Monday, 19 April 2021

Skin Deep

125-years ago

When the government was giving out land grants in the USA and property grants to native Indians by proof of lineage, the albino with blonde hair and blue eyes said that they were 164 or 164th Indian and if they didn’t look like it, all they had to do was pay $5 and they would be logged in as a native Indian or native American

So, this native American protocol was put down by desperate Europeans looking for a place on this particular planet- where they knew they don’t belong, where they were seeded, where they were meant to create havoc [chaos] to prevent any further exploration and any further attempts to come out of the specific sphere of influence that the 9-ether indigenous people had created for themselves here on this planet

The 9-ether went beyond the zone and breached beyond the zones of the [Gods] and began to deal with that particular realm and began to threaten it

So, it was necessary to make sure that the lineages of 9-ethers in the USA were no longer allowed to use their genius that was formulated here

Indian [Indus] Indra had their own Imhoptep in the form of Mahayana who quantified space and time [Kalpa] into sum thing called the Mayonic Sciences which was studied in KHMT and that there was a society as advanced as KHMT in India [Nagalan] Maya or Mayan is the name of a writing system and not a people like how western science tells you, those Mayan are called Ul-mec [Olmec]

What we are looking at that time was an attempt to supress or undermine the levels of consciousness that the 9-ether had achieved while in this particular dome of consciousness reference, and what has happened is when you want to undermine sum thing you seed the environment with a disease

This European cannot find any evidence of his humanity and in their own findings, in their own biological research has said that the only true HuMins are south of the Sahara, everyone else he doesn’t know, he doesn’t even say if the Neanderthal is even HuMin [HuMan] and he says he comes from the Neanderthal, so what is he, obviously he was seeded here at a time or during that time or it can be said that he came has a result of an off-shoot lineage or the ice-age and they lost their Melanin after so long, we can talk about that and more all day long, however in his own science he cannot find any references to his origin and this means he was seeded here for the exact propose he was seeded here to do and that was to undermine and destroy the foundational premise of consciousness of the 9 ethers because of what the 9 ethers had attained if you look at the bigger picture

What else is there for you to do except to be here to manage the population of the 9-ethers or to make sure that their genius was kept at a specific level because in everything that you are allowed to do the 9-ethers supersedes him and that means everything, that’s not a mistake

The 9-ethers have [had] been imprisoned for a reason and that reason is the very reason that the 9-ether is making their grand escape, they have their escape plan and what they are doing to get out of this particular condition is evolving, who is the [God] what is the [God] made up of, why was the [God] placed here, what was it about the 9-ether that allowed them to be incarcerated within their own lands, within their own space and consciousness
[Genius and Genesis are the same word and is talking about the Eve-Gene [MtDNA]

There is sum thing much deeper than just black and white

Why was your soul, mind and body supressed, what were they doing, supressing the consciousness growth of a specific targeted people and that is for a specific reason

So, above beyond him hating the skin of the 9-ether, above and beyond him putting the blue-eyed blonde has the epitome of beauty, that essentially sum one who knows that they are recessive, who knows that they are not HuMin who is pushing their humanity and less than HuMan characteristics on the 9-ether to demean and supress whatever it is that lays dormant within 9-ether as the [Gods] and [Goddesses]

So, coming to realise what your bondman is, your imprisoner really is, coming to inner-stand the system of slavery that’s on paper that has you adhered to a piece of paper, the 9-ether fell from the golden age, the bronze age to the paper age for all he needs to do is put paper out on you, put paper in your pocket, all he needs to do is throw paper on you and then you can move a system with power

There is sum thing much deeper that you have to look for in over-standing what the 9-ether was incarcerated for, what would be the overall reason for all this hate towards the 9-ether, what is it why he needed to have an autonomous existence and that he must destroy everything for it to exist

Cancer does the same thing to a body once it has been infested   

The Age of Aquarius is the age of the apocalypse which means the destruction of the lie, the light [data] information that is available now is going to destroy all that is artificial

The three kingdoms have been compromised, the plant, animal and human [humin] kingdoms are not fully functioning, the planet is in turmoil, the planet must reSet or all what you see around you is over, I is tri-ing to help you understand so that you inner-stand that sh9t is going to happen, there must be accountability, we are in Karma [Kama] [Maat] right now

The 9-ethers celestial parents are sitting right above you in crafts

This is not about colour but everything to do with energies, too much of one kind of energy means there is no balance, look at the bigger picture

Mongolians were brought over to breed out the 9ethers, then Dancing with Wolves came along and they raped entire lineages, many of those who say they are this and that kind of native Indians are not and only gained the bloodline through raping the 9-ethers
When they Europeans came to Aztlan [Atlantis] aka your USA, they came in through Florida where they massacred and raped 10’s of thousands into millions, there were sum thing like 14 million native Indians before the Europeans got there
Many of the 9-ether Indians died because the European had diseases and infected them

