothing without
The system [Matrix] is designed to make everyone subservient
to maintain the system – we are going to crash, destroy this system so we can
have a more productive system for the future and anything that we do that is
geared to the future has to do with the children and this is what anything that
is going to form must have a matriarchal system that is geared around the
children first with no homosexuals sitting over the FEMI.9 energy principle, matriarchy first although you wouldn’t think so –
trading places with patriarchy with women which is feminism – feminism is just
has destructive has patriarchy its just the other side of the coin
Matriarchy empowers men on a level to be more functional
in society [matrix] than patriarchy does but we will never realise that has
long as we are denigrating her, assaulting her, killing her, disrespecting her,
we won’t never realise that – you do know that all men are the aggressive part
of the female – that we are all female for at least 9 and 18 weeks – if you
don’t protect her how can she protect the children
Playing with peoples lives in a text
The Jabba the Hutt – not enough people took the Jabba and
we can see that for now the powers that used to be, they are resorting to plan b
There needed to be a significant number that they needed
to reach and they have not reached their intended quota – but for the majority
who did take the Jabba the Hutt, they are fu9ked - your immune system will be wrecked by now leaving you prone to the elements
You see the crest is not going to move this time when
NIBIRU goes by, the only thing that is going to flip is the energy grid aka the
EMF [electromagnetic field] and when that flips the frequency [vibration] of KI
will change and anyone who cannot match the vibration is going to be deleted –
but check this, anyone who is not synced to the Mitochondria DNA of the 9ether
woman, they are not going to be here, they will be shut down like an old
computer – the 9ether woman only have the MtDNA and if you are not connected to
her, its lights out and on top of that, for those who have not done their
shadow work, you are going to get shadow work to the 9th poWAR – you
should have done that work when it was easy and now you’re going to have to do
it all at once and that is called ‘going insane’ the headaches are
indescribable for the ones who didn’t do no work on themselves, you are going
to go offline, you are going to have a nervous breakdown aka you will be shut
Its already started, there are so many adverts about
mental health on the internet and I do not watch tv so you can imagine there
must be loads on mainstream tv –
The spiritual poles have already been moved and it is
physical poles that have to move - which NIBIRU controls the poles
Mother KI is not playing, if you are not synced to KI
[EARTH] then she is shutting you off –
[UV] Gamma radiation has been hitting the planet constantly
and this is how KI activates, this is how she wakes up – when the planet wakes
up, the siStar(s) wake up, when the siStar(s) wake up – we better be woke – the
Gamma radiation [FEMI.9 NRG] is causing mass awakening on the planet –
There is a unification process between masculine and
feminine energies that we will then be able to overthrow the patriarchy, the
ma-tri-arc-hy is the proper form of KI government – this is a femi-nine planet
with a feminine rulership order – and when these siStar(s) finish waking up and
they don’t see us spreading the real data, like explaining things like science,
physics, metaphysics, quantum physics, astrophysics and dark matter [melanin], Kundalini+ and putting sh9t together –
then you won’t be here no more – what have many been doing since 2012 [2011]
We will be having a gender contract and many men will not
be here no more – this is one of the reasons why I have been promoting certain
things in my work because I do not want to be born a woman for the next world –
you cannot be a feminist if you are a matriarchal – if you are matriarchal then
you cannot be feminist – feminism is patriarchy – don’t get involved in these
stupid words
At every closing of age, the gender contract can be
challenged – so we knew that sum one was going to come and teach the little
boys how to be little girls and the little girls how to little boys and that is
because the gender contract is under challenge, we can see this all around the
3D world
If more men find men more attractive then they find women
attractive – then the men are out of here because they don’t need you anymore –
so the gender contract is being questioned – its not abnormal periodically for
sum one to be born with a confused gender because they might have two [KAA]
spirits – but that is not what is going on – that is in old culture and we know
that this can happen, but, that is not what is going on because what we see is
mass conversion – there is nothing wrong with sum one having a sexual
preference but there is sum thing wrong with sum one changing if for them without
