Turkey today sits in ERIDU [Ir-ree-doo] which translates
Home Away from Home and is the first place that the ANNUNAKI hovered over and
landed, this area today includes Iran [Iraq] Afghanistan [Syria] Turkey [Saudi]
and is collectively called Suma [Susa] Sumeria [Sumerian] Shinar translates
plains [Mesopotamia] Babylonia [Typhonian] UT.NA.FISH.TIM
[Tur] Etruria [Etruscan] [1706] from Latin Etruscus
>> an Etruscan, from Etruria, ancient name of Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO]
which means [black son] [black base] the Basque and the Etruscan are one in the
Turkey [Tur-kish]
Kish [Kush] Cush [Kuwsh]
Sargon [Nimrod]
Turkey is littered with huge structures and none more so
that this impressive Castle
Kastle is an Ethiopian word that translates dwelling in
the sand
This used to be the seat of the Urartian [Ur] Tartarian Kings
that ruled over the region
Ur translates fire, light and is referring to a huge
mother ship that was grounded on Ki
Capital Urartu, Tilki-tepe mound is found in what is called Turkey today
The Kastle was erected on the steep-sided bluff from two
main kinds of construction materials, the lower walls were built of un-mortared
basalt and the upper sections of the walls - from mud-brick
The Kastle is sitting on a natural fortress, was also
protected by two deep trenches, cut into the rock of the ridge
The imposing walls of the citadel were built on stepped
rock terraces, characteristic to Urartian architecture
Urartian builders preferred to erect the foundations
directly on the bedrock, as thus they created these stepped structures
They also levelled the ground and formed flat surfaces at
various parts of the citadel where the buildings with many functions must have
stood including launch pads, teleportation hubs
Look at the top parts [main image] and see the same design that you
will find in Al-keb-u-lan [Africa]
The large blocks of the lower course and mud-brick and
stone for the upper courses
The architecture of the citadel was not limited to these
fortifications but also included many other buildings and structures, such as
rock [Iy] chambers for the elite, open-air sanctuaries, inscriptions on the
rocks and inscribed stelae
They have technology so that they can de-materialize matter and walk through walls
Persian [Cuneiform] text is old Ethiopia [Abyssinian] text
The southern face houses [8] separate [Iy] [abode,
coastlands, isles that are cut into the rock [4] of them are multi-chambered [Iy]
One [Iy] is the largest of the [Iy] the [Iy] can be
accessed by long staircases cut in the rock, these are not tombs
The multi-chambered [Iy] have a platform in front of the
entrance, a central hall, accessed by the steps, and several adjoining rooms
The rooms reach up to 9 meters in height and cover the
area of two hundred square meters
The researchers have identified a sizeable grooved
channel running down the slope from the platform situated in front of these
niches, for water
The niches are over 5 meters high and have rounded tops
Sargon [Nimrud] Israel
Diggers in a quarry during the field season of 1933-1934 in Ur
Excavating in one month, they removed more than 13,000 cubic
yards of soil to reach a depth of about 60 feet (18.29 m)
Shinar translates plains
5 Cities, [8] Kings rule for 241,200 years before the
Anunnaki go live
Babylonia [Typhonian] Sumerian, Sumeria, Sumer, Shinar,
Samaritans (a Bible ref) Mesopotamia, is all the same place or area, region,
Mesopotamia (UT.NA.FISH.TIM) is where now; Turkey, Iran, Lebanon (spaceport)
Iraq and Libya, Afghanistan, Syria all sit, in their time they spelt the area
UT.NA.FISH.TIM, in the Bible version his name is Noah
The elite first “hover” over the Persian Gulf, for the
Earth was without form, one land mass at that time
The elite were not HA.PI with the Nephilim so they flooded
the Earth, wiping out the 5 cities, Sargon [Nimrod] is first king, the first
King of Mankind, after the flood, King of Shinar “plains” they also nuke the
Sargon [Nimrud] is ENKI [ASARU]
So, Nimrod is a new chapter, but just before the flood
how about these Kings who are 8 Kings and ruled for over 241,200, no human can
achieve this feat; we were maimed at 120 years, they had the technology, the
Kinship is descended from the heavens, there are 2 Kings List
Alulim is King, he rules for 28,800 years, Alaljar for 36,000,
2 Kings rule for 64,800, Kingship falls, moved, En-men-lu-Anu rules for 43,200,
En-men-gal-Anu rules for 28,800, Dumuzid rules for 36,000
3 Kings then rule for 108,000, kingship falls and moved,
King Zimbir then rules for 28,800, another King then rules for 21,000, Kingship
falls, moved, the next King Ubara-Tutu rules for 18,600, another King for
18,600, 8 Kings in 5 cities, lasting 241,200
The Seraphim went to Tama-Re (Africa) with EN.QI by
authorisation of ANU, and the Nephilim, and Cherubim went to Mesopotamia,
Seraphim are the agreeable, Tama-Re
Nephilim, Cherubim are disagreeable (Cherubim are mixed
Cherubeem (Kaa-ra-beeem) translates “those who are near”
they can be in the form of animals, a Lion, half man half Lion, half Bird half
man, and so on, we see them in communication with a cone shaped instrument for
the 3rd eye
Nephilim translates “to fall down”
Nimrod Dagh (Nim-rood) from the root word Marad and means
rebellious one
In Hebrew [Habiru] One who rebelled (the elite like him,
he is strong minded, they call him the Rebel
Sumerian chronicles of their long past, when you read the
history; “Sumer” and Atlantis share similar timelines, advanced in
architecture, military, specialist in vaults, arches, tanks, wheels with
thread, huge army, elite system of social classes, priests, kings, Lion hunts,
recording crops, measuring fields, calculating, calendar, medicine, boats,
underwater breathing apparatus more+.
