Monday, 12 April 2021

Darker than Blue


The spiritual war is in earnest for many and when you step into consciousness, into enlightenment your energy, your AU.RA, your light changes and many can see you for you are emanating more brightly than everyone else which is a beautiful thing, however this can also attract a lot of energies to you

These attracted energies are not always beneficial energies has they can also be malevolent energies and you don’t really want that even though this is all part of the overall journey, there are double agent spirits out here and one must be aware of these spirits

Activate the seven chakras and you activate the dragon [Hy-drogen], the serpentine energy [Kundalini] you then have the option to activate the [9] chakra, which means unlimited amounts of poWRA, remember the universe is [mental] aka universal mind and if you [know] your poWRA in your spiritual technology, then you will know- there is nothing that you cannot do

If you are going into this spiritual [holographic] [astral] [parallel] world [realm] then you must be protected, wear your bracelets, stones, gems and light your candles, those are enhancements, and will work- but stay grounded because fatigue, tiredness will set in and your mind has a thousand thoughts running through it and for those who have air in their astrological charts, your mind can wander and be in many places at once, stream into water, fire, air, earth and ether, be in nature if you can and tap into those elements, earth will keep you grounded [think of a 3D plug] and will remind you that you are in an avatar [Krishna] and that you must take care of that vessel so that the vessel can take care of you

You are an electron [electrical] being and water is a conduit and you need to regulate the body [Kha]
You are a biological computer and computers need care also

Learn to say no to people, no more healing the dead, there are people who just fu9k and hug people and now they look old, they have taken all that dead energy and kept it, now they are dead looking from the outside stemming from the inside and they have no energy

Elephants can see in the dark, they plug their soles [soul] feet into the ground [soil] earth and stay plugged in, you can do the same, plug into the earth, water, sand+ all this will recharge your energy

Talk and sing to your plants, they will protect and revive you, hug, have your back against a tree and they will charge you

Imagine [magi] a golden [Nub] shield [halo] around you or Sekhmet with her paw on you shoulder or a white light that holds all [7] colours

Nub is the highest conductor of energy

When you i-magi-ne, the image-thought becomes conceived, know this and not believe this, conceived on the 3D but actualised in the 4D [5D] [spirit world] it will manifest [imagination] in the higher realm and come down to the 3D because you are connected to the universal mind

We are in the Age of technology [Aquarius], of data, of information [information is light] and so we must share all knowledge because this is what this gateway is for, but you must apply all data that is relevant to you and not just know it

Your AU.RA is key now because your bio-field holds your data, you must learn to constrict your Aura to your body, those whose Aura is too big are attracting too much information and this is why everyone is staring at you, its your energy and if you want that and you like that attention- go for it and for those who want to avoid these negative spirits and unwanted attention then pull in your Aura by imagining your Nub Aura is closer to you, this will stop you feeling drained or having fatigue or tiredness

The Mason [Ma'sem] Virgo [introvert] can cloak themselves, they reflect bending light, from a young age I was taught how not to stream out to others, how to mask your signals, you magi you’re a mirror reflecting outwards, you will be seen but not recognised [the signal comes out scrambled] you can also do this

Ancestors, lineage and siStars in crafts above you are here and watch [scan] in AU.RA, they read all thoughts and know what is going down, about to go down and could go down, so they will move you out of the way or into the way depending on what is what, you can be moved into another dimension, think of when you have bumped into sum one and you didn’t even see them in the beginning

Sum people are shape-shifting out here and you can see them, Gamma radiation messes with them, hence wearing your mask, they can tell when you can tell, have you looked at peoples pictures and seen that they always look different in them, these and more are the reasons why people naturally shape-shift but do not know how to control their shifting and is the same principles has light bending  

Its better to know than not to know, ignorance can be bliss at times for ignorance can get you killed

So, when this particular vessel [avatar] decays the soul [spirit] will get off at the exit ramp at the freeway