consent, there was a town in Dominican Republic that every child born in a
certain town was born all girls and when they got to puberty half reverted back
to being boys, we know that they can change the sex with chemicals and they did
it with mosquitoes+ we know that the 6ethers will always have inverted genders
because they are inverted – we are not talking about that, we are talking about
this mass conversion to young children who do not understand what it is that
they are actually doing – the child does not know what sexuality is but you are
telling the little boy that he is a little girl and then you want to have laws
passed to make that sh9t legal – all this monkey sh9t has got to go and the
parents that allowed this have to go with them
We never had prisons until the 6ethers and they turned
castles into prisons and education into schools to train the children to
supress themselves so that they don’t have to do it for them – a couple summers
ago I heard two people talking and one said, no he is metrosexual – wtf is
that, indoctrination through education - there was downloads that many have had
over the last two decades and I remember sum one said, do not have children
leading up to 2012 – have no children after 2012
Its all in the protocols of the Wisemen of Zion –
everything that is unfolding on this planet is in there, you should read it if
your keen – or you can read Dr Neely Fuller United Independent Compensatory
Code System for breaking the chains of white supremacy and in there, what is
taking place on this planet is listed – Henry Ford even tried to tell the
9ethers because they tried to take Ford Motor company away from him – they said
he was incompetent to run his business because he didn’t have an education – so
he wrote the International Jew and in there he tells the same sh9t that these
mtf are the problem – he said that if you don’t run these people off your land
they are going to overrun the 9ethers off of their land – they are counterfeit
[KAA] spirits and they do not belong here
KI used to be an international or intergalactic paradise
– you can see her former glory in sum of the monuments that are still around
the planet, I post what I can and you can see this place was sum thing else far
greater than what she is today – beings came for vacation and education in
higher sciences of life and then others came and decided they wanted to own her
and own all what she had including the 9ethers, which started the war
We have new forms of pestilence coming out all the while
that have 70% [80%] death rates, they want the masses killed on top- dumping of
chemicals, poisons added to food and water+ they need to cull on a massive
scale – there is a 2025 prediction that the HuMin [HuMan] population will be
condense down to 86% - which is really the pole shift that will cause this many
to die off
For a while I had been thinking about the Moon, the Moon
is not the same in the four corners of the world, there are also crafts near
the Moon, NASA have said that the Moon is shifting or will be shifting, currently
the Moon is actually out the same time the SUN is out on a 90o angle
from the SUN, they said that the Moon has been there for billions of years,
this is what they taught many but all of a sudden its going to move without
provocation, what is different to make it move – at one point you could see the
hologram over the Moon where it would be, the Moon is the only thing in orbit
that has a fixed position which is established in its relationship with the
planet [earth] KI – so why all of a sudden is the Moon going to move, this is
an excuse to explain why all these tides are going out, why we are seeing the
sea retreat from the shores in so many places around the planet, and is to why
the Mississippi will have a 30ft tidal wave coming down that bi9ch – and is to why
the Euphrates is drying up – they have to provide an excuse
If you look at how the water is receding, sum thing huge
is in our atmosphere – in this soular system – its bigger than the SUN because
its pulling all the water to the equator and hence why there are places in
Alkebulan close to the equator that are flooding, which these places were dry
for 100 of years and now they are flooded – so whatever it is, sooner or later
it is going to have to release its gravitational or magnetic pull on the planet
and when this happens – that water has got to go back to where it belongs – the
underwater channels are the filtration for the fresh water, there is water
below us has there is water above us, this is how you get the salt out which
seeps up through the soft rock which catches the bigger grains of salt and then
through a carbon layer and then through a sand layer and when it comes up
through a sand layer its call fresh water – this pull is coming from NIBIRU and
has soon as the grip [pull] is released this will flip the grid and will flip the
