Thursday, 23 March 2023


The last ice-age was artificially induced – in the Sumerian tablets they mention the war with all of the civilisations of these planets such has Saturn, Mars, Venus and Jupiter, sum of them its not the main planet but those on the orbiting satellites [Moons] of these planets – so when the war broke out between INANNA and ENLIL this started a family dispute about what was superior, the [Y] Chromosome or the Mitochondria  - with ANU having already told ENLIL that the MtDNA was far more superior and with rulership rites on the FEMI9 planets of KI [earth] – Venus is FEMI9 planet and so too is Jupiter for at one point was a Lillith planet with the Moon then blocking out her energy when the Moon was brought here, which was the energy for the daughters of Lillith or the siStars of Lillith who were Saturnian priestesses but they got usurped by the males on the patriarchal domination which is why they wore [black] robes to usurp the divine FEMI.9 which is the dark energy that comes in with Jupiter, thus the women had to adjust and learn how to use the lunar energy because that is how they created uncontrollable men-strual cycles – see the word man [men] in that word because he did that – she was able to turn it on and off at will when she wanted to have a child, it was her choice when she wanted to

Women do not understand their own power, once they tune into their own body – they get psychic energies from the conn[Nexus]ection of the uterus and the pineal gland meshing with the neural melanin at the cerebral cortex – the pum pum becomes a portal from the energy being funnelled from the neural cortex [brain stem] in the pineal gland it activates the portal – when the portal is activated the woman is automatically psychic which we call women(s) intuition - women(s) intuition is the ability to distinguish if you are lying or telling the truth just by your energy she can tell [read]

That is the Moon blocking the energy since it was installed here – the Moon is not a natural construct of this soular system – the women adjusted and started using what is called Moon Magic

In Metaphysics Moon Magic is referred to as the Silver Key and is usually governed by tarot readers, oracles – using different forms, tea leaves, hands, sea shells, sand+ women see things and know what it means and this is tide back to their MtDNA – only the 9ether wombman has the MtDNA Mitochondria which this energy signature that is tied back to KI [earth] for they are receivers, they have antennas and receive signals, signs, symbols, codes and they are all over KI

This is why it is our duty to give back to the female, we have to give back to them knowledge that she was denied, there are so many women who used their intuition in the first instance but sum thing made them override that higher sense and that is because of the patriarchal system and its followers, by her using her intuition she would actually unlock other traits in her personality, character – that would also change the way KI is being dealt with

Venus was similar to KI – when earth was TIAMAT both LAHAMU [Venus] and TIAMAT [KI] were both water worlds – Venus was fluorescent HD colours and on Earth she was mostly shades of WAJI and Blue and tropical, we didn’t have polar caps, we never had snow ever' that only came when KI was knocked out of orbit which is also why we have the asteroid belt which was a part of KI when she was TIAMAT from that war – after the war she was known has KI which comes from EN.KI which means lord of the earth [Lord of KI] and it is ENKI [INKI] ENQI that holds the patriarchal key of rulership

When you follow the lineage of rulership we find the Congo key which is the King Kong key – which is what it means King of the Congo – the Mississippi basin of the Americas was the American Congo – the Amazon basin in South America was the South American Congo, the tribes that always inhabited the Congo are the oldest tribes on any of the landmasses and in this case we are talking about the Mississippians – who are the oldest tribu that exists in Americas, everyone says this and that is the oldest or was first, however the Mississippians are very strong contenders for being the oldest tribu in the Americas – the Mississippians [Isis] are stereotyped because of that Southern accent however its all part of their façade that classed them as fools and clowns – which is the dance of the sacred clown which is the Heyoku [Hayoku] Hayoka clown which is represented by Boaz [Bozo] – the high secret chief sacred clown on the land is Smokey Robinson who is the highest Heyoku chief right now 

The Tears of a Clown had undertones of Heyoku lingo and was only for the other Heyoku(s) to know what he was talking about – even tracks of my tears – this is what the sacred clown does, lets you know – the Heyoku rants and talks when he sees the people not paying attention to what is going on around them 

