Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Free the Sons of Mary

Freemason symbol
Inverted MER
Compass [sphere]
32o [33o

The most significant war to date is on y-our doorstep, waving the four-four, it will be in Russia for the western records but the war written before man is in the USA, the war between two rivers [oceans] 6ether against 9ether or energy against energy or dark against light, we were given the chance to come together [512] but one group declined, plan 144 is now in operation

How did we get here

Free the sons of Mary [Free-Mason]
Mary comes from the word Mason and Mason comes from the KHMT word Ma’sem which is in the [Mazzaroth] constellation which is housed in the birthing house sign [Virgo]
Ma means Mother and Sem means Son and the MaSem [Virgo] house is the birthing house which is [mother and child]
Con-Stella-tion [Stella] means Star
Mazzaroth [Mazza-roth]

The Freemasons are the mouthpiece for the Illuminati   

ENLIL and ENKI and Jacob and Esau 

ENLIL(s) offspring are not from earth [Ki] they are nomads on this planet and have no land – before he came the ANNUNAKI had already divided Ki [earth] up into [3] regions, the land of ENKI called the motherland aka Alkebulan [Africa] Alkebulan wasn’t called Africa 512 [400] years ago, 512 years ago the motherland was called the greater Sudan and Afar-inca [say those words together and faster] and those people referred to themselves has Amur – inca [say those words together and faster], those are your Afr-ica and Amer-ica root words in English

Are they not Inca offspring  

ENLIL(s) children- ENLIL is the Yahweh in the Bible and his promise is to get his children a homeland
In their Bible there are [3] [Gods] Lord, Christ and Yahweh

There are 144 Yahweh(s) 72 negative and disagreeable and 72 positive and agreeable  

The only way he can give them a homeland is by either overthrowing ENKI [Asaru] or INANNA [Aset] or Tehuti – these are the [3] regions of this planet

When we read the history, you can see the fingerprints over the planet of ANNUNAKI warfare

MURDUK [general] and a scientist [Jacob] went up against Tehuti and lost – they couldn’t get past Tehuti

In the exile or the Spanish Inquisition, they kicked out of Europe- which is Aset [Isis] land, the people we call Muur(s) Moor today – there was good and there was bad Moors, sum sold out the good Moors to Rome 

When the Moors(s) got kicked out of Spain [1478] [1611] into [1842], during this time they sent Columbus out has an investigator, when this all started

These slaves were not cotton picking people, they were builders, doctors, engineers, operator scanners, computer engineers, architects+ 

They gave the 9ethers their Bible [1611] and told the 9ethers to close their eyes and give themselves to Jesus, that they were to get on their knees and pray to Jesus, they had the Bible and the 9ether had the land, when the 9ether opened their eyes, the 9ether had the Bible and they had the land 

They said the elders had cognitive dissonance and they didn’t see the ships that came from Africa [remember there was already 9ethers in the USA already, before slavery]- which is a lie, because trading had already been established with West-Africa for 100’s of 1000s of years already – the West coast of the USA was already trading with Japan and China which explains all the material found in the USA and South America – so how can they say that the 9ethers didn’t know what a ship looked like, what about in Italy, Sicily, the word Moorings refers to a ship that is Moored which they got from the Moors because they had ships that were parked up in Sicily

When they got kicked out of Europe, they first went to what is called today has Libya, Tunisia, Morocco [Moor-occo] [Marocco] [Marruecos], Algeria, aka all called Mandingo [Mandinca] land aka North-West Africa – they say that the Moroccan empire is ancient – whereas Morocco was established in the 50s, that is not ancient  

When they get over to the USA + South America under Cortez -Spanish Conquistador invasion, what did they say they were looking for- they were looking for Cordova which is the city of gold – this is when they unleashed the Conquistadors aka the Blackmores and the Tawny moors on their land [USA], the [9ether] Conquistadors aka the Tudors of Europe aka the royal family – these were the exiles of Europe – when they went to Europe, they were called the Etruscans – they wasn’t called Moors, they did not get a stronghold until Constantine rose to power – then they had the Nicaea council to establish the church – for 700 [800] years they ruled Europe, specifically Spain which is called the Golden Age of the Moors but what is being left out is that Egypt [KHMT] had already settled in Europe, they had established Greeks, what we call Ireland today which is also known as the Orisha lands, which is where they get the word Irish [O-rish-a] from 

So, these Moors [Etruscans] are taking the credit for what the Egyptian did by saying that they civilized Europe – it doesn’t remove the fingerprints that the Egyptians had done – but it undermines

[Black] Celts- NTR Scota [Scotland] Ire-land Iru people aka BANTU aka Buddha

So, the war taking place has Egyptians fighting against the Etruscans and this is why we have the Mulattos and there are others like the Swarthy Moors – who are also called Olive tone
[Olives only come in two colours, WAJI and ether aka black] 

Selling a head, a child, animal+ but yet they lead the world today, how 

 Today they want the 9ether to believe that the 6ethers just crawled out the caves and whooped their asses – that is never going to happen, no mortals will ever defeat the [Gods]
There are [Gods] defending mortals to fend off [Gods] – when we go back, who was the [Gods], they are the Egyptians and the Sumerians 

The Egyptian story you have to study Akhenaten [Akhen-Aten] [Aton][Atun] – the Akhenaten SEMU [priests] could never be seen unless the people rebelled against them [hidden] they always hide behind others and use them has the mouthpiece – the other SEMU(s) said they will not rebel against us because we know how to treat people

