Waji [Green] [God] is Osiris [Asaru] ENKI
ASAR (searer) ASARU (watcher) who is a Paa Nedjer [Sedjet]
[the watchers-guardians] called Osiris by the Greeks
The Vegatation [God] NTR
Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] these beings
Nephilian [Neteru]
Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-beem]
Ghibbore [Gibboreem] Gob-bo-reem
Nephileem are the ones that came down to Ki [earth] and
were called the Annunaqi, once they bred with the sons and daughters of man
[Dogon wombman] became the Nephileem and the Ghibbore [Mighty Men] [God in
flesh] still Annunaqi but different, these beings
They were positive and negative and were 9ether, there
were no 6ethers on the planet, until they were created by the likes of Zues and
Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] there was also the Albino [Mighty Men] which is where we get
the word Cannibal which is derived from the words Canaan and Baal or Cane
[Kane] and Abel, called Cannibalism because they ate one another or other
The Green giant is because the 9ethers are plant [Herb]
base beings, they are Herbivore and the meat giants are Carnivore
The Nephilim are not coming back because they are the
9ethers incarnated on Ki right now
The Annunaqi genes are still present around the world,
the Australians [Australoid] were independently created on Kanem [Kandem]
during the second visit of the Annunaqi on Ki [earth]
What the 6ethers have done to the Annunaqi offs-spring in
Australia means your in big trouble
The first visit saw the creation of the Tahites
[Ptahites] the Pygmymoid aka the Twa and San [Khoisan]
The land of Kanem [Kandem] is under water now, largely
sunk only a few pieces remain which are Australasia islands that include Papua
islands and Madagascar
Papua New Guinea
Seated Giant
1818 by Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes)
Mulattoe just means mix-race
We also get the Mulattoes through ancient KHMT during the
Romans and Greek intermixing [raping] with royalty and after the emergence of
the Mulattoe Arab and Mulattoe Mongoloid
This is how we get General Alexandre Davy de la
Pailleterie, also known as Alexandre Dumas, Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, Queen Charlotte
[North Carolina] and more+
General Alexandre Dumas wrote the Three Musketeers based on Don and his two sons of Equador or Venezuela
The English word God refers to the word Devil [modern day
meaning] and the word God does not relate to the supreme divine creator of creation
or the divine creator overall
First of all, it is not a word but an acronym
Secondly, when viewed from the French perspective whereby
term [God] becomes [DIEU], we see that the root word for Dieu is Deus which is
bastardized ZEUS [ENLIL][Set] but also the Latin word DAVOS basically making DIEU Devil
This is just to warn you that everything the European
brought to you to worship is not as it seems and it is hideously designed to
snatch your soul to h3ll with him
We already understand that God, Jesus is all Devil masquerading
as the supreme divine energies above everything- which is false
The true name of what you refer to as God is IMN
according to KHMT [Egyptian] Hieroglyphics
What you call Jesus would be based on Osiris [Asaru] aka EN.KI
[ENQI] Heru = you
The 6ether told you that these are the Devils and
convinced you to swap the truth with the lie
The ACRONYM [GOD] is Gomer, Oz, Dabar, which translates
from Hebrew [Habiru] to wisdom, strength and beauty
Now, pay attention, the words may sone simple and good
but remember how Satan operates
Satan [the modern day meaning] uses cunningness, wisdom, trickery
and is not from the Heart
Imn uses the heart then wisdom
Strength stands for poWRA and conquests
Does that ring a bell to the Imperialisms
Also Oz means Babylon [modern day meaning]
Satan deceives and lures people through glittery, things,
money, luxury, beautiful women, sex, drugs, and shiny things
Imn uses the divine nature that is perfect and not shinny
Now you know, the true name of God is IMN and not God
God refers to the devil or the adverse forces
IMN can be Imana, or AMEN if you will
Imana created all things in the universe and resonates
from the centre (heart) always and not through cunningness and trickery
When the Annunaqi left the children began to imitate the
higher -ones, sum naturally had the natural elongated head shape
When the gene of the elongated head of Abamannuka
