Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Stay 'woke'

We are all at different levels which means different levels of consciousness – many are coming online at their designated levels, there are different people specifically designed for specific reasons in this season

One type are those who come online [woke] with a lot of data [information] and sum times they can lose themselves in the data – this word ‘woke’ active ‘online’ just means conscious which just means aware – for example the word guilty means aware – I felt so guilty when she told me that aka I felt so aware when she told me that – guilty means you were made aware aka woke aka online – conscious means aware and unconscious means unaware – so what I am saying is there are different levels to awareness [consciousness] – those just with data around things like chemical sprays in the SKA and government related material and if there is water on Mars are a lower level of consciousness or awareness – there is nothing wrong with this – we are just explaining the level of frequencies [consciousness] out here and to 'know' that there are different levels of consciousness, different ranges of awareness

This lower level ‘woke’ operate out of fear and they don’t really show solutions or why or give linked in information or a perspective or an alternative - they are giving you information but its based on fear which means its based on the EGO my HERO [HERU]

A person with a lot of information which is not knowledge or wisdom – its information that is informing you – its to inform you about impending danger – which is fear – they may switch it up a bit and include sum thing around well-being, things that are trending – yes keep an eye on what the 3D world is doing but like they said, be of the world but not in the world – stay away from certain ‘woke’ people like that if you want to go higher

Another type of ‘woke’ is that they look spiritual but do not do the work – they wear crystals, they have on different symbols on a chain around their neck, they have all the candles, they collect gem stones, but do not understand what they are wearing or how its used, and they eat meat [???] they don’t know what the crystal means but can tell you what the government is doing, they have head wraps, internet channels, patreon – payment channels, be weary of these people because they cannot really aid you in where you are going or to evolve or to move forward which is what this thing is about 

Another ‘woke’ person is those who can use Magi – it must evolve you – you know how to hack into the Matrix – you are to use it to go to the next level – your 5D consciousness is being downloaded to you – these ‘woke’ people are powerful for they have knowledge around the KAA and can allow others to ‘think’ in an alternative way

The most consciousness ‘woke’ is the one who seeks to be one with them-Cel-ves [Sel] Cell – the mystical person – the one who is seeking to be one with their higher-selves on top of using Magi and having knowledge [wisdom] light [data] information – they have their hand in many things and can apply their knowledge to the user so they can apply it for themCells and use it for they know that sharing is caring

Wise-dome is applied ‘know’ledge and when you ‘know’ how to apply things then you can grow which means you evol-ve [love the word backwards] 

History is information but you must go to the next level which is to go to the astral planes and get the KAA aspects, one thing about western history - it is all physical – the hologram or holographic code, the spiritual worlds, expanses, realms, dimensions are computer codes, its going to merge with the physical world and we are seeing this, the problem is western history does not inner-stand the KAA [BAA] realms, because they cannot see it or access these planes – you are now at a stage where anything you want to ‘know’ is available unto thee – history [hiStory] is important but so is the evolution of your BAA [SOUL] I like different things, this is my range and I like to go beyond, and you must increase your range to evolve the BAA – the alterative, the abstract, the unknown is another place that you must go, increase your range by increasing your knowledge in things that interest you that come from your inner-core, your KAA and your BAA – BAA translates Strength and is referring to the strength of your soul [BAA] your soular power, you can damage the power through experiences, situations, circumstances, stimulations – you can restore the damage through your [will] to inner-stand so that you overstand these experiences, situations, circumstances, stimulations, this is your resilience, your strength – your power – knowing who you are, which allows you to knowing where your going because you now know where you are coming from

Check your dreams [visions] downloads, what are they about, what are your spiritual experiences like, what types of dreams, spiritual experiences are you having, these hold the types of practices that aid you to evolve, dreams are not just dreams, they are visions, downloads+ these are higher levels that you want to be experiencing to evolve you, to evolve the BAA

It was hiStory but is supposed to be MyStory [Mystary] MyStar] MaStar [Mystery] we are the ones who are laying down the future history – do things that make history, that create history – we are not suppose to repeat what the others before did over and over, I don’t want to be doomed for repeating it – there are so many people out there just making technology with self-taught data, people are trying different things, a nu way of life

Your spiritual and conscious so now you should connect with your ancestors, connect with your celestial parents – those ancestors are you and they reside within you, they reside in the quantum realm – they reside inside of us in the inner-verse, you are your anceStars, why would you not deal with them – if they become empowered, so do you – this is what KAA means – double you, you can stream from them, you don’t need to worship them, they are not deities to you, just simply energies that your KAA can utilize – if you obtain light they obtain light and you evolve

