Sunday, 20 June 2021

Sunny eye...


The instrument on the crown of the Ife [God] of the Yoruba is similarly seen on the heads of the Oromo elders in the Ethiopian [Kush] lineages, the connection is because they are from the same cloth

Metals, pyramidal designs, antennas  
[3rd] eye enhancement, there was no bastard [Baal’Star] English language and most communication was through symbols, hand gestures, languages and the 3rd eye [telepathy]

In west Alkebulan [Africa] elements of Bantu people exist, the term Banu or HuMins is [Ado] Ato and ANU in sum of the Nigerians and Benin people

The founders of Benin for instance, were Bantu that came from the ancient city of [Unu] (Heliopolis) in ancient KHMT [Egypt] but also from Mesopotamia

Heliopolis [Annu] ANU
Memphis [Tattu] Tat-too
Thebes [Nu-Amun]

The first names are all Albino Greek renaming and mean nothing for these places are 9ether places that were built and maintained by the 9ethers

The 9ethers revered their ancient Anunnaki ancestors as portrayed in their sculptors that depicted facial features of such ancestors as seen in these figures, many of the Annunaqi in images do not portray an evilness about them and are very much family orientated

When we compare them to the sculptors of Babylonia, we see that the long beard, the difference is that the Asiatic and the Bantoid sculpted in their image

The Beard was expressed in a manner that symbolized -the flow of Waters of Ea [look at the design]

West Africans really tried to record their Ibimanuka ancestors in a form of lasting art unlike the Bantu from the south of the Equator who emphasized encoding such facts in their language over large-scale sculpting and writing

Everyone knew they had to build and leave records because the 6ether was being readied and the 9ether was going into dormant mode 

The NYIGINYA were a special breed of Nu (people), after the creation of the Twa (Pygymoids) and then the general Nu or the Anu people

The [Gods] decided to interbreed with the Nu and created a breed of Nu known as the NFURA, written in hieroglyphs as NFR [Nefer] or NTR [Neter]

The Nfuras took the banner for the Gods after their long rule on Ki

Gahima the first son among the Nfuras took the covenant which was ensembled as a holy KAU [cow], a drum, a staffed flail and a crook

The Nfuras inherited kingdoms not only in Alkebulan [Africa] but in Asia and south America
Sum Nfuras are still surviving in various parts of Alkebulan [Africa]
In Rwanda they are known as the Nyiginya

We are mentioning Rwanda, Uganda+ and other places and the mighty Tutsi because counties that used Foreign Policy are going to be raised to the ground like France, Belgium and many other places are going to be flattered, not quickly, they are going to be slowly roasted
The UK and other places caused genocides because of greed and now its payback

In Somalia [Plut-Land] they are the Dir or Qubay

The nfura bloodline in India and Asia in general was diluted by Aryan invasions and are not 9ether anymore

Other Nfuras may still be alive among the Bamana people of Mali and many lost elements of them in Ethiopia, Chad, Sudan, Kenya, Zimbabwe among the Shona and south Africa [Abzu] that are lost or on the blink of extinction

This was the word syllable that described an Infura and literary symbolized those who are the most beautiful ones of Anu's creation

The inheritors of Imn(s) promise

Tibetans still held a dark skin element among them at the turn of the 20th century

The Khoi-San marker among them was still very strong until they began to intermarry heavily with bordering Mongolians that had been mixed with Russians thereby accelerating a 6ether Mongoloid, the case applies to the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

A huge group of Khoi-San of Kalahari Desert migrated to Gobi Desert and the Himalayas eventually producing most of the Mongoloid people, after the Mongolian we get the Caucasian, the last race  

As featured in the movie Star Wars, the San people 

There is no such thing as Asian eyes, its the Kalahari eyes

Asian [Oriental] eyes are Greys eyes

The San [Khiosan] are the Alkebulan [African] father and mother of all Mongolians, science doesn’t lie

    China does not want to show you the leader of the Terracotta army or talk about the MIR(s) they have or any of the ancient technology they are holding  

Are not Asian words 


Sha and Shi is Chi 

Heru -Shiva



Technology from the superior beings the Annunaqi

These crowns all have the Vajra(s) at the top

This is not a Freemason or Morocco concept
The Fez [Qez] is far more ancient than the Moors and was introduced first by the Annunaki, Ethiopians then the Olmecs and into Nagalan [India]  

Moors come out of the pioneer builders the Ulmec who were based in Mexico and Nicaragua

Maur [Mauri] Muur [Moor] [Mu] Mauros [Morenos] meaning black or scorched, burnt face, they say this word is a describing word, but 9ethers don’t get burnt so who was the word really for

The children of Mu [LAH.MU](Mars)(Muurs) Le-Mu-ria [Ber-Mu-da]

Many of the structures in South Aztlan [USA] were built by the Ulmec, they built Stonehenge in the UK and they built many more sites around the world

9 cities in Mexico built by the Ulmec with the capital called La Venta

The Ulmec travel to different constellations, sum are in hollow Ki, they teleport to many different systems

The Muur is referred to as Meru, for they say many settled at Mt Meru [Kilimanjaro] Meru [Heru]

There are two types of Meru, those Moors who travelled to Kilimanjaro after leaving Aztlan became integrated into the Meru people, from Congo and Kenya and Tanzania

When slavery started, the Albino Arabs along with the Portuguese recaptured many of the Moors and took them back to Aztlan [USA], the Albino Arabs join with Spain

A.NU twin brother ALALU

The arresting of ALA [ALALU] on the orders of Anu
Allah [Alalu]

ALA was in Lahmu [Mars] and was there with IGIGIS or DINNEER [wise elders- etheric beings] but did come to Ki and mix with the creations of his twin brother A.NU and is another reason why we have the modern day meaning of Evil among the HuMins 

Medicine Man
Medicine Wombman
Wika [Hika]

In 1992 Sean Connery set off into the Amazon in search for the cure for Cancer, we haven't seen him since 
Most Rwandan Doctors, Nurses were HUTU women during pre-colonial times, because traditionally, Hutu women were proficient with knowledge of the Herbs and different types of foods as they had thousands of years dealing with land and different plants and roots and the knowledge was taught to 100s of generations for 1000s and 1000s of years

Tutsi mainly produced Psychics (Abatera nzuzi) because they sat more in fields [nature] watching their cattle graze thereby engaging in dialogue with their minds more

Tutsi had sum of the best thinkers and philosophers in Alkebulan

The 9ethers are going to be offered money [reparations] to stay around, they will be making you an equal in their world, the most-high is watching you, choose wisely for you know what is going on, many do not, that is their choice, no amount of money can save you or repay you for what took place
You have been warned, take the money and you go down with their world, take the money and spend it wisely  

Tesla dirty electricity that harms humans [humins] his electricity fries your brain and your body
The grid is buckling under the pressure, the grid was built in the 1940's and as never been replaced or upgraded

The Schumann is spiking
3 x M7 in last 30 days, sum thing coming  
We also join Sirius 

Roasting you to death, all those bunkers and nests down there, the plasma from the core must be burning them down there

 Nuclear sites and facilities are being shut down, many households have no power, grid is gridlocked

Radiated atmosphere, chakra energy streaming in, Red is inside the groove

Coming out of the portal 





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