Saturday, 18 March 2023

Maiden Voyage

Dark destroyer 



There are only two Friday the thirteen(s) this year [2023], and minus the [black] Friday reasons – which was selling the [9ethers] on these days, there is another reason for Friday 13th

[1] is the Alpha but the [3] is a two – ball game, the gorilla grip – the Alpha male flip, the number [3] is the letter M [W] Zig-Zag [Z] 3 [E] electron symbol, that M is also for Mother [Ma] Earth [KI], Earth is a representation of Mamma – Margret – Margret is a variant of Mary and Marius and is a rebellious wombman and the rebellious wombman is the name they give the Queen of Heaven and Earth because they cannot ‘tame’ control her but she can control them – they don’t want to listen to her so they class her has the rebellious wombman – 

SARGON his street name is NIMRUD which means rebellious or one who rebelled and was a name the higher beings gave him because he didn’t just take the statues quo

[Madonna means young maiden]

Friday the 13th is Freyja [Freyday] Freya and she is a maiden witch [Wika] and 13 is the Queen mother – it’s the old crown and the young maiden being given the wisdom and is to why they hate Friday the 13th – double FEMI.9 ENERGY aka Mother and daughter energy

All of the numbers are charged alchemically 

Jesus is ISIS – there are two MURDUK [MURDOQ] one is ENLIL son and the other is ENKI son – the God of their Bible is YAHWEH which is ENKI brother ENLIL – the dispute is between ISIS and her brother ENLIL - [ISIS] ASET is IN.ANNA [INANNA and ENKI are twins], ENLIL does not have the same mother has INANNA and ENKI – ENLIL said he would let her [IN.ANNA] rule the Kingdom if she ruled under him and she said fu9k you aka no – she said you can rule to the closing of age and then I will deal with your ass there 

Lillith [Li-Leeth] is the [hidden] dark Mother energy, Lillith translates of the midnight hour and she is represented by the brown skin siStars who are very serious [Sirius] about taking care of business and at the same time when everything is good, they are good aka this is the Lillith energy [Saturn] – harness Lillith(s) energy during the ‘dark’ phases of the Moon [Mono] during wan to wax 

Grand-daddy Jupiter – that red spot is a portal gateway and ships can come through – Jupiter also has around 80 satellites [Moons] with it and Jupiter also has rings - crafts use this portal 

It is the FBI with NASA that shut down the observatories around the planet – Hawaii – because they want to tell you what is coming before you know what is coming – there are 1000s and 1000s of ships out there – many have come to pick up their people who are in avatars on KI – they are here for their KAA [spirits] and to get them up and out of here – the vortex is going to open [2023] again is in 2033 and 2043 – NIBIRU may be out of range by then and that is the last call for those going to NIBIRU

If people could see what we see there would be mass hysteria – many think that these crafts are here for them – many think these are their crafts, that these are from Ashtar Command – no they are not – they are from the Galactic Federation and its members, allies and alliance led by the RIZQ with the ANNUNAKI the lead – the coronation – the crowning of the King of Earth – HERU [Horus] is ascending to the throne of Osiris which has never been done since the beginning because it was always blocked by the ANUNNAKI using their divine right to rule – so when they let the children of earth [KI] into the games – now we win, this is a galactic event of untold proportions – there have been ships out there on the other side of the sun and are just hovering out there and out of our view by staying behind the sun, the orbit of the sun means there is a multiple car-park of ships just moving beyond the horizon – the ray blocks us from seeing them, they have been assembling since 2012 – there are jump stations at different planets so they can move about – behind NIBIRU and the sun is the spirit worlds aka the holographic worlds aka other dimensions 

ENLIL is a crazy mtf, when you read what he has done down here, he is also trigger HAPI and will start a war if you stood on his shoes, if you looked at his woman – he is point blank and not simple – he went ape sh9t when his brother EN.KI [ENQI] INKI] gave his offspring dominium over KI – it is ENKI that saved the seed HAM [NOAH] and it was ENLIL that shut the doors on the shuttle [NOAH] without the seeds and it was ENKI that saved them and when ENLIL found out he went ape sh9t, it was when ANU got involved that made it so ENLIL couldn’t wipe out any HuMin [HuMan] and from that day onwards we see the ‘beef’ that is going on today between bloodlines, he is still trying to wipe us all out

