Thursday, 30 March 2023

Many hands make 'light' work


There were will be ‘things’ that take place for you for you to know that you are on your PTAH and this lets you know that whatever has taken place before and up until that moment when you are receiving sum ‘thing,’ that whatever has taken place, it was supposed to take place or happen that way - because you are still receiving conformations right now in this moment, take the ‘con’ off of conformation and we get formation, you are still getting formulas, you are still receiving information which is data which is ‘light’ which is knowledge

Similar is that you will also receive ‘light’ to let you ‘know’ that you have changed, that you continue to make the ‘shift’ and this could be your subconscious mind that you have shifted, that you have altered your mindset of your identity

How it works is that you have to let it all go, you have to let go of your identity which is keeping you positioned, to alter, to change your ‘life’ is to change your subconscious program which is the seed of all your reality and has nothing to do with the conscious mind – your conscious mind has nothing to do with the actions and habits – although your conscious mind can help to implement them – however most of our lives are filled with programs for we are a programmable being, we are constantly being upgraded and programmed – you are different from an instructional being who can only function through a set of instructions

What is the identity, the identity is your persona [sona] sonar [sone] sound – frequency, its your persona-lity, it’s a set of ideas of what you ‘know’ about yourself – [your cells], we have all these, what I AM good at and what I AM not good at, identity of the BAA [soul] vs Ego aka who you are and who you are not – lower and higher self [cell] that you have to manage this, sum of you have to change this about you, too much ego and no flow

How to change your identity is to use your imaginations or your thoughts because guess what, this identity crisis is coming from you, it came from you – 1D starts with a thought [brain] mind, then its created in the womb – that is 2D – and once conceived that is 3D for its in the physical from the spiritual where it all began, for i-magi-nation is Magi – Black Magic aka Ether Magi

You cannot just think the way you used to, you’ve done that already and is to why you are searching, you have to use empowering thoughts, use nu ways of thinking, the planet is in 5D and higher and so you cannot use 3D thinking in 5D thinking because it will not fit for that is an old program – you have to think like a Boss, image ‘things’ in your mind aka visualisations, picture that, see them, write them down, play music that empowers these thoughts for the end goal is to shift and change the identity

You then have to implement that nu identity to affect the subconscious and this means you have to use the Jedi Mind trick on yourself, you can use subliminal messages to trick the mind, isn’t that sum Monkey bullsh9t that you have to trick yourself [????] your own mind, you let sum one or sum thing trick you before, now you tri it for yourself, affirmation aka neuro-linguistics or neuro-programming aka telling your subconscious mind to shut the fu9k up, sub means beneath, you have to go under the radar – this is hypnosis, self-hypnosis [cell-hypnosis] auto-hypnosis [subliminal messages] – you can do things like speaking aloud to yourself in affirmations aka affirm [firm]  but in a question form – ultimately what you are doing is speaking to your cells [yourself], to your atoms, your atoms work off of vibrations, frequencies [persona] – its not words for example >>  what do you think of that person, oh his or her personality is so good, I really like him or her, s-he is warm+ all this and more is resonating frequencies, everything is energy and energy is sone – its vibration – what do you feel about sum one or sum thing [???], so all you are doing is speaking to your cells and they are listening to you and you are instructing them on a nu PTAH, you are Opener of the Way, you run the Amygdala – your tone [words] has a frequency, is it weak when you speak, do you really mean it, is it coming from the heart - do you have a charge in what you are sphering 

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me – I use this when I feel isolated [lonely] I now know that I AM never alone, I know that I don’t walk alone, I k-now ‘know’

Nothing happens before the time – to be patience, wait, be calm, I remember [imagery] things and when they happened, I remember when I get sum thing and self-realizations to empower this meaning, be patient while you are waiting for your Magi [manifestation] to formalise  

The race is not for the swift - it will come, keep pushing on 

Say for self-esteem [cell esteem] say aloud - Why AM I the best at what eye do – why AM I really good at what I do – what would my life be like consistently HAPI –

Fixed mindset – I’m fixated on my own lack of progress
Healing mindset – I keep small achievements and make small achievements every cycle [24hrs]

Fixed mindset – I need quick fixes, ‘hacks’ a guru to fix me
Healing mindset – I have decades of conditioning to unlearn [un-program] which will take time

