Their word [theory] as the Albino Greeks say Theoris
becomes Thehos for [God] for the Albino Greeks, taken from Taweret, the
Tama-Rean [Goddess] of wombmen in childbirth, the Great Mother, and birth is of
the Sun (Son) Tawaret [Tiwawaat] Tiamat (Theoris)
The Big Bang, firstly, make note that they, the
scientific community refer to the Big-Bang as a theory and the word theory
comes from Latin Theoria, from Greek, from Theoros, meaning spectator, from
thea, a viewing + oros [seeing]
Make note that, though they call it a theory, they say
[seeing is believing], when in actuality- hearing and reading is believing- and
seeing is knowing
-to know is knowing [Gnosis]
Being conscious or semi-conscious means you are a little
bit ahead of the game because you know, what you know cannot be explained to
another but you know..
Con [Conscious] Konscious
From assimilated form of [Com] with, or thoroughly (see
con-) + scire [to know] (see the word science)
Kon is a negative word
The Latin word is a loan-translation of Greek [Syneidos]
[1600] Knowing, privy to (poetic), from Latin conscius >>
knowing, aware, from conscire >> be (mutually) aware
The sense of [knowing or perceiving within oneself,
sensible inwardly, aware] is from 1630s, perhaps a shortening of conscious to
oneself [1620s]
Also compare the Latin sense evolution in conscience
From 1650s as >> aware (of a fact) >> Sense
of active and awake, endowed with active mental faculties is from 1837
-called knowing [Gnosis] knowledge [data] information [light] enlightened
Pertaining to or involving a state anterior to
consciousness [1860], from pre- before + conscious
-called intuition
Also, semi-conscious [1838], from semi- + conscious
-called believe or belief
Proto-Indo-European root meaning [to cut, split]
extension of root *sek- to cut
It forms all or part of: abscissa; conscience; conscious;
ecu; escudo; escutcheon; esquire; nescience; nescient; nice; omniscience;
omniscient; plebiscite; prescience; prescient; rescind; rescission; science;
scienter; scilicet; sciolist; scission; schism; schist; schizo-; schizophrenia;
scudo; sheath; sheathe; sheave (n.) "grooved wheel to receive a cord,
pulley;" shed (v.) "cast off;" shin (n.) "fore part of the
lower leg;" shingle (n.1) "thin piece of wood;" shit (v.);
shive; shiver (n.1) "small piece, splinter, fragment, chip;" shoddy;
shyster; skene; ski; skive (v.1) "split or cut into strips, pare off,
grind away;" squire
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for the Western
mind- its existence is provided by Sanskrit Chindhi, Chinatti [to break, split
up] Avestan a-sista- unsplit, unharmed, Greek Skhizein to split, cleave, part,
separate; Latin Scindere to cut, rend, tear asunder, split; Armenian c'tim to
tear, scratch; Lithuanian Skiesti = to separate, divide; Old Church Slavonic Cediti
to strain; Old English Scitan, Old Norse Skita to defecate; Old English sceað,
Old High German Sceida [Sheath; Old Irish Sceid = to vomit, spit; Welsh Chwydu =
to break open
All these words to describe what KAA.NU [Melanin] Ether
[Mater] Antimatter [Positive] Negative [Conscious] Subconscious [Consciousness] is...
