Thursday, 19 May 2022

File and Rank


The so-called Star of David was derived from this symbol of [2] triangles [ME.KA.BA] – there was no David to start with in the first place

This symbol is the [2] opposing forces that hold the universe together [to gather]
[white] [7] light verses darkness [triple]

The wars between good and bad [evil] aka [2] polarities of your Yin and Yang

The vibrational frequencies of expansion and contraction

This is the symbol of electromagnetic force that unified with dialectic force to form electricity

The E.KUR [AKUR] MER [MIR] [Pyramid] holds the key to this knowledge

Global symbol before man and his religions 

This is sacred geometry, golden ratio [9] numbers, this is the mathematical [Ma’at-e-ma’at-ical] formula of creation

Most Rasta [RaStar] men are attached to the scriptures of the English Bible, show this sign and they will attach the symbol to David which is an English name, ask them what his name is in Ethiopian or do they know this symbol in any other way, tell them what you know and they will say Bloodclaat, you reply, you got that right

Times have moved on say 2,000 years ago, energy never stays still or it will become stagnant, sum people only stay in one aspect of knowledge in which they become prolific in but also renders them obsolete

What constitutes in the Macrocosm it also constitutes in the Microcosm

This is the universe in you  

As above, so below, as within, so that you are never without, as the universe, so the soul 

The forces are coming together [to gather] 

12 midday until 6pm
Its show time
You have never seen the Schumann register like this

All the instruments stopped updating at 6pm 18.5.2022 and now 19.5.2022 
Over 14,000hz and over 1,400hz and 144hz 

The instruments malfunctioned and are offline because the energies that came in rocked the satellites to sleep- this is the most powerful light that we have seen recorded on a man-made machine – many people will be going offline, many people will be overloaded [crown] stay out of the way of those who seem on the edge, those delving deeper into the unknown confusion

You know better, you’re world-class now

Tick-tock the body is going to rock 

12:45 until 17:55pm
18.5.2022- look at the last 1hr 
Look at the codes 

Look at the date 14.5.2022 [???] 

Same here 13.5.2022 - these graphs came out on the 19.5.2022


Hiding either a craft leaving or entering, or another X-Class [X-ray]  

We have had prolonged sunny days that abruptly end in cold, overcast evenings
They are chemically spraying the SKA relentlessly    

3 M7(s)+ hit the planet 

Huge amounts of Chakra [tree of life] energies
Plasma is heavy out there

The Mono [Moon] has been on full power for [3] days 

Mental health
Crown [Purple] Ultraviolet
Bio-polar is the fancy word for Manic depression 

Plasma is inside the field, heavy discharging last night


Florida [USA] 

The [ether] sun, over what was known has Israel

Crafts sitting on the ceiling of the SKA 


Signature craft on left 

Sham [cylinder craft] can hold 50 ANNUNAKI soldiers

Sum thing happened in the last 24hrs 

Signature craft 

Big craft in the weather cell, however there is a scout craft exactly where the lighting is being distributed  

Everyone is talking about bases, other beings, crafts
watch for the distractions in-between 

The truth must be revealed [hidden first] 

It is the Arcturus military that is dealing out the punishment down here, they are controlling war crimes, children, organ+ everything goes their military 

On Lahmu [Mars] 

They went to Lahmu [they were taken and taken to the Moon] a long time ago


Sri Lanka
No gas, food
Politicians beaten and murdered, government buildings on fire
Tic tok- coming to a place near you 

3 M7(s) hit the planet 

Buffalo solider [sold ya]
Recent events sent shockwaves amongst the [black] community – in a mass killing which  was staged

Both ENLIL(s) children and ENKI(s) children control the weather, one using HAARP and the other by their moods, emotions
We have had prolonged sunny days that abruptly end in cold, overcast evenings
They are chemically spraying the SKA relentlessly   

Watch your emotions and feelings out here because you are affecting this outcome  

This Tudor-Moor vessel sank
X-rayed- what are they, is that for knitting 

Aether [Magnetism] 

The Mali-wawa people leave their records before the European Australians arrive showing complete harmony with Kangaroos and Emus and Koala bears

Maliwawa [IRU Malawi]

Unicorn = Rhino
Behemoth = Elephant
Leviathan = Nile crocodile [replies]

Tasmanian Devil is only found in Tasmania and not anywhere else and have been here for over 20,000 earth years – they were introduced in other places

There is no mention of the Kangaroos or the pyramids in their Bible- why is that because they didn’t know where Australia was or what the pyramids were

Kangaroos have been on the planet for 30million earth years and pyramids have been on the planet for longer [there are different timelines for sum of the pyramids]  

