One of the things that we have heard as a quote or a phase
is >> Seek ye first the King-dome of [God] and all things will be added
onto you << this [God] is within you – the phase means that if you cultivate
and inner-stand your own spirituality [KAA] and your own evolution and growth
and you take the time and invest the time and energy into Magi [manifesting]
your own BAA [soul] evolution and your personal evolution – then that is the best
investment – because when you have done that you are automatically vibrating at
a much higher level and when you are vibrating at a higher level you are able
to magnetize what it is that your BAA and yourself [your cell] needs in the
MA.AT Laws of attraction [magnetize]
Flipside of that is that people have always ‘believed’ based
on what society [Matrix] looks like and how it is structured that if they achieved
material success – then everything will fall into place aka ‘all things will be
added onto you’ you are wiser now and we have seen enough globally to know that
is not true, its false, it’s a false horizon
Many people who have a lot of material wealth are
suffering inside, they are suffering from the pain of not being fulfilled, they
are suffering from not having true friends, from not having true relationships,
they do not trust because they are constantly protecting their wealth, they
will destroy anything or one who they deem a threat to their wealth [material],
they suffer from not knowing of the love is real from their relationships, if
it is real or from having the material things that they have around them, they are
unable to tell if their friends are real friends or not – we have witnessed this
for ourselves, we know this is true about these people
Many are going through a inner-h3ll in spite of their
material wealth – the countdown from when lock-down started saw many purchasing
material goods, many were working from home or stuck at home and its during
this period the penny dropped for many 20[20] was 20-20 vision and 2021 did not
exist into 2022 [222] activation and 2023 is completion – during the last [3]
years many had a wake up call and a self-realisation – they were faced with
themselves [their cells] and many could not deal [handle] with it – depression and
suicide was increased during the pandemic and was a result of many having to
face themselves for the first time – material wealth will keep you from yourself
– it will keep you from experiencing yourself because you are able to ‘pay’ for
external experiences that make you ‘feel’ good that is compensating your BAA
[KAA] energy or that society [Matrix] says ‘feels’ good – but deep down you are
not fulfilled, you are fulfilling on the physical, material level but you are
not fulfilling on the spiritual [soul], personal - emotional level
Pursuing spiritual growth and evolution is the best investment
that you can have
Another trend that we see is motivational speakers –
motivational programs+ teaching you how to be financially successful, to be a
winner, to be a success and in sum cases you see many live their lives by
to-do-lists and goal lists, must-do-list, objective lists – this cannot be satisfying
on the BAA level – yes you are able to tick the boxes – but are you ticking the
boxes on your growth and development or are you ticking the Matrix boxes that
tell you what is deemed success
You hit the goals in terms of your financial – you hit
the goals in terms of numbers of projects completed – this then filters out to
those who appear in social sites, the likes, the competition, the number of
parties that you get invited to+ all this and more are benchmarks for people
who are dealing with material – but if you took those things away what would
you be left with
Women marry for material reasons, they enter a loveless marriage
– a contract – they have anything that money can buy but you cannot buy love
aka light – the Hue-man is designed for love [light] and with the absence [ab-sense] of love there is always going to be a void, there is always going to be
a feeling of inadequacy – sadness, depression, isolation+ and we are seeing a
lot of this in 2023 exposed – in encouragement to young people and those in the
middle that is seeking this ‘thing’ that is going to make you ‘feel’ better to
stop, take a knee, search yourself, search your BAA, sum people do not even
have a BAA, but for you that is seeking, time to go within and spend time with
the real you, we all have a purpose, seek out that purpose, start with you and
start moving towards that
You will receive all the resources that you need to aid
you on that journey once you stop and commit to that journey – eye encourage
everyone to do this because the smart ones who attain material wealth they stop
and spend the time to grow themselves – so that they can be at peace with the
material wealth and not try to hide it – we see famous people disappear and go
below the radar – they are the ones who understand, take Andre3000 who walked
away from it all and found himself, changed his diet, friends, dropped his fame
and said fu9k it – I salute you [right fist on heart] these and many+ who we don’t
know cultivated themselves and they don’t need validation externally, they don’t
need to be seen at this party or on this social site – they are fine
BAA[KAA] + KHU [MIND] + BODY [KHA] and not the Roman way which is,
Mind, Body and Soul [Spirit]
Get your BAA + KAA right first - the KHA is last - physical
The KABBALAH says, they shall have everything they desire in
this world, so that no portion is leftover for them in the next world - you reap what you sow
All hail the Vigina [Vulva]
Phoenician [9ethers]
Nub [Gold] Granulated Spacer Bead
KHMT [Egypt] connection
Winged ‘Dub’ Scarab KHEFERA [KHAFRI] translating to - Appearing
like RE [RA] and the reverse is the WADJAT the eye of HERU [HORUS
The spacer bead is hollow cast but rather thick walled, the
workmanship of the granulation is typical for the Phoenician jewellery work,
the bead was a centre piece of a double necklace, as can be seen by the four
stringing holes – this is a gadget
Concrete Jungle
The 7th mass extinction has already begun, this is right across the planet, plant, animal and HuMin [HuMan] kingdoms with 3/4 disappearing - this is the 7th root man and we will be going into the 8th root man, the last man found is the first man found
