Tuesday, 1 June 2021

The Dirty Dozen

Solitude is your soul family and companion 

110 [degrees]

11:11 [13:13]
Reality the consciousness program; a hologram, simulation, illusion, dream created by digital codes that make up the Matrix  
Numbers, numeric codes, define many of our existence and experiences

HuMin [HuMan] DNA, our genetic memory, triggers, recall, by digital codes at specific times and frequencies as we experience

Those codes activate the mind to the change an evolution of consciousness [11] is one of those codes, meaning activation of twin spiralling HuMin [HuMan] (DNA), the code unlocks the DNA strands

Eleven Heaven

The [11] frequency holds the energy of initial spiritual [Ka] awakening, here is where spiritual revelations and epiphanies awaken those who are still asleep spiritually; those unaware of the greater spiritual degrees of our reality

The [11] and [11:11] frequencies assist the spiritually activated in further expansion of their perspective of reality and spiritual truth because within these frequencies we can more easily see, know and understand so you can inner-stand y-our reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective

Within the [11] and [11:11] frequencies, spiritual illumination is most readily available, and our intuition is heightened allowing us to begin knowing [believing] in, and testing our natural psy-chi-c abilities

[Psy means soul and Chi is the life force, the spirit force]

Spiritual inspiration is activated in these frequencies, and suddenly we begin to be able to see and hear the messages, the spirit is strong, receiving and sending to us each and every day, even in the smallest occurrences of daily life, pay attention

Here the subconscious mind is stimulated and spiritual growth occurs when we learn to accept that reality is much more expansive than we have ever i-magi-ned

Find the truth and the peace you seek, because when our inner sense of knowing and our rational mind are no longer at odds with each other, inner peace prevails, and we are able to open to what lies beyond the confines of limiting beliefs of lower density reality, the lower degrees

You must find, have inner peace first, before you can access the dimensions, sum thing that you can attain but you must want it, the will of the spirit [you]  

Collective consciousness’ shifted into existence within the 5th Dimensional frequency plane at the end of 2011 and again in waves, you have felt the change which has led me to you and you to me

We have been seeing these frequencies appear more and more in the energy field of planet earth
It is around us, so much in our present projected timeframe, it is really becoming common place

The added [11] and [11:11] frequencies within earths energy field Aura is assisting in the acceleration of the spiritual awakening [activation] of individuals within our collective consciousness

The [11] and [11:11] frequencies will continue to weave deeper and deeper into planets energy field and [Gaia(s)] Aura as linear time passes, until they are completely woven into the main grid system- Matrix of the planet and the collective’s consciousness; you are, we are- going to merge

Inner- stand [reawaken] to the knowledge that on these particular days, especially at the time of its perigee, the [11:11] frequency is a wave, a springboard, the frequency is not for all, that is down to the individual

I AM truth Illumined through spiritual revelation, know who you are, the code is set in place for a collective consciousness- set before descending into dense reality realms

This code was put in place by the source to assist us, the re-awakening or re-activating, the code was set before we descended into the denser realms of matter

Keep in mind not only are those of us who are spiritually awakened [activated] to a more expansive reality aware of the [11:11] and what it has to offer those who have plugged out, that this reality as the very special propulsion force wave of initial spiritual-activation- it is, but those who still in the lower realms spiritually are seeing the [11:11] as it was originally created and intended to work

But for those of us who have activated spiritually, y-our work with this encoded frequency has changed and yet it has only begun

[11:11] frequency portal of the Ulmec [Olmec] (Mayan) device calendar, compass [round in reality], circular, cycle; that began with the shift in the collective consciousness into the 5th Dimensional frequency that transpired with our movement through the portal that now stands continuously open, and we [you] the spiritually activated, the spiritually activated- really no longer needs to put time and energy into raising the frequency to enable it to remain open because we have accomplished that, you are here now, in the moment and you are conscious

What this means is that movement through this portal is available at all times to everyone, and there is an ease of access that was not there before, but only if you want it

So, from the 11th of November 2011, each year since then on November 11th, the influx of a very particular frequency, one designated at [11:11] is at its highest on this planet and in our reality, that means now  

Not only does this frequency permeate y-our planet at particular times each year, it also comes around many times throughout y-our year on certain days; just in lesser amounts in comparison to its perigee to Earth

This is about dimensions, [11] is a frequency changer
11 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane

I AM are key words for the 11:11 frequency

The Sphinx, multi uses, the clock, telling the first time and the last time, and the last time, the elites time recorder

The Ulmec(s) calendar [device] and the Aksum Calendar, the Aksum is 7 years behind the Gregorian calendar that King George implemented but as now levelled off

The Gregorian calendar was created (as was daylight savings time) as a way to disassociate people with the natural cyclical rhythms of their body and the Earth [Ki]  

Y2K was a planned scam to divert attention from the truth and to make jaded sceptics of us all