[EMF] field, the Schuman will be at the correct frequency and this is what is
going to switch off many people(s) MtDNA – when this cuts off, it will effect
you in three ways, it will turn your brain off instantly, it will turn your
heart off instantly or it will stop supplying energy to the DNA [DEA] which
means you die slowly – your life force will be stripped from you, many people
are being stripped of their energies, this also ties into the damaged coral
reefs say in Florida and other places – these reefs produce a lot of Oxidation
on the planet – so when the planet is going back into a Hydrogen- based state
this means those people in those places who do not belong to this planet are
going to die – when the 6ethers invaded Atlantis they came in through Florida
and today those leftover in Florida are going to be deleted – the thing is –
what they did to the 9ethers, the 9ethers already did it to the 6ethers – its
only that the 9ethers are complaining about it – the [Queen] of heaven
intervened and said you cannot just throw people away like rubbish – she said that
everyone that conscious and sentient has the right to ascend – the 6ethers
where graphed by Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] Jacob and they became nutraniods, they become
brazilianized >> brazilianization is an actual term for successful
amalgamation of a people to allow them the right to ascend – these people that
we have been thinking that were in control were just getting the 9ethers back
[KARMA] for what they had done to the 6ethers – not the 9ethers but the people
that made them – they made these people and they couldn’t ascend – now we are
at the closing of the age and they need to clean this sh9t up – so we all have to
clean this house up – we had to domesticate them – house train them, this is
what the last 512 years was also about - many 6ethers will be allow to ascend because they grew a heart [Ab] and they have [1]ion
Remember you don’t have to be here, there are no
reincarnations [Re [Ra]-in-KAA-nation] during the SUN cycle – you don’t have to
be here – once you leave out of the body, you don’t have to come back – sum of
you only came back to aid in ascension, sum of you are warriors and are here
for the war, sum of you came back here because it’s the final cycle and light
needed to be provided, sum of you will automatically have to come back because
you did fu9k all while you were here on yourself
Do not go to your family when you transit, if you see
them or have seen them know that they are down here on the negative field and
this means they are not up there which would be heaven [haven] Sirius – they are
down here on the earth negative field –
Your 3rd eye will light the way, head for the
triple blackness, when you were in the womb after 9 weeks your eye develops and
that is what you used while your were in your mother(s) womb – you cannot come
down here if you didn’t want to be here – we go through a state of apathy – the
apathy that we go through facilities suicide and depression and that is because
no one told us that this sh9t was going to be this hard, this has been one of
the most hardest programs that we have been through – as soon as we get to the
hard part in life and we feel like giving up, that is when the good part
starts, have you noticed this – the hard parts that you build when things gets
hard is the irrational – if you do not go through no difficulty then you cannot
develop, that is not possible – accept certain things, look with the ancient
eye for this eye can put all the pieces together
You know when people tell you of the [white] light or the
light at the end of the tunnel, that is the delivery room – that is you coming
back, between here and there – there is no time – between this life and your
next life, there is no time, many people write or say RIP, no there is no rest,
stop watching tv, the spirit world is instant, its all light, there is nothing
dense about it – the [white] light is supposed to be ambient [amber] Lucifer is
female [Lu-Cell-fer] Lu-minesce – it is not supposed to be bright [white] all
those that saw [white] were in the Moon – Matrix – the conscious catcher, all
those that said they saw Jesus and he spoke to them – that is the Moon – Matrix
– the white light is from the delivery room – the [white] light erases your
memory in the delivery room, hence why many have Deja Vue type things of being
sum one before – these overlap sum times for those in the delivery rooms – they
blind you will the light and traumatize you by slapping you on the ass, they
are not supposed to do any of that to you
You are not reincarnated unless your consciousness comes
back, this is why the 1611 KJB had to be rewritten and taken out was
reincarnation because the 6ethers do not reincarnate – the consciousness is
moving into a new body, avatar – the avatar is not the true self – on a bigger
level, we are not even here, we are sum where else projecting our consciousness
into here