Predictable programming – in the USA they say, your fuc9ing kidding me and when the tv programme Friends came out it was the word absolutely – everyone says it, everyone follows

All this and more ‘shifts’ your identity, even if you are shy or self-conscious when you say these things out loud because your subconscious is illogical which it cannot think like your rational [conscious] mind, it now assumes that nu identity, speaking aloud makes the atoms vibrate, you charge them, you speak your words into existence, your subconscious will only take you seriously when you mean it, when it comes from the heart and that this is what you really want, by repeating yourself and speaking in tone your atoms vibrate causing the subconscious to relent because your not fu9king about no more, have you ever been pissed off with yourself and just shut down or you were so vex that you just sat there, the subconscious knows when you’re not playing, the subconscious will play with you and test you to see if you are serious or what, when you mean sum thing, there is nothing the subconscious can do about it once you have made up your mind – this is called neuroplasticity synaptic pruning – these are examples and it is your identity that is hindering your progression

Bob Marley said, to know where you are going, you have to know where you are coming from

Identities are formed on two bases; one is the conscious - logical mind and one is formed in the unconscious illogical mind – the majority of us have faulty identities within our sub conscious mind and that holds us back 

Anything that you want to do, make, create, become, birth+ you have to have an identity – your identity is how you create your identity, you have to have a concept, a visual of who you are – this is your future self, you have to have that whereas many have faulty identities and are created from mis-programming, through fear, through worry, limitation – most of the time faulty identities are not because of you – its just how your mind is developed, its more prevalent now because of the timeline that we are and we have never been so conscious for the longest time, many are consolidating – many are questioning their cells, the frontal part of our brain is called the frontal lobe [cortex] and houses many things but also houses the ego which is a survival mechanism that uses fear to protect itself from change, it wants to live, it wants to survive and this is what holds you back, fear and doubt, when you doubt because your ego likes things that it can control – when you fear the ego sits back because it can do what thy wilt because you fear and doubt – however you have the ability to change this because you can rewrite the software – you can change, you can formulise a nu way, you can rewrite the code – you just have to want it and to apply it – without this these words have no weight, they have no power, they have no charge, they have no meaning  

Your life is made up of stories, we tell ourselves stories, they are hidden in your mind, you do it every day – I’m just not good at that, I cannot do that, oh no I can’t, sorry, I’m not a people person+ these and more are your stories, you tell them to yourself every day, I'm sh9t  – that is your identity, stuck in your subconscious mind, you can see and hear it in peoples words, its in everything they say, many are speaking about their identity and they don’t even know it, and their subconscious is following that – You must watch what you speak [sphere] about and with whom, watch what you talk to yourself about because you are changing your identity – watch what you take from others because you are allowing them to change your identity

What to do when you receive evidence – when the subconscious is impressed and accepts your nu identity you will first feel an overwhelming feeling of well-being – your body, face, head will feel lighter, there will be a release, there will be less mind chatter because you would have said shut the fu9k up to the subconscious and meant it and it knows and is doing exactly what you want because you meant it – next you will become resilient, when sh9t comes up, you will find that you are able to face off with them and not like before – next in your evidence in your nu identity will be the universe will start to mirror things back to you, which is called synchronicity – you will receive angle [angel] numbers, you will receive access codes+ nice one, you have now started to shift your identity –

The Laws of Attraction cannot work unless you change your identity, you cannot attract anything without changing your identity, you have to fix the cause first, if there is a leak in the pipes you have to fix the pipe to fix the leak, not the leak or it will keep coming back, the subconscious can wait all day for your dry ass to slip up, the subconscious remembers everything, even the private thoughts the subconscious knows it all – your logical mind cannot change your identity, we are not logical people, you cannot just sit there and say I’m going to change, we are subconscious people, we are programs, our subconscious will override our conscious mind and you have to use conscious mind to implement the subconscious – so most people are information gatherers and are not information implementors – they just hoard information and never apply it – these are two different things – you can have all the data but many do not have the knowledge on how to implement, many do not use their superconductor – semiconductor and many doubt themselves before even tri-ing 

Change your identity before you fu9k yourself over, write it down, visualise it, repeat it over and over, Magi it – think about your identity – Jason Bourne is the Bourne Identity

You know all this sh9t that surrounds you, actually comes from you; it was created by you that was never outside of you and was always internal reality and is an internal concept – its an internal generation

