Sone [sound] frequency and the effects on water [mater]
the planet is a sphere of water and water holds frequencies, vibrations and we
are coming back to water
One of the recorded names for water is Moya, liquid
crystal display [HD], Moya [water] is life
They can use sone to create symbols, one was a star in
water in a jar which this same experiment is the same has [God] speaking, let
there be light, which is sone, this was [God] who spoke to the waters of the
deep, which is primordial Nun [Chaotic waters] aka the abyss, the deep
This is sone-wave frequency
This is what all reality is [Star] SAARU [SAARE] SARA the
Star is the Tetrahedron and the Toroidal flow aka the bubble that we reside in
within the dark waters, the waters above that is formed through sone frequency
Sone frequency makes patterns, shapes, symbols, this can
also be done through the poWRA of sone [speaking] tones
We are in the Age of Aquarius, and as it was in the
beginning so shall it be in the end, in the beginning it was water with one
continent in the middle [Pangaea] Gwana-lan [this planet has had many names] and water all around the lan [land]
and the water was there because the water holds the frequency of the realm
The waters became polluted when the rift was created
which is classed as the Milky Way which is a crack in the firmament [dome] and
this crack let in the dark waters above with the waters of this realm producing
the chaotic waters, the Ulmec [Olmec] Maya [Mayan] called it the great rift and
today known as the Milky Way, that rift let in energy that is not supposed to
be mixing with this energy that we could not process at the time, the vibration
was really low also making the 9ether redundant, animalistic, insane
Water hold current which is currenSea
We have also had the mud-flood and the rift and mud-flood
changed everything, who cracked the firmament, many say it was in the 1800s and
not millions of years ago
Today sum thing is going on with the water, water is
disappearing, water is being taken to other parts of the planet, the seabed
cracked over California [which is think is sum thing to do with the sh9t coming
from Fukushima] sea is receding
When lockdown started water was cleaned in places, water
rubbish is piling up on shores around the world
All the elements will and can be used and water is one of
them, many of you are an element controller of one or more of the elements, the
9ether is 70% made from water, maybe they are 100% made from Moya and are just
at different frequency rates [settings]
Use your word-sone-poWRA, the water on this planet is
being cleaned, cleansed, purified, the frequency [sone] is being upgraded all
the while to match- meaning currenSea
They did this in Tarataria, they played harmonic sones
through their Cathedrals and [Iy] temples, using their Organs [type of Piano],
the frequency was pumped out through the air, the 12 regions of Tarataria aka
the land of [Israel] aka Atzlan [one land mass] this frequency was like a Hum
[Owm] Om which healed you and kept your vibration stoked instead of artificial
sones like machinery, cars, even artificial lighting, we are seeking balance
While the waters around this planet are polluted nothing
can be cleaned [purified]
We are getting all the light-codes now, the others have
become weak over the last 6months more so, and we must start using these codes
We have flooding’s, flash flooding’s, heavy rains, hail =
all that is water
We have ancient marine civilisations, the beings that use
the waters, the Nomos [Nommos] the Nagas, the Dogon [Dagan]
The Ghouls [Nomos] Lyra [Lion] Akir [Kammu] Kat beings and the Draco
are cousins and sum are in avatars when they are on this planet
It is EN.QI [EN.KI] IN.KI that holds the ABZU gate, the
water-gate, ENKI had is subterrain base in ABZU which is South Alkebulan which
is really North Alkebulan [the map is upside down] ENKI [Iy] temple was
underwater and he would use the gate to travel from the water-world to the land
Its all the same story, the same beings, same gate that
they are all taking about, the same sub-terrain worlds and sum thing is going on
with the waters around the planet
Fish, whales and dolphins are washing up, so between
being sonically boomed out of the water, mass fish die off, what is that, the
water is too hot, no oxygen in the water, crabs losing their shells, is that
acidic, there is a cleanse or reSet going on in the water-world, a cleaning
program has been installed for the planet must have reached her threshold for
water damage, many places around the world have polluted the water and will be
punished, tankers that wash themselves out in the ocean, the spilling of oil
[planets blood], nuclear waste, rubbish in the oceans, the very substance that
you need or your organs shut down after 72hrs, you can go without food for a
week and longer but your organs need water or they start shutting down, that