In the system of systems one cycle ends and another begins, it does not signify the end of the planet but does signify the end of the world, all the main cultures were taught this and prepared accordingly, many repetitions of the same knowledge just in their way all stemming from the source  

Whatever the date, we have entered the beginning of a cycle of nu consciousness, the ushering in of the new spiritual era has already begun

I AM the truth, the way and the light 

9 principles of you;

[1] Kaa, this is the spiritual you
[2] Khu, this is the mental you
[3] Akh, this is the etheric you

[1] Baa, this is the soul you
[2] Khaybet, this is the plasmatic you
[3] Akh, this is the plasmatic you

[1] Hati, this is the physical heart of yours
[2] Ab, this is the spiritual heart of yours
[3] Sekhem, this is the spark of life of you

Al of this was brought into the person as being twofold or double

The two points of existence

[1] birth and [2] death
[1] mind [2] spirit [3] body
[1] air [2] fire [3] earth [4] water

Added together 2+3+4 = 9 [You]

Corinthians 6:19-20, do you not know that your body is a temple of the w-holy spirit within you

For thy body is a temple, that is your Solomon temple Sol [sun] man means mind

Your body [Kha] houses your soul and spirit 

The Wadjet [Heru] eye is more effective when the Khat Body is fully functional, your body is a temple, you have to be eating the right ingredients in order to simulate growth, development for mind, soul and body

Begin to illuminate [enhance] you- and see what it is in you that still casts shadows

You will know the truth how, by the way it feels

You know when your energy decreases and when it increases, pay attention, this is the universe letting you know who to embrace or to who to stray away from

The Sum-total of everything that you have ever seen, eaten, smelt, told and forgot is all there

Everything influences each of us, with that in mind I strive to make my experiences positive, so must you, see the positive in the negative  

Déjà Vu [View]

The Hu-Mim [Hu-Man] is considering the unsettling feeling of having lived a moment before, as a crossover with a parallel universe, this would mean that whatever you’re doing while experiencing the Déjà vu, a parallel version of you- is doing it in a different universe simultaneously, therefore creating an alignment between the two universes which is merging into one 

All plausible or implausible

Has you would have to create a new universe every time each one of us here makes a decision, can you Deja Vu the future, not being able to see the future maybe live a little snip of it, sum point in time in the future, if so, what would it be called if it's not called Déjà Vu

Deja vu can also be ascribed to sum thing much simpler, momentary lapse of synchronization between left and right making it feel as if we have seen this before

Like vertigo vesical syncope, sum suffer from this, well it’s not suffering and sum like the little episodes

When you are put into a similar circumstance a second time- it may feel like Déjà vu- but is it just your muscle (brain) making a connection (as it does) to the past, this feels like, hey I have lived this before or just a similar set of circumstances, the muscle draws that connection and fills in the void

You eat toast for breakfast, see whoever, get your haircut, if this happens again in 2 weeks the muscle will automatically say wait, Déjà vu, it thinks this has happened before, just seems like it, just a thought, are you just guessing at reality anyway

Is Deja a processing glitch of the HuMin [HuMan] muscle, left-right hemisphere delay creates feeling of repeats of a very short period of time, called Déjà vu, that's just alternate facts [is it]

Simultaneously, but not necessarily at the same time, more of a bunch up of similar events with one identical one creating a bridge or connection

Another is as your astral travel while unconscious or asleep, your soul travels to the future, being in line with your future self- doing a certain activity at that moment, then goes back to your body in the present, and when that future activity arrives, you experience Déjà vu, living that moment, already knowing that your past soul is there with you experiencing the same thing

Much Deja is taking place regardless, all lives are merging, all memories are merging, when you receive a Deja, know that you and everyone in your life, what surrounds you is also part of that Deja-view and you are on course, you are on your Ptah, you are letting yourself [your-cells] know this

Uni- together
Verse- against 
or U and I verse


Quiet storm, stagnant frequency but its there

Earthquakes are popping off 

The planets rotation is increasing, the universe is already speeding up

The spiritual pole-shift as already happened, the physical is next, we have or had been rotating in a clockwise rotation [6] which is death and this will change into counter-clockwise [9] which is life

All weather systems rotate in a [9]

The uni-verse is dictating the pace of life, she [Alpha and Omega] is re-vers-ing   

All that red is radiation, you should not be flying, black is ready to go and white is ready to charge 

We are in year 2 of 3 [which is 6 months away] of total crop losses, during the last year many animals were slaughtered, so to me this is not a cyber-attack, more than food is running out anyway..
Trump cannot save you  

June is going to be busy 

The sun does not rotate how NASA show you, the multi-dimensional portal rotates exactly like a clock
They say the sun is in a cycle and is in hibernation, really, who told you that, CME(s) infused with NI.BIRU is the order of the day, NI.BIRU is called the destroyer for a reason

Electromagnetic energy [storms]

