Tuesday, 10 May 2022


Living life on your own terms, with your own narrative
Learn the nu you, don’t assume you’re the same person that you were yesterday
You can see the changes around you, now its time to reshape the nu you

The truth has changed you, from the planets real history to the revelations about who the people in your life and what they did and why they hated you [this is really for the chosen ones, the ones who choose the frequency of change] all of this had shifted your character and has awakened you to who you really are – and for most of us, you were never the way in which people saw us, you had to pretend, even in the way people described us

Many of us hid behind those characters, pretended to be what they say you are [were] take them out of your field and you are really who you are, no more projections, you will never have to answer to these people again

These last [3] years have truly awakened us [2022 does not exist] and so much has fallen away, so much falsehoods about ourselves have fallen away
Relearn [Remember] more about who you are and this puts you back together – that is the reason in this season

You have been upgraded – take time to know who the nu you is

You had been naïve, shy-ish in places about who you are and now you don’t hold back, make sure you do not have in your field old programs – no more toxic family, friends or relationships – no more poor decisions for ourselves that puts others above ourselves and no more of this Mickey Mouse on ice 

There are certain things that you cannot do no more, there are certain things that you will not allow yourself to do anymore, do not ignore these warnings or your spirit guide will leave you, we have mother in the mix and she will drop you also 

There are ancient information [light] about ourselves, there is ancient characteristics about ourselves, as we awaken [activate] we awaken the KAA [double you] that carried these gifts, abilities, we embody these gifts from our previous lives and thus we have to relearn about ourselves again – so approach everything like this is the first time, so don’t expect the previous outcome and do not respond in the typical way that you had before – that is old programming, those programs have been deleted, yeah it takes time but you are nu now and you must learn the nuances of our character because these nu levels [dimensions] require a nu character that has actually always been there

Step back and answer, do not step forward and answer- put out what you want back, be humble, let peace guide you without no apologies, the truth is to re-Set you free 

You have just emerged from a world full of hate, the world had to come to an end for lov9 to exist and without taking a break, you have entered this nu world while others stay exactly where they are, you’re juggling the two worlds but you need to be in one, be of the world but not in the world

This is a massive shift and had been in the making since you were incarnated, you’ve always felt this way but were trapped, do not deny your true feelings and emotions, do not lie to yourself

Na-Ta-Ru [Nature] NTR [Nedjer] Neter-U responds, she hears us and feels us – stay connected – sum of us have ascended to levels where nature hears us   

The inner-voice wants to do things differently, the inner you wants to move differently – the double you wants to experience things that the old you wouldn’t have wanted to experience

Take the time during this phase of balancing and restoration to learn who you’ve become – who you always were, these [Gods] and [Goddess] these NTR [NETERU] + are you

Listen to the signals that your receiving, this includes for your BAA [KAA], your KHU and your KHA aka your tri-system [triad]

Example, you have eaten sum thing all your life with no problems and now you eat the same thing and your tummy hurts- shift
Example, when you think of sum one or thing, place, name and you get vex- shift
Example, you want to go sum where specific, you want to be sum where specific- shift
Whatever comes up for you, if you BAA is not in it - don't do it, whatever comes up for you, if your KAA in not in it - don't do it- sum thing better is coming up

Energetic shifts, shift everything – be patient, be kind, be humble with you first, and eliminate much of that old you without an apology to anyone, answer to yourself only

This is the only avatar [Krishna] that can walk into this nu field  

Strength in numbers is for weak people, you walk alone for a reason 

This means your Jesus or Allah did not create the planet and the [3] kingdoms because your Jesus and Allah come in the last 2,000 years against a 296 million year date
We have to fossilize the Roman Catholics, the Catholics, the Buddha, Islam, Church of England and all the rest of the bullocks on the planet 

While everyone was reading this Mickey Mouse sh9t
The rest of us were reading the works of Tehuti [Thoth]
The laws of attraction are not material based like how the 6ethers are based
Ronda took one law and made the book the secret, there are [7] [9]laws to attraction 