We are made from sub-atom-ical-particle worlds [Quantum Physics] these are what we call Mathematical proportions or called a concept – all these words that start with the word con and con means to con you out of sum thing – so take off con and we are left with the word cept from inception – in means internal or inner – the quantum is mathematics and is a incept [concept] in our minds – the word mathematics comes from Maat-e-maat-ics = 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA [tri-angle] an electron, we cannot even see or note where the electron is going to be – the electron is in a wave, it’s a wave of possibility – so we say we can have a mathematical proportion or incept [concept] so we can say the electron should appear over here but we cannot specifically tell if the electron will appear here or there – you are made up from electrons, atoms, your body is made up, there are millions and billions and this lets you know that reality is empty – its not fu9king real, inception [concepts] are in the head [1D], its on a reel [real-ity] – you are in the head [throne] so is your world 

Everything is an illusion, separation is an illusion

You are me and I am you and everyone in the entire world – you have a conscious awareness that is downloaded into your avatar which is your perceived physical body – once you exit the avatar the consciousness goes back to the field or back to source – we are all one consciousness but we divided, we are in fractals so we can experience for ourselves but we are still all one – you are a whole but are experiencing it from your own uniqueness – this is why you should not get attached to you identity because the avatar [body] is the limitation – when others think of what they see in the mirror and associate with what they see - this is who they think they are, and they are fu9ked because of this identity, this is about 98% of people today in the Matrix [society]– if you have to come back down here you are not going to have the same avatar but you will have the same sh9t that you didn’t deal with right here in this moment and you will have extra homework, sum of you are going to incarnate into the slumps of say Delhi or Rio [stimulations] and you will never leave there – for others you will not come back down here with the same identity because you will be a nu being

The reason we change our identity is because of the Matrix, the programming they have of you which is the lack of limitation – remember this, when you are in your higher self your true self, you cannot experience mental illness, you cannot experience depression, you cannot experience mood swings, all you can experience or to know – is the true essence of complete – very few experience this, those that enter the higher realms [meditate] have experience of total [free-dome] those who have a near-death experience have experience of complete free-dome – aka bliss [bless] because they are not connected to the avatar [body] – these things [mental illness] are diseases of the brain -  bipolar disorder is still manic depression which is prevalent among the 6ethers and for us all because we have been trapped with 6ethers for the longest, so many are insane and many are practicing insanity having been trapped in the same Monkey House together – they are diseases of the brain - stop the rot 

So, i-magi-ne that your true self has all of those abilities and they are seeping into you, you can unlock them into your subconscious mind and you get a piece of pure peace, pure bliss [bless], pure alignment by rewriting your story and making it MyStory instead of HiStory – it won’t repeat to you because you are not repeating those words into existence – you have a nu language

Question your yourself when you are changing yourself – ask yourself question answers – this is the Jedi Mind trick - what would my life look like HAPI and healthy – how would it make me feel to have more confidence and success consistently in a world full of sh9t – do this and more+ and the universe will start to back you, she will come and seek you out and you will ultimately become the best version of yourself 

Write or see a picture of your nu identity and speak [sphere] it out loud everyday – once before you go to bed and once before you leave out of bed, speak [sphere] your truth – repeat the words, use subliminal messages, there are tons of them out there, affirmations from release and resistance and your sub-consciousness will have no choice but to adopt these nu mentality, this mentality will become your nu reality and you will become the best version of your nu self [cell]

'Oh how eye want to break free' 

'Where everything is a embrace and everybody wants to know' 

They pushed her back 8hz, this has now changed and so have you 

Nucleus is made up of Protons and Neutrons;
P= Positive and N=Negative
Which are simply souls [Ba] and spirits [Ka]
Scientists can never admit this

Sum of us are old souls with old eyes and have been here for a long time, you go home now, you have gained intergalactic travel once again

[Natural] disasters [disc-star-s] must occur for the planet to be replenished
No one knows the time or the moment [stay activated] 

Ultraviolet light is used by Ptah and Amun-Re, this black-light is purple and we see this colour around the world, this is hidden light, plasmatic light, this is a tone, vibration, frequency, this is [Gods] word being spoken to you, the 9ether beings

Ultraviolet light empowers Eu-Melanin and tortures Pheo-Melanin

The Universe was created by [3] tones, the ancients worked with sone [sound] tones, frequencies, vibration, acoustics #HuHi #HeKa #Sia