There are a lot of time travellers here [clones] 

Guatemala [Bey]
The largest of the three-dimensional Ul-Mec [Olmec] structures which weighs 20 tons
Asteroid or [craft] or both


Wi-Fi [Bluetooth]

Giants that laid down to sleep [give life] 

Millions were unable to incarnate down here because their mothers were taken out, but they are here now, that energy is surrounding this planet, weather systems hold ancestral energy and is pissed, this years seasonal weather system would have increased from last year
400 [512] years has expired and the curse is now over

Mexico Naica cave system
The planet and you are going crystalline
The crystals are resonators, allowing the planet to be cohesive but also have a connection to the source which is Sirius
Intra-Earth beings have custody and preservation and communication with these crystals called crystal matrix of the intra-Earth
Electromagnetic forces from above and so below, the radiation aka energies hits the planets crystal core, you have crystal within your body
Space is crystallised [crystal water] charged water    

The development of a nu consciousness, structures corresponding to the 3rd dimension from the 5D world that are geometric shapes that are crystal bound with wavelengths, frequencies, colours and special arrangements

Christ [Crystal] = vibration

375 rare metals [9 ether skin] exoskeleton 50 are rare golds and 50 are rare Koppers
375 minerals
375 crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = [9]

The Wadjet [eye] is in the shape of a diamond and is made of solid Quartz

6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 protons [18] 1+8 = [9]

The 144 [000] is a frequency [144hz] = [9]

9 ether [skin]
9 soul and spirit
9 ether hair
[27] = [9]

We are in kode9
NI.BIRU is [9] which means completion

Use this and the Universal kode [9] and now you have 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA [MAAT]
[you get it now]
Its a frequency, a vibration 

I-is what I-is 
I AM what I AM 
I will be what I will be [Aneya dek aneya] 
[Please don't hate yourself] 

They said this was an exhibition in San Francisco that was later demolished after
-really, you sure this wasn’t there already and they destroyed it all 

Old Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs before 1946, former Sturdz Palace, Bucharest, what was it before the Romans

No details but is food for thought

INANNA [Ishtar] taught Nimrud how to build and Nimrud(s) [Sargon] off-spring built across the face of the planet
Nimrud is the father seed for Kuwsh [Cush] [Kush] and Semiramis and is a Ghibbore [Gibboreem] Gob-bo-reem [Mighty Ones, Giants] 

Upon hearing the name Samaritans, many people are immediately reminded of a passage from Luke in their Bible, the so called 'Good Samaritan' parable
Samaritan comes from the word Sumerian [Salvation army] and Sumer is in Alkebulan 
The 6-ether still has the 9-ether in captivity and until they release them, there will be no Shiloh

Afar tribe
Aafarti [pharaoh] A-Afar-ti [Aaferti] 
Ra [Re] took the form of the Afar when he came to this planet 
These and more tribes are his off-spring, they are Neteru [Annuanqi] which are royal bloodlines

Mr Cooper, they did make what we would call Alcohol today and was only consumed at ceremonies, and was in taken in moderation
Just like sugar was only a pinch that was consumed and allowed them to go to other places, tri and research before you make videos, you only make yourself sone stupid, KHMT was an online library and was here before your opinion and mine

KHMT has the oldest brewery 
 Ancient KHMT making Beer [Alcohol] Wine [Lager] Spirits
All is in moderation
Grape vines
Barley [Malt liquor] (as a drink from grain)

West Germanic monastic borrowing of Vulgar Latin biber >> a drink, beverage, from Latin infinitive bibere >> to drink, from PIE root *po(i)- to drink
*pō(i)-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning to drink
It forms all or part of: beer; bever; beverage; bib; bibitory; bibulous; hibachi; imbibe; imbrue; pinocytosis; pirogi; poison; potable; potation; potion; symposium.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit pati "drinks," panam "beverage;" Greek pinein "to drink," poton "that which one drinks," potos "drinking bout;" Latin potare "to drink," potio "a potion, a drinking," also "poisonous draught, magic potion;" Old Church Slavonic piti "to drink," pivo "beverage"

That is a 6-ether Arab holding a 9-ether [you better get used to seeing this]
The Arab has a tan, when you see his torso, that is his true skin complexion

The theory of evolution explains exactly how the 6-ether came to be, that theory has nothing to do with the 9-ether
They tell us right to our face what it is, we learn everything about the 6-ether from their history, their genetics, biochemistry to their cognitive psychology
You don't learn much about the 9-ether in school apart from slavery, everything you are-taught is based on them
Live life with a good heart and a balanced mind
Nature will take care of what is unnatural
But once the unnatural is gone you are left with two super natural entities, an unstoppable force versus immovable object > who wins >> 