To split, cut- means to divide [2fold] conscious [non-conscious]
[Magi] Magic
KAANU is intell-i-gent [intel-Agent] you are the original
[MIB] you know when you know
The knowledge that you have received over the light of
your existence is to shield you from the adverse forces that are streaming to
the masses
This shield is to protect you, keep you away from harm’s
way, the adverse force is to take has many souls [spirits] with them by any
means necessary
They can only change things in their reality [matrix] and
not in the original program, they are 40-50 years in front of their [matrix]
which makes them seem intelligent, however all they had been doing was changing
things from their reality, going back in time when they made mistakes and
correcting them by retrieving data or changing sum thing from back then and
they re-looping their [matrix]
The technology after WW1 and WW2 was reintroduced, along
with MK-Ultra [Mandela Effect] in the masses
The inventions we have are the same inventions that have
repeated over and over but now the real [reel] reality reel is over
They cannot change the original program [reality], only
NI.BIRU and those that use the spiritual vessel [144hz] are the MaStar Keys to
changing the original matrix and their man-made-matrix
[9/11] gave them another 10mins or 10years in their time
machine [matrix] man-made reality and now in [2021] 2012 their matrix is
crashing [offline]
You have to make the changeover of programs from Windows
[soul] 3 to Windows 5 and for sum of you Windows 6[7]8[9]
Soul + Spiritual [Holographic-spirit-astral-parallel] energy
[Soular Plexus] Chakra-system [KAA.NU]
Physical [Material] body [senses] 5 [7]
Mental [Universe] server [Crown] mind [universal mind]
When the daylight weighs a ton and all my friends have
How did they confuse Marijuana with Peppermint
Its pricy
Orb cities
That is not a planet
Key craft with scout, probe, orb
Two mother ships, one either side of the sun and there are
two mother ships at the north and south poles of the planet
Chile, huge passenger-shuttle-craft, interior lights are on
sum places around the world have cloud crafts, sum have light-show crafts and sum have but-naked crafts, its show-time-at-the-Apollo
huge craft, at the left of the image you can see two gunner rails, see that base part, the craft is just off in the way its hovering there
Sum of the shapes of these crafts when filtered
None of these crafts are from the negative Pleiades, Ashtar Command or those who make up the Galactic Federation of Light
The Alliance, Allies, the Galactic Federation and its members, led by the Neteru [NTR] on Ki through the Annunaqi [Naga] control this soular system and the ska, Ki is next
[More images in yesterdays post]
Germany, space-complex moving across the ska
This week we have seen Europe start to be punished, notable European cities being targeted
Judah [July] Colour [Brown] Body part [Heart + Mouth] Tribal function [Praise]
Lion [AKIR] Leo heart and throat chakra
Brown [Melanin]
Praise- raise- the energy frequency, they will be using their throat to speak, cuss, chant things into existence through the heart with the warrior energy, warrior charge, its going to be chaotic
Constant flow of energy [radiation] every 24hrs
it has begun [watch the grid they will have to trip it out to avoid overload]
16th century French cypher machine in the shape of a book
with arms of Henri [Henry]
French encryption machine of the 16th century in the form
of a book with the coat of arms of Henry
Next is Henry images
The real King Henry is a Moor [Muur]
North Carolina
Charlotte Sophia
Sistarwolf; Captain Speedy and Déjatch Alámayou - by
Cornelius Jabez Hughes
1870 HIH Prince Alámayou of Ethiopia (1861-1879) was the
son of Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia
Nicolas Martiau the Ancestor of the real Washington tribes
4 Alkebulan [African] Kings who ruled India that have been erased from history
The Noble Ikhlas Khan
Siddi [Shaddi] Saddi
Habshi and Sidi
[Alkebulan] Africans in the Deccan
These are his and more, offspring, they have returned for their offspring and are going to be real pissed when they find out what the 6ether indians have done to their Children [Jarawa-Jawa] Seychelles
There is also Farhad Khan, an Alkebulan
courtier, India, Deccan, Golconda [1680]
Khan [Genghis Khan] they are all 9ethers
Noblemen [Ethiopian]
Chi-na [Shi-va] India
Sung [Sun]
Astronomical Observatory
Bronze astronomical instruments
Armillary sphere, sunlight, quadrant, theodolite,
sextant, heavenly globe [the conscious and subconscious world]
These could be copies, replacements and the originals in
the Vatican
During the suppression of the Ihatuan uprising, sum of
the instruments were stolen by representatives of the Alliance of eight powers,
but near the end of World War I, they were returned to China by the governments
of France and Germany
Pictures are from 1872-1920s
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