Saturday, 5 June 2021

Spiritually Contracting

Anxiety [An-exit] [An-xiet-y] xiet- exit

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe
-everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life

Spirituality doesn’t deal with the western versions of psychology and the physical terms for these terms, for these terms derive from where your nature is at

All spirits expand and contract and when you expand- that is a spirit going into a new place to develop new experiences, to develop new wise-dome [wisdom]

When a spirit contracts, this is when a spirit develops their south node type energy, where it goes back into a cell or sphere or realm of reality or a spaceship, a feeling or a thought that it is more familiar with because it might be scared of expanding into new territory in sum way shape or form, so that is a spirit contracting [expanding] 

We all have to do these things during that particular time that its going to be useful, sum times its useful to contract, sum times its useful to expand

You may be in an area where you’re trying to expand and all these thoughts and feelings that you are expanding that you’re creating as a spirit might be too impactful to the other individuals depending on what space that they are in- developing frequency, vibrations within their life, aka circumstances and situations

So, you might create an energy if you’re too expansive around the wrong crowd, you might have individuals start to feel that your stepping on their toes or you think your more of what you are in sum way shape or form- don’t let nobody humble you but you could bring yourself down and have forms of understanding and that way is how your contracting yourself- your not expressing everything of who you are amongst the sh9t out here, your not shining and this means you will be drained of energy for you are not expressing your internal liquid light and fire-flame and water, esoteric rainbow waters to everybody in the external realm and hence why these people out here will drain you out, this is why you are evaporated, dehydrated, thirsty [me not talking about water] energy evaporated, dehydrated, thirsty for energy and is to why today many of them are sitting back wondering why they are in need of sum thing in sum way, shape or form, all those part-time healers are drained out now, all those with reiki paper certificates, all those that hug others and claim to take their energy, yes bit9h your drained now, their monkey ass today are emotionally drained or spiritually drained aka with your thoughts and your feelings because that is what your spirit creates by sum esoteric parasite or sum energy vampire

We all experience anxiety, based upon your natal-alignment, upbringing, environments, parents, partners, your experiences and so on+, certain people experience anxiety levels at a larger percentage more than others for that is how they were created, this post is about what you are actually experiencing when in anxiety

Sum people suffer from anxiety just waiting for their Amazon delivery, sum suffer from insecurities- anxiety about how they look today

So, when you are experiencing anxiety, that word anxiety is a term and it is your connection to that word that gives it poWRA, i-have anxiety- no you do not, don’t say that word [anxiety] or don’t sphere [talk] that word, that word is spelt differently as in exit and is anxiety, ex-anxiety, like existence, externalising, all of these are representations of when a spirit creates a form, the form has an expiration date and when the spirit knows how to make an exit out of that light, out of that form it went into that information- once it figured it out- all the points, all the astrology, all the victuals, all the principles within it, it then will allow itself not to get attached to it and this means the spirit will then expand and allow that dead-footprints-in-the-sand-energy to go- but if that spirit thinks it is that w-holy ghost aka that light, that form and things of that nature- then the spirit goes down with that and whatever that light is, it is a colour spectrum and its from brightest to dimness and is going to involve with you as a spirit fulfilling whatever that is- to the point that you start to feel, and you feel down, you feel that you don’t want to let that go, you feel depressed, you feel spiritually damaged, this means you have allowed your spirit to attach itself to light form aka with what you are creating

You see where you are today, you see all that sh9t you have around you, you created it

All these things are forms and means you are creating and we create forms for our spirit to go inside of that, and at times it is too small for our spirit to go inside of, for example- speaking third dimensionally, you may have an idea and your spirit needs to be in one place, but people see you over there, people see you doing this, and you see yourself having this kind of vision, lets say you have a small world aka a small mentality, your spaceship is small- the way you think and feel is small, you don’t see capabilities because you may not have seen through other peoples eyes who have experience and have been more places of development or more relationships than you [aka the people around you like your mother and father, boyfriend or girlfriend had no brains and where limited and you are the same because of this or you are just small-minded or you don’t have the capabilities to think about things] so you may be in a situation that you may not see your worth- because the form, the thought that you are putting your spirit in is too small for your spirit, so then when you attract others who can see more of you- than you can see of yourself, this is where you start to develop nervous energies, resistant energies, because you are scared to expand because it looks unfamiliar to you, that looks very new to you, that looks north node to you, so you put yourself into a circumstance where you contract, like the water receding, you go back and you stay put, and you don’t expand to experience [you stay in your comfort-zone] those new lights and asteroids and shapes and forms aka people, places and things, circumstances and situations that may be unfamiliar to you and you don’t know if its playing out good or bad until you experience that

