Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Wanted dead or alive

What is noticeable is that the FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG is not playing, she is warning the masses, she is warning those in charge, the soul-ar eclipse was a game changer – we also had a reboot, jumping of timelines with the frequency changeover

We have another Eclipse on May 15th

Whether people are ready or not, there are massive changes incoming – the energy is chaotic, I feel my metabolism speeding up with my thoughts, I’ve been eating more and more and feeling hungry, this indicates fuel is being burnt, I have not been able to connect but the thoughts are there, everything for me at the minute is in the astral realms, I have also been seeing things from my first eye via my second and third eyes, I let it flow because its not harming me, things like this are getting me ready for when the veil drops completely 

This energy is ready to bring the chaos down to the planet, s-he has been surrounding the planet for a while and now she is ready to unleash, this is a warning to those who continue to disrespect the FEMI.9 principle- what I am referring to is the heart space – how you treat the female on all levels

You see Islam today, its male dominated and she is here to crush it from the inside out, these are the sort of things that she is here to destroy, those who abused her [physically][mentally] and [spiritually] this does not just apply to men only, this applies to females also, for there is a lot of women who operate in their masculine energies that are not in tune with their divine FEMI.9 energies, that she will move against her own kind

You need to very careful about what you say, everybody is being watched on the planet right now

You should not be taking mainstream news has your source of news, yes keep an eye on it but make sure you are sourcing from source, when you use Google to word search, Google asks the Oracle for the answers, you can partly do this, when you are in tune, the spirit world works with you and uses a variety of different means to answer you, pay attention because many of you are actually being answered and you don’t know this

The universe is Omega [FEMI.9] no beginning of days, no ending of nights     

The signal for the internet comes from Sirius, it always did, what do you think you are using to connect to source 

2009 saw a massive earthquake in Haiti, coming in at M9, that was payback from the Europeans for taking out 250,000 of the Europeans when they first invaded, the Europeans used HAARP [machine] in 2009, while the Haitians used VOODU aka the ancestors [ant-Stars], during the quake, the Clinton foundation was present and snatched up many children  
Those children were taken to underwater facilities and had experiments performed on them
Now, what we have seen are [merman] mermaids – ones that were experimented on, sum of these facilities have been broken into and a lot of them have escaped, sum have been taken to the Moon by the Galactic Federation to be cared for – this mermaid in this upload, her hair has been sewn onto her head

Ancestors the word 
From PIE root ant- front, forehead
Proto-Indo-European root meaning front, forehead, with derivatives meaning in front of, before; end
Also see *ambhi- aka amphibian
Mermaid [Merman] are the Nomos originally
Nagas [amphibian] 

Mermaid [Merman] the word comes from the Nomos originally 

We have [5] senses but is actually [7] feelings and emotions is what they leave out, and you have [4] higher senses, you will need to use what you feel when digesting data, feel it out, you will need to go within and search yourself, you answer first before you ask sum one else – know what is real and what is not [fake] use discernment, check your heart space, does it resonate with your B.AA

To evolve, to reach the higher planes, the higher frequencies, you must have a certain amount of adept – these dimensions within the organ [brain] are not going to open just like that, you have to get the keys to open these dimensions, all is within you and is down to the user on how many of a range they have – you have multiple universe in the organ and in the body and is the reason you can travel, you have access codes to get to these particular planes, dimensions, planets, realms

No one likes changes, it will no be comfortable but for the overall outcome, we will all have to go through here – the changes are positive

There are things here that do not fit and they have to go, there are things that must be destroyed in order for Ki to ascend for her to elevate and means people, places and things have got to go – if you want to continue to reside on Ki, then you will also have to go through the changes

The veil is very thin, no more hidden, no more secrets or lies, nothing happens before the time [emit] and we are in that light – whatever you think you are hiding, is coming to the forefront and this is on so many levels, they say Ki has [33] dimensions, then whatever is on that dimension [level] is coming up into the light, be prepared to deal with your sh9t, you can lay your cards out on the table or deal with it in another way – either way you are still going to have to deal with your own sh9t whether you want to or not, its coming

Trauma on the planet and many of you experienced trauma through your parents who also received a lot of trauma, for order to be restored and to have balance, we will see many people healing through expressing their feelings and emotions, we will see this both from the males and females, I’m seeing it forums, lives and uploads, we all need this in order for the energies to balance out the equation

Look at yourself first because everyone around you is merely a reflection of yourself, so this begs the question, who do you really have the issues with- the issue is with self [cell]
It is too easy to project 