The Ka’A world [360] is merging with the physical world [360], NI.BIRU is the MaStar-key and is breaking down the computer holographic code, NIBIRU is bending the 'light' 

There is a light in which all that is hidden is revealed, we are seeing this now, the Aquarius Age is the Age of information [data][technology], many do not inner-stand this final phase because they lack knowledge and knowledge is energy    

The Kundalini [Serpentine] are both symbols of the electric-magnetic energy-force that animates all living [alive] things, this is the force that Ob1 talks about, this is your Chi-force, from trees, bugs, to HuMins [HuMans] and to the Sun [Star’s+]

This electric-magnetic [electromagnetic] force is called the Ka’A [Kaa'Ka] in KHMT, the Serpents are called this Paa Neb-Het-Khu which is a double-headed-serpent with a single body in a spiral-formation with two-heads MEN [male] and MENET [female] representing the male and female energy of creation >> Masculine and Femi9 energy of creation, corresponding to the tone Huhi which is one of the 3tones of creation which is Huhi Heka and Sia

Paa Ne-Heb-Kaa-u which is associated with sun-energy [NRG] in your spinal column [Kundalini], the Re-centres, [Chakra] your wheels of the double-serpents called the Kundalini in the Naga teachings

Baa = Soul
Kaa = Spirit [double]
Khu = Mental you [all Knowing] mind
Kha = Physical body
Khatet-Bet or Khaybet = Plasmatic body
Akh = Etheric you
ShaKhem or Sekhem = Spark of Life
Ha or Ti or Hati = Physical Heart 
Ab or Ib = Spiritual Heart

The world was ever only shown the first tri-ad in the physical ASaru [HaRU], and the Supreme herCellf, ASet [Isis]

The first Trinity is the Trinity of the Hydrogen [Hy-dragon] Atom [Atum] Amun 
Tri-nity means 3, chemistry [alchemy] Trinity of Atum-re

[God] the Mother [Ma’SEM], [God] the Father [Pa'ther] and [God] the Sun-Son

I AM one with creation
I AM one with Nature
I AM one with Nu [Universe]
I AM one with Ki [Earth] 

In an Atomic mass form, in physical we get ASar, HaRu and ASet

9 + 9 = 18 [1 + 8 = 9] 

Ki is composed of 99-base-elements also called prime-elements and your body is made up of these same elements, which makes us the 9ether-carbon beings who are in the image of nature, there are 144 but man has only worked out 99 [if that]  

These 99-elements are upkept and maintained by the 99 Paa NeTjer NaTuRu [Paa = The] [NeTjer] or [NaTuRu] = Nature of Neteru = [Supreme] who are a part of the consciousness of these 99elements which are the principal and base precepts of Mother Nature [MTR-NTR] METU NETU 


When dealing with the word Pagan you must go to the Latin’s for the true root of the word and in Latin it is Paganus and simply means village, rural, country which comes from Pagus >> small unit of land, country dweller, outside of the city, to say sum thing is Pagan today means it is negative and disagreeable but the word itself never started out like that, all you have to do dear modern person is - if you think Pagan then it shall become Pagan [Amen]  

Sea Bass [1903] 

Was that luck or divine intervention - regardless of why or how she jumped, her time was not over 

From the KAA [Spirit] world, the holographic world which is merging with the physical world 

AuSStrian SKA [SKI] SKY - check out the core, sphere within a sphere 

Criss Kross 

TEXAS - what is that huge black sphere - check the hue around the SUN 

Next shot is incoming, NASA have added all that haze in the graphic, I added the diamond, triangle vent that is locked and loaded and is facing KI - the EMF are lit, the DOME is lit 




We are rocking and rolling - when energy comes in it lingers for [3] days which is 72hrs which is [9]

KANADA - what is this 

Match the colours - many people are going offline, brains are frying - read all data in CHAKRA energies, you will go further 

Laser guided - see the red object 

and then this [X] - get ready [29.03.2023] 

This is the 7th [X] Class in 2023 [7] and in 2022 it was 7 for the entire year of 2022 - tick tock, the body is going to rock 

7th heaven 

The sun does not rotate like how NASA show you, the SUN rotates exactly like a cloak - clockwise 
While other are watching what is going on in the 3D world, you keep an eye on the 5D 

NASA [NOAA] then cut the feed for 7hrs+ notice the so-called handle for the camera as flipped 