A lot of the times we are too smart for our own good and we pass up on opportunities and you don’t actually expand in your life and you come up with sum weighted down boring third dimensionally reason as to why you cannot do it and in reality, all you are doing is stagnating your life aka once again contracting

So, when we think about things like anxiety, when you are going into a new portal, that is a light form, that’s a circumstance, that was a thought and feeling that was on your mind, and when these things came together, you brought it with a six-pointed-star [which is two triangles] the fire and thought-before they become air and the other triangle is emotion before it becomes solid and dense- which would be earth aka water

Fire and water, so when you bring these things together it makes a six-pointed-star and develops care and whatever matters to you in your life creates a DNA ladder and strings right into your life as actual things that are part of this mater in this realm of reality, the periodic table aka what do you think people are made out of

So what maters to you, you manifest [Magi] these circumstances and situations in your life and everything that’s in your life external is made out of the mater that your in at the moment, your body is mater, so if you have fu9ked up thoughts, things that your in, in your thoughts and feelings that you actually bring together and you start to care about it-like it actually matters in sum shape or form and its sum stupid things, guess what – then that is the type of places, things that you are getting ready to experience, a circumstance, situation [stimulation] in your life

When we get into circumstances of dealing with anxiety on a broad scale, anxiety is anytime you’re getting ready to experience expansion or going into a new area or new space when we are all astral travelling as spirits aka you are experiencing sum thing new, so when you are going into a dark area or even when they are making video-games they all have a form of suspense to them like no way in and no way out, it has to play like a maze or like a liminal space, where the distance is limited to your peripheral or your outlook, so that you don’t know the outcome and this means you have to utilise your own i-magi-nation on an outcome or conclusion and that puts all of our spirit in that energy of men and women who are scared of the unknown

This is also like the negative masonic trick that they also control in their 3D world in their movies and programmes [tv] and video-games, but this is sum thing that we also all create in spaces as a spirit when you’re in one transition going to the next transition but the next transition may not have a destination that you can actually formulate ahead of time, so you get uncomfortable and this builds anxiety, it puts you into a circumstance of wanting to run to sum thing familiar that you can utilise has a tool so that you can feel safe and comfortable in that new experience and a lot of the time we may not ever feel fully comfortable to jump into a new experience, so we stay contracting, you stay conceiting and as a spirit you are never able to expand or experience or take on the opportunities that is actually for you so that you can move onto what the fu9k you are supposed to move into aka develop into and manifest what you are supposed to manifest and have the right places, people and things that you are supposed to have in your life that you are supposed to have in your life

So many people will just stay stagnated and stay stuck based upon being spiritually contracting and one of the forms of spiritually contracting is anxiety

There are so many more examples of anxiety, there are loads of different forms

Watch out for these words that we attach to, they are not your words, English words are tainted words, sum of you don’t even know how to hum [Om] correctly because of this bastardized language 
[Bastard- Baal’Star] that we are utilising right now, there are certain words that we try and use to attack a certain feeling or mode or spiritual travel that we are going through internally and that word might represent sum thing else and you don’t even know this

So when we say that word to express another feeling in which that word may not actually correspond to what you are feeling and this is a small part of practicing [witchcraft] on yourself, even saying good mourning [morning] if you are not selective in what you are speaking [sphering] you could be saying sum thing for the sake of a conversation, you could be saying sum thing for a heartfelt feeling, you could be saying sum thing just to explain it and get an understanding out of it with these words that you are using to try and explain how your feeling- which is actually redirecting your Ptah and blocking off experiences from a subconscious level