water is being taken away from you for a reason
The planet is one of a few planets in the entire cosmos
that is able to sustain complex organisms and she will never be compromised for
the sake of one species
There are certain waters that we are supposed to avoid
right now, the 9ether does not go to the beach, there is an alchemical process
taking place and you must be wary of going to certain beaches, water system,
water is the giver of life and water is the taker of life
You were created with gills that you breath through in your mothers water [distilled] sac, your palms of your hands and soles of your feet go wrinkly when your under water for a long time [swimming or bath], why, this is a built-in mechanism that allows you to grip more easily under water, you were once aquatic
We have just had the first water plane, the plane that
water runs off of and soon they will have to release all of the water burning
technology but only after they control [own] the rights
We cannot allow them to make us in their image or make
the world in their image, new-world is being implemented, the young ones will
make the right choice and not allow this to take place, we know the technology
is there and these young minds just need a spark, they have the capacity to
change the world in which they reside
Crafts come in and take the water, six visible water
funnels extracting water to their crafts to be dispensed sum where else, the planet is also tilting making water shift
NI.BIRU [Magnetic] Neutron Star
Cube and the Sphere [3600]
NI.BIRU(s) passage is 3600 or 360 degrees [36 light]
NI.BIRU is the Neutron Star, the earlier collision
between NI.BIRU [Neutron Star] and Earth-
[Tiamat, ball-sphere of Water] meant
that the genetic compatibility between the two was assured
Cy [Ki] Ky
Ki is a sphere if water [Neutron Ball]
Cystal [Cy] Ki
Matics [Maat-ics]
Maat 9to9 to the NTH poWRA
Where it says space, that is Ether [Mater] Melanin
[KAA.NU] the 5th element
Mater and Water are the same word
Water is liquid crystal
Moya [Water] Mater]
M[W] Electron wavelength symbol
of Aquarius [♒]
[Aqua = Water]
Moyaat [Maw-ya-at] Moya [Maya] Water
The crystal universe exists
The dot focus on the rest of the symbol will filter in, do
this in the dark, or just before Istal, or when you have a moment, close your
eyes on and off and image the symbol and dot in your mind until you can see it
in your minds-eye, stay focused and keep your human eyes [monitors] centred
This will align the KAANU in you
Buddha teachings
Love over comes Hate
-for love to exist, the world must come to an end [recycle]
We had been repeating until the loop looped out, many gave up their life to get us all to this recycle point
A Dog in KHMT was called IMBW and in Bantu [BAN.TU] dialects
a Dog is known as IMBWA
The name IMBW is from IMPW and eventually conceived as
AMPW and later AMPU
Then we get to ANUBU from AMPU
ANU.BU [Messenger of heaven and h3ll]
ANBU [to wrap around]
The Greeks use Anubis
From football, fencing to non-contact-martial-arts, to high-jump
well before any Olympia in mainstream, KHMT [Alkebulan] is the world-wide learning centre before it became a graveyard
[Kung-Fu] Confucius
Judo [Judo-ka]
It was carved into position and not placed
Ul-Mec [Olmec] Maya [Mayan] Chief is received aboard a
higher plane by Extra-terrestrials Humanoids, they are all communicating
Zahariah Sitchin, the Freemason mouth piece on the
Annunaqi [Anunnaki] Annunagi, Sitchin recorded the word ANNUNAGI and we know
that the Anunnaki created the black-headed-ones aka the Alkebulan [African] at
different intervals
The term Anunnaki is a western transliteration of an
inscription taken from the Sumerian cylinder seals that originally appear as
MNNK or as a kind of zigzags with an inscription that signifies letter [K] and
M[W] which is an electron wavelength symbol
Ancients never used to apply vowels but utilized skeletal
letters (consonants only) in their recording of history simply because they knew
how languages metamorphoses to sum thing different with time, when a word is
recorded in its consonants, it retains its energy
What modern western scholars did was to insert vowels in
a way that such words would sone European but it didn't fit correctly
This observation will allow you to compare the source of
the Nile term MANNUKA with Sumerian skeletal term MNNK and based on that to
claim that what we regard in our Nile source ancient mythology as ibi-MANNUKA which
translates; those who from the heavens came- are actually the Sumerian ANUNNAKI
that translates; those who from the heavens came
In ancient writings the letters M[N]W[V] often
interchanged to represent the naming of gods or primordial water
Letter M and N stood for water and electron, letter M into [W] is the same thing
Age of Aquarius [♒] the Annunaqi have returned- look
at the zigzag on the Aquarius symbol