By using Magi this will give you access to the spiritual world, you will need to find a mystery system that works for you – I started with Wicca [WIKA] HIKA which is also where the word Witch comes from and means wise woman – many say it’s a 6ther European system aka Magi system – but h3llo, who taught the 6ether Europeans, so I started with WIKA and this taught me how to work with the sun, elements, herbs, minerals, protective symbols+ this was so that I could learn sum form of Magi [Magic] sum people say go straight into VOODOO [HOODOO] and get stuck, start easy – I did that for around 2 years, then into KHEMET [KHAMAT] KHAMATIC [CYMATIC] KIMATIC Magi – which because of WIKA I was able to pick it up faster because of having a basic inner-standing of Magi [Magic]

By combining all [3] that is when sh9t started to turn up, now I was magi-ing [i-magi-ning] my own Magi

All you now have to do is work on your 3rd eye – there is sum thing called trace mineral drops that if you are wanting to open your 3rd eye you can use – take it and start practicing 3rd eye mediation – this will give you access to evolve by opening your 3rd eye because you will then be able to work in the dreamworld [spiritual] worlds for now you are a magician and if you are a magician and you don’t dream, you have a problem – your dreams are very important as you evolve spiritually

Now you can stream from a NTR [deity] of your choice, who are you attracted to, now they can protect you, there are so many that cover different aspects that we face in our daily lives and they are all there, anything  – area in your life that you are struggling with so to them -  medicine issues then it’s Oshun the medicine healer – there is a BANTU [Buddha] who is also a medicine healer – Sekhmet is also a healer – it all depends on what you are going through – you will see that NTR [deity] come through in your dreams

Do energy work – Yoga [mudras]+ and do sun-gazing, this fills your cup [my cup overflowing] when the sun is rising or setting, and those hard enough the midday sun – combine these things and you will see evol-ution 

Stay woke
Donald Glover aka Danny Glover son 

O’Neil [O’Leary] O'Connor [O'Shea] 

 I woke up with O'Neil in my mind and the Orisha(s)  



This is where the O' comes from O-RISHA and we get IRISH and IRELAND [IRULAND] the name from the IRU [TWA] TRIBUS that were in the ORISHA lands 

Where is the $13b - Clinton foundation - organ harvesting - bones, children, women - keep the money, its the payback that will have the interest backdated 


She is here 

What is going on here, the last images shows that one of the EMERALD [WAJI] is the size of a building - the other they call a tablet - one as 3 different text, Hieroglyphs [KHMT] aka Medu Netu, the other is Hebrew which is Habiru [Nibiru] and the last one they said is Greek, Greek and Hebrew are almost the same - these is text inside as well as on the back 

Thoth is Tehuti Emerald Green is used by Tehuti and Rapha'el and Osiris+

Although I am not HAPI with them digging up the NTR I wanted you to see that THUTMOSE is embracing the other side – look at his smile, his eyes are closed and he is using his first eye in his approach to the other side – sum thing was in his hands and he would have had on Nub [gold] over his face and his hands and he was holding sum thing which was removed by tramps, look at his smile

We can see the ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU which is a semiconductor

Thutmose is entering the other side and in his approach you can see that he is smiling and embracing the other side, his human eyes are closed and he is navigating using his first eye - he has been stripped of his Nub [Gold] that was over his face and hands, the Nub stores energy - it’s a conductor coupled with the Melanin - Ether that is a semiconductor in their skin that the western world call black - he was holding sum thing and his hands are crossed which is the symbol for protection when they go astral traveling aka so that no one can jump into their bodies [avatar] that we call sleep paralysis which para means offsite and alysis is from the word abyss - aka when another entity takes your dry ass over - I want you to understand so that you overstand - there is an afterlife - nothing ends - energy [you] can never be destroyed, you were created for a reason from source 


The energy is stirring Korean launch missiles into the energy which pisses the energy off - so get ready for the fall-out - Koreas role from over there is to provoke the energies - the USA and CANADA are less than 20 minutes away when you look at the map correctly [like look from left North Pacific to right] we are in a DOME the ice wall of Antarctica encircles all the lands Africa is the only place that is rooted so to speak - Korea only ever fires missiles into the SKA for one reason - never a test 

The SKA is RED and not blue - look at the graphic its RED and we are under a DOME 

