Are you in the nu Ki [earth] or still attached to the old
program [earth] that has actually passed away
We are no longer the victim of circumstances in that
reality – the only way to know this is to start to tell yourself a nu story
about yourself
You see that passed story, with all its burdens, pains
and frenemies, enemies and battles – its like I do not remember it anymore and
it is no longer a part of my narrative anymore, yes I post here about the 512
[400] years but I do not take it with me anywhere, yes payback is going to be a
bi9ch but that is for others, not me, I remember what happened, I was there, but I leave it alone
My own personal life only rears its head when I’m in that
company [field] but I do not carry these stories with me – to hold all those
feelings in your gut [stomach], to blame others, to hold things against
another, yes it can happen- what do you expect down here, I’m only HuMin – all
this and more is dead energy in your space, its in your field , however, all
this is fading away, its no longer in your gut, in your stomach, being held,
you’ve done everything, from talking to forgiving, - what I’m seeing now is
that the ones who get on with it are the ones moving forward with the nu
energies, its not holding them
That old life is falling away and the healing is
happening naturally – the healing is coming with the restoration and the
resurrection – because we are really in a resurrection process
The spell has been broken and the enemy no longer has
that hold over you, that unfair advantage over us is finished, we have not been
on a level playing field for a long time and how the tides have changed
Macro [Micro], the way that they colonised places is the
same way they colonised our minds within our own families, using their inbreed
narcissistic kind of personality to achieve this
There was so much spell work, mind control, MK-Ultra, gas
lighting, mental slavery, abuse that was done to us in our most intimate
situations, either growing up as children – in school, workplaces,
relationships – this and more+ there was so much that was out of balance, many
people did this unknowingly and then many more did this knowingly and started
manipulating our minds, manipulating the elements
Because these people were hidden – we never knew the
enemies of our B.AA [soul], they never revealed themselves, thus they would be
around us 24/7 draining our energy, draining out information which enabled them
to maStar us, to enable them to work out a strategy on you
Sum of this was among family, sum of you had things put
in your food, in your water, in your diet, it was put into your medicine, your
brain was compromised, many people had been drugged for many years without
knowing it – they put words [spells] into your mind, made you dumb from the
How long as this been going on, free access to our lives
meant that they were able to carry this out for many generations, breaking us
down over and over – when your young you are innocent and roam freely and they
know this and took advantage of this
Men don't need to know much about you, they just need to know what buttons to push, what you went through when you were younger- how emotional you are, how insecure you are, dad or mummy issues, now they have maSta-ed you
Adults over children, young teens
Man over a 13th year girl
Man means mind
Manuscripts - mind scripts
The advantage of being hidden is over, why, because you
remember, MAAT has been asking if we remembered for the longest, she asked us
if we wanted the 3D world or if we remembered and for those who chose to
remember can now see what was hidden
What you remember is down to the user, we all didn't start off at the same time, we all don't have the same experiences, what you have on file are your own files, not mine or hers, this is your truth, its on so many levels for you [me] what is revealed will be in the range of the users capacity
One thing about this dispensation is that you have been
given the gift of sight and knowing
You see and know who your enemies are, you see what they
have done, what they are doing, you see what they are planning to do, this
alone changes up the game, the mere fact that you are aware [conscious] when
others are only part-time, separates you from them- you chose the frequency,
many people will be called, few will be chosen, you have to choose the frequency
Just by seeing and knowing is a super-power, whether you
do anything physically or not, your spiritual team and you have already shifted
into action
You see, the hold that many had over us was old programs,
destructive [magic] programs
The atmosphere [dimension] that we were all under where
they could employ the negative beings, entities+ those energies are no-longer
available, we are not in that dimension no-more, we are not in that atmosphere
anymore, we had all been going through the trappiest system, these negative
people do not have that energy to pull from anymore, we are not in the 3D
anymore, that lower vibration has been removed, they no longer have those
connections from other dimensions that allowed them to do negative things, the
doors, gates, portals are closed- they have been locked
We are in a different part of the soul-ar system and this
means a lot of those negative spirits do not have access anymore, we are above
them [dimension] so they cannot pull that energy, they cannot pull those