Research epigenetics, dark matter, quantum physics,
metaphysics, there are many authors like Bruce Lipton – they know the material
to read – also Michael Talbot Holographic Universe – you will find out much
about yourself - We live in a Simulation is another, all this and more will aid
you inner-stand how this monkey sh9t is working or watch the movie Matrix again
One of the biggest misconceptions is that many people
think everyone has a BAA [soul] when they do not – there are loads who have KAA
and then there are those who have BAA – the 9ether dissipates into the 6ether –
so if you do not have a KARBON [CARBON] coating [Melanin sits in Carbon] then
you are going to be stuck on the 3rd dimensional realm – the lunar
cycle was only good for those who ran this planet for 6,000 years – so for
those people who were part of the genetic graphing, those are the ones who were
created on the planet and not from the planet, so if you don’t have a BAA
– this means you do not have the
genetics to ascend – this is why they needed the one drop of blood from the
ANNUNAKI aka the ANUNAGA aka the Nagas [Nigg9s] – so if you have the Carbon
coating but fell victim to the pharmaceutical industries – then you stay here,
you cannot ascend, you stay in the negative field – they extract BAA(s) and
KAA(s) to the Moon Matrix
Your physical body is laying dead, your mental body is
going to connect to sum thing called your light body, this downloads your
consciousness in the 5th dimension – we are ascending to the 5th
dimension right now – the side effect is this, we won’t have to die to know
what happened to the BAA when body gives out – the ones that need the ANNUNAKI
blood, what is wrong with them is their central nervous system that prevented
them from ascending beyond third dimensional fixed position reality – they
don’t have dreams but they have a sense of self [cell] self-identity aka called
sentience – your consciousness is being transferred this time round because we
are going into the 5th dimension -
this cycle is ending to begin
Osiris Chief of KHMT - SOULAR [BAA] traveling and while he is traveling his body is being protected - here we also see him having acupuncture
You cannot leave without a BAA
The Sedona complex on LAHMU [MARS] is a big old face
looking towards KI – the Sedona complex on LAHMU is identical to the layout of
Baghdad [Iraq] – it is a city and was destroyed in the last Vimana wars, it was
a huge metropolis like NY – Sedona Arizona, its an energy signature that its
named after and not named after geography – so when you research Sedona
[Cedonia] Cydonia you end up finding out it’s the name of a Greek 9ether goddess – they named the energy signature
after her and is to why the one on LAHMU is a mirror image to that of KI –
TUT was killed when his shuttle [chariot] was attacked on his way or to Cydonia
[LAHMU] MU – the children of MU
MOYA [WATER] which is liquid crystal
BBQ is leading the rebellion in HAITI right now – he is
the reincarnation of Jean-Jacques Dessalines who set off the revolution of Toussaint
in the Bookman, there was 2 priestesses, a priest and what we call a judge –
who was Bookman [Dutty Boukman] he had to receive the complaint or the
grievance from Toussaint – who Toussaint then had to get permission from the 2
priestesses – one of the priestesses would sacrifice her life and shed her own
blood for the success of HAITI and then you had the soldier who is also called
initiator of the action of the revolution who was Dessalines – all five were
crucial in HAITI and the revolution and for the Orisha(s) to take physical form
and fight them on the battle field – now that we are at the closing of age all
major Conjures must be closed, no matter what takes place on KI - HAITI is
going to let rip and when they go it will be lights out – we have had the
priestesses come back several times to close these things down and each time
they were interrupted by other priests – they have been exploiting HAITI from
day dot and do not want stability or they would lose their monetary gains that
they receive - BBQ has the authorization
The Sweetwater ceremony on the hills comes – Boukman says
this matter is closed and once he says this the HAITI have to send for the
Sweetwater ceremony – which triggers the priestesses to do the Oshun ritual in
Florida – Boukman and the priestesses all have to be in HAITI
They have the priestesses and they are waiting for BBQ to
give the order to call the Sweetwater – but Oshun must be recognised or nothing
will be moving – there are 7 siStars who are going to be in honour of Oshun
invited to HAITI and for the siStar that gave her life for HAITI to be
We have seen water [Oshun] rituals not sure on that date
but I do know that they had the priestesses – they used HAARP and wrecked HAITI
numerous times – payback is going to be a bi9ch
BLOCKCHAIN ENTERPRISE >> coming to a place near you
<< we also have a Blockchain coming, it will follow the turnaround that