Now this is where I’m a little unsure, before- if you didn’t have a plan, you would get trapped back into this karmic cycle, however this is the last cycle, so there should be nothing to return back to- right, and we are all in karma now, so this cycle that will be here for those that get leftover will be a karma-based program, however there are ways to transition pass this 3D world

Many of you are getting the same Cosmic downloads, I see it on the internet, in forums, this is synchronicity, there are no coincidences and this shows that we are all in alignment, your vibration attracts your tribe, we are all connected to source [server]

 From a 9-ether Bey [Al][El] Cherokee;
I honour the 4 directions everyday by saying, Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit
Also, I honour the animals of the 4 direction the East Eagle, West Buffalo, South Wolf, and North Bear
Honour the four directions, the 5th is centre, ask them to also protect you because the guardians that watch over these cardinal directional points will not let anything come your way, whatever direction, east, south, it won’t matter because you have guardians watching out for you

Demand it, [know] your words, the mind is more poWRA-ful than any sword, any pen, thought [mind], the tongue has the poWRA to make [Magi] Magician things into existence  

Once you activate [wake up] you may become depressed, now you hate going out and participating in this 3D world, I know how you feel, sum times you wished you took the blue pill
Once you take the red pill there is no going back and although you want this monkey sh9t to be over, it takes time to take down the layers of their fabric of their matrix

What are the pros, you walk down the road like you’re the only one there that is not plugged in, that you’re not going with the flow anymore, your able to see others doing 3D things that you once did and your aware of this when you see this taking place [conscious]

You see where the wind takes you- is where you go, you are your reality

Its not just activating and realising this is an illusion, there is the shadow work, the generational curses, generational trauma, you have to face demons, you have to look at all the ugly sides of you [which will always be ongoing to test you] that you have to deal with and many don’t want to hear that, many don’t want to deal with that but at the same time they will tell you that they are conscious or awake and I say

But you gain in foresight- you have second sight, like for example, this 3D world is in a form of chaos, and chaos is not a bad thing and its not a good thing, it just means sh9t is up in the air, and that chaos is an element within itself, we find chaos in nature and we see such devastations and there is a lost of life but deep down inside we know that nature is just taking her course

The reality of a Lion and the reality of a Kudu are two completely different things, if a Lion sees a Kudu, then the Lion says today will be a good day and if the Kudu sees the Lion, he or she will think sh9t, todays a bad day- but all is just a perspective for the Lion is just eating his or her dinner and the Kudu is part of nature and nature must carry on and is the same principle with chaos that we are seeing in the 3D world or society, it must take place because nature [NTR] dictates the place  

Many people have lost their employments, homes, loved ones, land, livestock, there is more to come on a whole upper scale but this chaos must complete in order to make sum thing new

You had a good run, let it go, it must have been good-but its over now…

One day whether you want to or not you are going to have to leave this planet, many will not want to do this at all

The chaos must complete to make way for the new or before you build, you must first destroy the old, your body right now is decaying while the spirit is getting you ready to exit

Now I have been preparing for over a decade and it still feels like that was yesterday, now can you imagine for those who are activating now or in the last three years what they are going through, don’t get me wrong we are all at different life spectrums, and what about those who are not activated and never will be activated but know sum thing is going on and the penny drops or they find out that all these crafts above are manned by 9-ether wombmen or that Ashtar Command are not the higher beings or that Jesus or Allah is not coming, that this 3D world has crashed, reality is going to be a bit9h for many

You are to clean up and make room for the new

Be in the moment that you are having your eye opened wider every day, and this is your second sight, many people cannot even make the first level, suicide has increased [those who take their life get sent straight back down here] has the pressure or the frequency gets higher and higher

Their matrix is shutting down and in places has already crashed because the 9-ethers spoke it into existence [Hika] their intention, they said they had had enough of this monkey sh9t and look around you today, the direction of energy has now changed, now you are conscious and have merged with this nu flow of energy, you have become one of the most poWRA-ful beings on this planet

You just need to stay on this Ptah and MaStar your poWRA, its not depressing but it is with all these dildos around you, you are no longer bounded by the 3D reality but are now part of the 4D[5D]6D+ reality, keep in mind the 3D world is ending or deleting but not the planet, learn the difference