There are two types of Sumerians, yes civilised and
barbaric, the Freemasons only endorse the barbar-ic [Berber] Tartar
The Sumerians used ready-made types of various pictograph
invention of printing, the fore runner of our Rotary presses the “Cylinder
Seal” no high civilisation would have been possible, without a parallel system
in Mathematics, just like how we depend on paper when recording contracts, tax
records, Clay, the breakthroughs made it possible to combine lightness with
tensile strength for clay products, “reinforcing and firing” that firing came
with a kiln
Discovered in building materials they find copped reeds
or straw, giving strength like we do today with concrete and iron rods
The Sumerians worked with metals, including gold, this
gave birth to our Bronze Age, they had the fuels to fire the kiln, crucibles
and furnaces, the fuels making Sumer technologically supreme were Bitumen,
Asphalt, Petroleum products, they are the pioneers for our own industries today
For them was to combine 10 with a “celestial” 6 to obtain
a base figure 60, this system is in some ways superior to our present one, much
superior to the late Greeks and Romans system.
Enabling the Sumerians to divide into fractions and
multiply into the million, a Mathematical system that gave us the “place”
concept, as in the decimal system, 2 can 2 or 20 or 200, depending on the
digits’ place, so could a Sumerian 2 mean 2 or 120 (2x60) and so on, depending
on the place, 360-degree circle, the foot and its 12inches and the “dozen” as a
unit, evident in our daily lives
The Sumerians are huge in size, taller than the humans
Major technological advances in Mesopotamian history,
Sub-Kingdoms including Assyria, Babylon
Nimrod Dagh (real name is Sargon) is a Gibboreem which
means “Mighty Ones, Giants” he is not quite human [humin]
It is in the Sumerian story, the "Epic of
Gilgamesh" that we are first introduced to "Noah” and the great
flood, Sumer is the original home of sum of the people who will later become
known as the Hebrews [Habiru], so there will be similarities between Sumerian
stories and Hebrew stories
Nimrod and his Empires included Bab-el, Erech and Akkad
(Agade), all of them in the land of Shinar (Sumer) Akkad was the capital of the
later Akkadian empire
Today you have heard the term “Gods Land”, those “Gods”
are here, they have returned
A couple of years ago it was Iran and Turkey and Israel,
now it is Russia
The Turkish PM is a proxy for EN.LIL
Found in Turkey with material from Nefertiti but there are none on display, what was really inside
Granite holds frequencies, they left their bodies to go to heaven, which would have bee NI.BIRU and while they were away their bodies would be protected
Ancient Astronauts
So before the Kings list, at the time of the mining there
was a mutiny against EN.LIL, there were only Elohyeem and Nibiruans, who are
the Neter [Neteru] Neteraart- Rizq same beings, No Nephilim at this time, who
were the astronauts on Earth, the fallen angels - technicians and operators of
scanning and spacecraft equipment, but Nibiruans are all the same, saw and began
sleeping with the daughters of man and out of these forbidden actions were born
the Nephilim giants
Not all astronauts on Earth were from NI.BIRU, there were
other beings, aliens, E.T’S 100’S+ but when we speak of Tama-Re (Land of Sun)
and Mesopotamia UT.NA.FISH.TIM, it was only the ANUNNAKI who inhabited these
EN.QI as chief scientist was sent to the AB.ZU (South
Africa) as it was full of potential scientifically
Man had not been created at this time, but the research
for his creation had begun
So the Nephilim mix with an early version of us, giving
us the Gibboreem, Note; When the Nephilian mix with us, there are variations
within that mix, then that off spring, mix with us again, then we get sum-thing
The Nephilian also eat flesh
ANUNNAKI means those beings that ANU sent down from
Heaven (NI.BIRU) to Earth
Anutu is the name of the ANUNNAQI before coming to Earth
Anutu means ANU’s Beings
Anunnaki is Annunagi, so when the Annunaki leave Nibiru
(heaven) and down to Earth their new title is ANUNNAKI [KI] earth
The Sumerians called Earth [GI]
EN.QI means “ruler of Earth” QI > earth his old title
was EN.KI
Only long after the creation of the 14 first Tama-Re
(African) men and women did the Nephilim and Seraphim come about, they came
about several millennia later, when the "sons of God came unto the
daughters of man"
Right there is the explanation as to the battle of good
over evil, positive over negative, agreeable over disagreeable
Positive [Good] = ANU Gave permission for the creation of
the Black headed ones
Negative [Evil] = ANU asked Kha-Nowk [Enoch] to round up