ENLIL wants us destroyed because he created ‘these beings’ the Lulu Amelu [Abd] and wanted his very own Lulu and he did not want ENKI(s) species to be superior to his – but they had birth defects and they sent for Nergal Shar’etser from NIBIRU to remedy the situation

ANU and ENLIL had issues in regards to INANNA because INANNA has supreme authority of rule because she is Queen of Heaven and Earth [KI], ENLIL wanted the [Y] chromosome to overrule the matriarchal right to rule on a FEMI9 planet called Earth [KI] and ENLIL also felt that the male gods where superior – so ENLIL and ENKI falling out with each other is no more than the same stories of Set and Osiris or Cain and Abel+ - Osiris was murdered by Set – Aset [Isis] had a son by pathogenesis which pissed off ENLIL because she [Aset aka INANNA] had made a male child heir to the throne without a male and ENLIL was pissed because of that – because this made the male redundant – this child had both the [Y] chromosome right to rulership and the [X] chromosome right to inherit – now most men say that is wrong because she cheated – by pathogenesis – ANU laughed at ENLIL and ENLIL came back down to KI and has been trying to create a baby boy or girl since then

ENLIL wants everything dead and ENKI and INANNA did not kill everything like he wanted them to and ANU was informed – all of these traits that ENLIL [Set] have we see that in people today, jealous, envy, we see the same personalities, characters, unpredictable behaviours, women should be in the kitchen, your right because she can cook, but she can also be behind the wheel of a car, she can also read, she can also lead, she can also say no - the men that oppose her and hate her come from Set(s) traits, from his character 

The God regulator was one of two that the other Gods feared, one was SARGON [NIMRUD] who was the God killer SARGON [NIMRUD] and was Ningishzide aka the God of Vegetation who Osiris is the God of Vegetation – SARGON is ENKI – the other God they feared was Moab [Chemosh] Khemosh Kamos – he is known has the might one and was a warrior who was known for going into combat with his fists and fighting armies by himself – the might one with the fists, the mighty one Khamosh Kamash [Moab] and there is Adnad which means Beloved and this is INKI, ENKI, who is fair but would still do an experiment on you in the name of science, they have emotions and feelings but not the HuMan type, they know the concept of eternal being, they know how far the rabbit hole goes, so they don't dwell 

You know you are eternal and sum time in the future you are going to wake up and know who the fu9k you is but in the meantime what are you going to do – if you go through every life for one continuous memory from your last life to this one – then it would have been so redundant, you would not have had all those situations aka stimulations, you would not have experienced love, hate, resentment, envy, jealousy – HAPINESS, so they gave us amnesia so that every life it was brand new every time you came in, but the amnesia was total – it was selective because you chose to use your short term memory rather than your long term memory – so when you go back you have to deliberately go into the archives of long term memories to pull past life regressions to the forefront

We used to know all this until they fu9ked the program up – sum are incarnated with their conscious and memories – they are doing this on 1000s of other planets out there, this planet KI is only one of a few in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain complex life but there are other planets that are similar to this one that they are doing all this to them as well - there are planets out there were HuMans are grown for food only  

ENLIL wanted us to be controlled whereas INANNA and ENKI wanted us to do our thing, to go for it, it was ENLIL that was trying to set Tammuz up – it is ENLIL that upgraded the Lulu Amelu [Homo Sapien] which broke inter-galactic rules and it was Tammuz who was left in change that ENLIL wanted Tammuz to take the blame for and say he did that when it was ENLIL – so to destroy these ‘humans’ was to destroy the evidence that these ‘humans’ aka the Amelu Lulu that had been upgraded without authorisation – but there was a witness and that was Kha-Nowk [Enoch] also known has Idriys and Adafa and is Tehuhi [Thoth] that is why they took Kha-Nowk up there for because they wanted to know how to fix this genetic problem that is now fu9king up the earth – if we check the Sumerian text ENKI told ENLIL all they need is one drop of ANUNNAKI blood and it cures the birth defects – all of the royal earth famines gave a drop of blood – there are light complexion people around the world – the Mulattos [Muur-lattoes] Moors just means 9ethers – the Mulattos think they are straight Italians when they are Mulattos – half breeds – half caste, hybrids – they have to get that drop of blood because its time to ascend, you created a sentient being and then tried to deny them the right to ascension which caused a backlash from the centre of the galaxy 