All this is about ENLIL(s) children trying to overthrow ENKI(s) children

 ENKI requested to Tehuti to set up Egypt which we can read about in the Emerald tablets when Tehuti mentions his father – they needed to shut that down, if you look in Sumeria where the ANU.NAGA landed [Eridu] – they had their launch pads there and Egypt was the gate to the motherland – they wanted the gate [AKUR GATE] [Lions Gate] to be blocked unless we were dysfunctional [KINGU] = spell of sleep – so with the spell of sleep everyone has to have amnesia
[am-nesia][nesia] [Melanesia] and that includes the good ones and the bad ones – which is, you don’t know who you are, they don’t know who they are, lets figure it out by reading the morals and the dogma – the ones that follow the dogma got stuck, they are on their own whereas the righteous ones are seeking the moral compass in all things – aka the balance

So, they are looking for the city of gold, Cordova, they say they are bringing slaves, but those already in the USA and South America are not slaves – the slaves they had were the $5 Indians – who were created to usurp from the originals of that land

If the 9ethers in the USA do not figure it out- ENLIL wins and if they figure it out then ENKI, IN.ANNA and Tehuti win – this is how they settle conflicts on NI.BIRU, with royal families of NIBIRU, whenever they colonize the only way is hand to hand combat or war

Today Jews are sitting in places of power, but the unspoken truth is that they are taking orders from sum one who is 9ether, many royal 9ether families have been murdered along the way and replaced with their people – they say they are the HOPI [HAPI] they say they are the Choctaw or Cherokee+ when they are not, none of them are, none of these people you see today have anything to do with the real tribes of the USA [Canada] into South America, all they are doing is assuming the position of power, the hair is a give way to the real native, indigenous Indians in the USA – the real ones their hair is a giveaway to the truth dear Afro-American 

These fuzzy hair Indians are connected to the Washingtons, the Williams and Millers – the Williams go back to the Afar [A’aferti] [A-Afar-ti] people – King Geroge Williams III, was a Williams – Washington comes from Washoe [Washitaw] - Wichita is a river – the Washitaw are from Wassa [Was-sa] town which is in Ghana - Washington is the English name, ignore that name, you are a Wassa – these and more are your mixes, the HINDU KUSH are also in the mix 

Here is the Wassa family crescent, you can see the 6Star and you can see the red and white stripes, the red and white stripes are a marker of the Scottish rites – red lodge, white faces, the white faces are the cats paw – the white also refers to the royal family in Europe – it didn’t mean skin colour in Europe but became skin colour in recent times

They changed the ethnicity of the native Indians to [coloured] aka they reclassified the native Indians in the USA [1677] they referred to them has people of colour – then into Negro into Black into Afro American – these Jews, 6ethers murdered all these tribus and incorporated themselves into the original people by breeding them out, bringing Mongolians in and gave everyone Dancing with Wolves- when the 6ethers got to the USA they said that there was coloured people there

Chief White Wolf – he was a Chief in sheep’s clothing – he was one of them that was signing all the treaties, a wolfs fleece is normally Grey or White – he settled in Minnesota but John Smith was born in the UK -his hair is fur – he is a 6ether, he was Chief of the Dawes Roll 

Dawes Roll- Lists of people [accepted] between 1898 and 1914 by the Dawes Commission as members of these five Indian tribes: Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole-
[accepted] being the operative word – that means they picked them by hand, they selected them to what an Indian was going to be in the future – this is why the 9ethers were never Indians – this was the creation of the India reservation system 

The fuzzy look like the tribu over in the US – keep in mind, there are mirror tribus on every land, for example, the HO.PI [HA.PI] tribu in the US are in ENKI(s) land is called the ZULU, the ones who wear their hair has a crown – their hair had to be like the fuzzy – look at the Polynesia Chiefs

And the last Chiefs of Hawaii or the Tonga Chief he looks like he has HINDU KUSH in him
This is how they knew how to murder, you see what he is wearing, when they came over to the USA, they would challenge the real Chiefs to master their doctrine and this was who they would know who to kill, when you dressed like that, they murdered you if you’re from the land – this meant you could master anything that they put in front of you, from the Scottish rites, Shriners, Knights Templar+

 This was the Polynesian islands, the Samoan wars, Kanada was almost vacant at that time because everybody left to help fight against the soldiers in the Samoan wars, all these people are related, they are mirrored people, the River Nile and the Mississippi [Miss-Isis-ppi] River are the same rivers, [Miss Isori] Missouri- these people were not called Naga [black] HINDU or Ulmec mixed with the HINDU

[Read Paekche's Principle; the great secret of Asia by Bayemy Biyick] they were called Negritos, these are ancient races of ancient classification of people being divided into [3] parts, those from [Arica], the Negritos in [America] and the Polynesian islands + Japan and then you go into your Asians which was the Mongolians and Mandarins then into your Hun(s) then we get closer into Europe – the Hun(s) lost to Rome, which was the barrier between Europe and the Asians 

Oshun [os-Hun] 
Huns, Tibetans, Mongols, Ani, Anu- the Huns had a cone head and mixed with the Mongolians – the original Mongolians are different bloodlines

The Mongolian Teepee [Tepe] is the connection to the real native Indians in the USA and the Tepe links into the Göbekli Tepe in Turkey and the Turkish is Tur [Tuscan] which means black base or black son and Kish is from Kush aka the Kushies [HINDU KUSH] you get it now – Genghis Khan

[K-Han] Han [Hun] – this is who Rome was fighting and taking slaves from these groups of people and they were taking slaves from the Ayur-vedic of India or Hindu, these slaves can freely marry each other or mate, only their most prized women could marry into the royal family has a concubine and the rest did their services to the Etruscans as slaves – remember the original people in Rome are the Etruscans who are the Moors – these are the nomads who got kicked out of Africa and settled in Rome who crossed over the pillars of Hercules and settled in Spain, Italy and Greece – Moors just means black but they were called the Etruscans – eventually they had to conceal themselves and became the A-Moon [Amun] the hidden or unknown ones – the Etruscans established Rome – Rome wasn’t called Rome before they came

Etruscans and Phoenicians go hand-in-hand

Remember Chief White Wolf - Romulus and Remus was suckled by a she-wolf, that was their way of saying that we adopted sum-body because we were the ones who wore the wolves – they were in sheeps clothing – the mythology conceals the mystery and the my-stery is my-story [my-Star] history is 