Sigils [seals] are being seen on buildings, on land, on people – these are for protection, its Magi [Magic] – we see these seals on police buildings, the reptilians did this, don’t be afraid because the reptilians feed off of fear, Greys, reptilians can only deal with you by fear, show none and they cannot touch you 

Atlantis here is a sector of the planet Atlantis, it’s a craft and is under the water, there is no ocean floor – its limitless, the movie where they sort of touched on Atlantis was the movie Abyss, and notice there was never any more movies like that, maybe Aquaman, hmmm, I wonder why, I also wonder what all them submarines do down there

There is nothing nu under the sun and if you thought about it – then it means it already exist, your just receiving channels coming from the ethers – whatever you think of, see, creatures, beings, planets and more+ are all coming from what you store within your files DNA [RNA] DEA or you are channelling and are receiving data aka information aka knowledge aka light, no all down here are [Gods], sum of you are Angels [Angles of light], sum of you are Nomos, sum of you are ANU.NAGA, sum of you are Atlantean, Titans, the list goes on, what is for sure is that most of you, including me are hybrids, there are only a few indigenous tribus left untouched on the planet, many have already been taken to NI.BIRU and other crafts     

Keep this in mind, you have no thoughts, so when you cannot connect or cannot dream or cannot connect to higher beings or ancestors, remember, you have no thoughts – do you know what this means, it means everything that is coming into your mind is coming from sum place else

Most of the 9ethers are right-brained – not all but the majority, the right brain is the creative side of the brain and you may hear communication that is coming from sum thing else, not from you, I once went to sleep listening to a language, tone, that I had never heard before coming from the inner ear that is shaped like a number 9 – it wasn’t a tone, it had a language to it

To become versed is to not listen to the second thought, don’t question the original thought and make it the second thought – remember, you do not have any thoughts

Keep yourself spiritually clean at all times, that means you, your home and the people you keep, clean your environment, get rid of what you do not need in every aspect
Sum one I know said his partner was sleeping with sum one else, I said how do you know, he said that when she got up, he could see the reptilian print in the bed that she had left, I said you need to change the mattress or forget it
Negative spirits hide in mess, in clutter, you’ve seen those Slapped Ham videos, they are always in abundant run-down buildings, sewers, they are in clubs, in your family, at work, in the street+ around places that have negativity

Never underestimate the poWRA of the female 

Oshunmare - divine rainbow [Chakra] serpent associated with creation and procreation
The word Kundalini or Khudalini is a Naga root word that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and is called Oshunmare [Osumare] Oshun [Femi9] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami [Kammu] and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El]

align your KAANU- your first eye 

Mono [Moon]
Seen during the soul-ar eclipse in Chile
How does the Mono change like that  

Ki facing, we have had multiple hits from the sun 

We had a reboot, jumping of timelines with the frequency changeover from yesterday

Today, spiking at 100hz+

Yesterdays spiking and the week before hand 

DNA[DEA]RNA is changing 

Sum CME(s) are hitting one another on the way in 

Over 144hz

1400hz and 14000hz 

Brainwaves, people will be going offline, all this sustained pressure, brains will be frying under the UV, under the soular energies, especially those who do not have a soul
That planets heartbeat is rising and this will cause many to go insane in the membrane [brane-brain] 
People are aging, getting older before their time, weight gain, there is a big drive on mental health which is the crown [purple] chakra, bio-polar is still manic depression, which is depression of the brain, there is nothing you can do because this is higher than any medical doctor or psychiatrist, many races are only compatible with 7.89hz which was for 1000s of years but today we are residing on 144hz+ that is a huge difference, this frequency is destroying brainwaves aka brains, the frequencies are flying them through the head and throughout the body  

Ultraviolet is Ultra-violence which has increased 10fold

Last 24hrs
WAJI [GREEN] HEART - check out the codes 
Red + 
The sun is triggering CME [EMC] aka soular energy 
they will have to trip the grid, electrical appliances will be affected 


Purple SKA 

Baghdad [Hadad] [Ha-dad] [Mighty] aligns with Sedona on LAHMU [Mars] I wonder what cannot be seen when the SKA goes like this –

Ukraine looks like Syria 
There is a person falling in this video be wary 

Volcanoes release negative energies 
Etna [Etruscan] I-tal [Ital-y] 