The DOME [EMF] is lit - we can see the air is charged - SUN was out and warm - that RED is the FEMI9 principle aka Hydrogen aka Hydragon [dragon] Serpentine [KUNDALINI] NIBIRU is magnifying all energies and is not wasting any energy by collecting all rays from the SUN and sending them straight back into the planet - the right side to left are the rays from the SUN - see the WAJI [GREEN] where is that coming from - we see the yellow but does the WAJI come from - WAJI is healing CHI force energy - its the heart [Ab] CHAKRA - OPEN YOUR HEART = EARTH - same letters -  to match the frequency that is coming from source to source aka you - the life force healing energy is coming from the GREEN satellite that we see in images above the SUN - PLASMA [MELANIN] is also GREEN - BIG THINGS AGWAN - stay in your lane 

Canadian Schuman lets rip - the CROWN ignites [ GREEN] 

Italian Schuman trips out - usual coding, higher coding energy signatures 

German Schuman hits 39hz and 49hz - which is way higher than 7.89hz - at 9 into 36hz is big trouble for many

This is the CME that was due in around the 9th according to NOAA [NASA] this came in around 11.03.2023 - huge frequency overload - we have multiple CME(s) incoming 

UVC radiation is a detoxifying wavelength and is hitting 24 and you can see that 11+ is extreme - double the extreme level - it is a germ killer, a mutating wavelength and is altering and changing every living thing on this planet - anything that is artificial to this planet is being deleted 

Last 24hrs - woke up with a sweaty torso - upgrades -crystal dreams 
DNA [DEA] = junk files coming online - pay attention to your dreams 
Look at the codes - the energy signatures 
M10 X-Class - which is CME [EMC] which is SOULAR [PLASMA] energy which you can and cannot absorb - the EMF [DOME] is lit like the Godfather - huge amounts of PLASMA aka SOULAR energy is hitting - while I am writing this Roy Ayers - Everybody loves the sunshine is playing on the internet, take sun rays in, look at the sun [sun gaze] which replenishes the BAA - your are eyes are the windows to your SOUL [SOL] SAL - SO go and HEAL [HEALTH] health the BAA 

Thailand - the images are from Thailand but is for that whole region - that is an aerial - antenna on that building - is this the Moon or SUN - does anybody even know anymore 

SUN rising or setting - check the AURA shape - Red hue [shield] aura - Green -Yellow core
Australia - explain the shape  - Freemasons say there are no straight lines in nature - oh really 

RED and PINK kills - those are crafts sitting there 

RED + PINK - these are mutating wavelengths, Iron -oxide 

Mutating wavelengths that are killing you from the inside out on your molecular structure - DNA [DEA] is mutating - PINK and RED kills - this is not rare but is for NOAA [NASA] 


We are seeing [7] rays of light and [2] more [hidden] these rays are to be processed through your Chakra system, the [hidden] must be absorbed - [7] is key - pay attention to numbers during your day to day [cycles] pay attention to your dreams [visions] write them down - remember them play them over and analyse them like when you read the back of a DVD that you are going to watch, see the plot not the characters, juggle it around - what are you being shown - we are in reel [real] time and what is being shown to you is now [k-now] each ray [light] contains data, codes, remember primary colours or primary energies - primary - pri - pri-moor-dial [NUN] waters [Moya] crystal liquid - moor [Ether]

[Re-mem-ber] Sept-em-ber [Mem-brane [Brane] Brain [Mem-ory] st-ory [alleg-ory] MyStory - 

MAAT is asking you if you RE-MEM-BER

Mem [Mam] means Ma'am Madam, Mamma, Mum, Mummy, Mother [Ma'other] Ma [MAAT] Mu [Nu] Nun - she asking if you remember her - are you a member 

Holy sh9t - this cannot be right [???] is this real 
This is the equivalent to the last scene in the original movie the Planet of the Apes with the Statue of Liberty at the end - are those people still alive 

The Queen is dead and this area in Australia is called Queensland, when the 6ethers first set up their capital it was called Sidney and NTR said fu9k you - so she burned them a new assh9le and so they had to move, if you notice most of Australia is so-called barren land - but if you check it, she has been moving them all into certain areas - the Aboriginals were at least 300,000 strong and now down to under 30,000 or 13,000 - Rabbit Proof Fencing will not stop your punishment - between NTR and the CHINESE - they want you out - on the flipside we have around 200,000 witches [wise women] out of their breeding programs who hate their forefathers, many are online or are coming online

This image is from 'Queensland' and is under water - NTR wants her lands back 

KALIFORNIA - all coastlines are going, move away from the coast 
This has been going on since 2012 and nature gives her warnings, you cannot say that you did not know sh9t is going on, head in the sand is not going to cut it 