[Annunaqi] receded among the Hybrids due to further admixing with the Twa and
general Bantu, the Tutsi and other Bantu groups like the Mangbetu acquired a
custom of emulating the long heads via hair combing and head binding for
Sum royal family members of the Tutsi were born with a
slightly elongated head
For the Abamannuka, the heads were naturally that way and
not as a result of binding as deceitful masonic scientists claim
The English language was carefully put together by occultists
and wizards among the Anglo-Saxons of the 4th century AD
There was no English language before then and no book
written in English at that time
Ethiopia had thousands of written books in Geez and
Pronunciation - Geez [Kebra Nagast] Kebra Naga-st [Kebra Na-geez] Geez [Gaaz] Gust
The Kebra Negust] Negus-t
The Book [Bila] of the Gods
Bila = Bible
Most of the English words are from nearly all places that
the Romans and Greeks conquered and later places that the English colonized
Sum words are deliberate anagrams of Bantu words
Others were taken from Sanskrit
Who wrote Sanskrit, it was MA.AT [Sekhmet] Tamil writing Tam-il [Tama] Tamara [Tamare]
The problem for the 6ether is that their God is a jealous
God and doesn’t have the seed [soul] that his brother has, his brother has the
seed and is the 9ether, so one is jealous and his offs-spring are that way
inclined also, they are bred that way
Later name ENOCH was played around to form a moniker of
NOECH or NOAH'S ark then Noah and the ark
It was all a creative fiction project that the ancient
religious writers were involved in
The Ark was a space shuttle and not sum stupid wooden
boat that housed only two of each animal
Their holy Bible is about the constellations, the Chakra system and about you, your eye, their book is also about the Annunaki and not the God of the universe whose real name is Imn [Amen)] Imn [Om] Aum [Owm]
The angry or jealous God of the Christian Bible and Koran
is an Annunaki named ENLIL, who sees you as slaves for soul harvest
His brother ENKIi wanted the will of the true God IMN to
be the principal basis of worship upon humanity
Everyone that subscribes to the biblical and Koranic
teachings will follow ENLIL and have their souls enslaved
The Gnostics explained this very well
When the flood ended and the war between Marduk and
Ninurta ended
It is ENLIL who shuts the doors on the shuttle [Ark]
leaving the Noah seed stranded and it is EN.KI that goes back and saves them all [I
often wonder if this was the real reason why ENKI stayed on Ki] EN.LIL hates
HuMins [HuMans] and didn’t want them to be created, ENLIL is Set [Seth] and is
the father seed to the 6ether and ENKI is Osiris, when the HuMins were first created
they were having BBQ(s) everyday, drinking Kool-Aid and having street dances
all through the night and sum would have all-dayers, the HuMins talked too much
according to EN.LIL, when they were given the alien implants and gifts of
intellect ENLIL was not a HA.PI bunny, he always felt that they should be lower
than him, ENKI and NINTI were not having none of it and took us to their level
ENKI [Osiris, Nimrud, Ptah, Heru+] sought to start a new kingdom based in Khemet [KHMT]
that worshiped and praised IMN [Amen the true God of the Universe] and not ENLIL
[Zeus, Apollo, Baal, Jesus and Seth or Set+]
Imn means the hidden energy, the omnipresent, Imn works
through Ra the sun to offer life upon planets and would be Amen [Amon] Amun the hidden Ra or the hidden energy
Very simple and easy to understand and when you do, you
will inner-stand
Humins and all creatures are the embodiments of Imn
Imn [Om] means the sone of life, a superior energy that is hidden
These ancient inscriptions read IBZUBA and this term referred
to the land mass that is Alkebulan [Africa] today
ABZU is called South Africa today
The translation of IBZUBA is also ABZU
IBUZUBA means land of the SUN among the Abantu
According to Abanyabiru, IBUZUBA was a beautiful place of
fresh lakes and rivers where EN.KI chose its heart to build his house, its
above and under water
Its vast surroundings were blessed with plenty of gold
and fresh rivers and great mountains
There ENQI took the command from his father A.NU to
create Abanu [the black-headed ones] in the image of Abanyabiru to help him
with work especially in the mining of gold that was needed back at planet
Nyabiru [NIBIRU] for scientific reasons
The source of the Nile languages is a gold mine for