is incoming – they have technology that has been supressed for many years –
this 40- or 50-year bracket that they have over the 3D world has to merge and
this data has to be released – the Med-bed is ancient technology that is based
on ancient HuMin technique using Cymatics [KI-MAAT-IC] which is sound [sone], crystal and
frequencies - hence the name SEMU [SEM] which translates a listener, a hearer –
the technology is ancient and is still advanced compared to what the 3D world
has right now – the technology works for the 9ethers and also they don’t want
you living so you can see wtf they are really doing out here, I find it strange
that no one remembers electric scooters, vehicles during the 1900s, granted no
one would be alive right now but no even a great grand child or grand child
telling a story of sum one in their family on one these devices or even a
picture yet they were used right across utility businesses like Milk floats,
post office workers, the technology was always there – the ones that die young
are the ones they don’t want figuring out the problems
You see all this financial rhetoric they have out here,
to me there is no point because the grid is going to go down and once down
could take 9 days, a month – sum years, 9years to get back up and running, so
all this backing things do not cut it for me, I would say get sum of your money
out and store it sum where because atm(s) and banks will just shut the door on
you, buy things that you can and that you will need in the event of shut down
over night – you see banks like St Germain, that money that they have sitting
in their accounts are money that they are holding back from the 9ethers, its
their money, there are other banks like this, however I do not know how this
thing will play out but I do not trust the financial rhetoric they have out
here – we have real potential out here and when you walk in your poWRA you will
produce economics around you no matter what the conditions are around you
When you gave birth you were met with birth priestesses –
siStars and not shi99y men – hospitals are hospitality, these priestesses are
called many names like in Greece they are called the Gorgons – who they were in
charge of medicine, we will be getting rid of hospitals and going back to home
births and we will be using homeopathic based treatments – illnesses will
probably last for another 50 years but will expire because we already have the
technology that was held back – we have real med-beds, we also had the
technology for aging, aging is a disease in itself – it was artificially
thrusted upon us
We are using telepathy and not just the spoken word
Many people feel that they have been placed
here to be educated, to secure a career, get married, have children and then
leave [you die] but we now know that this world is made up of people and situations
[stimulates] and circumstances that always flux and each one of us plays a role
in influencing what needs to happen on this planet in this dimension to
There are sum of us who are here to take things out of
balance and there are sum who are here to bring things back into balance – is
that you, are you part of that – what are you here for – are you here to add
value or are you here to create, are you here to create positive waves – are
you here to create the next leader or are you here to create the next mass
murderer that takes things out of balance or are you here to be the leader that
the time that we are residing under requires or are you here to contribute to
the chaos – hmm – what do you think – we all have a role because without the
diversity, this world would be a homogeneous pool of automatons and that is not
what is happening
So there are different periods of time, different ages
and we come in those different ages to play a role – you must know that every
BAA has a purpose, every BAA has a mission and that is a question that you need
to ask yourself if it never occurred to you in your teenage years when you were
going through the education system and deciding what you wanted to be in life –
if that question didn’t happen then because you were just flowing with the tide
of what your strength and weakness were, at least when you hit your career,
you’ve gotten that under your belt – you should ask that question, what is my
purpose – is my purpose just to procreate because guess what, there are those
whose purpose is just to procreate and then there are loads whose purpose is
just to care for people and there are those whose purpose is just to love
people – there are those whose purpose was just to be here for a little while,
just enough but not too long – there are those whose purpose is to talk, teach,
give information [light], to guide, and then there are those whose purpose is
just to create chaos – this world is about duality – negative the positive, the
dark the light and it is within duality that we have movement, you cannot have
poWRA without a positive or negative charge – the Universe is Uni – together