 Moor sumtimes spelt Muur from French means black, both these words comes from Morenos and Mauros meaning scorched – burnt face

Moors made up the Indians [Incas] who created the international information interns for internet services

Romulus and Remus didn’t exist and is symbolic of a very real story involving 9ethers

Etruscan Wolf helmet and native Indian wolf pelt- 
Feathered are west coast and pelted are east coast

The werewolf, those who [wore] wear-wolf clothing the fur ridden wolfman, they also shape shifted into Bears, Leopards+

Mongolians drafted in to breed out the real natives

 Navajo translates thieves and that they are- stealing cultures
All three and more have nothing to do with the original Incas [Indian] natives in Atl [USA] they are mixes with Mongolian and 6ethers [white] people - these are Mongrels 

These Moors sold off the lands to the 6ethers in the USA, they are not your people – these are werewolves – these are ENLIL(s) children [offspring] 

Look at the guys hand and the book he is holding, that is the Mishnah [Sukkah] Suk [Sut] Set [ENLIL]

 Look at his hands in his sleeves and everyone else has sum sort of Masonic hand gesture – the one with his hands in his sleeves is saying that the Master has put the secrets in the public domain- so how did they get there, who gave them the secrets – remember they said they learned from the Egyptian, now look at the guy with his hands in his sleeves, he is all tied up and he is wearing Egyptian attire- the guy with his locked hands and to his right means the unity is to his right – the woman has her hands on both her legs which means they took it from the woman – she is playing the position of Mama, its her house- she sent her sons in on the left and the right to get the secrets

The secret concealers have to conceal their right hand  

George Washington masonic portrait, his left hand – the secret is they came in off of the left bump, meaning they came in hostile – left foot forward 

Basically, what all this means is that they were going to use the 9ethers science to conquer the 9ethers – they were going to take my gun and shoot me with my gun, they used 9ethers against 9ether 

Albert Pike was George Washington with a shaved beard – the right hand is the cats paw and the left hand in a grip is the masters grip [are you not HAPI that all this Monkey sh9t is going]

George Washington was not born in America - his house was in Barbados until he was 17 and his name was George Augustine this hybrid hijacked the real George’s identity

Nobel Drew Ali
Ali [Aa-Lee] translates Most High Exalted [it’s a rank]

See all the books under the table, this means what is under the table is done – his hands are out in the open because he is not a secret keeper – this means success for those who came from the left-hand Ptah or those who came off the left-hand bunk, it’s a football reference, it’s a goal – the left hand is extended further than the right which lets you know the direction that the enemy came from aka [Europe] 

The world map is upside down, America is upside down, because south is supposed to be up – if you were facing the direction of the south, which direction would Europe be – to your left – what they are saying is that they are passing each other the knowledge, the books under the table aka to share the information between themselves – its taken them so long to master the knowledge but it is too late because at this stage we have already won

Why are they not wearing the Qez [Fez] is the million-dollar question and what are the females wearing  

Queen Kalifia [Kalifornia] is a successor, heir to the Queendom- they came in off the left Ptah and passed the secrets under the table but they are open on the right side of the father – the female wearing that headdress is from the California and so does the Hawaiian priestesses

That paper on the pillar is there on purpose and is out of place on purpose – that is the chart which is talking about the twin pillars of Joaquin and Boaz [Boaz and Jachin]- where is the other pillar, it is the left pillar that is doing the dirt aka the red stripes which is the Scottish rites [32] degrees the twin headed bird –

All this was to enable them to take over the land from the originals in the USA 

There are no world history books that was written before 1850 – in 1890 and 1933 is when they started writing world his-Story but the energy had already started to change in [1920] 720 aka the roaring 20s

The Rothschild are not the real children of Mazzarah [Mazzoreth] [Mazzo-reth] Reth [Roth] aka the Mason [MaSem] constellation [Virgo]  that includes their off-spring and is to why many 6ethers are not their house [Zodiac] because they did not come through Dendera, next time sum one says my [whatever] is nothing like his or her house sign, yes that is because you do not have any stardust aka Melanin - you are not made from stars, you are made from animals 

Who is copying who

The Boule [Black Jews Moors]  
ADL logo

Anti-Defamation-League or Black poWRA which links into George Soros BLM Black Lives Matter – this fist logo is from the JDL who are for the Black Jews who also created the BMM Black Muslim Mafia who mass murdered the real messengers- these and more [moor] are the enemy within
– all of them are the ADL – these are ENLIL(s) off-spring and they have no land but he promised them land 

This is way deeper than what you think

Nubian means the Koppa tones and are different from the 9ethers, and American Moor is different from a European or African Moor – the Nubians are not black people, they are the coloured people, all the colours in the crayon box including the colours they took out 

Pietro El Negro [Pietro El Negro] or Peter the Negrito or Peter the Nigg9 or Peter the Black- is the navigator on the ship, the captain is second in command and it is Peter who is in charge and takes Columbus to INDIA, yet India didn’t exist yet, so where was Peter taking Columbus to- Peter is a Moor in exile, at this time only the Etruscans are navigators

Sailing from America to Africa, currents run in the opposite directions, there are currents that take you into Mexico and so on+ they are getting ready with the Spanish Inquisition to purge Europe off of these Moors – who are they, they are the 9ether Jews – the ones in the picture – those Jews, the Jews are a royal family called the Tudors – they were the Jew-els because they were the models of the jewellery which is the jewellery that they would give people to wear on their lapels, mostly women wore these jewellery pieces thus identifying the clan 

Used to identify the clans and made by the clans are today worn by ENLIL(s) offspring to show dominance over ENKI(s) offspring 

They were called the Tudors because they tutored people to which the A-Moon or the unknown concealed royal family in Europe