You are the future writers, you are the scribes now

Sum will be for the physical war, after 400 [512] there has been a lot of resentment that has built up and after witnessing what we have in this his-story, you cannot blame the chaos that will follow, there are those who were implanted for the physical war and there are those implanted for the spiritual war
You will have to choose sides of energy, the colour of energy, not the colour of skin

Want not wish


All showing the same symbol
vibration, frequency
the Sun is the electrical sun and NI.BIRU is the magnetic sun
combined means a force field that is higher than man 

Watching you, watching me, Re is watching us all
The all-seeing-eye 

The sun is communicating with you 

The sphere of consciousness 
the sun is blinking [Morse code]
All planets and HuMins are getting a shield to protect them from incoming
Around the rim there are seven colourings emanating from the white-light

Identical twins, both the cube and sphere are 360
All shapes can pass through the cube including the triangle

Corona Mass Ejections, Corona means sun in Spanish
Re is letting off soular energy
Look at these two sun-vents [spots] they look different to what we have seen before
the Purple going around the multi-dimensional portal is plasma and is Gamma 

Radiation [energies] are streaming through the crown of the planet into her, into you
Red energy is Maat and Heru combined and this is the energy that man fears the most
Green and Blue [Turquoise] for counter-balance
Norway, Sweden and Finland are all the same place with Iceland and Greenland in the same area and along with Kanada, Alaska and Russia are the crown chakra 

5D [HD] LCD [Crystal] energies 
Fully colour coded
Soular energy 

Electrons [same images]

First set of three image are from Ukraine showing the multi-dimensional portal open and all those craft images are from the black-sea where the King [reptilian] of the North resides, the next set below are from Crimea 

Activity taking place over by the black sea
Putin assembles 500,000 soldiers for a reason 

Crafts all over the planet, all part of the Galactic Federation [Annunaqi] led by the Neteru on Ki [Earth]
Loads of shams up there [there are 5 in that range] the mother plane is here 


New Zealand

Scotland [Freemason] Free the sons of Mary 
Fleets, armadas, strategically placed 

Check out this plasma strikes, plasma columns rip into the atmosphere

Iceland Volcano 
eyes wide open

Russians say 53hz, and 65hz and the Italians say 100hz 

Steady how she goes
Heart and respiratory [watch yourself] broken sleep patterns+
Body up and down
Watch what you are thinking [manifesting] regulate 
Greece and California [California did not register] get hit, Iran gets a wake-up call [earthquake] along with Taiwan and they did hit Iran Nuclear power planet [HAARP] but was it enough to crack it open
Elijah- You will know the end, when there is infighting amongst the elite 

Asteroids stopping in mid-flight is nothing new and are not all rocks, even through they look like them
Systematic weather systems hitting the planet
The Philippines better batten down the hatches [incoming] 

Don't caught up with the hype, they would not have locked down the planet for a year based on sum flu, sum thing much more than the flu is taking place 

Tap water not only contains fluoride and chloride but also contains the vaccination

New lake and land forms in Indonesia and is growing


Saudi [hailstones] cover the land [El] Ghor is the original name 

Clock watching
Means they will shut down all social media and then the internet through flooding the network with evidence, then cyber-attacks
You will get the new quantum internet
The current internet connection will be deleted
[All links date back to the reversal of the British Act of 1871 and Operation Mockingbird]

Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona
Water shortages, crop losses, we are in year 2 of 3, next year for those that will be here will be devastating

Clone [remember she is 62] and Cher is 74 

Shanghai [China]
Barcode for who
Shang-hai comes from Shango and China is Shiva
Shango is an Orisha  
The Shang dynasty are all 9-ether  

A compass only works on a flat [level] plane and not on a sphere [ball] 

This place is like a teleportation centre, there are wi-fi antennas on the roofs 

Maluti [Iy] temples
72 in terracotta with the total number 108 

Creature HuMins on the left, Kali on the right 

Trimurti Chhinnamasta on the right and Reptilians aka the Ghouls [Nomos] on the left

The knot of Heracles
Which is the knot of Heru has the Greek version Heracles is fictional and based on Heru and Heru aka is Osiris aka Asaru who is also Shiva, this would be Shivas knot [seal]
All left in Nagalan picture house

Chausath Yongini temple [Iy] of Mitawali who in the 8th century they copied 

Nagalan [India] does have an illustrious past, just has poWRA-ful has KHMT
But today you are in trouble along with the world 
Notice how all these ancient sites have never had an earthquake or are destroyed in anyway other than by man
All these sites are sitting on the lay-lines of this planet and are connected to the worldwide server, these are healing centres, communication hubs, wi-fi data streams and are aligned to the planets and the [Godhead] 
Stone holds frequencies, tones, sones, vibration, acoustics, sone is light and light is data and data is information  













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