and Verse is against – polarities
The question is coming up more and more for people has
this house is sealed – why AM I here, what is my purpose, many are asking for
answers and many are being real with their situation aka stimulation – the
answers are there especially when you ask these questions – when the student is
ready the teacher will appear, you are the teacher and the student, answers
come in all formats, from sum one of the past that you connect with, to a book,
sum thing on the internet, a song, movie, newspaper, things on your cell phone,
open eye and you will see – I encourage you all to ask this question to start
your mind settings to change – when the answers come, you will ‘know’ how will
I know, the same way you know when you need to go wee-wee, when you are in
love, if you still don’t know go and play Whitney Houston – How will I know
Baboon [Thoth] Tehuti
The Monkey mind, what is he doing, and my cup overflows –
look at his right hand and what is he holding – Tehuti is facing the
winged-disc aka the winged-serpent – that is the master [MaStar] – the Monkey
mind facing the MaStar – the right hand is holding a modem [Wi-Fi] to connect
with the most – high, it’s a symbol of Re [Ra] or Heru [Horus] eye and his left
hand is up, palms flat – this is a connection to a wise one – a winged serpent –
the winged serpent is a dragon and dragon means MaStar – in other images we see
Tehuit with the crescent and SUN [crown] over his head – the Monkey inherits
the rite to use the SOULAR and LUNAR rite, this includes astrology and
geography, as above, so below in order to balance out nature
Here he is wearing the SEMU [SIMU] attire which is priest
attire, which would be Leopard print normally – which would make the priest a
Monk – this term Monk also comes from the LARES [LARS] also called the SIMIANS
who are a breed of Monkeys, the chief was called Lard – then became Lord, the
master Monkey or boss – these Lares were the head monkeys, from which they
create their word Monk – the SIMIANS monkeys, Chimpanzees, Gibbons + are all
the Lares offspring – these Lares are what you call Big foot today – they are
highly intelligent Ape beings and are one above the 6ethers in terms of
HANUMAN = Monk is short for Monkey and this is talking about Monkey
mind – in the image above in 3 we can see his willy and it is exposed, this is talking
about his lower nature and with is willy being exposed means he has nothing to
hide for everything is out in the open – in other images you can see that he
also wears the headgear [crown] of the A’aferti [pharaohs] – sum Baboons have
what looks like a AKUR [Lions] mane – we also see Bes with the same mane and
body type, this mane – the offspring was used to experiment on and is to why
they test human products on Monkeys for the DNA is 98% many deformities and
chromosome distortions which resulted in things like Siamese twins, a result of
this original cross breeding of different species
The Orangutans were also used for their intelligence,
however they were very aggressive, violent and carnivorous, so the Gibbons who
were more docile than Orangutans were used for the balance
The Chimpanzee was one of the strains that came from the
breeding of the Lares
Chimpanzees are one of the most intelligent animals and
they resemble HuMan beings more than any other animal – if you look at the
chimpanzee(s) hand, its very closely related to the HuMin [HuMan] hand, they
even have fingerprints, just like HuMins [HuMins]
The HuMin [HuMan] has 46 chromosomes, HuMans [HuMins]
with down syndrome have 47 chromosomes and this defect results in them not
aging properly or maturing mentally, pass 3 to 7 years old – the same is said
of a Chimpanzee, who has 48 chromosomes and has the mind of a child between the
ages of 3 and 7
The very fact that the chromosomes are ranging in numbers
46 [47] and [48] one after another, is fact that there is a link - who took out the 2 chromosomes - Western science says nature, we say h3ll no
Chromosome distortions [DS] that they say is now in animals
Today no one has ever said what the Neanderthal is – what
is its classification - its also inverted - inbreed
MaStars of Genetics, when the ANNUNAKI [Gods] landed from
NYABIRU [NIBIRU], they came with a type of Chimera being or a type of Human-Dog
-Monkey-Leopard hybrid
It was like a combination of Human-Monkey-Dog Chimera
This being was a pet and was used in many expeditions,
operations like, wars, spying, investigating terrain, and fighting, this is
where we get the name Chimpanzee [Chimera] from
To tap into them is to tap into their totem energy – our
ancestors worked with the plant and animal king-domes – we see the ancients
using animal headed avatars – using radio frequencies to use the intelligence –
the HuMin [HuMan] has the ability to use any intelligence in any animal just by
creating a link with the animals by studying – which the same has the observer