the 200 fallen angels and tore chunks out of them in punishment for stooping so
low, the offspring of those unions survived the flood by being placed in the
Caucus [Caucasian] mountains and went on to become the 6ether Europeans
Enoch, his name is Adafa (AD.AFA) in Sumerian, means
“perfected” he is also known as Idriys, One who studies and Kha-Nowk (Enoch)
meaning “He who is dedicated”
Enoch walked with [God] he was his “right-hand”
Teotihuacan [Teoti] = Tehuti]
Kha-Nowk [Enoch] is Tehuti [Thoth]
Car [craft] park and main fuelling depo for Mercury which
was stored in underground chambers- used for their Vimana
Chiusi [Italy]
This terracotta [sarcophagus] is of an Etruscan woman found
in Tuscany [Italy], this is a masterpiece that is sitting in the British museum
They say her name is Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa and her
name is inscribed in Etruscan along the base of the chest
They reconstructed her from taking out her remains and
said she was around 50 years old
This is not Roman for the Romans hated their women and
secondly this piece has had the original paint taken off and she would have been Alkebulan
Another Etruscan terracotta sarcophagus lid depicting one
Larthia Seianti
Near Chiusi, [Italy]
Again the paint as been taken off
Etruscan piece from Japan
both have braids, locks
whatever was in their hands has been removed
All are real in the field
Once Warriors, Always Warriors
The Antarctica wall is a sphere around these lands
Geroge Kennan
-that is his hair, he is in the image next
Flashlight [Torch]
9ether on the run from 6ether
Look at the steel, iron rims, this is old crafts that had been reversed and it crash
-that guy looks really tall
No matter the crises never stop giving Isis
See the grid [NEIT] of the Holographic weave [code] around the sun
Continuous CME [EMC] strikes since the Eclipse things have amped up
They are up and running
DNA [DEA] RNA is ever changing
Read all data in Chakra, Soul-ar energies
Their instruments [machines] are still updating
Red, Green, Blue and Yellow streaming through the Crown
Plasma [Khaybet] is inside the field
90 degree [force field] cube around this planet, no energy can escape, this house is sealed
NI.BIRU [NEB HERU] IMARRU [HABIRU] is right beside her
Red, Yellow, Green
1966 [12 children taken from a Canadian residential home, never to be seen again]
Where the poles used to be
With scouts, probes
INDIA is eroding away
Land is moving under peoples feet, land is filling up with water
Land is being eroded, land is being taken away
Gibraltar M6
In March 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a tabletop exercise simulating a global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkey-pox caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory
Monkey-pox is coming for the lizard man offspring
[reptilian] Rh [Rhesus] factor – they gave you the poison already – this virus
is linked to SARS [ASARU] the pharaohs curses aka the Zombie apocalypse
Its interesting how the Monkey pox has jumped into HuMans
[HuMins] aka humanity
This is not your problem, nature and this planet is
cleansing herself, UV is a cleanser and destroys anything that is artificial to
this planet
Monkey-pox is nothing to do with the natural species of
this soul-ar system, you have to contact your Jesus and get on your knees and
ask him to save you, if you took those poisons your insides are already rotten
by now – there will be no refuge in her light, she will turn her back on you
Sexually transmitted, unusual Monkey-pox outbreak hits gay
or bisexual men in U.K, Europe, Canada and U.S.- this is the same rhetoric they
used for AIDS[HIV] by saying that the Africans ate the Monkey, Bush meat, that
gay people transmitted the disease YAWN OUT LOUD
Look what the Toads have on their skin [bumps] and look what Monkey Pox looks like, its the same thing, Herpes+ the same thing- you are the host especially if you took the Jabba the Hutt - the Reptilians have the toad in their classification - they are about to become what they are inside on the outside - just look at the Zika children- that is a toad- flog - that is not a disease this is what these people were originally before, these people are going back to factory settings
Watch the movie 28-days later
Radiation causes all types of things and there is bio-weapons, remember there is a man-made culling taking place, Georgia Guide stones in Georgia which as the same name as Georgia where the Caucasian Mt are - who are they trying to delete, it cannot be 9ethers because we just had 512 [400] years worth, so who are they trying to delete
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