principalities to interfere with you anymore because now we are on an equal playing
Which means in this field you have access to all your
powers and your team, which is what this post is about, upgrades – before they
had access to everything and you had nothing and now you have access to the lot
and now they have nothing, remember you were stuck at 7.89hz meaning you were
has intelligent has the 6ethers which is 10%, this was for 1000s of years, just
look around you today, now we are hitting 144hz+ and you are more aware in this
time than you have been aware [conscious] in any of your lives before, now you
know and not believe, what you know is far higher and supreme
K.AA means double you and is referring to an arsenal of
weapons that you have at your disposal
B.AA means your strength, how powerful it is
You had been operating without no poWRA
We are no longer asleep and that negative atmosphere is
no longer supressing the masses which held us from connecting to the higher
realms, its gone and what remains is the residue and this is what those who
head up the 3D world are milking, they are milking the residue and making
everything seem so real [reel]
Your enemies of your soul still want you to believe – but
the frequency has changed, we are on this equal playing field and because you
are of the light, because you chose to be a chosen one, because you have a
creative nature and not a destructive nature you win, its not even a battle –
you don’t have to nothing back send the energy back to sender, you just have to
maintain your shield [AU.RA] so that all this Mickey Mouse sh9t you see out
here and all that comes your way, simply returns back to sender – to which they
cannot even handle their own vibrations that they send out
The main thing was- could you remember, could you
decipher real energy from fake energy – do you remember
Many did not know you are a prophet, a seer [visionary], that
you have a direct access to the higher realms, that you have access to your
spiritual team that hides nothing from you
Your spiritual teams have changed, they have been
upgraded – we are in a totally nu dimension, before we had spiritual teams that
could operate on the 3D level, like your grandparents, anyone who transitioned
– they existed in the 3D plane and none of them went to heaven, many went to
the void, they were of this vibration, they are our ancestors, our grandparents
and so on+ we had access to them but we did not have access to our beloved
comic parents or cosmic ancestors – but we are in a nu dispensation
Sun of these guardians are the guardians of your mother
and her mother, even if your mother hated you or the father who sexual
assaulted his daughter -regardless, we were all under the same umbrella and so
we never saw any justice – any balancing, our ancestors who were guarding us
were trying to make everybody HA.PI and those who did wrong enjoyed what they
were doing, there was no balance – we were all out of sync- this is over now,
no one has power over another
The spiritual team has been upgraded and we have higher
level ancestors aka elders now in this field and they are not playing at all, I
thought she was bad, these lot are world class
Were you had your grandmother who was protecting you or
your great-grandmother or the relatives who were against you no longer have
that over you, there is no more learning, that is done now
This is a big game changer that the higher teams are in
this field now, this team takes people, spirits, entities out, if you get in
her way- this team will take you out – people need to watch for the Nubian
wombman has they start to push out their energies – they is no negotiating at
this stage
For a while I was wondering were she is, we are going to
see profound changes in the nu world, many people cannot function is this old
program and are rebelling, your spirit [KAA] is even beat-boxing to you, you’re tired,
you want out, out of this box
You have reinforcements
You will find others are now trying to reverse the spells
they did on you; many will try and repair but you are in a different dimension now
so many won’t even be able to approach you
Be honest with yourself, you can see them and you must
not deny the truth because you want to be set free, which the truth can do,
remember your thoughts, feelings and emotions are all being read, even your original
thoughts are all recorded, do not override yourself
We have been in the judgement fields for so long – your
judgement is your choices, both to yourself and against others or for others
You have higher level beings walking with you
The only thing that is blocking you now is the residue of
emotion and those thoughts that you plague yourself with, negative self-talk
which in turn brings down your defences aka your AU.RA shield
This had been over decades and decades, over 1000s of years
to break you down to this, they had only been in power for 77 years [100 years]
and that is this side of the century, all designed to reduce your way of
thinking to theirs- which is basic levels
Real energy can never, ever be destroyed, it can be bent
out of shape which means it can be bent back into shape
The upmost focus should be on you, on the end of the word
Neter-U is the letter U and they said they added the U to mean infinite
Focus on your continual healing, your rebalancing, on