hidden ancient code, these languages still hold codes that prove a connection
with ancient the Annunnaki, the Ibi-Mannuka
-What scientists call Planet X is NI.BIRU or Neb Heru
[Nabara] Nyabiru +
Ancient Bahima and Bairu [General Bantu] of Uganda
conceived and counted time according to the NI.BIRU way of looking at time, in
Nibiruic concept of time, one year is a Sar and one Sar is 3600 earth years
In lunyankore, time is Shaha which is close to Sar, days
are Ebiro close to Nibiru [Nibiro]
Time in Kiganda [Uganda] and Kinyarwanda is called Sa and Isaha
-time is light the word time backwards is emit, NI.BIRU bends light aka time
The people of east Alkebulan [Africa] regard humanity as
Abanu or Abantu meaning those who belong to ANU or ANTU [ANUTU] ANUNNA which
leads into Annu-naqi with Annu or Anu and Naqi or Naki or Naga being Negus,
Nig9a, Neteru
In Uganda, the Banyankole regard the non-Hamites or non
Bahima as the real Bantu in this case they refer to them as ABIRU or a people
that came about due to those from NIBIRU
Zimbabwe all the ay down and across is Annunaqi headquarters
The planet is upside down, so South Africa [ABZU] is really North Alkebulan
In Rwanda the knowledge keepers were assigned a name ABIRU
meaning- those whose knowledge equates to the Nibirians
Therefore, Zacharia Sitchin’s assertion that the Bantu
were created as slave species may be valid because the inherent regard of Bantu
by the Hamites [Ham][Kham] is that they are workers in terms of agriculture, masonry, digging,
army and metal artisans and in most cases non Bahima were always relegated to endeavours
of serfhood
Also, the ABIRU may have been- the Habiru or Hebrews of
the biblical records, Hebrew [Habiru] Nibiru
The Bahima were the second last to be created by the
The last ones were the 6ethers [Caucasian] by the rebels
among the [Gods] elders
The word Mutara was Sumerian in origin and Sumerian is
Alkebulan, Mesopotamia
The word Mutara eventually became Mithra when Romans
invaded the area and during the birth of the Kabala, but Rwandans remained with
the word although this time it was just a titular name for a king
Bene Gahima occupied the area anciently known as Batbira
in what is modern day Iraq, Iraq comes under Mesopotamia
Classic Kinyarwanda was spoken around that area, most
Sumerian vocalization and pronunciation of what we refer to as Cuneiform was
Classic Kinyarwanda
Cuneiform is a Albino Greek word
It is one of the original Ibimannuka language which later got
adopted by ABANTU (Irus), Mutara was another name for Sun [God]
For example Mutara uta urumuri = Izuba (referring to the
sun as he who spreads light) thus deified as Mutara [Mithra]
Abanyarwanda ba cyera basenganga Imana yitwaga MUTARA [Mithra],
again the word Izuba was Sumerian meaning the Sun and is still used the same
way by Rwandans to mean Sun or a title of a King
The writings and the art of the Ibimannuka indicate that
everything on [Ki] earth is also on Nyabiru in a much larger size, the Dinosaurs
there are our Crocodiles and Lizards here
Nyabiru's furthest location is 39 light years away from
here but regularly gets close to Ki [earth] during its yearly revolution around
the sun which takes 3650 years and for us it takes 365 [360] days
Nyabiru day is 240 hours while earth day is 24 hours
Everything on Ki is as on Nyabiru but magnified
Humans [HuMins] here are miniatures of the same humanoids
on Nyabiru, even the colour of their skin [gold or ether- both] and the
language they speak is Bantuic
The Anunnaki (Ibimannuka) made it clear in their records
that they were giants, where Lions were like lap Dogs
During their time on Ki, they also had gigantic animals
and birds that they brought with them from their massive Nyabiru
Sum of the animals we have today have origins from
Nyabiru are Dogs, Inyambo, Cows, Ostriches, Peacocks, and Kats including Lions
Dinosaurs [lizard, serpents, reptilians] also came from
Nibiru but the Anunnaki saw that they were destructive on Ki as they were way
too huge and vicious for the Humins [Humans] and so they caused them to die
during the great flood of ZIUSDRA
Dinosaurs still exist on Nyabiru [NI.BIRU] and hollow Ki
The aspect of the Dog being man's best friend stems from
Nyabiru and dogs were as big as a lion or even larger, they were called IMBW [Anpu] rather than Dog
This is an ancient giant dog paw print
Celtic or Khemet or one in the same..