affect in Physics aka the spooky action at a distance [entanglement] which is
the more you pay attention to the smallest particles – the more they responded
because you paid attention to them – and thus this activates [will] poWRA –
because Thoth [Thought] has his willy out there is no shame in his game, you
cannot expose him any further, he is out in the open with nothing to hide aka
you must be free in your mind and allow a natural connection – nature is
Clearly there are HuMins who were not seeded with
[monkeys] and there are HuMans that were seeded with [monkeys] the womb for a
6ether woman is from a [monkey] only primates have periods – you see ENLIL had
already been given permission from the Andromeda security force to let them
into the KI [EARTH] zone to come back and retrieve mining equipment – that
mining equipment is called Lulu Amelu [Ard]
ENKI created them to work the mines in APSU [South
Africa] ENKI is a MaStar geneticist who didn’t make the mistakes that didn’t
cause birth defects, its ENLIL(s) offspring that have them - so ENKI commissioned either Ningishzida or
Nergal Shar’estser to do another experiment and try to steal ENKI(s) notes aka
the scroll of Destiny because he wanted to get to the Akashic records to see
what INKI [ENKI] ENQI had written down in order to create a fully affective
being, these avatars were made to house – encapsulate the force of the [God]
who was sacrificed in the production – they talk about how they divided up the
ANNUNAKI and used his blood in a mixture
The Crystal city which is a shuttle ship that carried Nub [Gold] from Ki to NIBIRU, but the last cycle the shuttle flew from KI – Genesis 7:17 and they took the arc [ark] up into the SKA and at no point does it say that they brought the arc back down into Revelations – in the beginning that took it up and in the end they brought it back down, that is a cycle, a 3600 cycle – there is another 2400 years that is before that, were that Nub was accumulated – the Nub is produced by KI has a side affect because the 9ethers are here – all of the platinum metals are produced here, 9ethers have crystals and minerals that are within the 9ether body [Kha] avatar
The 9ethers have 375 crystals in their body, 375 golds that 50 are not from this planet in their body and 375 minerals that are in their body 375 x 3 = 1125 = 9
The Zodiac rays, when you get the influence of the star that you Magi [manifest] from has a chemical reaction to the core of the planet which is plasma and in the veins of the earth [KI] it produces metallic chemicals that we call platinum metals and this is why they couldn’t delete 9ethers [black people] from the earth completely because earth would shut down, she needs a certain amount of 9ethers on the planet or she cannot function and the 6ethers know this for these are the star-seeds that created KI [Earth] and a side effect of the 9ethers being here is producing what they need to survive and is also why they decided that the 9ethers would be good to eat for they believe that if the 9ethers can manifest gold [Nub] just by their presence then the 9ether must be ‘good as gold’ as a food source – which then gave birth to Babylonian Blood Magic [Magi] which includes different forms of cannibalism – when you research cannibalism, you will find that the cannibals say they eat their opponents of warfare to absorb his strength - now you know why
Signs of Change is imminent
Sum of the Moors in the USA are the coons that sold out
the other 9ether aka black on black – this is why the war in the USA will be so spectacular because the Haitian are also in the USA
Victorian [Edwardian] Tudor [Georgian] all built by the MOORS who lived in these properties
1800s - Western world records started 3,400 years ago when the
flood stopped
Purely commercial reasons, would you go to sum one like
this – this is how he made his money
He is – was responsible for getting them off of this planet
– he was in charge of their portal – he didn’t just make it - he was chosen from their beginning
These clips are not from the 80s or 90s they are from real time - like now
The so-called handle lights up again- this is not a camera handle
Crafts in one frame and never see again
Raven Rock [Colorado] in the Cheyenne mountains and is
where NORAD is based aka FEMA – DC is not called DC [Whitehouse] anymore, its
called Military District of Washington – they took the DC off and now you know
who really controls the military – its 19 states – who are they getting for –
he is still in office because he hasn’t given them the codes to the bombs aka
the secret service codes – he is the only one that can call the secret service
– we have seen seven and ten agents all around him – this is the clone so wtf
is going on over there – who really has the codes
Farrakhan is 90 years old
Pope 85
Why are all these old energies still here in 2023 - these are all clones for the real ones have already left the building - why are they really still here in the public domain and not in old peoples homes [residential] were are the young people