The real royal family are [5] tribus with names like Williams, Miller, Fletcher, George, Boyden, Smith, Lovelle+ 

Statue in Switzerland

-this is why they got kicked out Europe
-the bloodline, this goes back to Babylonian blood magic aka Adrenochrome [Bloody milk] Bloody Mary +
-this statue was built to tell the story in the future of what they were doing

Black Nobility Vatican Families- they were a black families living under the Vatican military who took out who was in that family

It’s a small group within the [Moors] that are the dirty energies, they are the coons  

This picture is who the frontman Rothschilds are really working for [Jews] the real Pope is black, the black Madonna – these are ENLIL(s) off spring – the original devils were black, Moloch, Tarnish+ are all dark skinned nigg9s – according to religion where is the Devil supposed to come from – heaven and then what happened to him – they tried to overthrow [God] so they got kicked out and were sent to earth – they came from heaven, they came from NIBIRU – we are talking about ENLIL and he is your Biblical Yahweh

Red [Ginger] hair- red- man 

The real Jacob the name comes from the scientist Yacob [Ya’quwb] Ya’qob

ENLIL is promising Jacob sum land, in order for him to promise him sum land- but even today they have no land, why, because they are not from this planet – everyone else has land because they are tied to the land

Jacob [ladder] name translates supplanter, undermining- Jacob(s) twin brother is Esau [E-saw] and they fell out big time – Esau translates the hairy one and he was red skin [pink] and when Jacob came out of the womb, they said he came out holding onto his brothers heel- so his brother is Achilles and not 
Brad Pitt 

The Achilles story is finding his weakness with that being his Achilles tendon on his heel – so Jacob is grabbing Esau at his weakness that being his tendon – they are telling you that he is undermining- he is cutting him off at the ankles, what did he do- he tricked him out of his birth right, he is the trickster, why is he tricking him, he is trying to get the birth right – which is the land 

So if Jacob is trying to steal the birth right from Esau – the hairy red man or the red- ginger-haired man which is really a red haired woman which is really Scotta aka the Irish red haired princess who gets treated like sh9t has the step child of Europe which is the Romeo and Juliet story and the Cinderella [Cinder Claus] story as well -she is called the stepchild because she is the one that gets stepped on by everyone else because she is the black sheep – she is the one casted out and is the rightful heir to the throne by birth right – so Jacob doesn’t have a birth right – so how does he get it, he undermines his brother, he cuts he-r off at the ankles- he tricked him on a bowl of soup, he tricked him on an empty stomach [famine] – so instead of being my brother(s) keeper and giving his brother a bowl of soup to feed and nourish him, he put a contract on it which was for his living trust – there are two

So, Esau left to go wander in the land – so Jacob stays home with his father Isaac and his mother – this is the right to stay home and the right to leave, Esau got kicked out the home by his brother Jacob

Jacob works with his mother to get his father to speak it out of his mouth and put it in the domain that he gives him his birth-right – the father is aware that Esau is the rightful heir but he is going blind – so his mother dresses him up in a fur coat – she dresses him in a suit that Esau used to make which he wears to undermine the birth right

Esau and Jacob are ENLIL(s) children and have no birth rights because they are not from here, they were created on the planet when the planet was in another part of the soul-ar system where they were created without no light, whereas ENKI(s) children are created from the planet with light

Esau and Jacob(s) mother who had the twins – they had different fathers because one of them was fundamentally different [they still do this today, insert or kill one of the twins and impregnant the mother with their seed- twins are exactly that, they are twins- identical, not unidentical] we know that a woman can give birth to twins from two different fathers also, do your research- its in western science

Isaac [Yitskhaq] translates He who laughed
Ishaaq translates He laughs 

ENLIL(s) son and Isaac(s) son is obviously different in appearance and Isaac before his sight goes knows the difference, so he knows the first one out was Esau and has soon has he sees him because he was a red hairy mtf and this is why they emphasized Edom, and Edom is also implying blood aka Adama [Adam] Adom which these words are the root word from their word Edom – ENLIL is using the blood rite ritual to steal the birth-right from his brother Esau the red-man

This has been looping until sum one figured it out

So, the Conquistadors get kicked out of Europe – they set sail for the so-called new world to establish their empire, once they claim the birth-right of Esau the red-man aka 6ethers aka [white] people

They are repeating the story on the 9ethers land [USA], the Jacobins are the [black] Jews- meaning the underminers of the red lines is coming for the birth-right

The real Jew is really Tehuti -Teotihuacan [Teoti] = Tehuti]
Jew-pater aka Jupiter

The first thing they did when they got to the USA was to give the 9ethers their Bible which is the contract – the 9ethers didn’t know how to read the contract [Bible] because they entitled the Bible a Religion and the 9ethers accepted the Bible [contract] because they were looking at it in the wrong angle
[accepted is a loose word because the 9ethers that had sense rebelled and many were beaten, tortured, murdered+]

The 9ethers spiritual systems where being used against them
Birth-right is referring to your higher self [your will]
The land and the 9ethers are [1] there is no separation
The 9ethers are the net [internet]

They are going to play the contract out in real [reel] life on earth by the Freemasons [Illuminati]
The masses won’t see this because its been [hidden] on the world stage, hidden through distractions, hidden through their 3D man-made Matrix construction  

They didn’t want you to look behind the curtain [Wizard of Oz] but they wanted you to look what is on the stage

Once the 9ethers agreed to pray with them that was commitment to the contract using the tribu of Levi to enforce it [the Jews today call themselves Levi for tax reasons] if you are a 9ether you should not be wearing Levi jeans

The 9ethers traditionally are an oral [sone] people – this law of the land made thier verbal contract equally has binding us as the written contract- a handshake was all that was needed to seal [steal] the deal – in sum cultures they exchange blankets, in sum cultures they exchanged a spear for a battle-axe – in sum cultures the daughter is exchanged to have a family connection to the princes+ and so on, Genghis Khan did this so that everyone had the chance to be connected, A.NU does this so that everyone can break bread and eat, this is called tying to the vine – so now they are enforcing themselves into the main royal bloodline whilst using deception to do so - this is not out of love