Saturn is being terraformed right now and they are making the rings for this planet for Saturn will be a communications network satellite – the rings are the same has the dish behind a satellite receiver that we have on KI for your home, the rings play the same role on Saturn and this is so we never lose contact with NIBIRU at NIBIRU(s) furthest distance – you can do it telepathically but at that distance its instant but using a device changes the dynamics – this is needed because sh9t we still cannot decipher messages that we are getting now, so this will be much needed – this will establish the heart link, heart – to – heart because we will feel energy signatures from that particular person or from source  - telepathy is not from the brain – its from your heart [Ab] Chakra – Saturn used to be the night SUN – it was Saturn that used to illuminate the night SKY [SKI] SKA to expose the fluorescence which made all of the colours come in HD Crystal spectrum – the Moon being installed blocked out Saturn energies – the Moon is just a craft that all the hardware was taken out and only the hull of the ship is used for power – in the hologram we might be projecting ourselves from the Moon because the Moon and Dark Knight satellite work together to hold the hologram in place, the hologram [holo] halo is only here for entertainment of the [Gods] it’s a game – different games all rolled into one multidimensional Senet [Chess] set up and only the MaStars can play and you have to have the blood to get in and the rite to takeover

KI is a FEMI9 planet and is what caused the war, the blood rite and the rulership rite – who has the rite – the male or female yet KI is a FEMI9 planet and is surrounded by FEMI9 planets – the female have the rites to KI and her wealth yet it is man that is digging into the earth, it is man that is killing all the 3 king-domes – the AKUR [Lion] is King of the Jungle but she put him there, she holds the territory because it is handed down to her aka its inherited and that is her rite – her rite to rulership – that is how it was in the beginning and that is how it shall be in the end 

The only way to be a ruler is to get LAW, tell people what is going on – tell them the truth and who is holding them back, and where they are at, this cycle is the closing of age cycle and we are consolidating data which is information which is light, many of you have come into your own and have advanced your range of thinking and knowledge – this is what they are looking for, what have you learnt and experienced

The Blood and the Rites need to be looked at and that is sum thing that needs attention because we are still in that war – it’s a riddle and the riddle is their Bible and their Bible is a contract – everything in their Bible is to do with the Middle-East and has nothing to do with what the fu9k is going on over in the USA [Atlantis] this war is mentioned in the Kabbalah – it’s a Blood contract and is called Communion aka eat my flesh, drink my blood – I’m your god you’ve consumed me now do as I say – this is psychological programming

In Metaphysics the enactment of everything in public gives the perception of reality activates energies in the upper realms to bring certain things into existence – the MaStars learnt how to harness that energy and direct it where it needed to go and by reading the energy you would know who put it out there and where it came from by tracing it back – all they did was keep changing names and jumping organizations to hide themselves and from us finding out who they were and what they were doing and they look like 9ethers, they look the same people but they are not 

Whistling Dixie is Iroquois [Con]Federation nation which is a Southern battle war cry, that is what he was doing but he didn’t know what he was doing because he hadn’t developed into his true-self yet, it’s a activation of war energies and when the dirty Moors that look like other 9ethers but are not like the 9ethers that wanted to replace the 9ethers in the USA and that is why they took him out, they could not let him develop and grow – he was chief little horn – I shot the Sheriff by Bob Marley in his lyrics he says,  Sheriff John Brown always hated me, For what, I don't know, Every time I plant a seed, He said kill it before it grow, He said kill them before they grow << kill them before they grow, same like when they were looking for Jesus Herald said kill all first born – kill them before they grow – Strange Fruit by Billy Holiday – lynching, these were strategic murders, not random, many were chiefs, they catch you from your birthday – why they take your finger [foot] prints, they know what house you come from, they already knew who we were – if they can mis-educate you then you might stick around, wake up and they take you out, there are certain people that they are not supposed to kill, they just lock them up, there are priestesses here who they never fu9k with, like bag lady, they never fu9k with her – no leadership means the masses run around without no head – the blind is leading the blind – they all ended up in the ditch, Lord of the fly Baalzebub – so what do we do, we shift everything, many have gone back to Vodun [Voodoo] [Vo-Dun] Don [ether], Vodun says you have to change the energy in you in order to change the energy of the world, you become the facilitator aka GOD [Generator Observer Destroyer] by following the practice