This can be an explanation why there are so many [MU][NA][KA][NU]
in most of the Alkebulan [African] dialects along with KA [BA] MA [RA] [RE] NA
Ilanga in Kinyarwanda means >> anything that shades
light onto sum thing
>> Anything that helps you to identify sum thing, that
means, knowledge, light, guidance, it’s a call+
So, if ILANGA means SUN in Zulu then it is clear we were
once together
Trees in California [Kalifornia]
Heat incoming, especially where the mouth is for that underground base at the ocean coast
Huge nests are in KAli, there is a pecice of Kali that as now sunk in from of Kali, that is still being used underwater
Weather systems continue to touch down, tornado in the UK
sink-holes continue to open up around the world
Green [meteorite] over Austria [SS]
Energy lingers
Its the Red that many will fear, it destroys
The Electromagnetic field [EM] EMC2 is collapsing
intermittently, hold on to your hats
The planets [EMF] is her AURA, shield, field, her ozone
layer, van-allan-belts, dome, firmament, its all the same thing which protects
the planet, seals this planet, holds energy, sum of the energy got infected and
the shield [field] went up to contain the virus, called a dome, this shield
also prevented soul-ar energy [flare or wind], particle radiation aka energy to
reach the planet and the 9ethers, the plant and animal kingdom, this field will
eventually collapse, flatline, the dome will drop and means these so-called radiation
aka energies will penetrate the planet and three king-domes, not all the
king-domes will make it through and that is why the field as been up and down
while you get use to the new conditions
The white circle in the middle is this planet
The bow shock is the field, shield, that is red energy
hitting the shield when it is up, the planet is behind the shield, NI.BIRU is
on the left and at the centre
The shield is used to allow the right amount of energy
[soul-ar energy from the sun] to reach the planet and three king-domes to keep
us all ticking over, that as now expired and they are about to drop the field,
there will be mass die-off in all king-domes
The black, red and green field lines are coming from the
poplar caps which is the North Node, the blue lines are also present,
attachment to other planets magnetically
The planet is being guided by NI.BIRU who is the size of Jupiter
and Satan, this planet as also expanded, NI.BIRU is the magnetic disc [sun] and
the Sun is electric [disc]
Read all data in Chakra energy signatures and you will go further
Jet streams are in chaotic waves, flowing back and forth
across the equator and backwards, south polar vortex is still huge and northern
summer polar flow is still all swirly instead of smooth
It’s all getting worse
Earth is losing her ability to stay cool
The core is simply getting too hot
The shell [dome] is about to break
Huge craft
Nebraska to Texas, craft city
Two light sources and a craft, look at the angle on the back-end of this craft, its in front of the sun both are under the dome
Texas, loads of crafts, one huge mother in the middle
what causes this spine affect, what is going on with that
Kill switch
John Mcafee inventor of antivirus Mcafee is found dead in
his Spanish cell, hours after he was approved for US extradition, they say it
was suicide >>>>>>>>> YAWN OUT LOUD
If you have read about Johnny boy, he is 75 and at times
looks half his age [hint hint]
Why the suicide option, maybe he needs to leave, he also knows
what the elite get up to because he rubs shoulders with them, government
official secrets, he is in to a great deal that they do
Was he silenced or made to look like he was silenced, he
has also faked a heart attack before so not to be deported to Belize, so maybe
he bailed, but he knows a thing or two about people
John also has a kill switch that in the event of his death
all data gets released, all the stuff he knows
High profile people are being gather up, many heads will
be rolling in the public eye for the masses must be told the truth, interesting
times ahead in terms of what took place in the 3D
-We will know the end when there is in-fighting among the elite
Hubble [modified plane] is offline [grounded] Porto Rico
observatory destroyed and now SDSO in Scotland, this one goes up in smoke
Tree stump [tower]
And in 1818, they were captured by the English
(Lieutenant Colonel McDowell's squad)
Ankai Fort, Tankai Fort, Nashik district, Maharashtra,
Fort Ankai and fort Tankai are two different fort locations
Ankai [An-u-Nakai] An-Nakai [Naka] Naga
Castle [Kastle] Ethiopian word
Do Indians build Castles, would you associate Indians
with Castles building, what about across Europe, who built the Cathedrals, the
Churches, the Castles, the first Castles, Churches and Cathedrals were built in
Ethiopia which is a part of KHMT
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