Satellite imagery of wind turbines creating sediment plume in the North Sea, what is unknown is what effect this continual redistribution of the seabed will have on fish nurseries, benthic habitat, phytoplankton, and zooplankton, I have no doubt lobsters won't hang around in this type of environment - all seabed dwellers will be affected and the whales and dolphins - why does the 6ethers insist on replacing [GOD] what is with them and their desires to change, name everything [???] this is how you know that they are not from this planet but were created on the planet - all this is coming down, anything that he has put his hands on we are going to smash it up  - you are not GOD, you are not her 

Structures - crafts - objects + around the multidimensional portal [SUN] 

NASA [NOAA] take image of molecular cloud - I can see ANUBU - a bat - dog looking face can be seen unless I have PAREIDOLIA - yes that is what I can see PAREIDOLIA 

ANU.BU [ANUBIS] the DOG [GOD] and THOTH the Baboon [GOD] which is actually called Olive Baboon [Papio Anubis] - ANUBIS the same name 

Sum one is shooting up there or is that a beam from ??? - that craft or planet is not traveling alone - they say this is Mercury

Craft with beam on 

    NASA cut the feed - check time stamp and cube

NASA say this is Mercury-  is this the backend, tail end of a huge craft, and look how this smaller craft comes into one frame and no more, maybe its cloaked - sum thing isn't right - no one knows what the soular system looks like because they killed all the cameras and shut down the land based cameras during lock down - one thing is the planet is not in the third dimension - that much we know already 


Coming from beyond the horizon 


Last month [Australia] 

No clouds around - check shape [oval] this is a craft dispensing plasma [lighting] 
Lightening [Plasma] goes into the planet and is transferred around the planet were she needs it the most, transferred by diamonds, gems stones, crystals, minerals aka the circuit board, gold stores the energy until she needs it, the 6ethers plundered many of the stones, gold from the ground and is to why sum places get battered because you took the gold, diamonds, gems out of the ground - we can see that one set of lightening is PURPLE and the other is WHITE with TURQUOISE rim which is BLUE and GREEN [WAJI] - this is a natural epidural - we never had lightening, tornados, hurricanes until the 6ethers fuc9ked it up with the dirty Moors [9ethers]  - Gold coast - gold stores - conductor  

Riders in the SKA 


ARGENTINA  - the entity can be seen - he or she is looking face on and that is its shoulders - the image is catching his or her energy -negative- signature [black and white] - only those without a spiritual connection use the term UFO - these crafts are not flying, planes fly and they not unidentified - we can see the object aka craft shape 

I know that I have stage 4 PAREIDOLIA - please pray for me 

UK - by pass the spraying and see the oval [womb] eye watching you and what is that small black dot in there, is that the parabolic ball [sphere] from man  

New Mexico - USA 

That black stuff is coming from the chemicals that they dispensed on their own people, they tested agent Orange on their own military - so we are never surprised 

Why is everything New - New York, New Deli, New Jersey, New Zealand, New Mexico, New Hampshire, New Orleans - what happened to the Old Orleans, why isn't anything Old - what happened to Old 

Crafts around the MOON [MONO] SHESHQI [SIN] KUNGA 

Seen from Australia 

Australia - what is that running through the SKA - vent - extractor -  

SHU [Feather] LAW
She is asking many, do you remember 


Seen from the UK [14.3.2023]
You cannot stop the time 


Freebase meaning; Cocaine that has been purified by heating with [ether], taken by inhaling the flumes or smoking the residue - we know that the A'aferfi [pharaohs] used when astral traveling but todays Coke is dangerous and when consumed in the wrong environments and used just for escape 
ETHER is interesting and the name Cocaine is Co-Cane [Kane] Cain - they were given this also in a bid to ease their pain, sum with Marijuana the Coca comes from the leaves - in its original format this was made by nature [NTR] 

How times have changed

There is one group of people who are insane [6ethers] and the other group [9ethers] who are practicing insanity - reSet ends all this Mickey Mouse sh9t 

250,000 murdered, raped, sodomised, kidnapped all to make way for the Church of England, the fragile TWA [IRU] people - who many were only 5.1ft tall and who the 6ether Irish called Leprechaun [Ghouls] [Nomos] - the Orisha lands [Irisha] Irish lands [IRULAND] IRELAND - the rest were pushed off the cliffs - in sum ways, they returned to the water [Moya] 
Enjoy your celebrations of Patrick kicking out the snakes who are the KUNDALINI specialist [Serpentine] Rainbow children - all energy is being restored - their mummy and daddy are here now and we must complete this cycle 

