Thursday, 3 June 2021

Hallowed Ground

Open your palms, let me read out your instructions

Our father [mother] in heaven, hallowed be thy name

Terraforming, Ki [earth] and you are being reformatted, we are being transformed, we are being reformed and recreated under this nu energy that is on this planet, this Aqua-rius energy is in full gear

This is the first time that Ki has dealt with the Aquarius energy in this unique way, and so you too, many of us are having to learn how to utilise this nu energy and during this transformation we are going to be gaining a Hallow Soul [Baa], a nu strength and more poWRA

A Hallow Soul is a Soul [Ba’A] that is resonating under the higher frequencies of the Kosmos

This is a Soul that is under the emotions or feelings, our soul is governed by how we feel, our feelings and emotions, our characteristics our personalities are within our soul and spirit, our soul carries our hurt and pain, the anger, the frustrations, our soul absorbs the negative, it is the strength of you soul that is now the poWRA behind the force, the force of change

Intermittent sensations [HA.PI, sad, angry, lonely, confused, joy, tears of happiness, tears of sorrow, lost and found+] are present in your life, regulate your mind, watch yourself and check yourself

But when you have learned how to control the energy [e-motion = energy in motion] then you have maStared how to have a hallow soul, you need to know this so that you inner-stand where you stand on this planet

MaStaring the Soul allows you to control the flow of energy that flows through us, thus, we will be at a zer0 gravitational force, it is important that you maintain a disciplined mind

Yes sh9t is on the horizon, and many of us are going through sum thing, you will also see sum thing from the past that was hurtful or sum-thing that had an effect on you that was from the hurt range, this is sum thing natural because what has happening is that all your old feelings, all your old emotions that are passing through you and being purged out of you, your immune system will be under pressure and even your stool will have toxic ingredients
-all being done to take you to the level of the Hallow Soul, this is a point-blank era, you must be true to you and your emotions, and how you are feeling

Once you reach the level within the Hallow Soul you will learn the language of the Hallow Soul, catch up, this is the ancestors’ original language, the language that we spoke was the language of Nature [NaTaRu][Neteru] [NTR]

Your Soul has to be hallow, you must not have anything that is heavy and you must be regulated in what your thoughts are and how you feel in regards to what is taking place for you

The negative and disagreeable do not have a Soul and can wipe you out without no hesitation

You need to be on that level of thinking, not wasting your energy on lower things

Maintaining a high vibration is a must, when your Soul is Hallow, your vibrations match your attitude, this Hallow Soul is for the protectors of Ki

You were placed here for a reason and your reason or purpose is being revealed every day- in waves, you must be able to carry out that what is required of you to the fullest, there are no half measures, no half stepping, you are either in or you are out

Knowing [believing] in yourself is key to your destiny, to your purpose, knowing the poWRA, knowing what you are capable of, your true potential, know that you are an infinite celestial being, that you are a true carrier of light, that you carry light and that nothing can force you into sum thing that you don’t want to do

Walk with poWRA, not in ignorance

Those ether beings who are constructed out of Carbon, you are resonating with the Kosmos and resonating with Re [sun], giving you the ability to go beyond the ability of what you think you can do, know it, be it

Sum keys to gaining a Hallow Soul, begin resonating- you want to use the frequency from your throat [chakra], you want to breathe it and say it from your diaphragm which is your soul-ar plexus, by using the frequency of your diaphragm

This causes your Soul to vibrate, doing this allows the Soul to purge itself, speaking your peace, tones, acoustics, sones+ all contain the frequencies you need, you will feel your organs [musical instruments] from your diaphragm to your pancreas, stomach, intestines, all in and around that area you will feel them vibrate, all that area is your soul, hence soul plexus, this is your sun within you, there are backdoors but for now this will do for you, when you do this your Soul begins to vibrate and thus you tune your Soul to be Hallow

I wanted to get involved in sum thing that I was witness to; however, I was automatically stopped from intervening has my Soul was not ready, even at my stage it must be fully operational, the nu energy is revealing much and soon, we will be speaking in the ancient dialogue fully with the Hallow Soul

When you reach the Hallow zone, fear leaves you, you no longer pay attention to lower things, those lower things won’t reach you because your Soul is vibrating beyond the norm, attacks that were due to you won’t reach you because they cannot feel you, they cannot connect to

This nu energy comes into you and out of you so that you are at your best, cut out excess baggage on your Soul

As above, so below, as within, as without, so the universe, so the soul

This is the ancient language, the Serpentine language, the language of the Soul

You will fully inner-stand everything that you are saying because nature needs you to speak in the vibrational tones, so that nature can vibrate also, she is talking through you, through your soul                

This is a Soul-ar system and you need a Soul for this phase, Soul-ar energy is raining down like the world was ending and beginning, this is every day [cycle], be part of the greatest change in this planets history, be selected and counted, many people are called, few will be chosen

Consciousness is rising on the planet in waves, all the messengers are on the planet right now

All the messengers that you have read about or know of, are walking with you and sum of you don’t even know it, you are one of them, she is one of them, I am one of them and there are many coming back every day