NASA add all this haze - can you see those structures, they are huge 

Full blown SOULAR NRG 
[7] Heaven 

Only difference is that WAJI is coming out of the poles 

2012 and 2021 are the same frequency, NIBIRU is collecting all the surplus energy and is sending the surplus straight back into the planet magnified 

Read all data in Chakra colours - radiation - energies
The planet is in the middle and check the colours surrounding the planet 24hrs  

What is beyond the horizon 

These images are a couple years old - a picture can blow your dimensions wide open 

Cubes in spaces and places 

Sitting pretty 

All shall be revealed 

Stella Mass 


The SKA above - the shield around the SUN, white core holds all [7] tones 

WAJI [Green] Satellite is also present 

Fire in the hole 

Why would the US leave all this military in Afghanistan, the US put the Taliban and Isis in power, once they left Afghanistan they never rebuilt Afghanistan, the Afghanistan lost 1million people - why would the CIA leave them all this military, do they have the petrol to run these hummers, they have the money - they have stacks and stacks of US money on show, why have they left them huge amounts of arms, who are they going to fight    

Your own people are trying to kill you - 'make America conscious again' 

Sh9t is real in this field 
Protect yourself at all times

All in real time 
Ignore what he says and just watch the footages, not all are demonic and no one gets killed or is hurt except the Pizza worker - sum one doesn't like you 

This guy talks too much, however when he talks about the ghosts residing within the walls, keep in mind that everything has spirit [KAA] rats, walls, its what animates, but not everyone has a BAA [soul], I have watched this channel for the last 4 years and after all the 1000s of uploads this channel receives he has never done a upload and actually say sum thing real, they know what is going on and in sum ways maybe he wants to keep the channel neutral, at the end of the first movie the Matrix, Neo sees the program for the man made Matrix, he sees the codes, he sees the spirit world - the holographic world 

Many of these places in this upload have tormented KAA(s) spirits none of them have crossed over, they are all still on the earths negative field, none of them have a soul - they are trapped where they died - this is why the KJ2 had to be rewritten and have incarnation taken out because not everyone has a BAA - if they had a soul they would have been taken over to the other side, they are old programs trapped here, glitching in the system

'A mothers love' 
Madeline did not die in vain, everyone's knows her name, her energy is still part of the overall energy that is releasing, for what was [hidden] for all must be [revealed] - Ma'deline speaks for all of the energy that was taken without consent - she is in the energy that is consuming this planet 

Mighty Ones walked this land and they are still here 


Connected to source - as above, so below

What happened after WW2 - MK Ultra the masses 

A complex construction with several walls, tortuous corridors and a large courtyard where a recently 
discovered and excavated, everything is underground, no windows

Ancient technology is still advanced technology - nothing was left that could outgrown this range [3D], all technology today is reversed technology, its ancient technology that the ones before left and these ones before are still the custodians of this technology  


AL GHOR [Saudi] – the Benin and Yoruba were in GHOR and in KHMT and were in other places for they took their knowledge with them – these sites would have had power, water holds currents, loads of animal bones were found after these sites had been abandoned which usually means the sacrifice people, beings, came in afterwards, one of these sites is on LAHMU

Mexico - Canada 

No sails but Wi-Fi – radio control – where is the power coming from – look at the antennas 

Look how dark Cleopatra is – look at Moses with horns, Pans offspring, the 6ether Moses stories are based on Muwsaa [Mose] [Moses] to be drawn out, to be drawn forth [Mosheh] Mowshay – Mercy
Thutmose [Thoth-mose], you can see all the 9ethers whose faces are dark [Moorish] - they are rulers, Kings, Queens, Writers -authors, busts of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, drawings of heads of rulers on the genealogical scheme France, S. (Avignon), detailed record for Egerton 1500
Last image is how Prince William looked until they were removed 

Giants playground, sum thing was here, sum of these 'rocks' look like fingers were poked in the 'rock' there are cut holes, cuts stones, there are footprints here, this place would have come under the Sumerians, drilling, workman's yard 

CHECHEN - they fight for the integrity of the 9ether bloodlines  

AZERBAIJAN [KAZAKHSTAN] UZBEKISTAN [KYRGYZTAN] TAJKISTAN are all 90s names and do not exist, the Chechens are leftover from the Persians, the ethnics leftover that they wanted to delete from the new Russians bloodlines 


Now I know

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