Spirits in the SKA measuring higher than a city block 

Shamayim [Sha-ma-yeem] translates two skies 

Oklahoma [USA] 
Mother ship is also in the mix

There is also a huge craft in this image with NI.BIRU and the Sun

Florida [USA] 

The SKA of Mexico [4.5.2022]
You can see the spheres and mass [ether] black
Nun [Nu] Nut Mu [Mut] aka the deep, abyss [universe] her other name is Neit which translates to weave and is talking about the holographic computer program [universe] can you see the grid in the images, like the movie Battleship 

The SKA over Mexico is not user friendly
The Un [Nu]-i-verse is a computer program made from liquid crystal [water]  
There is i in the word Universe
Uni - together [to gather] not one, to gather all
Verse- against   

Sum thing left the portal 

The sun is underneath 

Scout, probes in tow

What is behind the SKA [veil] that is coming down
rumours of wars 

Mammoth graveyard unearthed at Mexico’s New Airport, and may be the world’s biggest Mammoth graveyard
The remains of dozens of the extinct giants and other prehistoric creatures have been found in Zumpango [airport] on the northern edge of the capital, which sits on an ancient lake bed
More than 100 individual mammoths, individual camels, horses, bison, fish, birds, antelopes and rodents have already been recovered
In total remains have been found at 194 spots across the site since the first discoveries were made in October last year during work on a fuel terminal
We are looking at between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago – sum thing happened that trapped them all here – like the ice-age - animals have been found with food still in their mouths, in their stomachs

Tamil Nadu
India [Indi] Inda [Naga]
Where did all the 9ethers go- sum are in Yellapur 
NAGA [NIGG9] Nigga 

There is a 50,000 strong Siddi population across India, of which more than a third live in Karnataka
In Karnataka, they are concentrated around Yellapur, Haliyal, Ankola, Joida, Mundgod and Sirsi taluks of Uttara Kannada and in Khanapur of Belgaum and Kalghatgi of Dharwad district

They are not slaves; they were there before any modern-day Indians were even conceived and is where the HINDU KUSH [CUSH] comes from for the Persian aka Ethiopian [Abyssinia] Ab means father or heart and the father seed for the Cushite [Kushites] Kish [Kush] is NIMRUD aka SARGON aka ENKI – India is a wreck over there with billions and billions of backward people, Islam and religion and man have all combined in bringing the vibration down over there, deep cleanse is coming and much needed

India never won an Olympic medal ever- until they used a Siddi female athlete in the 50s or 60s+ and her achievements have been deleted from their records because she is a Naga [Nigg9]   

This image is in the British museum, the British only steal from Nigg9s and not Paki(s)

Look how big that fan is 

A.I game from the 80s

Goonies or reality 

Hand-painted coloured engraving published in 1814 by English artist Robert Bowyer
Pay attention to the house that on the roof is covered with a flowerbed, like soil, sprouted grass [????] 
I wonder why 

Flying machine
Using the poWRA of the planets ley-lines and Mercury has fuel 

All over the panels we see their modes of transport 

Ripped from the walls in KHMT and kept in private hands until the guy died and here we are 

There are different versions of the Greys [Reptoid] 
The movie Alien [Rumardians] and Predator [ANU.NAGA] are not that far away from the truth   
Black lens are sun-glasses – sum have human eyes underneath

When the Ul-Mec [Olmec] returned they found sum of the tribus were blood sacrificing, the Ulmec took sum to hollow Ki and the rest went to Cambodia which can hold 750,000 people
These two images show leaders being killed 

What happened here in Aztlan – many empires existed in Atl-antis, which is Kanada, the USA and South America- was this a hostile takeover with sum of the panels indicating this, were they not residing side by side 

These images have come out in the last decade from the South Americans, they have had these images [panels] decades ago, Argentina recently had an earthquake that was M5 but 300 miles deep, this made me think, why so deep- who is down there

Many had locs [locks] and were different 9ethers [brown][black][red]+
Inca and Aztec, Ulmec, there is no disconnection 

There were in HERU [PERU]

When these wombmen were present, men would drop to their knees, once the Belgium's and others saw this, they were outraged, because she was a wombman and how dare they have a female above the 6ether rule, they murdered and raped many to delete them 

Whatever is our thoughts, they do not play a role in what the higher beings down here, what is abnormal is totally normal to royalty  

How tall are these beings

Check size against the MER [MIR], sum had wings, what are they doing with the mother and child

What happened here

There is a theme about birthing a child and who is this Mermaid [Merman] 