Saturn was hijacked by patriarchs just like KI was with the only difference is that we had divine Masculine fighting the patriarchal system, energy, the whole time – Saturn got sacked, they never saw it coming – whereas Venus has their shields up and you cannot see past the shields – Mars is a planet of warriors and was one of the first planets they hit with massive nuclear armaments from space because LAHMU was the protector of KI – FEMI9 planets have women that all they want to do is lov9 you and the males got caught up in that rapture of energy – they are not fit to be a warrior unless they started off has a warrior first time round – this is why you have to put in your work has a youth to develop into a warrior before the divine women awaken the Masculine energy if not they cannot protect the women properly

Sirius sent the Marijuana – which is from the Canis [Kanis] system hence the word Cannabis [ Cane+ Anubis/Anubu] which is at the back of the Sirius system [constellation] aka the great Dog and was used for you to tune in to the energies, frequencies of KI and is why the chiefs are always chiefing   

T'shaka Zulu had a very potent type of Mary Jane [Marijuana] and theirs did not have CBD which can cause fatigue – theirs was just straight THC – Hashish [Hash] from Afghanistan which the assassins used to tune into the MaStars and conn[Nexus]ect all of the minds of the frequencies – it’s a telepathic Nexus using the Hash as the sympathy or the THC – the KAA [spirit] body is called the Endocannabinoid system by people who study Marijuana – if your Endocannabinoid system is weak and you puff you will go straight to sleep – the stronger it gets the stronger your tolerance but your also tuning on psychic abilities because you are slightly detached from the fix reality to you aka allowing you to see the cracks in the crystals of the matrix aka allowing you to see the glitches in the matrix and is to why you are able to put things together that you could not before, the Marijuana is productive if you are, your eye is open and can take in data and give you data  

Be weary of the Mary Jane out there, they have rewritten the THC in many of the weed that is out there, they have laced the weed

What are those levers for, what type of machine was he controlling

Syria [Turkey] Nimrud
There are 17 of these huge wheel machines, huge amounts of power was generated 

MIR [MAR] MER] pyramid  
One of the largest remaining casing stones is nearly 5 feet high by 8 feet at the bottom, and weighs about 14 tons - yeah sure they used horses and carts - machine, laser cut with advanced technology, giants walked with the HuMins 

Makes sense [!!!] 

DON [DUN] means [9ether] black

Sidon was the father of the first 6ethers [white] people and Heth was the father of the Hittites, the first known Asian – and is where we get the name Siddi [Siddha] Sidon comes from

Sumerian [Mesopotamia] and KHEMET [Egyptian] 
Same crown, both would have had things in their hands, both have left foot forward 

Greece is part of Sumerian history - lead with your left foot 

So is Cyprus [Sirius] Osiris a part of Sumerian history 

Locks, bushy hair 

See the false door which they can dematerialize matter and walk straight through walls - other images we see where man blew an opening - these are not tombs that imply bodies, burial, they are called IY in Sumerian and called HETU in KHEMET - they are coastlands, isles, abode, house
Cut straight out of the rock, shaped, precision engineering, there are symbols, text, inscriptions around the structures

Duomo di Milan [Italy] when you come into Milan you can see this Cathedral from the SKI [SKY] SKA - precision engineering  

Laser cut - machined cut - stone holds frequencies - check the person laying down for scale - top image was an ancient stone quarry in Sicily, that was the source of stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city - Laser cut from above down

Nexus – connection – con means to con you – connection – con-nec-tion – nec = nex [Nexus]
We are Nexus with Sirius and SAHU [SAH] Orion – Belt which is the [7] siStars, there are [9] siStars in total

The word NET [Network] comes from NUT MUT [MU] MA NU NUN and NEIT [NUIT] and translates to weave – the fabric of the Un-i-verse aka you 

The SUN has tilted and so too as this planet and the entire soular system, NIBIRU is bending the light aka time – NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet and therefore controls the poles of this planet, the planet is not longer rotating [spiral 6] counter clockwise but she is returning to factory settings and will rotate clockwise which is spiral 9 which is life, spiral 6 is death, this soular system will also spiral in a number 9 – spiral = spir-it 