The Khoi [San] Khoisan lived all over Africa and Asia as far as Gobi
Desert during the second epoch of the Annunaki shortly after the sinking of
Kumari Kandem in the Indian ocean [Siddis] Seychelles+
The Khoi and many other Twa branches that are extinct and
were all over Isi (Earth) especially in areas stretching from south Alkebulan
all the way to Mongolia, the climate was different back then [one landmass] and
Crocodiles where in Russia [Mongolia]
There were no modern 9ether people at that time except
the Australoid who survived the sinking of the original island of Kumari Kandem
that was another Eden [Gan] Edin
The Australoid were genetically created separately but
with a similar formula as Twa, in fact they are a Twa branch
Bantu [Twa]+ are the Serpentine [Snake] specialist and were in Ireland [St Patrick]
Learning the Language of Kinyarwanda at a deep level will
help you understand the language of the [Gods] which they named AMATWI Y'NTARE
or do what I did if your really keen, find sum one who is from the past and ask
then to help you translates words
What westerners described as Hieroglyphics [Metu Neter]
Kinyarwanda gave birth to all Iru (Bantu dialects) South of the Equator
Kinyarwanda is over 8000 years old and falls outside of
the 10,000 ice-age or 2,000 Jesus stories and means there were tons of
civilisations before mankind
Kinyarwanda is older than anything like Arabic
We have evidence that Kinyarwanda was spoken at Badtibira
in ancient Mesopotamia and at Unu (Heliopolis) in ancient KHMT [Egypt]
The oldest Arabic scripts are from 640AD
Arabic script was taken from the Nabatean Alphabet which
was taken from Aramaic
Arabic as a spoken language dates earlier, of course, probably
around 30C.E, there was also a form which was called South Arabic which was
spoken around South Arabia and Ethiopia, before Arabic took place most of the
middle-east spoke Aramaic (Hebrew in Israel)
Languages of the 9ether are way older than languages we
see used by Europoid
Another oldest language is Sesarwa spoken by the San
The way races came about can still be re-demonstrated
even today
If you get a pure Congolese Bantu woman and she mates
with a Russian blond man you will get an ABAB [Arab]
A Khoi-San and they mate with an Aryan Indian from north
India or from a rural Kazakhstan blond man you will get a Chinese and or any
mongoloid looking Asian
Aryan, there are two, one is 9ether and one is fiction
And if you mix these mixed breeds with other Africans
such as Twa you get all other Mulattoid that we find in for example in South
Americans [as well as the leftover Spanish and Portuguese offspring that class themselves
has South American]
The Nergo word derives from many European cultures, Negro
is based on Nigg9 [Neteru] and Ntchr, Nedjer
The word NEGRO means [Black] in Spanish and also the word
Negro derives from the word NECRO meaning Corpse, death, dark, inanimate
Initially, the Spanish and the Portuguese marked the 9ethers
[blacks] as humin species has marked for annihilation or death via
exploitation, slavery and abuse
They were set for death thus NECRO people and Nerco comes
from Necrophilia which is a practice [Romans that is working with the dead
[sexual- sexing dead people]
This concept was passed down from the early days of the
Greeks and the Romans who applied the term NECRO to many great cities found in
Alkebulan [Africa] especially in the Nile valley whereby cities became
NECROPOLIS's meaning dead cities, Heliopolis [heli means Sun] any Greek names
in KHMT we do not acknowledge
After Pope Nicolas V gave the Portuguese the green light
to begin selling slaves in west-Africa in 1455, they set out to rename the
areas of west Africa as NIGER this Niger [and Nigeria] that meaning source of
humin species marked for death
This former part of Mali empire became NIGER place, former
Dahomey and Ghan became NIGER-AREA (NIGERIA) by the British
The word is not from Ethiopian Nugus [Negus] meaning King
but is based from the Ethiopian concept
The last thing the Portuguese would want to name you was
a king, sum relate the word to Negus Vedas, Nagas, Negus, its all related
Further down the line, as European medical exploration
rose, the need for humin Guinea pigs rose, Guinea was the name of their coin [currency]
and Papua New Guinea was established and is why today, Indonesia, Vietnam and
Australia, all lead the way in what they have all done to PNG and will be receiving
a new asshole for their time, systematic destruction, slow but oh so effective
Part of the southern Ghana empire and gold coast became
