Jumping [Jack Flash] timelines are occurring along with sleep patterns being erratic, shifting, if your able to just flow with the days, nights-time, sleep+ then while its notable, your good to go and that is a good sign, just regulate the mind [Khu]
All the codes that you are seeing are nothing more than
codes to the matrix construct but you have to be using your inner-eye,
minds-eye to see the codes, not your HuMin [HuMan] eyes
This means using a different set of lenses, not glasses,
the false light needs to come down completely for the masses to see it but for
you young Jedi, bend the lights, see past the illusion, Aset once said no-one
has lifted my veil [illusion]
These codes are really Hieroglyphs when you use your
inner-eye, these angel codes are Hieroglyphs, this is the code to the matrix, your
angle [angel] numbers [333] [111] + are sum of your own zip files
There is coding all around us, in numbers for media news,
in music videos, in products, everyone is using coding [codes]
In order to crack the codes to the mainframe to this
system you need the access codes, the ancient language
Hieroglyphs is all over Arizona, Australia, Aztlan+, KHMT,
this is why Arizona is protected and many other places, Sumerian text are the
same codes, symbol, petroglyph [pictures] system
Upgrades are taking place in every cycle [24hrs] through
this construct, this thing is being rebuilt and you will need to use numbers
but not in the way that you were taught and you will have to use another set of
lenses to see these codes [numbers]
You have to be able to see the 3D world for what it
really is, this setting allows you to access these codes, symbols are the codes
This English language cannot serve you, its not the
ancient language, their matrix construct is designed to fail you, limit you,
hence all this one [sectarian] mindset, one language+
It had to be done or the [God] level would never have
been able to retain you
The ancient language is a higher vibrational- frequency
and you need to match this frequency, you don’t need to know what the Hieroglyphs
say, scan them with your inner-mind, sum people when you sleep or before you go
into Istal, the sub-mind [subconscious] knows what you are up to and will put a
trace-search for the data, so just look at symbols, ones your attracted to
This knowledge is already in you for it was taught to
1000’s of people for 100s of generations
Hieroglyphs are symbols [codes] and you already know
these symbols [codes]
[God] commands the planet to move not by spoken word aka
the Bastard [Baal-Star] language [English] but God commands the planet to move
by sone [sound] tone, vibration, acoustic, by frequency [Om]
This is the reason why many of us manifest [Magi] faster
and why sum of you don’t, is because you don’t use the English language, its
full of spells [Ghost spells][Go-spel]
Visualise- is to see in your mind what you want or are
thinking of, to vision, you use your i-magi-nation, you image [imagery] aka
manifest, this is your Magi [Magic], you do not pray because that is begging
Play up-temp [45bpm] music [muse] when you are creating,
you can do this in Istal [Distal] we are at [God] level so why don’t you match
[God] language [frequency]
Even in the Schumann, those are codes [Hieroglyphs]
I worked sum thing out in the astral world and became
conscious of this in the physical world, so I went to look at the answer in the
physical world [in real time] and the answer was scrambled, they would not let
me bring it to the planet or it was not for the planet
This was last night and right up until now I don’t
remember what I worked out or what the answer was and its bugging me, you know
what I worked out would have changed sum thing
This is the shift process, when you quiet the mind, the
data starts streaming
This is the reason why silence is golden
It’s the absolute frequency of the Universe
Once humans began talking that is when we began to babble
[Baab-el] [Babel] then came the Gossipiest (aka Gossip aka Gospel [Ghost
Spell] aka Confusion [Kung Fu]
4D is the [ether] melanin [kaanu] dark-energy realm
In your mind ask your questions, think them in thoughts,
they will answer you, this is the era of the knowing
Ki is rewriting the programs
Psychic abilities have increased, you can read minds,
other peoples minds, you can see AURA(s), your senses, seeing, hearing,
tasting, smelling, feeling and emotions and your higher senses clairvoyance,
psychometry, telepathy and intuition have all been heighten, more for sum than
in others for different reasons, you will be acute to a great deal
Psy [Soul and Chic is Chi [energy force] spirit force
You will be able to see beings, entities in the 3D and
they will know that you can see them, learn to masquerade your thoughts and
your AURA energy signatures because not only will you attract your own kind but
also the kind you don’t want, you can see them and they know when you make-them
You can see [things] in the corner of you eye or in the
distance and when you focus in- they move, sum are positive and sum will be
negative, sum will be those who transitioned and there will be those who are
trapped in this field
All of your capabilities that you have are being
increased with each nu-upgrade, nu frequency
Get your sh9t together
0’s and 1’s [111] [333] 6s and 9’s all these numbers and
more is how you see the matrix according to how your mind processes it, it is
relative to your perspective, your mind was trained to perceive what numbers
are, which is really Hieroglyph [symbol] code that you are looking at- you just
need to changeover lenses
Heru [Horus] gene transfers
Body vibrations are you being upgraded, there are beings
working on many of you, sum of you will feel heavier, smaller or taller+ for
the real you is coming online, non-appetite occurs when you are also having
upgrades, more fuel is for the energy that you are burning for fuel whilst in
the astral world, tones in your ear left and right hemisphere are also
happening in the hemisphere]
It will be other beings or your higher-self that is
upgrading you, this is in waves, sum of you had stuff done within the last
3years, its all-in waves
You’re a magnetic being so don’t attract what you are
taking in through the 3D, do you get that, you know the truth and stay on that
Ptah, don’t stream into things that will attract back to you because you are a
magnetic being with electron, sum real poWRA, so you don’t want ti attract that
particular experience to you, your higher than this now, you are world-class
Stream from the creative side of your mind, stay there
for its safer, whatever is going on over there does not have nothing to do with
you, come up out of the matrix or you are going to go down with it
The body is going to go wherever the mind goes
Not freewill, its creative will, you always had the
The conduits cannot give you more until you have
MaStar-ed what you have been receiving, you can be rejected at this point if
you haven’t processed the data or if you are part-time
What you are administering to others, you are actually
administering to yourself for we are all a projection, a reflection of
ourselves [our cells] even writing these posts I re-read
If you do not know who you are then you will not be able
to know the [God] source because you are simply not ready this time round
The currenSea that you need to be using is the [Love]
energy [NRG] come from that space, be operating from that space, not that false
[Love] NRG
It is Waji [Green] NRG
Be real and stay in that field
You can take yourself out of the 3D world and nothing can
touch you when you are streaming from the 4[5]D+
Be of the world but not from the world
Stay away from outdated programs
Deciphering magic spells in the English words
To believe is basically to be in a lie and live that lie
To give energy and soul to deception and an illusion
Nearly all English words are carefully manipulated
anagrams and conjoined words to convey negative spells and energies on masses
Words carry energies
Everything happens because of words
Nothing ever came into existence without tones [words]
uttered first
All your entire future depends on how carefully the sones
[words] you will utter or write or think to the universe and humin receptors of
those energies in the form of tones [words]
The source of words is sone, is thought
Thought comes from your god-self
When you say I believe, you render your life to a
negative spell of a lie
-Replace the term belief [believe] with the word know-
The term believe is detrimental to your wellbeing- its a conjure
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