Kha-Nowk solved the problem, when you go to the Wisdom of King Solomon and he is talking to all of the demons, those are the codons on the DNA and who is going to work on what part of the genome and is to why they keep asking what angel, what angel do they fall under, fallen angels – what angel complements you – he is talking about the angle [angel] when the light comes in on the genome – he knows whether its [Miyka’el] Ishmael [Gabriy’el] Rapha’el [Uri’el] Uzzi’el [Zamar’el] what frequency its supposed to hit the DNA to manifest its proper response – all we know about is Solomons temple and that he is building the temple with sum demons, what temple [mind] what demons [energies] – the temple is the BAA [soul] of MAN [MIND] – Solomon builds a temple for his soul – Sol-Amon – the temple is your body, your soul [sol] goes inside and is housed within your temple aka body – your temple is built from character aka infrastructure – the characters derived from the blueprint – like father like son – like mother like daughter – take the correct PTAH take the good stuff and throw the bad stuff away – everything that was sent to hold you down, you use as a come up – by the time you grow strong in your temple it will be too late for anyone to break down your fortress because you will be secure in your mind

DNA [DEA] Crystalline Amino Acid construct – building blocks for DNA – the word Amino comes from the word A Mineral [minerals] 21 complex amino acids that make up the chain of aminos and held together by the Polypeptides as the joins to stack the genome and it forms into the double helix – it then separates and then comes back together with another piece to share the data in order to update other parts of the genome of what is taking place – the Crystals that are on the genome is powered by the Mitochondrial of the cell and is to why you have to be Mitochondrially synced to the earth because sum of these soular rays [CME] plasma – soular flares, soular winds will take you offline, if you are not synced sum of these rays by Mitochondrial is definitely going to fry your DNA because you are not synced to the earth, you have to go, that means everyone, entities, other beings, hybrids, artificial races, clones, even Aloe Vera which is man made is going, cloned children, animals, plants, everything that is not from the MtDNA will be burned from this planet – these are the rules of the universe – the universe is a self-correcting code, self-mechanism, the planet has a self-mechanism built in to and is part of this clean up, part of the reSet – it’s a UV light that cleanses the planet, self-regulating – the crystalline amino acids form the DNA and they become memory crystals and you can access these memory crystals and you can access data that preceded you and you can branch off once you know where your genetics stock branches are and access different family trees to see who you are related to – it doesn’t matter what their skin complexion was, if they mixed in your blood, you can read the bloodline
aka this is your junk files [DNA] coming online, they are not junk for you just didn't have access to them, if you have the bloodlines, you will be good to go 

Melanin is a intelligence until self [cell] and produces a field in which to download galactic information whereas neuromelanin is more critical but its through Melanin – dark matter that prime [primordial] creator can communicate in the brain [membrane]  – this is also called the abyss, the deep and will determine whether you are likely to ascend or not which is your ability [neuromelanin] to Nexus [connect] with prime source – so if your neuromelanin Nexus [connect] and your MtDNA is synced to KI then you ascend automatically because you have the blood and the right, neuromelanin [alchemy] becomes the crucial component of the ascension because if you have MtDNA which all female species of animals have and you are synced to the earth and those who are tide to your heart chakra who are synced to you send a signal in the collective unconsciousness to force the issue, the UV rays can affect that melanin and that melanin can override any of the defects by drawing chaos energy from prime creator in which is sentient melanin to find where the anomalies are because it will automatically draw it to it - it is the 9ether wombmen who hold the MtDNA - the male [masculine] is the aggressive part of the female [feminine] 

Moon and SUN+ NIBIRU 

WAJI [GREEN] satellite - the sun is pulsating  

Who goes there 

NASA [NOAA] have been cutting the feed over the last 24hrs 

How big is that 

Huge cloud mass with sum thing in it 

Blue eye Sol - rest easy

54 - you go home - sum people are incarnated with two KAA(s) 