EMP(s) are talking place on the horizon that is affecting all 3 kingdoms, the plant, animals and HuMins [HuMans] and the planet, this also affects the water and crops [food] if you overstand this then you will know that this is termination mode, deletion mode, extinction mode 

This is soul-ar activity on a huge scale

NI.BIRU is magnetic and the sun is electrical 

Pay attention at 14seconds 

All soular energies, red [warrior] consecutive days, weeks and is inside the field


This particular craft is a signature craft
there are tons of crafts up there and down here

Cube, rectangular shape 

'These beings' have returned 

Ground plane 

On Lahmu [Mars] 

When other beings leave [crop-circle] messages, like they have been for the last 30+ years at least, the famer will cut over them and the governments say fu9k all about them

So, when these Georgia Guide stones were commissioned and erected- no one knew who commissioned them, just the stone companies name but yet they are still standing

The words on these stones were written by a man, that is obvious, who were they left for, they were left for the survives, the ones in their N.W.O

A group of beings can leave messages in wheat-corn fields and no one says nothing, who really owns this planet, where are the ones who left these messages going or have gone

Georgia is also a place where the Caucasian Mountains are

Shame on you

Canada mourns the remains of 216 native Indians- found in a school that house 500 children, the forced residential school was closed in 1978

Sum where just 3 years old, we are talking about paedophilia

From about 1863 to 1998, more than 150,000 indigenous children were taken from their families and placed in these schools

The children were not allowed to speak their language or to practise their culture, and many were mistreated and abused and sexualised
Grandmothers camped outside to be close to their grandchildren but were never allowed to see them

This was an effort to delete the Mongolian tribes [native Indians] from Canada, the USA

This is why payback is going to be a bit9h for many, there is no point in saying sorry or this is Canada(s) dark past, because it is your present and the gift will be the energy that is going to tear Canada and many other places a new asshole, its going to be horrific

History that exists before the 6ethers is called Prehistoric

Theses carvings of animals have been discovered in Scotland for the first time

Queen [Neteru] Scota

Who uses stone for their works, who are master masons [builders]

These stone tablets were found at an ancient Iy [house] at Dunchraigaig Cairn, Kilmartin Glen, Argyll, when they say tomb or temple, these places do not have bodies and are called Iy in recordings from ancient Sumerian text and are Adobes, Isles, Coastlands, House 

There are more than 3,000 prehistoric carved rocks in Scotland, the vast majority of which are abstract markings of a central cup mark surrounded by concentric rings

Sum one left you a record

Scota [Scotland]
Dunchraigaig [Dun-chraigaig]

Donald or Don or Dun means [Brown]
Don, the Celtic wife of Beli [Ba’al] which is the wife of Baal or from Dun, meaning brown [Dunblane, Dunbar, Dunbeath = Scotland] and [Dunkirk, Dunbar, Dundalk, Doonbeg = Ireland] and [Denbigh, Dolgellau = Wales]

Bennu [Ben-Ben] (Obelisk) from KHMT in a European country
Granite holds frequencies
These ancient Wi-Fi towers that were stolen to order 

When Simba looks at a glance for his son that got to me, and for mum she has to deal with it, this must hurt her so much, the Cheetahs in love but she must leave him
It is ignorant to say that animals do not feel emotions or know what they are 


On horses they built masterpiece buildings, all these magnificent structures that they didn’t build 

Snow-white buildings with dirt roads
The white building is a University
10 people live in the city, where is everybody, deserted streets and no garbage
in Kazan all the visitors spoke Russian [Prussian]  
windows at basement level, that means they had to dig out these buildings and is to why the have these masterpiece buildings and dirt roads, how does that make sense, the mud-flood is returning once again 

What they are showing you is much more advanced than this, remember they are 40-50 years in front of the world that they created
Why are they doing this is because they will be handing the controls of those leftover to their A.I and many of the real people have been executed and sum have gone to their bunkers

There will also be people wearing masks during marches to ramp up the street wars around the world

Those hospital images all look the same 

Dear Traveller

Entering into the world of the astral travelling, this means you are able to project yourself to any chosen destination at any time, you will be able to go to other expanses, realms, plains, dimensions

Astral [holographic] parallel and spirit world is the same thing

Different people will experience different sensations when in astral projection, you will see things, moving shapes, formats, lights, numbers, zones, and of course the openings, all while your eyes are open wide shut

Once you feel comfortable enough then you are on the way to being released from your physical body

Sum times though, if you try too hard to relax, it has the opposite effect, so don’t approach this in that way, for example I get conscious when I’m going to travel in certain expanses- that I mess it up and the connection cuts in and out because I have to let go of me, and cannot when I become conscious, Jedi flows..  

When you manage to achieve astral projection, your consciousness and astral body leave the physical body together, you have your senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste as you float through the astral plane, you also have emotions and feelings, like have you had a feeling thought, no image or sight but the feeling 






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