Man means Mind
9ETHER means you have Melanin - Carl is lying, only 9ethers are made from stardust
When a star burns out - all that is left is mass [dark mass] aka ETHER aka you - you is a STAR
The planets are discs and is where we stream from, they give us energy through the CHAKRA system, the planets, pH levels, CHAKRA [ARAT], KABBALAH and tree of life - are all the same thing, read all data in CHAKRA colours aka energies, aka radiation
Plus we receive SOULAR [SAL] SOL [SOUL] from the SUN [TRIAD - RA] which is being fuelled by SIRIUS - read all data in N.R.G [ENERGY]
You need a CHAKRA system and MELANIN to process these energies
2009 [normal] 2023 [nu]
Red and Ether [black] and WAJI [green] are streaming from the poles, WADI was only added within the last two-years, GREEN is life force healing energy, ETHER and PLASA comes in GREEN
NIBIRU is on the left side of the planet and is collecting all the energies from the SUN and is sending right back into the planet while adding magnetics - Sirius is fueling the SUN and Sirius is the dark-energy aka ETHER [MELANIN] CUBE aka the hidden energy
CROWN is lit - check the colours
We are seeing a few arcs in the SKA
Pink Star formation
Mutating SKA is mutating you from the inside out
RED and PINK kills
500hz into 140000hz and 200hz - 1400hz
These are old frequecicneies and we are hitting over the 144hz
Match each hertz colour
[3] tones are hitting the planet
Next CME strike will arrive in 3 days
The SUN is a reflection of a greater SUN
we are under a DOME [Van Allan- Belt] EMF [Ozone Layer] + all the same thing
Check the multiple reflections on the water and the RED SKA backdrop
NIBIRU system
We also have BLUE and RED KACHINA [SHEKINAH] SHAKINA present - the RED satellite is now WAJI [GREEN]
SIRIUS is fueling the SUN and NIBIRU is bending the light that is hitting this planet making a TRI-system, SIRIUS has two Moon [satellites] and its siStar system MIRZAM
NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system in 2012 [2021] NASA [NOAA] NSA have been tracking NIBIRU since 1989
No beginning of days, no ending of nights
USA - explain this Monkey sh9t
Orange core and red rim - the RED is coming from NIBIRU
Check the SKA backdrop - where is that ray emanating from
Is this even the SUN
Stationary object at the top like how we see with the SUN and the middle object is lens flare, the bottom object is hovering aka a huge craft and there is another object - there are multiple objects up there - nearly 7, but the night -camera - obscures them - the Reptilians were - are up there and this is where many of them on KI wanted to go but clearly there are crafts on duty
The SUN and MOON are not the same look in the four corners of the planet
Get yourself buckled up because its ShowTime at the Apollo for the EMF [DOME] OZONE-LAYER [VAN ALLAN BELT] is getting ready to be peeled back, its coming down, we can see the graphics letting us know what time it is - protect yourself at all times with SUNLIGHT and [CHLOROPHYLL] and KNOWLEDGE because when you 'KNOW' you 'KNOW' you won't be on the LEDGE
This is the handle for the camera shield protecting the rays [CME] from the SUN, however I have never felt that this is a handle at all but rather sum form of ray coming from the ISS - look how it lights up, I have not seen that before in all my 100 years of looking at this graphic from NOAA [NASA]
We have planetary alignments - however no one knows what the SOULAR system really looks like, all the cameras have been switched off since the lock down
HAARP - drop all the snow you want, you cannot stop the time
Arizona [USA]
PLASMA [PURPLE] and CHAKRA beams [injections]
SKA that is turning into an OCEAN
Deep space should be treated like an ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in space
MOYA [water] space is made from liquid crystal
Watch the footages and take with a pinch of salt with what the narrator says - the footages explain themselves
wakey - wakey
All these crafts are reversed technology, the crafts in the SKA - many are made from light
The US are sitting at the POLISH border - one last stand - Europe is going down, the ANUNAGA have the portal in Ukraine, there is one over Sumeria [Iraq] and one over Cambodia that are both under the ANUNAGA - the ANUNNAKI know where all the portals are because they built them all
Do you really think that sum where like Ukraine could hold RUSSIA - if the US do not aid Europe they are next, but guess what - the US has to go down and is mentioned in the KABBALAH of this great war that takes place between two oceans, the US, the UK will go down [Washington DC is run by the UK and is separate from the other states] CANADA and Australia, anywhere the British is sitting at and all their allies - they have to fight the ANNUNAKI mercenaries - the ANUNNAKI are already on the ground, underground and in the SKA
What have animals recorded - what do they think of the HuMan [HuMin] species, what goes through their mind, here the animal is stuck and the hunters help the animal, is that humanity or is it because they want to shoot him or her later, is this out of kindness or gameness - what kind of Monkey sh9t is this - mixed messages, clearly killing is in ones nature for many and is totally normal for them - however the animal is not there for your entertainment and each life whether a bug or elephant or whale have genetic labels - they have life - each one is recorded, it will be creasy bear - life for a life, many will get punished for what they have down down here, we are the KARMA [KAMA] fields, there is so many levels to KARMA
Check the height against the HUEMAN
HETU [abode- coast- isle] temple
Rebuilt by the invaders
There is a device in here that is 90,000 years old and yes the Honey is 32,000 years
They cut history off around 3,000 - 5,000 and that includes their Jesus who comes in around 2,000 years ago, however 6ether European history begins around 3,500 when the flood stops - we want to know about the 90,000 year old device and who made the honey because they have been here for a lot longer than 3,400 or 5,000
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