I do not eat this but check the price and how much sugar goes into each one
Get ready - consumer confidence is actually coming from you - your the one who is purchasing and your the one that still thinks £10 is worth £10 pound 

Weather modifying machine [HAARP] 

2023 into 2024 [2025] many will expire

Look how big they are and how tall, so that the Nephilian can go down there with them, these deep earthquakes are for them, man has only dug 7miles into the ground so anytime we see deep quakes we know its for these mtf, the UV hits the plasma core of the planet and bounces straight back through the planet and into their sealed tombs, the higher beings have already scanned, mapped out the USA in 2012, it will be deathwish 4 

Check that - from deep space 

Tripping out - blackout - reboot 

Eye see you

PUTIN - King of the North - Draco Commander is limping - is that even him

There is significant risk to all HuMins [HuMans] but more so to the 6ethers - stay out of the sun 


Check the AURA and the Craft 

The crafts in the SKA are made from light - those on KI are using old reversed technology 
These are crafts, not UFO(s) man(s) craft is a UFO 

We have been here already 


Top right image are the DINKA TRIBU 
MANDINKA [INKA] INCA - these people built and resided in PERU [HERU] along with the ULMEC [OLMEC] 
HERU is OSIRIS who is ENKI [INKI] ENQI - these are your INCAS of AZTLAN [South America] 
This is also why the British made the modern day Indians address them has SIR [slave I remain] and O.SIR.IS  [SHIVA is ENKI] 

The term Monkey wrench was originally used to insult one of the tools inventor, Jack Johnson – however in 1835 Solymon Merrick had a patent and in 1858 there was Charles Moncky – this is where the term came from Monkey [Moncky] wrench – otherwise this wrench would have been called the ratchet wrench

Living in poverty, all these children - were are their parents - they said that they died in the war, really, all these wars but still looking trendy, were are all these tailors, who showed them how to make a 2-peice or 3-peiece - the Jews were head of the rag-trade but where did you get the rags from
They are wearing the clothes from the 9ethers that they murdered  

Satyrs [Fauns] PAN [ENLIL] ZEUS 
Not sure which one he is, you can see they etched out his whole body and he has a trophy of sum sort - these are the 9ether Greeks 


One global network - portable charges, they can leave their bodies [avatars] and go places, take another avatar+ 

FEZZA [FEZ] FEATHER vs the dirty MUUR - coming soon
Last image shows the volcanos erupting when the Europeans come in - these volcanos are still erupting
USA warzone - the feathers vs the turbanes 

It is still very important to recognise that we are one with the earth as within, so without and so we should have an idea of what chaos feels like within and we should have an idea of what peace feels like within – what is important is that you embody the peace that we are feeling within so that it can start to manifest [Magi] on the outside – the flip is not to just shut down – I don’t have a tv but I do keep an eye on current affairs in the 3D world, I do this to maintain my inner peace, I read things, watch things+ to maintain my inner peace, however I do allow a little bit of chaos in to know a little bit of what is happening in the 3D world – in order to contextualise what is happening and then still cultivate peace within yourself [your cell] myself [myCell] selfish [cellfish] and as well as within your inner space – 

To maintain this is to have the likeminded around you, always have the balance in places and spaces that keeps you grounded, at ease but not in your comfort zone, you want to leave certain things where they are because you have been down that road before, keep rooted and focused, you’ve done that already, been there before type mentality and this applies to doing things that you have done before but you are bored and restless– assess and determine if what your doing or going to do will lead to chaos or peace – strive for it for it won’t be easy but know that is what you want – situations are stimulations and you don’t need to add on to stimulations that have yet to be played out 

Have peace knowing that there has always been chaos in the worlds and chaos has always been balanced in these worlds before, we always find a way out – so this shall pass and with that know that we have been here before and have always made it through, granted it is harder this time round but that is why you are here – regulate your tri-system – keep calm, question anything that comes into you space – why, what and when – what does this person real want - protect your light at all times – step back and don’t attack because it’s the return of the Mac

Silence is bliss
Go in peace and let peace guide you home
The brain responds to silence

Johnny to bad, 4.8million watched his first upload and here is the follow up

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