your rewiring – you will have intermittent sensations, you may feel sleepy, you
may think of sum one you dislike or haven’t thought of in a while, you may feel
moody or have an outburst and don’t know where that came from, this and more is
the run-off from you letting go and moving forward
You do not have to wait until you are healed to advance,
go up when you are ready Eddie
Remember when you feel like this, pull back and send back
to sender – always call your energy back daily and send their energy back to
Renew yourself – restoration is your priority, don’t stay
in the minority
You are what you are waiting for
Ignore the title
The defense shield they have is fully radioactive and the spent waste is stored in lots and the forests - in Moscow - time bombs ticking
This lasted for a couple seconds
NI.BIRU [IMURRU] NEB HERU electro-magnetic interaction with the Sun [Re] who is electrical
Mutating wavelength - match the colours
Look at these codes
Russia model
Over 20hrs
Hitting 96hz and still on-going
spiking over 100hz - for over 4hrs
The graph does not go past 100hz on purpose
We know we are hitting the 144hz
Over 1400hz and over 14000hz
That is [3] tones hitting the planet
over the last 48hrs
7.89hz is now 144hz
14.1hz is now 1400hz
and the 20.3hz is now 14000
There are energies on the planet that are artificial and are distracting many - sum thing is off or sum thing is different, you can feel this right [I'm asking] sum thing is in the air and could well have been since the eclipse, watch your emotions because your energy can be harvested because of your Carbon, whatever energy that you are putting out there is what you are receiving
[remember there is instant Karma]
There is a shift
Even the sun has moved- is it even the sun - the sun and this planet have both shifted
The codes of the old system is constantly being pulled down and at the same time the reality is also shifting, it looks like a cartoon out there
If you have a 4G [5G phone+ your cell phone, laptop is all being fried by the sun- radiation, be wary
Watch the time, we are losing near enough 30mins a day, there was about 2 weeks ago where we lost 2hrs, I have three devices and no matter what they will all be the same time but eventually they all lose time, we are losing time because creation is speeding up, you will notice if you are one day in front, ahead - I have seen where on the laptop the time goes two minutes ahead instead of one minute
The sun is going to go ape-sh9t
Many people are activating and you must not take the piss in front others, you are still in KARMA and you still have to go through that field, you are being watched, you are being observed, you are not above others
Dragons are coming through the portals, the [God] Dragon aka the Anunnaqi
The planet is ascending, the portals are also inside of you
Do not get caught up with what is going on in the 3D, tap in and tap out
Stay away from those who are not on your vibration
When you vibrate higher you will see sh9t
There are councils here that are going to deal with many, watch what you are doing out here
Do not forget your Cosmic family
The planet is ascending and you cannot ascend with her if you are not coming from your heart [Chakra] space which is considered the divine FEMI.9
Soul-ar energy is a weapon, this soular flash that is incoming, you will be able to survive the flash if you have the ability to accept the light that will transform yourself how source intended you to be from the beginning, if you cannot adapt your consciousness then it is over Casanova - there are crafts above us scanning, they are scanning your AURA, they are scanning your heart
[Ab] translates spiritual [holographic] heart of yours
If you cannot make the ascension you will be deleted- and it won't be pretty
When you reach the higher realms, there is going to be [2] of everything - the duality stays there but it won't be on the same planet
There is a lot of negativity at play here, know how to read the energy - pay attention
A.I [clones] hybrids, those conceived in a test tube, those conceived in an artificial womb do not have a BAA, everything has a KAA - read the BAA [soul] energy because this is a soul-ar system and you need a BAA to be here, the bigger agenda is about extinction on both the artificial and the natural, however Mu [Mum] is not going to happen like that to her offspring - she will tear this Monkey sh9t down
Lov9 harvests the ability to bring correction and she will be cruel to be kind, old school style
Tone in left inner-ear
EMP is still a threat and we are due
The UV light- Ultra-viol-et [Ultra-viol-ence] has increased 10fold - especially against women and children - young teens
Water is vital for your body, you can go for 4days- into a week without food [yes you can because many already do this around the world eating bread+] but after 3 days or less your organs will start to shut you down without your consent
Drinking water is being taken away from the 3D world and fresh water is being moved out of the 3D worlds reach, have you seen the waters around the world that are rivers of plastic, rubbish- in Africa also, punishment is incoming, mass fish die offs, the water is being emptied
Time-lapse- looks spherical
Over 300 meteorites in the SKA over Santa Catarina
More than 300 meteorites were recorded