6ether women do not have a good look around the world, they are seen has one thing and one thing only, when the system crashes - this monkey sh9t will go 10fold 

Left image [HAARP] - 5G towers, clone that guy - right image 

When we watch clips like this, this is your X-files - sh9t has always been there, now the camera lets you know that they are out there and always were 

Why are these Avocados bigger than what we get [???]
GREEN [WAJI] HEART - eat this like the world was ending - check the shape 

We have been here before 

Ancient astronauts 
Who is BOBA FETT really - they made a movie about him 
FETT [GERMAN word] for FAT aka PHAT and what is BOBA a character or is BABA aka PAPA which means FATHER - [???]  PHAT FATHER or BAA PHAT 

The ULMEC [OLMEC] are letting you know that they were on Vimana(s) while everyone else was on donkeys into the 1900s - last images are from a landing site that was cut out from the top down from one single rock block- sum thing that still amazes the Asians today, you can see there is a disconnection from the ancients to the modern day Asians with knowledge- NASA built Indians probe, yet modern day Indians are sitting on how to built flying machines [Vimana], vortex engines, how comes the first 3D planes did not start in Aztlan [South America] where these pieces of planes where found - ask a Rabbi or Imam, cleric how the MIR [MER] pyramids where constructed and HE does not know 

The fuel used for their crafts [Vimana] is Mercury
They were circumnavigating the whole planet and beyond while the 6ethers were still in caves, the flood did not stop until 3,400 years ago - which is when they were allowed to come out of their cave systems and paly catch up 

Submarines, helicopter, planes - rocket launch pads - the stone library [KHMT records] took 5,000 years to be readied - when the 6ether Romans and Greeks come through they didn't know what a submarine or helicopter looked like yet but the 9ethers did because they had already used them and invented them - where are they, the original ones and the Cars - the Vatican has 6miles storage space underneath - stick around because what was [hidden] is to be [revealed] we didn't leave nothing that could be used above their range - just 10% or 33degress - we are going 360 - all timelines are merging into this one - there is no time - just light  

No such thing as Asia minor or Asia major - Asian [Asia] Cauc-asian
NAAGLAN [H-INDU Kush] India is part of Africa [Alkebulan] 

DON [DUN] means Black and Nesia is from Amnesia which is from Mela-Nesia [Mela-nin]  

Loads of places around the world have already been sunken down to sea level and are just waiting for the big waves to come in and consume them- New Orleans is already below the sea level and is just waiting for the water to come in - Indonesia is a new name - this place is one area - no such thing has Asia minor or major Caucasian [CAUC-ASIAN] ASIAN and ASIA - a name that is recorded is NAAGALAN that last image is of a 9ether woman in YAH-KARAST [JAKARTA] they busted her nose off - what are NAGA(s) NIGG9s doing in ASIA - these are the ANUNNAKI [ANUN.NAGA] NAKI [PAKI] NAGA [NAGU] you are the ANUNNA.KI today, you are on KI - these names means 'these beings' and 'those that came from NIBIRU to KI' that ANU sent for - who are they, YOU dildo, you never left, sum of you are in different avatars, different races, you were incarnated over and over for [7] times - it is 2023 [7] which means completion, its time to go home young JEDI - the DOME went up and trapped us all, that DOME is coming down so that all h3ll can break loose, h3ll is from the word helios which means SUN - CHRISTHOOD [KARAST] can break loose so that we can reSet, we need it, we are tired  - all you need to do is con-Sol-idate - sol-idate - solidify - don't con, that is to con the KAA - those leftover are going into the 8th root man [mind] 

Its a fu9king computer program 

Octagon room - eight sided room with massive windows was designed to give astronomers unparalleled views of the night SKA - but has you can see one of the windows is a door - where are the other sections of this building that was constructed by the MOORS - or is it below ground [mud-flood]  

Athena [Atheer] Hathor [Athen]
l-amp shaped like a penetrometer

Sensual [Sense]


Its a word, no its senses, sea [see], touch, taste, smell, feelings and emotions, these senses are light, energies - its not a word like Rama says, its the charge, a connection [con-nect-ion] nect is the word Nexus [Necus] Nucleus 

She is the first teacher to the HuMins [HuMans] 

'We know it"  great live performance, live vocals - I like when he rides the chorus with the crowd when they sings the vocals, without her we are nothing, remember her - all ancient pain is held in the womb, we must now transmute this pain and set her free - that's all eye have to say..

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