GUINNEA as was a source of Humin specimens
Know your history and decide if you are proud of it
Original Tunisian
A descendant of Hannibal Barca
These kinds of dark races have been wiped out in North
They no longer exist as we speak although saying that
there are pockets of these ancient people
The Aboriginals of what is now Yemen and Saudi Arabia
before they were wiped out looked like natives of Sentinelese Islands
Ab-original [A-B blood type] and Origin backwards is Nigir = Nigg9 and O is O-blood type aka Original blood type
Many of you have had a hereditary tests and it told you that you have Nubian DNA, at one stage you were 9ethers, the entire planet, today you may be 6ether or 7 or 8ether
This Maasai piece of metal-symbol used to clip his
forehead locks is a Sumerian word for SUN, that word is ZUBA and in other
places its Apsu and [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun] SAARU [SAARE]
The 9ether wore thousands of Karats of Nub [Gold] on their bodies
not as a sign of wealth- but for body charging, the body has gold and metals
and koppa, plasma- running through it and the 9ethers wore them well before
Europeans set foot on the continent
Our knowledge of Nub [Gold] as a precious metal is so
ancient that it goes back to the time of the rule of Gods (Zep Tepi), the
Ibimannuka left us with the legacy of valuing Gold [Nub] Nubia [Nubian
Did you know that your natural hair in its roundness
reflects the Sun as your Crown [Chakra] shield [halo]
In Christianity, the fake image of the son god Jesus has
to have a Halo at the back of his head representing the SUN
In the dictionary the term HALO is describes
A disk or circle of light shown surrounding or above the
head of a saint or holy person to represent their holiness
Ring of light, nimbus, aureole, glory, crown of light,
corona; shield, aura
A circle of white containing coloured light around the
person, sun, moon, or other luminous body
The word Halo is Greek in origin and is based on the
original word AU.RA [AURA] aka shield
Halo derives from the HR meaning Sun in ancient KHMT
The sun as a humin child, a crown or time, used letters
HR or HL for reference
The Sun as God us Ra [Re] Ru, and R, L letters for
The Sun as a prince born in humin from was Hora or HR
The Sun as a mere star in the constellations was referred
to as ZB, Seba, Sb, Zuba, Dzuba and Ra
Your Afro Hair on your head in its natural form is
inclined to mimic the SUN in a reminder that the head is the storage of light [you] and are antennas' to your wi-fi device that is built into you
You are in the Image of light
She said, I create in my own image and after my own
You are already Holy as in w-holy
Jesus is an impersonator of the SUN
His seed is of the bloodline that was never in the Sun's
Naturally, things that protrude on you must stand freely for
example hair, penis, pum-pum lips, boobs+
That was the original natural order of this realm
Cabs [Black-Cabs in London]
Printers, stationary supplies
the list goes on+
Wall Street
Tulsa City is where the GAP band are from
Gap stands for Granville Road, Archie Road and Pinewood
Ave, where the major industrials were based, so the sheriff got a plane and
bomb Tulsa city murdering all the 9ethers
The track called you dropped the bomb on me by the Gap
band who were from Tulsa city recorded about what happened
This sh9t is coming up once again, this time it will not
end like last time
There was 100 years [77 years] allocated to changing the energy but no one did fu9k all from the 6ethers and so now the ancestral energy is going to destroy the world in which he created
The world is falling apart, not the planet, learn the
difference, the Schuman starts another cycle, spiking after spiking, keep in
mind that energy always lingers
We connect with Sirius this week
NER [Vulture]
Quite a few birds now being seen after a long absent, why
is this, too far away, cloned-
An Egyptian vulture has been seen in the UK for first
time in 150 years, seen on the Isles of Scilly, this endangered bird has only
ever been spotted on British shores once in 1825 and once in 1868
A Himalayan Griffon Vulture, the second largest of the Old-World
Vultures, showing off its fake eyes
The Thunderbird is a giant Raven, the Raven works for the
conscious community
There was this article that I was reading whereby sum one
wrote that he photo-shopped this main image, however there is not just one
image, there is an array of these images
In the 19th century, many of the Pterodactyl were
still being shot down, the Pterodactyl does live on