The last trick of the [Devil] is to use the people as [1], they are using the female – which if you check it, look around you today, women are on the inter-net with nothing on, they are being used to distract the masses by any means necessary to keep you off your Ptah on purpose – which works every time because many men are in their lower-self, women now against women- were are the siStars-

You have different tribus [tribes] that [believe] in different things

The Jews that came to the USA had one intention because they had no land [home], they are the Jacobites – they already sacked the people in Rome and Spain

They want the 9ethers to claim that they are the tribus of Israel – yet before 1492 they were never called the tribus of Israel – they want the 9ethers to follow them by saying that the 9ethers are them – those born in the USA are not the same people has those from the tribus of Israel, yes they are your blood brothers but you and them are not the same – those in the USA are the natural [organic] people to the planet

Under the ANNUNAKI code of war – all forms of deception is a viable form to the art of war in order to avoid the physical conflict – the deception is the judicial system – the tribu of Judah are the ones who are over the judicial system and today the so-called children of Israel has to also have a family bank

Recap, you have 9ether Jews working for 6ethers Jews against the Nubians and other Moors aka black people, the 9ether Jews thinks the 6ether Jews will save them when the 6ethers do not give a flying fu9k about them 

This is a map of the central banks of America

This is how they claim territory from the 9ethers economically – each one of the families set up a bank – count them [12] aka the 12 tribus of Israel – the first bank was set up in the cash-zone aka Washington DC [which the state is run by the UK] -its 13th banks if you count DC because its [13] tribus that have to have their own territory – its [12] tribus and he had a little girl- making [13] her name is Diana – in the Bible she is assaulted and her [3] older brothers went to slaughter those responsible, but they were circumcised and converted to their religion and this saved them from her brothers

[7] confederate states, red states are Iriquo confederation
The Rothschild and the Rockefellers answer to the [black] Jews

When they came over here in the shipwreck – Washington set up the first bank, they mapped out the territory and laid down their families claim to each one of the portions so that at the close of the age they could say they are the 9ethers and they are originals to the land – and the law backs them all the way to their banks because they own and write the laws

There are fake Moors, Bey(s), Al [El] out there
It is ENLIL(s) children pretending to be ENKI(s) children

Wars can be funded through the Swiss [banking] because they have control of international banking network – this network is not new

All these banks feed into the bank of SS-witzerland

This is the symbol for the bank of SS-witzerland- the same has their Red-Cross – the same red cross is the inverse – the same national flag

The last time SS-witzerland was at a war was the same time the Etruscan Moors went all the way over to the USA, who set up these banks so that they could seize the land from the original people on that land, these [black] devils – they used the [white] faces to block the institutions – but the originals used friendly [white] faces to overrun these institutions to get the secrets out – these [white] faces where the frontmen for these people – this is [black] on [black] crime – each family has a frontman – the Rothschild [Rockefeller] is a frontman for one of the [black] Jew families 

The ATL is a portal to another world

Swiss cheese

All of these wars [ww1][ww2] and ww3 that they have going on - why is SS-witzerland not in the EU aka why is SS-witzerland neutral

Switzerland's non-membership of the EU means it is viewed as more neutral than countries like Austria, Ireland or Sweden. EU accession would weaken Swiss neutrality. Neutrality as a trademark helps Switzerland promote its “good offices” and position Geneva as a host city

What that means is that this is self-imposed – that nothing can happen to them because they wrote the laws

They have to give you the lie and the truth at the same time and it is down to the user to find it, since the internet was launched so much data has been released and even more so in the last decade – the truth is out there – its not hidden anymore

One of the Rothschild had to speak out and say that they financed both sides of the wars

The Titanic was torpedoed – all the worlds wealth was on that ship and back then no one had wills and if they did their offspring or business partners where on that ship, this was billed has one of the greatest engineering feats and that the Titanic couldn’t be sunk, research Hitlers uncles, this is why they could never raise the Titanic because you would see the torpedo impact, all the money stayed in the banks and who owns the banks, this still happens today with people who do not leave money to sum one, the banks keep the money and set up hedge-funds to multiply the money that is not theirs, right now they are advertising for people to set up wills- this is to find out who you will leave your money to and ultimately take you and them out  

 Its easy to see that whoever is financing these wars is also financing the confusion on the planet, they are paying for the confusion, wars cost money, suffering costs money  

So, who pulls the strings is the ADL and JDL in the USA who they control all of the politicians because that is their stage show of the political arena – in the USA they love politics – they really love that bs

The 9ethers went to war with [black] Europeans from Europe and they attacked the 9ethers from Alaska and Canada

Sidney Poitier and Bill Cosby
Danny Glover and his father 
Coon Moors 

So, today, these [black] Jews are being rounded up and many have left the building because they know they have to leave the USA, we are seeing both [white] and [black] people going down, whether they are famous or not- all are being taken out – galactically they have to go

ENLIL(s) children lost the war – they normally honour the rules of this game [illusion] once they lose, what do you mean, we’ve played this game before, yes we have, we had been repeating this game [program]

The only thing that concerns me is the nuclear threat, you have seen when a guy gets rejected by the female or ex wife or girlfriend, he kills her, they would rather blow her up than honour the rules, this reSet is exactly that, everything gets wiped   

Wheat from the Chaff is talking about people and this separation is taking place  

Once you see this sh9t you cannot unsee it, when you know better you have to do better, if you bypass data, the universe picks up on the feed and knows when you override sum thing

You see slavery, it wasn’t the 6ethers [white] people or Arabs that started it, it was y-our own people, isn’t that a bi9ch – oh they are going to be dealt with and so to the 6ethers for keeping it up, this is why you have to be carful with using your ancestors because many of them fu9ked up and are being punished – when you transition many of you will see them, you have to bypass them or you stay with them