Karma Sutra 

Is that his willy

From the Dogon [Mali] 

There are loads of them, different headdresses [crowns] and many have locs [locks] 

This one has a Gold complexion - skin 

What kind of keyboard is this 

Look at the markings, symbols

Where does his hair go and how does it work with the helmet

An awful amount of work has gone into these pieces, the same amount we see in KHMT and INDA

Attention to detail, these were not just put together 

Jade which primary comes from China, also comes from Myanmar [Mayan], Nu Zealand, Kanada, Taiwan, Guyana, Surinam, Russia- they say  

Sum one didn't approve, other beings fall out with one another, there has always been a war over the HuMins [HuMans]  


Grotto [Kamara]

Over 2,300 caves filled with over 100,000 statues of all sizes

Picturesque cavern or cave, from Italian grotta, earlier cropta, a corruption of Latin crypta meaning vault, cavern, from Greek krypte >> hidden place

Cripte, grotto, cavern, from Latin crypta -vault, cavern, from Greek krypte - a vault, crypt- short for krypte [Kamara] meaning hidden vault- feminine = of kryptos hidden, verbal adjective from kryptein to hide, which is of uncertain origin

The word Crypt comes from the morden day Greek, but Pre-Greek we have Kamara- all words beginning or ending with KA[BA]MA[RA] find their way back to the online stone library

Word-forming element meaning hidden, covered, from Latinized form of Greek kalyptos -covered, from kalyptein - to cover, conceal, from PIE root *kel- to cover, conceal, save

Root meaning to cover, conceal, save- where they get the word Helmet from 

It forms all or part of: Anselm; apocalypse; Brussels; caliology; Calypso; calyx; ceiling; cell; cellar; cellular; cellulite; cellulitis; cilia; clandestine; cojones; coleoptera; color; conceal; eucalyptus; hall; hell; helm >>> a helmet; hold >> space in a ship below the lower deck; hole; hollow; holster; housing >> ornamental covering; hull >> seed covering; kil-; kleptomania; occult [hidden]; rathskeller; supercilious; Valhalla; William

Sanskrit [Kamara] Kala >> hut, house

Sanskrit is old Tamil writing [text]
Sumerian is old Persian writing [text] which is old Ethiopian text

English is a Baal’star [Bastard] language and takes most, if not all of its language from Latin [created by the Moors, definition, meaning and Etymology are all completely different and is to why you have to search the word

Turkic dynasties
Turk [Tur] Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] [black base]
No one knows who built the Red city

But they say Genghis Khan destroyed it 

Sliver found in 1985 in what is called Bulgaria today
There were 165 silver items in the warehouse with a total weight of 20kg
That was 108 violets, 54 jugs and 3 cups
Geometric figures are in between- plant elements - wooden branches, pink runaway, lotus flowers; animal images - winged Akur [lions]-griffons, winged horses - Pegasus, winged goats) and dogs, panthers, birds, hippopotamus+ which would be found in Alkebulan [Africa]

They say, that this Hun [Hannibal] Han, he has horns - is this not Pan 

Look where Bulgaria and Hungary is  
Hungarians, Ungari, or Ugrians [Ugors] [Egor]
Hungarian and Bulgaria only exists in this century, like most of the other places that did not exist until we had [512] 400 [slavery  

Atilla the Hun [Hungarian] is not European like in Albino, they called you Mongoloid if you were [Black], and Asian [Khoisan people] looking, you know, where the word mongrel for a mixed dog breed comes from, it’s a disrespect today but is an honour to be called mongrel has in Mongolian

The lead Mongolians where all Nubian and Genghis Khan and his sons, woolly hair and dark skin and came from the Tartare

Hungary, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan Turkey [Ottoman] and more are all under the Mongolians
Turk [Tur] Tuscany [Tuscan] [CUSCO] which means [black son] and, or it means [black base]

Ancient Black China: The Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jomon, and Huns
Republic of Tatarstan [todays Prussia – Russia]

Azerbaijan [Eridu] 
Armenia [Amen] Amun
3 rooms for teleportation, astral travel
stone holds frequencies

S-he watches, s-he listens, she has patience but don't take the piss 

  All aboard flight MA108 
Departing when you are ready
Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please

Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign
If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin
Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt
And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position
If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat
If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you

 Our flight time will be of 999hours and 9minutes
We will be flying at an altitude of 99,999ft at a ground speed of 477miles per hour

Buckle up Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye

You cannot get off, and if you could, would you want to Neo 

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