We are the chosen light, not just the 9ether people but for the rest of the elites’ people, star-seeds

The chosen are the elites advanced people until they fell because they thought that they were better than [God] and she needed to remind him who is the Boss

So, this lesson that is being given to them, we have come to an end of that lesson plan, the consciousness is activating [awaking] up, the information age is about data, the real light of information has you activate

You activate others through your AU.RA, be the example in this field

Many can see your light in your eyes, in your AU.RA field, this will attract the ones who need your light rightfully, stay where you can be seen, you will not need to watch for others if you have been doing the internal work, if you do still attract them, then please do an inventory

Apostle means messenger, many are here 

A lot of you are these messengers and are here to activate these people, you must use discernment when you activate others, they activate lower people-beings, who can be who you love, work with, hang with, they were sent to disrupt you

I see it all the time, but you have eyes to see and ears to h-ear, you will see these things and hear these things, it is down to you what you do with the knowledge or data or information or light in which you see and hear

Very important period on this planet, you need to remain awoke for this is no joke, they will bring you down but the soul poWRA is very potent at the moment, come get me sum, fill up and stay up

Build electricity in your body, electric food and get sum from our electrical sun

Sum one wrote and sum one said, what you said or wrote, I was thinking about, why’d you think that is, are we not on the same wavelength, we are connected to the universal mind, one size fits all  

At the same token, just because we are on the same wavelength does not mean you or me are going to make it, you have to break the program down

You go by the name you were born with, doesn’t mean that this is who you are, only the strongest of vibrations will come out on top in the test on Ki

Eliminate that which holds you back, let go and detach, retain what you have been given do not stream out to those who are without, allow your AU.RA to activate others, this does not mean stand within their field, energy attracts other energies like sh9t attracts sh9t

Use your gifts wisely, stay in the field of the knowing… 

[Close your eyes and listen on your headphones]

We are floating at the moment, easy does it, stay nice, equilibrium
Stay in your heart-space, come from your heart 

Read all data in Chakra energy, you will go further 

Match the soul-ar energy against your soul-ar body, all colours inter-merge with one another 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

Purple [Ultraviolet] Crown [Dome]

Hungary [no- I just ate]
Purple [Ultraviolet] backdrop, plasma strike
Yes nature is fu9king lit  
Huge voltages strike the planet where she needs it the most

Plasma discharge
Ultraviolet backdrop 
[that is not the sun]
See the distortion that is not coming from the sun
Almost looks like sum being with their mouth open-eyes, nose 

what is this translucent sphere made from, this one is really close 


Amazon [Skynet] devices will automatically share your Internet with neighbours starting from [June 8 2021] online for many in the USA, this will be and as already for other parts of their world, this is world wide connection in their N.W.O, internet will be free soon because they will need to track you, watch the movie Elysium

Lion tamer or trainer is a Lion conditioner, if you are training an animal then you are training the animal to do HuMan things because there is nothing that the animal needs to know from a HuMan
She should have eaten his head, they will beat her and starve her, he beat her and the guys outside the cage, that is your training
We are ending this and those who interfered with the 3 kingdoms and this planet

There are those who recognise their connection to all life and there are those who do not  

Why are they moving the goalposts, where are they guiding the masses towards, watch the distractions and scenarios that they deploying 

Earthquakes are popping, activity with weather systems [tornados, hurricanes] and volcanos, if you good to go, know that sum where is getting battered, there are no days off 
Rumours of Tsunami(s), flooding's and heat, land-moving-landslides, sink-holes and so much more+ one day, she is going to give way and let go 
Metals are coming down through the atmosphere 

Taken in Texas, red and orange sun-Set or sunrise, the sun can go like this in those two dimensions, orange rim [soul-ar plexus] and run warrior [root] energy   

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun], Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]

Main craft and scout
negative image 

This image looks like a CGI image, however there is a patch over sum thing

Green black drop over Texas 
Spirits in the Ska 

1971 USA Navy 
[the fact that the US Navy took these images lets you know two things, they were spectators and two, those on those crafts knew the US was watching them and were not bothered]



13,000 years ago

2021 Bangkok 

Who goes there 

Who that 

This is your disclosure
Hybrids, clones and more+ since 1954
Hitler created at least 7 clones and gave up 2 when he went to the USA
sh9t is real in the field, they need to start telling you because half the population are hybrids, clones and Gamma radiation is destroying many of them  
They are counting on the masses not to believe what the papers say, and this is true to a certain extent, however we are in the realm of truth, and the revealing of truth

Iran [Mesopotamia] Eridu 
Stone computer chip, who does work this this 
The Persians in Iran are a delegation, ambassadors and are Kush [Ethiopian] people 

Wi-fi devices around the world, the old and the new 

Off worlds

Under X-ray reveals several pieces welded together [which slightly surprises me]
accurate precision missed by the HuMan eye 

House of the Flying Daggers
Do not underestimate the poWRA of the Femi9 energy 

Use your gifts wisely, stay in the field of the knowing… 








Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...