Sunday, 25 April 2021

The Next Generation..

For of all as adults, are you ready to make the necessary sacrifice, and are we ready to come together [to gather] to be a collective and make a collective effort while you have been cast into an individual condition that makes us all struggle against one another rather than pooling y-our resources together

Many think they will lose themselves with the fear that they have put into you if you were to come together as one, its not a competition, you have been bred to be in competition with one another rather than to be in compatibility [harmony] with one another

So we have to raise the next generation to work together and to give them the kind of intelligence necessary to act cohesively on specific things of need immediately- and that is schooling for the next generation, these children are y-our children, all of them, this batch of children are the next generation and are all we have, the children that are not plugged in, the ones who are not part of the media machine that diminishes the intellectual capability of y-our children that teaches them what not to think but rather than what to think 

You are looking at the next generation, they are all around you, your niece, your child, your nephew, your grand-daughter-son, the kid in the street, we have to start with them, we have to start sum where, there are those that you will not be able to help and they could be your son, daughter, niece or nephew, the kid in the street for they are already too far gone in this 3D system, I know that sones cruel, however if you are to plan- you have to think the way they do as a warrior would, as a general would, how your grandmother would in a wartime situation

Forget the other adults for they are set in their ways and simply, most are still children

The situation is now where the battlefield [plane] as become so confusing that many cannot see the enemy within, the enemy as this smoke field in the environment that we cannot even discern each other that no one knows where to aim their intentions to or what direction to go in, many don’t know who is for and who is against, who is real and who is not

Today it will be the few, the ones who have the capability to come together who will take a few of the children with them, this number 144,000 [12 x 12] is a small amount out of billions, it’s a frequency [144hz] and now we know why, many will not reach that frequency, only a few can be moulded into shape and will be the prototype to teach [vibrate] to others on how to get this phase completed, they will be used to vibrate the frequency of change and its up to others to activate from these core frequencies- can this be done, h3ll yes- for you are more conscious than of those in the 70’s or the 80’s or the 90’s, you are conscious now are you not 

Footprints in the sand, leave a real legacy, how many times have you recalled sum thing that was said to you that was wise and you remember those words or a gesture of good will that changed you, that affected you, that healed you, that touched you, pass that energy on you tight git

You do not need permission from the man, that is over, you are self-governed now, you are [Gods] in the making, you do not need validation anymore, it starts and ends with the children, the next generation, we have data [information], we have the teachers, the mentors, the scholarship [soular-ship] all in place necessary to raise the next generation but do we have the will to come together to do it, there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians, many want to be a leader, on YT they are all separated, he said this and he said that, he is wrong and he is right, there are a few females leading, many are just doing their own thing and not forging relationships, everyone is right and no one is wrong, no body goes through the crucible 

No one owns data, no one owns information, no one owns KHMT, no one owns history, its call the mystery systems because its down to your perception [EMC2 its relative to your perception] your interpretation, my-story [my-star-y] mystery, you are writing and are authors you are future writers, you are a computer that houses light and light is data, its information, many just want the attention, the likes, the comments but no body wants to come together and create this nu format that the next generation needs, there are a Few Good Men but we need more and we need her to step up, when the time permits do not deny others your gift

Minds-eye, ship [vessel] you, chakra energy, through the portal

Many of the elders are here, many didn’t leave this soular system, many left knowledge in music, arts, quotes, books, great writings, the Alkebulans [Africans] taught the whole planet everything they know today, everything came from them, everything- but no one ever talks of the [African] genius, you never knew the cause of their genius, sh9t many of the Africans don’t even know of it today, when you look at the modern African you would not believe that they are royalty with what they have become, they hold the keys to spirituality, to metaphysics, to astrology, numerology, it was through the elders in the late 70’s into the 90’s that started to raise the Khemetic sciences, there was a wave of people going to Alkebulan into KHMT [Egypt] the Muslim Arabs were still riding around on donkeys while many went to learn in Egypt, both the 6ether and 9ether, KHMT is online, it’s a frequency and many went to stream from the world-wide library and they all came back with nu data and began to spread the light to others, the internet came out [1991]and many could access data that in the 80’s wasn’t available and each decade the frequency was changing and many began to activate and activate through others all through the brilliant minds of our ancestors

Then the new-age came in and started to steal rather than share and began to hide data, mislead data, camouflage data and teach themselves and not to others, but in our ancestors foresight they knew this would happen and took appropriate action 

Today we needed to consolidate all data into a plan to move forward, to merge with the nu frequency to match the 5D realm

We need to move from the micromanagement and up to the micromanagement and network with others on the same frequency, all singing from the same Hymn sheets and connect the dots to make a line of inquiry

You have had schools before but where is the nu school for these children, I’m not talking about a physical building, I’m not talking about having your own infrastructure, all it is, is a collective mind that is connected to the universal mind 