This is what the shadow-mason-government, Catholicism, Vatican, Jesuits and so on+ using psychology tricks on the average human individual in order to keep practicing operational variables on you to keep your mind trapped into their magic square so that your spirit is trapped into your body and there is no way out and when they create these liminal spaces inside your mentality- they create the circumstances on how to get out to the point that you have to become successful to get these things done and you take on these options to get out of this magic square, if you don’t have employment, credit, money+ if you don’t have these circumstances- then there is no way out and so you might as well kill yourself and this is how they had been running the world for the past 2,000 years- but they now have competition…

The root of the seed, things grow, the Ska is murky [Mercury] and things are changing

Don’t conceal no more for that is contracting and your spirit likes to expand and contract and you have to utilise these things when its needed but when you are experiencing anxiety- that means you are contracting at times that is not needed- so you are going to start developing fear aka your spirit being in a sphere of reality- a bubble that is more familiar because you are scared of expanding in sum way shape or form and bursting that bubble and going to a broader experience aka a bigger bubble [sphere] or third dimensionally speaking, having more awareness about sum thing, so that you are not experiencing a small percentage of being unaware or unconscious because we experience all these three levels simultaneously because this is what we are creating to exist as spirits  

So understand so that you inner-stand the loops that you are going through when we didn’t exist and going back to that area of existence with a light, with a form of existence and now we are shedding light into dark areas and its developed into expansion of being aware, intelligence, knowledge, know-ledge can lead to you not having a ledge and once you try and know everything you will never have a ground basis to what the fu9k you mean, you never have a ground basis to what makes sense to you and means you are falling into sum sort of abyss, sum type of holy, holy, holy 

Anxiety can lead into all of that and more and anxiety is just one example of your spirit contracting in sum way shape or form and having fears aka spheres of realities that it doesn’t like to get out of because it represents familiarity and when you are an individual that a spirit that is sacred to experience and that develops fear in sum way, shape and form aka spheres- a whole bunch of spaceships and bubbles that you can jump into that has memories and familiarities and spirits in that experience for a long time manifest that circumstance, situation- because that is what we do

So, when you’re in one energy-frequency vibration for a large period of time- you manifest that and that is more familiarity, more security, more safety but you also manifest more stagnation, more excuses on why you don’t want to expand and that would be the negative attribute of it- so keep that in mind

Anxiety is just one of the attributes and there are many others

If you are dealing with anxiety and you have harsh anxiety issues and problems- then you need to reach the bubbles in your life that you jump into that are fulfilled with so much familiarity, inner-securities aka insecurities and things that you have developed to make it feel like this is the safe thing to do- anytime I’m getting ready to experience a new experience, place, person or thing, circumstance, situation that is outside of my internal existence in sum shape or form aka get out of your esoteric houses, stop being asleep and get out of the fu9king bubble and don’t be afraid to do that, why, because there is a time in your life that is coming where sum thing from the external world is going to burst the bubble anyway, and your going to be forced to be the little birdie to be kicked off of the nest to learn how to fly into any unknown area, territory or perimeter- esoterically speaking

Sh9t is coming and many people who have created safety bubbles for themselves are going to lose their safety bubbles, its going to burst, another word for anxiety is shi99ing yourself, you are shi99ing yourself from yourself and this is going to be revealed, you are a spiritual MaStar and you must prepare for the Great Escape, take an inventory, take stock, have an audit, if you are on a spiritual Ptah and want to honour your contract fully with the best that you can be, then take the hand of destiny and walk this Ptah with your head held high, know your mind and control [regulate] it, let go of what you do not need, be real for once in your sh9t life and come clean with yourself

The universe, she listens, she cares deeply about you, she wants you to achieve in your highest potential, all your subconscious thoughts she reads as well as your conscious thoughts, she knows everything because she reads you, this means she will back you when you back yourself, you have been given test after test and your still here, many of the elders like you because you have the will to make it in a world full of sh9t

Many people are being called but few will be chosen, you want to be one of the few that are chosen, we all have to earn our strips out here, this is a learning zone and means you have to dig deep, right to your very threshold, you learn and discern, you think about things, you see things from a [God] standpoint

You just have to choose the right Ptah
Create the world in which you really want

You have the tools now

Infinite growing...




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