Ab-original chief 

Xuan-Di [Black Emperors] Yandi and Huangdi

You can see these structures have been rebuilt

They would have looked like this 

Shang dynasty is Shango
Ancient 9ether China is the Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jomon, and Huns
One of the first Shang emperors was Huang Wang, [9ether] Xuan means black
He was also called the Huang Di, meaning Black Emperor
There should be [9] or [7]

The culture hero Huang Di is a direct link of Africa
His name was pronounced in old Chinese Yuhai Huandi or Hu Nak Kunte
This transliteration of Huandgi, to Hu Nak Kunte is interesting because Kunte is a common clan name among the INCA [INDA] INDIA and that would lead into Africa like Kunta Kinte- Kinte [Kunte] is a surname 

Also, the 9ether Prince, and the Red Baron was red, Huang literally means yellow, [Koppa 9ethers] aka Nubians

The skeletal remains from southern China are predominately Negroid
The people practiced single burials which is an African ritual

The founders of Xia and Shang came from the fertile African Crescent by way of Iran which is Persian, which comes under Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Eridu 

Nile River valley as part of the Crescent, but even then, the majority of the Crescent is in Mesopotamia

Evidence of Chinese writing as pottery marks
The shell-and-bone characters represented writing they were not pictures but wedges similar to African Cuneiform

The Africans or 9ethers that founded civilization in China were often called Li Min which translates black headed people by the Zhou dynasts
This term has affinity to the Sumerian term Sag-Gig-Ga [Black Headed People]

These Li Min are associated with the Chinese cultural hero Yao

Armenia [Amen]
Colchis, the Artaxiad

Moors Etruscans aka the Phoenicians aka the Latins aka the Romans

The African is not a one continent people, they are on every piece of land this side of the planet

Mt Rush-more [Muur] Moor
Black Hills

Built on the sacred lands and sculpted by a man connected to the Ku Klux Klan- the KKK only deal with the 9ethers, kick in the teeth by building over the transmitter [Mt] with 6ether men, there is an entrance up there that leads into the Mt


Balancing rock formations
Yorkshire Moors

Sphinx, the Watchdog, the Camel, the Turtle and the Bear
The area was recognized as being a site of special scientific interest in 1958

Over 400 million earth years ago, a large mountain range just like the Himalayas stood not far from where this site now stands

Over time, powerful erosive forces slowly wore them away creating a river delta
These sands [trees cut down] were later compacted beginning the long process of shaping the rocks into their current forms- but not all of them 

The Moorland
Druid [Ghoul] TWA [IRU] BANTU

This site is sitting on one of the planets lay-lanes 

Similar to Hoodoo formations in Canada
There are different timelines 

Ivory Bangle Lady - found in Yorkshire Moors

Turkey [Eridu] to Turkestan 

Atlantis the mainland goes down and at this time the electricity gets cut, short circuiting throughout the grid- MER(s) pyramids and power stations

Remember Atlantis - the technocrats ruined the mainland there, so maybe this time the electricity from the air broke out and there was a short circuit throughout the pyramids and power stations system

As above, so below 

H-indu [Indi] Inda [Inca] architecture 
1849 – 1910 

Made from wood

Granite holds frequencies, vibrations, tones, sones, acoustics, most of all these structures are made from Granite which no other material is stronger than Diamonds and hard work

Over 130,000 tons was used in this construction in INDIA H-INDU [INDI] INDA [INCA] INKA

There is a sphere [circular] separate device on top of this launch pad that weighs 80 tons alone, how did they get it up there

None of the Indians or Pakistani or Muslims or the Bengalis had anything to do with the construction of INDIA in anyway, they were not here when INDIA was built, they invaded from the Cauc-asia/n Mt

Roman coin with Arabic text on the reverse side which will only appear 600 years after the Roman is depicted on it

[Al] ‘Arabiyya Fusha which would translates as classical Arabic did exist with the Moorish sciences, remember the Indians love to remind the 9ethers that the first person to call everyone to prayer was Bilal and Bilal was a [black] slave, what this also lets you know is that the 6ether Muslims had never seen anyone call people to prayer which means you never had Islam until you saw the 9ether Muslims practicing first

Is the Oxford University older or the same age as the Aztec buildings- because according to their dates they were both commissioned in the same era

Found in France [Chateau Gaillard] 2 meters down in the ground for 900 years – about the length and breath of the Moors in France [Europe]  

Fully equipped with a steering wheel [handle bars], frame, saddle, wheels with spokes, pedals and a chain gear, wheel mud guards, come on people, 900 years this bicycle has been underground in France

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