Cloned - Eminem and Dave Chappelle - its mostly only the clones out here
The Euphrates
River between yesterday and today in Iraq
Have no god before me - she is bleeding you dry
The Moon and Sun are doing their own thing and are not the same in the four corners of the world
the world is ending, not the planet, learn the difference
Check shape of the multidimensional portal
White core [7] - yellow rim - red hue [aura]
The many displays of the SUN [portal]
That is NASA image showing the DOME
Hemisphere - Hemi in Latin means half aka half a sphere - now look at the NASA image of KI
It is one plane - the ice wall encircles the whole land mass that are inside of this particular area - there are lands outside - do not get into conversations with those that say did the chicken come before the egg or if the earth is flat - the ancients left records telling us what is what - its one endless plane, man has only dug into KI for around 7 miles deep - one plane that is rocky, rifts, mountains+ up down
Check the PURPLE [PLASMA] inside the planets atmosphere
Aurora just means North and Borealis just means South
We are seeing the Auras a lot more; we just need to see
them in the four corners of the planet and then that is another ShowTime at the
These are mutating wavelengths and CHAKRA energies for
CHAKRA systems - RED and PINK kills and the 6ethers need to be mindful of these
two energy signatures
German Schumann 67hz
Italian Schumann 200hz and 1000hz
Canadian Schumann 300hz+ and 500hz
You can see that we are no longer at these hz anymore
NIBIRU travels at light speed and controls the poles of this planet
Earthquakes are hitting the planet - plasma hitting the planet- HAARP hitting the planet - water is hitting the planet - the weather is hitting the planet
No fish means for sum no food - living
Trains derailing and leaking, more explosions
tit for tat - they are sabotaging each other - underwater cables for internet, resources+
Looks like a guy sun walking
Crafts collect PLASMA from the SUN to create lighting on KI and to charge their own crafts - excess is then dispersed
Energy signatures in orbs
Seen on a flight [Atlanta into Miami]
Thieves in the temple
Stolen from KHMT and now sits in London - they stole many more and have them dotted around their old empires
Me thinking about you RITA [not the woman on the right]
Ancient technology
Glastonbury Giant
9ft giant
Mt Etna [Etruscan] TROY
Etruscans are in Tuscany and we don’t know where they
come from – Etruscan is a variant of the name Tuscan and Tuscany is the land
that they settled – they had A.I robots with them
Tuscany and Etruscan is when from Latin they put the
letter E in front of the name to say where people where from like Ecuador means
at the Equator – the letter E at the front of the word Tuscany which then
became Etruscan which is en-trust-can - a trustee, when they first came through
the portal they wasn’t called the Etruscans at the time – they came into Sumer
has Sumerians and is why INANNA and ENKI withdrew their people from Sumer and
left that settlement to ENLIL because they didn’t agree with the plans that he
had for KI –
We all have been here many times before, its just that not everyone remembers
You see all these [Gods] that I write about, I do not worship them, they are principle energies, they left records for us to inner-stand history and the LAW - I cover different cultures, civilisations because there are no complete teachings left on the planet and we have fragments in different places
It is ENKI, INANNA [twins], ANU, NINTI and ENLIL that I pay close attention to for this involves the HuMin experience - we can connect to them when in need of guidance for they are deities over certain energies and we see them in ULMEC [KHMT] NAAGALAN + in different ages of history, right the way into the ORISHA(s) and the Archangels, they are the same group in all the recorded history
KHMT is important because it took 5,000 years to build the stone library [not Egypt of KHMT] just the library - ENKI aka OSIRIS [ASARU is chief of KHMT
He chose all of the A'aferti [pharaohs] which translates the Choice - they had to prove themselves down here and lead the people, not just anyone, they had to be the Choice
We are going through that initiation right now, what energy [light] you hold
We do not bow or pray or worship these beings, we pay homage, we are allowed to stream from their energies but we don't kneel or do we say Namaste which means Na-Master [Kneel to another Master] they are guides, inspiration, structure, many call them [Gods] but not how the word [God] means in the 3D world - they are lead energies
Elevator [teleportation]
We are all being tested and this is what builds up the character
Its not the beginning that you should worry about – it’s
the end that you should be worried about
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