The Mother ship sitting at the centre of the Dendera [Zodiac] is where the Cosmos energy is coming from – from Big Mama – the Red energy is MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI.9 ELECTRON which is Hydrogen [Hydragon] Serpentine – Kundalini – the most abundant NRG out there – which is now in here – along with ether and plasma [purple] which is also coming in Waji or the ether is coming in Waji – Waji is also the Heart Chakra, open your heart or you will fail, Waji is healing energy + life force energy, Blue is life force energy – purple affects your brain – mind, the mind and heart are con[Nexus]nected – get your soular energy right, the mind, body will follow because anywhere the mind goes the body will follow

We are all Nexus [connecting] in this vast network of BAA and KAA – energy is the currenSea of the day, cultivate as you flow along this uneven playing field 

ABZU [South Africa] is actually North Africa
ABZU is going to split - an ocean will be dividing ABZU 
nTr is taking care of business 

The SUN is tripping out - Cube and SHAM 

You can see the huge opening at the south of the SUN and in front you can see NIBIRU + the nu kingdom around the SUN - NIBIRU travels with [7] or [9] satellites, NIBIRU is our magnetic SUN and is magnifying the [SOULAR winds] rays from the SUN which are electrical waves, codes, rays - we had an eclipse , the SOULAR system has changed - the Moon and SUN are under the DOME with us and are not millions of miles away, sum thing is behind the SUN which is either NIBIRU that travels at the speed of light or another planetary body, SIRIUS is fuelling the SUN - the SUN is not [white] its ether - [white] holds all [7] colours, radiation, energies - the D.OM.E [EMF] VAN ALLAN [OZONE LAYER] FIRMAMENT is lit - charged - take easy out there and watch who is in your space, energies lingers for [3] days and we have had blasts [soular winds, soular flares, CME] over consecutive days - regulate your tri-system, find a place where you belong and stay there - keep things light [lov9] 


This came out of the SUN and looks cubed in shape and to the right that intertwine cables looked like sum thing was attached to it  

Many shuttle pods are reentering this planet 

Without the chemical SKA

Italian webcam - check shape and colour and friend 

M7+ Afghanistan
M7 Alaska
Chile M7  
Argentina M7 
Taji-kish-tan M7 

They say that strong winds made a ship weighting 3,000 tons capsize - check the number 33 [6] 

nTr does not like you 

Check colours 

Italian - see the Purple energy signature 

Canada - blackout, reboot, merging of timelines 

German hitting 28hz, anything above 9hz causes dizziness 


Multi-coloured AURA - mutating wavelengths
Red + Pink kills  

Who goes there 

4,000+ Chinese nationals released in the USA – why are the Chinese in Mexico - to get to the USA and these are the ones they caught – so if they caught 4,000 how many do you think have already gotten through and many if not all are men – sleeper cells – the Chinese already own $21 billion+ worth of infrastructure in the USA since 2014 – these are soldiers, personnel, who will be working with your military who the Chinese will lead you – how did they get to Mexico, too late, they are in the USA - Mexico does not give a fu9k about the USA, all them centuries of rejection is coming back to the USA, 10fold

Good luck with that, let us see how far you go with that - remember this guy who thought he could talk about Russia and live good in the UK - so Putin sent him a radiation tablet to remind him who is who, the ANUNNAKI spoke with him sum years ago and he refused - he is a reptilian commander, another reptilian will have to take him out not sum stupid arrest warrant 



If that Cow [KAU] is attached by cables or string like he said then that is a man made craft, however if the KAU is attached by beams that is the Greys, why a KAU because many of their experiments have KAU DNA and is the same reason why they can drink milk from the KAU - they only abduct 6ethers 
Greys do not have genitals - the last clip - there he goes again talking about random no connection things, the head looks like a Greys head - whatever it was is not HuMan - all these things will be coming up to the surface   

The truth is out there 

Why do the Egyptian, Mayan, Indian and Japanese [Chinese] civilizations create the same structures, when they say there is no connection between them all - clearly there was and clearly there is a source 

Battle cry 

Warrior clan

You can see where they have removed the original colour 

Last right image, what is up with them feet - sum thing not right there  

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