This was cracked wide open two or three years ago, you cannot come to sum one else's home and just take their things without consent, the world is being dismantled in which he created
The planet is being emptied of her contents but she will not be depleted
Water is being removed around the world but especially in
the USA
The 9ethers are made from 70% water and will last longer
twice the size of the stature of Liberty [length]
Sinkholes are making moves, all around the world, more and more
Nature is warning you
Vents, what is coming out of them and for who
Peru [Heru]
Stone Aqueduct
Inca [Mandinka] inca [inka]
Aztec [Aztlan]
Aztec is from the name Mutec-zuma who was the last
emporia of Mexico Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur]
Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told
the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali
tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are
called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-mec
Aztlan [Atlantis]
Don't you find is strange that people from this region and places like India, Greece, Italians, and so on do not exist in todays world or are pioneers leaders, builders, how can they have such ancient advance technology but today have fu9k all
Peru [Heru]
This is what the west calls a false door and is actually a portal, same symbol in Hieroglyphs, stargate, portal, it took the Albino Greeks so long to work this symbol out
She is taking no prisoners
The world is falling apart, not the planet, learn the
difference, the Schuman starts another cycle, spiking after spiking, keep in
mind that energy always lingers
We connect with Sirius this week
Coastal earthquakes that you’ve never heard of but they
say its listed as an experimental explosion
New Orleans is already under the water level and Florida
is next, dirty history in Florida, that plate will also affect Cuba [we’ve not
heard nothing from Cuba at all] Jamaica, the whole Caribbean will also be going
Wooden satellite to be launched into orbit
YAWN out loud
Why didn’t they do that in the 60’s, what is up with what
they are doing
Red [Warrior Heru + MAAT combined] and Green [Waji]
Chakra energy is streaming through you and this planet
Three forces of the Universal Law
[1] gravitation [physical attraction]
[2] electromagnetism [emotions]
[3] the weak [love] and [4] strong [hate] nuclear forces
The nature of things [seen] and [unseen]
Italy, that is one huge craft [mothership] complex
Pole-land [triangle] +
With the opening scene of the werewolf, why didn't they show the whole body and why are these types of footages only seconds long
"Don't let your circumstances define who you
Sum times you are given such a sh9t start that you can
get caught up with that circumstances, situations [stimulation], when the start
was to get you where you need to get to, granted you may not have what the other
has and the other does not have what you have, that is just part of your lesson
plan, this doesn’t matter that he is a millionaire, he is still
missing parts, but isn’t that all of us
Money is nothing but a tool, and I'm going to do
everything in my power to try to make the world a better place before I leave
Freddie says the most important advice he would give his
little girl about life would be to "never give up, no matter how cold the
world may look," and try to make a positive impact on the life of every
person you encounter
Freddie was sent to save people, his devices are in
peoples homes, he saves lives when he nearly lost his own
Freddie Figgers
Tech entrepreneur
Alzheimer, Dementia, diet, Mercury, lead, and mass cloning and the first thing that goes is the brain
While many have only gotten into the spiritual way in the
last 100 years, there are those who inherited the way of their ancestors
Most people didn't even know what Yoga was 50 years ago, today many are just doing a glorified exercise with no meaning
When the Beatles went to India, everyone did, many people
just follow trends, Reiki certified means nothing, commercial new-age
NI.BIRU is entrenched with those off-spring in their history, Planet X is
the western name that as no meaning, unknown quantity in maths or unknown
number in maths is what X means
Today everyone is talking about the spirit world, chakra
system, meditating+
Stay away from those who are just trending, throwback
Thursday or Monday is the new Friday, people are running out of ideas and it shows
You need a soul for completion, do follow makeshift trends, stay connected to source and not to man
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