To the 6ethers the 9ethers all look alike, like when you look at Chinese people and Japanese people – they all look alike, like when Canadians get offended when you say are you from the USA

Revelation 2:9
[9] I know thy tribulation, and thy poverty (but thou art rich), and the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan 
[black] moors and [white] 6ethers pretending to be the real Jews – the [black devils] are the sons of ENLIL – they look like us but are not us – all designed to allow the Esau to exist

How comes there was always a slave revolt- because a nigg9 told on them

There is a difference between the Zionist Jews and Jews – the Zionist follow the Babylonian blood money magic that goes back to Bab-el and Nannar Sin [Baal]
Baal is just a title and means Master – Lord, there were many 

MURDUK is in a maximum prison in the USA, other [Gods] are also here, there is no escape, there is no hiding, the elders are here along with the adversaries from the ANUNNAKI and the Galactic Federation who will deal with these [Gods], your role is to know what is right and wrong, what happened, you are not to pick a side but instead pick energies – we are not with the Ashtar Command, others are, we are not with the Greys, others are, we are with source –

I have been biased in sum of my posts and this is because I write using emotions, sh9t hurts me and thus it is at sum times difficult to separate my feelings and emotions from the suffering, I have seen many faces and been to many places, I have yet to maStar the art of letting go, maybe I’m not meant to, maybe I don’t want to, its what keeps me on my toes, there will be justice, order, that which is straight, there will be balance

Everything was in reverse out here 359o but is now 360o but why have 360o when there is 720o available to you

Stay with source, she will never lie to you, what you want to know, what you question will be answered but you have to go to source, she does not need to come to us, she wants you to learn because she knows this will strengthen you, make your more poWRA-full which is what B.AA translates to-

Forget the body, you are to protect your light at all costs, you will never be punished for protecting your light which is soul-ar light, which is your soul [B.AA] 

Pontiac car symbol
They murdered the Chief and named a sh9t car after him, even using his name
They murdered the 9ethers in the USA and name baseball teams after them
The NFL stands for Nephilim

Freemasons are only 33 degrees out of 360 [720] 1440 

​Self-realization is the key, MA.AT is asking do you remember and what do you remember 

When you take [gateway] openers [dimensions] that is exactly what it does, there are plenty of natural gateway openers on the planet in the plant kingdom, its just that many people mix these openers with say alcohol which allows negative spirits to sit with you, Marijuana opens the 3rd eye but many smoke it like a cigarette and never mediate using the hemp [herb] many their 3rd eye is calcified

Many people who used gateway drugs get used by other beings, entities that read all their weaknesses, they read all their vices and play with them, they take them to other dimensions and get them to do their dirty work, sum use the person has a host, these are things that many people open themselves to- many people lose themselves along the way

Listen to Skyora very carefully, listen to what his spirit double [KAA] is saying
No one is crazy, you are bringing 4th and 5th dimensional things into the 3rd density and it will not fit and that is why you sone crazy, mad+ to everybody else

Gateway drugs opens doors and many do not realise what they are doing, even using the Ouija board 

The 9ethers are not alone but they have to go to source, source never left you, you left source, come back home, recordings in Australia from the originals also mention the Nun-nehi Nunna [recorded with a different name]- those connected to source will always prevail

Good over Evil [bad] positive over negative – choose the energy that you resonate with and not because that is what is trending  

Rasta(s) believe in Jah, when the word is Yah has in Halleluyah which they changed to Hallelujah with the letter J instead of the letter Y

Halle is from Hallie Selassie has in Hail [Hallie] Yah, why did the English change Halleluyah to Hallelujah

Hallie [Hail] means praise
There are 144 Yahweh(s) that all make up the formula, we need the formula to explain the Yahweh(s) aka [God] so which [God] are the Rasta(s) believing in, H.I.M Selassie- whose name would be Ras-T-afar-i which is just [1] of the formulas, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with this, but there are 143 other formulas

Ras is from Ka-ras-t [Karast] – so shouldn’t it be Ka-ras-tafari

See the Afar [A'aferti] in the name 

Its interesting how if you are not born into Islam or into the followings, teachings of the Rastafarian that many people outside do not follow, why doesn’t these systems appeal to the outsider, why is it mainly those whose family are into it that they follow    
These are outdated practices

Haile Selassie is the reincarnation of the one formerly known as Yeshua [Yashua] Yeshiva 
Shu existed but who is this Yeshua 

This is Pompeii- they say that what is leftover is Carbon, Carbon sits in Melanin, these are 9ethers not 6ethers because they do not have Melanin

When the energy was being reversed and being used in structures, the higher ones would send in an earthquake and destroy it so that it could not be used by others, when slavery started, this is when we start to see the changes to where we are today, all these weather systems, famine, whatever you can think of didn’t just start, its been in the making for a while now and now we are in the mix on 90.6
9ethers also have to be punished for selling out there own kind

Vicious circle

When the Europeans arrived in Whydah, in what became Dahomey, they were given the traditional [African] hospitality, and welcomed as guests of ruler Agaja

The Europeans came with the promise of trade, but they had nothing of worth to give in exchange for palm oil, ivory, pepper [pimenta-del-raba] that was brought into Dahomey from the Benin empire by large trading boats, and other produce of Dahomey
However, what they had that the ruler and members of royal court of Dahomey found useful was firearms; rifles and gunpowder

The royal court of Dahomey was built on the grave of a rival ruler known as Da
The name Da and the city Abomey gave the name Dahomey to the kingdom
It had initially meant -on the stomach of Da- in the Fon language
It meant that the royal palace was built on the stomach of Da

This was after Dahomey broke away from the domineering rule of the Oyo kingdom in what later became western Nigeria