The ones that really orchestrate- they do it from behind the scenes, we don’t see them, the children are the school buildings, they are the format, they are the next generation

When you are presented with an opportunity to give knowledge- speak your mind, you have no idea how a few words can alter a mind or perception, sum times these children already know what you are going to say, they just needed to hear it from an adult

Do not relent from your duty as an adult for these are your children also, you will know what to say because it will come from the heart, remember you are not teaching students, you are teaching teachers [you will always remain a student] the mission is mastery [MaStar-y] and will always be an on-going cycle, you are teaching the student to be greater than you

Your knowledge is a gift and your reward will be paid in energy [e-currenSea]

When sum one from the younger generation asks you sum thing, be honest, don’t debate with yourself on if she or he will get it, these children are way smarter than you think, they just need to know the direction, the planet is changing direction and we must all make the changes necessary

Don’t ever think you don’t have a purpose, everyone as a purpose  

[concentrate, always look in my eye]
 Kung-Fu comes from Confucius [Kung-Fu Tzu] [Con-Fu-cius] 

Captains Log

Fire in the hole
Expect power grid issues and disturbances with electrical devices, the planet is very charged, Re as sent in more than one [soular strike] soul-ar energies [CME] solar flares- soular wind- solar radiation which are energies, watch those around you
Soular beings can absorb the soular radiation [soul2soul] it will be draining on many peoples mind and body
The Soul as taken over this planet, the soul-ar system as taken over this planet

Volcanoes erupting means energy is being released

Who are these people praying to, who is this [God] that will save you 

While you were sleeping, sh9t is taking place around the world, shortages in more than one way, its all still manageable because they have not implemented Martial Law [yet] if you are good to go take these uploads as a warning, the 3D must end and is slowly but rapidly
Nothing is random or by coincidence
Nepal [Nipal] is part of Japan, the Himalayas have 10’s of thousands of crafts sitting on the mountain range and they will have to make a break for it soon, in their movie 2012 [2021] they left from China which is in the Himalayas and is to why there is a no fly-zone over there
The St Vincent volcano is causing so much damage for such a small island and is still 
No weapon as been used yet but nature is working around the clock, the energies also coming in are doing their part also, the planet respond accordingly
We are in reSet 

If you have a 5G cell phone you have fu9ked yourself, they have already bee tracking your dry ass
When they go underground, they will hand the keys to their man-made N.W.O over to their A.I
Which is where CV19 comes from 1 = A and 9 = I [A.I] their [God] is A.I, they are loading the software which they had started a while back
Children in China already wear headbands which record electrical pulses, you may be thinking that’s over there in China, China is turning into an ocean and they will be giving the USA to China given that China owns all your debts
But the Annunaqi and full crew are already over Aztlan 

Tornados [Hurricanes] weather systems are battering the former slave routes which the routes end in the USA, all systems have ancestral energies within them
Water, heat, hailstones, wind, lightening, storms
You reap what you sow
Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine]

Alabama [USA]
Chakra energy backdrop
Geomagnetic storm may be brewing but the higher forces have you back

Chakra energies, see that cube going around this planet, no energy can escape, this house is sealed, that is gamma energy on the right, filtering through 

Pink Moon coming up [Red and pure white-light gives you Pink] Chakra energy 


A lot is going in this image but its the sphere in the middle just sitting there 


The spirit [spites] world is touching the planet 

Sum thing in the background [barcode] 

Same with Nevada, can you see that

What are spaceX doing up there, what kind of re-entry is this, what is all that
Did you see the sham near the spaceX craft, you are being watched all the way

Couple images floating about showing the portal [sun] in cube-rectangular shaped

That beam is not a reflection, the sun is also blinking in code

Female [Femi9] high-priestess [Semu] wearing the traditional Leopard [Jaguar] attire, those are harmonics [tuning folks] on the table

The Belgium where in the Congo [Kongo] and sentenced these men for being part of their own traditional practices for thousands of years before the European was even conceived
Congo [Kongo] Kanaga


Italy [Ital]
Check out the vault-tunnel height, rediscovered in 1841
What was in there, was it for storage, a home, a tunnel
The Etruscans were already in Italy along with the Minoans

Roman Rome [Roma] Rama
Rome the word was also used for a fortified enclosure 
From Sanskrit domba [romba] from Gypsy [E-gyp-t] romani [romano] from rom
Latin is Roma and French is Rome after that the word Rome is unknown
Bohemian [Bohemia] was a name for the Gypsy communities which where the KHMT lineages or Muur [Moor] lineages had been mixed
So the word Rome or Roma only came around the 1300’s or Romain from Old French

You must trust the quality of what you know, not quantity Daniel son [you]... 
















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