At least 120 of them came from comet Halley
[Hallie Selassie] and are part of the Aquarius rain
The Halley [Hallie] is the only craft visible to the naked eye and passes through this soul-ar system
Meteorites aka AStaroids are being attracted to the magnetics
Japan [Nepal]
No details- also the reflection in the water also shows other satellites
[ETHER] sun
They are sitting pretty
This craft is not travelling alone
huge mother ship
Huge craft
There are mother-ships over Texas, California, NYC, Florida, Cuba, over Mexico, they are over the USA, in clusters, armadas, flotillas, craft-docking complexes, carriers
They are over military sites, airports, nuclear reactors, underground cities, bunkers, over volcanos, they can bee seen on radar because they are not hiding, they are in plain sight
They are over other cities but mainly Russia, the USA, South America, Canada, France, Spain, Holland, Gibraltar, Ireland, Scotland, England, Greece, Italy - look out of you window
Sum of these mother-ships, are the size and of Texas+
This cluster followed the sun rotation and stayed bunched up like this
Lots going on
Loads going on, around the separate light source- there is a sphere going around it
[7][9[13] Chakra
They kept the name
Images from 1893-1896 [George Eugene]
Kabba is a piece of hardware that comes from a craft, it
is a [black] stone from Ethiopia- where is it
Mecca is in [Al] Ghor [Saudi] Eridu - so where is this
Esau [Iysuw] E-Saw translates The hairy One
What happened to these people back then and now, this doesn't just go away, every generation we have throwbacks, many don't make it pass the hospitals
9ether Greeks are called the Etruscan [Tuscan] Tuscany
Avato [Xanthi] Thrace
The 6ether Greeks did a survey on Sickle cell in ancient Greece- hello, Sickle cell is a Nubian trait, they have a natural defence against Malaria - if they did a survey on ancient Greece and Sickle cell- what does that tell you
Philae [Phial] just means vessel, holding vessel for liquid
these are toning, healing devices
Gold stores energies, Gold is a conductor
Why are there [9ether] people on the Golden Philae
And what about the ones in [Bulgaria] are these people slaves
as well, they thought highly of their slaves didn’t they
Look at Zeus and crew, they have altered sum to give them a blue, grey, white appearance, when all of them are [black] sum with loc [locks]
Check out the Hena
Somalia, Sudan men using Hena that the 6ether Muslims use today, Ramses who is NTR of Plut-land [Somalia] also used Hena and so did the Etruscans [Greeks]
Check out this vase, the 6ether Greeks hate women, they would never depict them on artifacts
here we can see the modern artist has gone over the images and is using [white] to indicate what colour they want the images to be, clearly they are all 9ether dancing
Always check what the 6ether Greeks and the 6ether Muslims put out because they do not want you to know about the 9ethers history
This is an ancient grenade
called fire grenades
Used by the Carthaginian [Kart-Hadan] and the Etruscan
This is more of a gun and is not attached to anything- this could well have been a plasma gun
Plasma would be classed has fire back then, even crafts were called stars because they didn't have the words or knowledge of what they were looking at
The 6ether Greeks invent their version over a 1000 years later
The Romans and Greeks want to claim it all
Let the Tur-kish, Syrian and Armenia [Amen] all fight over if this or that is theirs
Mt Nemrut [Nimrod]
The Kings come from the NTH gate
The Persians are from the NRH gate
The Kings playground is the NTH gate
Shiloh means peace
Romans looting from the Ethiopians
Where is Taiga
This is Taiga station on the Transibrian highway, the start of the Tomsk branch and is probably where Taiga
was, but where did Taiga go
Set out ;like Gobekli Tepe or Stonehenge
Found in Jordan [Eridu] – near intact
They said they found it in February 2022 which means they
found it in 1974
In [Al] Ghor [Saudi] in Eridu
this place is called AlUla [Alula] which is the name of A.NU(s) twin brother and is where they get the name Allah which translates the source
We had been on repeat until the loop looped out
She was holding a child
Avatar has already happened - do you get it, we have already been here before, loads of times before
This is the only existing
photgraph of a 9ft tall Neanderthal that was found inside of a Missouri cave in
the 1860s, they said that after 3 days the body turned to dust
The Neanderthal did not
make it to the USA, that is the first lie, secondly this could not be a
Neanderthal because the skull structure and skeletal structure are totally
wrong unless your text books are wrong and thridly is the body did not go to
dust after 3 days, the body got hidden, where there is one, there are many
Missouri does not exist
and replaces the Chiwere people, the Mississippi river flows though which is
Mississippi [Mis-isis-ipp] Isis [Aset] the river Nile and the Mississippi are on
in the same river
The USA is West-Egypt
[5] know in yourself [your cell]
I purchased this album 22 years ago - I was 21 and sum change, a lot of change, this album brings back memories
I feel intermittent - different sensations, different modes, different moods all at the same time, sensitive to my own my thoughts
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