The European began demanding for captured men and women in exchange for firearms in addition to the produce of the Dahomey kingdom

The ruler declined and the Europeans began bringing in horses instead of firearms
This, the Dahomey kingdom found useful too

The only other source of horses for the royal court and armies could only be gotten from the Hausa merchants in the northern parts, from the distant kingdom of the female ruler Amina of Zaria and the commercial city-state of Kano

Merchants from the north also began to demand for captured men in exchange for horses; 15 captives were needed in order to obtain one horse

The capturing of free men, who were chained and taken as slaves along the trans-Saharan trade routes and sold in slave markets by the Arabs in Tangier, Sale, Fez, Marakesh, Tunis and Cairo was well entrenched, and had been in existence even before the Europeans [Portuguese at first] arrived in the west [African] Coast, known then as the Guinee, while the west African Sahel was known as the Soudan [Sudan]

This ugly trend intensified

These years of Arab slave trade also affected Europeans to a little extent

To this effect, European coastal towns were deserted as a result of Arab slave raids

In order to understand the extent of this, king George I, in 1721, once lamented of how most of his subjects were taken into north Africa as slaves [source: Nature knows no colour line by J.A. Rogers]
Leo Africanus was also enslaved and taken to Rome as a result of this trend of slavery

This form of slavery affected more Europeans than the people of the Soudan

In The Golden Age of the Moor by Dr Ivan Van Sertima, it is stated that; Mulai Ismail of Merknes, Morocco, had 25,000 European slaves who participated in the building of his colossal stables

There were sum people of the Soudan that were enslaved, but not as much as the Europeans
Europe became organized along national lines and slavery became focused on the East and western parts of Africa, initially, by the Arabs, after the sell-out-moors  

European countries of Portugal and Spain became more advanced, much more than all other European city-states [rivalled only by Byzantium], as a result of sum African Maghreb from the Senegal river and later Arabs, who had gone into the Iberian Peninsula and taken over the land of the Visigoths that became Spain and Portugal; bringing about material civilization and learning that spread into most of Europe

Spain and Portugal were the first European nations to brave the oceans as a result of Moorish influence in learning, but the know-how in ship building was from the Ulmec [Olmec] and from China; the maritime nation of that time under the Ulmec who were in China

The Ulmec are pioneer builders

With this knowledge, also came the know-how of making firing sticks which developed into muskets and rifles

The sea-faring know-how sent Portugal out on the ocean as European countries were seeking ways to develop Europe out of the dire conditions of the dark ages, when most of Europe degenerated back to primitive life after the fall of Rome

Writing on this period, Historian, Will Durant in the Lessons of history said, The Mohammedans [as the Islamised Africans were called], could list the rulers, artists, poets, scientists, and philosophers who had conquered a substantial portion of the white man's world from Baghdad to Cordova while western Europe groped in the dark ages

This era for the Africans was to end abruptly on February 2, 1492, and the western European era that was to later birth the industrial revolution began

In the Sahel [Mali, ancient Ghanah in what's today Mauritania, part of Mali and the Senegal+], Arab slave trade became so intense that the native west Africans on the trans-Saharan trade routes began engaging in what was known as silent barter; where the seller and buyer never met each other, face-to-face, for fear of being taken as slaves

The Arab merchants would come close to settlements of the natives, place heaps of goods along the route, and then beat repeatedly on a drum and blow a horn, then disappear down the horizon

The natives would come over and place a heap of gold beside the goods they needed and then disappear

The merchants returned

If the amount of gold was okay for the goods, the merchants took the gold and left the goods
Otherwise, the circle was repeated until all sides were satisfied and then the transaction was brought to a close, but the west Africans on the coast didn't think of the Europeans as the people in the Sahel thought of the Arabs

Hence Europeans, especially Portuguese, were warmly welcomed in all the coastal kingdoms

But all they could offer that was sum thing of worth to the Dahomey princes was firearms, the technology from China, not the Chinese of today], and of course the Bible

As well as an invisible enemy they brought with them: smallpox, syphilis and gonorrhoea

And so, there were Arabs in the north and Europeans on the west African Coast

With this situation, Dahomey soon excelled in slave trading

The word itself [slave] comes from the word Yugoslavia [Yugo-slavia] who were the first to pimp out their women and is to why they say prostitution is the oldest trade in the world, yes your world because the Africans did not pimp out their women at that point in history 

With firearms from the Europeans, Dahomey began raiding its neighbours; Ashante in the west and Ketu, a town of the rival Oyo kingdom in the East

With these wars, came captives that were exchanged for more firearms from the Europeans

Ruler Agaja and his all-female fighters [the Mino], raided and destroyed all European slave trading posts on the coast, when he discovered that slavery was in direct conflict with the development of Dahomey

But, Dahomey's old rival, the kingdom of Oyo, attacked sum towns of the Dahomey kingdom and Agaja had to resume trade with the Europeans in order to obtain firearms to fight-off the Oyo warriors, and the process of obtaining more captives to be exchanged for more and more firearms and nothing else from the European, went on again

This vicious circle continued, unabated, when the French took over Dahomey after a four-years’ war that ushered-in colonialism

The British took over Oyo and other kingdoms to the East of Dahomey as well as Ashanti kingdom and other Akan tribal groups to the west of Dahomey

It was the same situation all over Africa, except in the in the NTH gate Ethiopia in East Africa

This was because ancient people of this region of Africa knew and had their own Bible, this word Bible is based on the root word Biba which means book, this book is the story of [Karast], besides, their emperors were fully aware of the origin of Islam and had it recorded in Geez writing; hence it was difficult to use religion in manipulating the population because they know thyself

The Ethiopia Bible is available till date and is more detailed than king James version of their Bible, that was written in 1611 by a team of 47 men from the newly founded Oxford and Cambridge mostly European Jews, King James himself could not read or write and was homosexual