The Dome [Van Allen Belt] EMF [Ozone layer] is coming down for good
plasma is inside the groove 

Red is surrounding this planet

2012 [2021] same frequency
NIBIRU is right there 

The dock is breached 
 This was only a month ago

Over 9th May
Read all data in Chakra energy 
When you see these graphics, this is then translated in the SKA [SKI] SKY- images below 

From the USA, HAWAII to CHINA 
You are mutating 

Purple Haze
Purple Rain
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves 
- is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above 
[plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
UVC deletes anything that is artificial to this soul-ar system, you need a BAA [soul] 
The planet is being cleansed the higher we go

The signs are in the SKA

100hz and 500hz 

[3] tones are hitting the planet

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [KANNU] light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 
AKA [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

May 4th- May 9th
Red is MAAT+HERU combined [FEMI.9] 
Blue is life force energy
Green [WAJI] is life force energy + healing energy 
WAJI [Heart] Chakra 

Hot flushes, tones in ear, body upgrades, pay attention to your dreams  

You will may feel drained [tired] 
Eat well for fuel

[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]
The sun is charging 

From the UK- an old upload 

Faces in spaces 

In places are faces 

What is he standing on

India about to get a head rush 
Tornados will be spicy this season 

Earthquakes hitting
India have 2 cyclones rotating in the opposite direction
Eclipse May 14th into 16th  

The daughter says is it a ship- you bet your bottom dollar it was a ship
notice how the ship shape shifts 

When this dimension locks down, all that is hidden will be revealed 

The snow in the mirror 

The reason why the cause of a sudden increase in Hepatitis in young children is a "mystery" is because the obvious reason is, once again, the Jabba the Hutt 


Blue [Red] KACHINA [MA.AT]


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] sUT and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Many are waiting on man to tell them 

This is what we want, for one of them to start singing like a Canary 


Italy [Ital] 


Etruscan [Tuscan] Cusco [Tuscany]


The 6ether Greeks said that the KHMT did not have the Phi [Ph] ratio, but they did in KHMT, that is were the 6ethers stole it from and here in Thailand we see the Ph symbol 
How long was the 6ether Greeks in KHMT [Egypt] for again- 

Siam the name of  Thailand [Ty-land] before 1939 
Thai translates from the Sanskrit word Syama meaning dark [9ether] 


Angkor Wat
Ankh-Horus [Heru]
Khmer [Khemet] KHMT 

Kam-bodia [Bodhi] 
Bodhi [Buddha] BANTU 
Pakistan [Nakistan] Naki [Na-Ki] Naga
Great Sage

PUNJAB was created in 1947
Here we see the Punjabi copying the original PAKI [NAKI] 

The Moors have been wearing the Turban and Fez [Qez] for over 800 years
they do not copy other races, they set trends and do not follow no one out here 

Venice [Spain
Wearing the Turban
Last two images, his nose was a little too [black] for sum and was smashed off at sum point 

The reason these [Iy] were sealed is because they de-materialized matter and walked through
there was never any bodies found here because these are not tombs, these are abodes
Astral travel
Stone holds frequencies  

Lyca [Lyra]
Sura [Syra]
Lyra [Lion] Lyon
Turkey [Tuscan]

Queen Lil'iuokalani

Candi Sewu
Java [Yava]
Indonesia [Indo-nesia] Melanesia [Melane-sia] Melanin 
Sia – Asia 

This damage was caused before the Dutch invaded 
Old images never lie 

Kouros [Horus]
Kourors translates warriors
Kalispera [Greece] Melanes [Melanin] Naxos
Melanin is a 6ether Greek word meaning [black]
And that is exactly why this place was smashed up
Notice left foot forward [KHMT]
Notice loc [locks] RaStar [Rasta] 
Zues has locks
Smashed noses
Brown skin 

Dionysos [Pater] is Asaru [Osiris] the [God of Vegetation 

IN.ANNA [Inanna] Ishtar one of her avatars is Aphrodite 
Head missing- I wonder why 

Capoeira [Kapoeira] from Bassula in Angola

She will be reinstated 


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