Rifles were a household souvenir among Abyssinians [Ethiopians], as a result, no European nor Arabs had a look in until much later, in the north among the Denakhil

Africa came into a new era of exploitation, a situation that left African leaders as puppets of puppeteers, to this very day

Dahomey now Benin republic and over 12 African countries still pay millions to France, descendants of a European tribe that was known as the Franks] as 'colonial tax' up to this very day, even after Europeans, formally, left Africa in the 1960s and 1970s

According to former president of France, 'without these colonial tax' from Africa, France would have long become a third world country

Portugal has already fallen, so too Greece and with Spain, France, Germany, France, England, Holland- they are being stretched out and have been made to watch the show unfold, don’t get it twisted, Africans and Arabs [both the 6ethers and 9ether Arabs], the Chinese and Indians all have incoming [creasy bear] 

If your uncle, father, grandfather had a pace-maker fitted, remember Otis who saved that persons life while others were taking life

The 9ethers who are still going through the trauma after 512 years in real [reel] time are the only race out here reminding all other races how barbaric they truly are, denigrated all over the planet, yet despite this they hold their dignity, their integrity in the face of adversity

You were soft out here but that is because you come from your heart, the heart is being scanned [weighed] – we are in Karma fields, what will be will be, what is to come is here 

In my first year at secondary school I received -A for my history book and the headmaster held my school book up in front of the whole school in assembly and asked me to stand up
In my house chart it said navigator - and mentioned ships, later on I realised it meant navigator through data, and ships [vessels] Mekaba
This is why you get this type of data 

Tree stumps, not mountains- we use to live in the trees, like in the movie Avatar, they cut the trees to cut our connection 

Iron pillar in India
Moved to current position

This is a conductor – an antenna with magnetic properties  
The iron pillar is actually made of 98% iron, 1% phosphorous and the remaining 1% is made of an ancient material called Vajra-sanghata [thunderbolt]

This material is clearly explained in ancient Sanskrit texts

The Vajra-sanghata is created by mixing 8 parts of lead, 2 parts of bell metal and 2 parts of calx of brass
So, if you look at the total composition of the iron pillar, it is made of a complex alloy, created in ancient times

Instead of rusting which is iron-oxide, the phosphorous and Vajra-sanghata make water vapor which is H2O, to convert into Misawite, a compound of Iron, Oxygen and Hydrogen
This layer actually protects the pillar from rusting
So, the pillar would accumulate this protective coating over the course of many centuries, making it even stronger

Crystallized bolts found in Tartar [Russia] were discovered and extracted from a breed of the late Melon period ending 66 million years ago

Look at the shape, man is trying to say that they formed naturally - please leave the planet

Built to last 

Electrical lamps
Los Angels [Angeles] 
Ww1 and Ww2 - they used MK-Ultra on the masses, this is why no one remembers sh9t 

These parents need to be stoned 
Eric Clapton wasn't so fortunate

Last Tuesday, a sinkhole opened inside a home in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, swallowing up a 25-year-old man and revealing a tunnel used by drug crime groups to escape police and officials – that or was part of a tunnel system that was used [house as a front] sum years back to kidnap people and take them to their underground cities 
The collapse revealed a tunnel, also connects to a neighbouring, empty house, which had been seized by federal authorities 11 years ago

Eclipse, the Moon is still on full power, energy lingers for [3] days either side
When the Mono [Moon] entered the field all the stars appeared
Look like a CGI but sum one actually took these images

All the stars, the sun and moon are all under the dome with us 
the dome [EMF] ozone-layer, van allan-belt [all the same thing] is translucent 
See the Purple- that is the plasma
See the yellow- that is the gold
See the red- FEMI9 electron energy
This image is from 2015 - the plasma and FEMI.9 are inside the field 

Why has NASA never spun the camera around [panoramic view] ever 

Hour is from Horus [Heru] 
Horizon is from Horus
Horoscope is from Horus  

Red - MAAT + HERU = FEMI.9 electron energy
WAJI [Green] life force + healing energy
Blue life force energy 

[3] tones hitting the planet 

Read all data in Chakra energy 

Blue crown 

Plasma [Khaybet] is inside the field 


Full [7] Chakra energy- white core holds all [7] frequencies, the sun is out on a 90 degree angle during the daytime, no beginning of days, no ending of days - the alpha and omega 
The Chakra energies go up to 13th [hidden] 

[1] of [3] main crafts that assembled in 2012 along with NI.BIRU 

Lots going on in this image from New Zealand 
Huge sphere
and a huge craft, you can see the mass 

New Zealand
Fleets just parked up
When we see them out in the open like this, know that they are on the ground  

ssSSH- finger on lips 

We are not with the Greys, we are not with Ashtar Command 

NASA say this is not a doorway on MARS [LAHMU] 
Why do they still release images in b/w 

These objects were found in Europe made of bronze, stone, iron+ taking the shape of dodecahedra with [12] pentagonal edges- in different sizes and are usually rounded by concentric circles, sum times there are extra small circles around the corners
The tops of the figures are equipped with small balls
There are other varieties of these bronze objects, with round ribs or with triangular sides which are called icosahedron
There is at least one known stone decahedron with holes, but without balls
Most stone objects have no cavities
Their edges either have no images, or they have only engraved circles
The number of sides they have is different

To this day, the functions of these objects remain a mystery

There is no mention of them in western historical texts or images of that time and they are not from the Romans

Similar gold docsahedras in gold, which were found in Thailand and Burma

What about these 


Can you imagine the light [rays] that came out of this MIR when fully operational – the poWRA generated

Huge door that was enclosed at sum point after the Nagas left 

Electrical coils 

Red bricks normally held Mercury 



This tower and minaret looks like its be refurbished over an original piece that is connected to this circuit board and there is Islamic text in there or where they base the Islamic text from
[Al] Qubt- the axis 

The Muslims in KHMT have repainted this

NER [Vulture] 











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