You’ve had to grow up since you became an adult, you’ve had to sacrifice to have the right to be here, for what, you know what for, to crash this system, they call you a Hero [Heru] for that, a Superhero [Supernatural] not a lot of people could have pulled off what you did and are doing, that is why you were chosen [think deeply about this] this is why you were chosen out of many, [many people are called, few are chosen] because you are fu9king good at what you do, many know your name in other soular systems, galaxies, and in the ranks of the elders, the higher beings, Sargon was called Nimrod [Nim-rood] [Marad] which means rebellious one or one who rebelled and was given that name by the [Gods] because they liked him because he had balls, he stood up and was counted

Don’t miss your messages, we have had many Metamorphosizing taking place over the last decade and this is what we are going through repeatedly 

Eye Metamorphosize as the great Yusri [caterpillar] (wisdom) on to the Taslug [cocoon] (strength) on into the most beautiful Farasha [butterfly] (beauty)
This was taken from Re [Amunnebi Reakhptah], the Tum [Om] or Neter: Atum-Re, I am that I am [Eheyah Asher, Aneya dek aneya] I will be what I will be

We are at the cocoon stage for the bulk of many, your spirit is maturing in this physical body and you have to keep on pushing forward for the transition will be fuelled with trails and tribulations

You cannot force people to wake up, you cannot move forward unless you deal with the trauma, deal with your own fears, your own darkness, your own inhibitions and your own demons, acknowledge that there are issues and acknowledge the trauma, deal to heal  

SCellf-note; It all starts with me and ends with me, who controls the situation and defines the situation

When the student is ready the teacher will appear, you cannot force consciousness or force people to wake up, you cannot force people to see their own problems, the illusion is so strong out here that many simply won’t make it and between the denial and the evidence that is available will tell you know everything about that person

Exit Ramp off the Freeway
The KJ2 was re-written and one of the reasons was to take out the chapters on reincarnation, the afterlife, the netherworld, the underworld, the Amenti, because the 6-ether doesn’t reincarnate
And now with religion many people cannot deal with death and even people who write rest in peace not knowing that the spirit-world or realm is light and is not dense at all, light speed is the blink of an eye or instant and you do not die here on this plane for you to only go and sleep sum where else, you slept for over 7 hours out of 24 hours a day while you were down here, so why would you be going sum where else after leaving here to sleep

Get rid of the word death and life and use rebirth

You will need to plan your rebirth [death], you will know that life is death and death is life, it has to end to begin, and you know that you transition to the next world, to the next dimension to the next phase, know these are cycles

You already know what you don't want

Many people have shared near-death experiences and did you know that when you go deep into mediation [Istal] that is the near-death experience, the New-Age people call it the silver cord, I know sum one who belongs to the Geb [Gibson] lineage and has died multiple times and rebirthed multiple times, there is also a connection point in the dreamworld that once you connect many people [die] in their sleep and all that is, is that they found the connection point and other beings saw them and asked them if they wanted to stay here a bit longer or come with them and many went through with them, they died in their sleep  

If you thought about how you will bail out of here, that is you planning your exit route, no one wants to suffer like those on their deathbed, they are there for a specific reason, all those who are dying slowly, that is for a reason, all those who have their life flash up over and over, all those who are suffering is for a reason, no one wants to suffer

You have to put it out there on how and what and why you want things the way you want it to go for you, I have had one conformation to date on sum thing that I didn’t want to happen and it didn’t happen, so while you are in attendance with the higher beings let them know how you want to bail out of here, I know what I have to do but I is fighting that for the minute

You can write how you want things to go down, that was what a Will was really supposed to be about, there are beings here that are waiting to trap many and I is a little unsure how that will go down given that the 3D world will be destroyed

The other thing that I am not sure about is that we all have to be judged and so that right now, and what I am really saying is, can you ask to go to another system or your home system or come back down here and help your family members and or be a guardian [angel] or go to a higher level and expand your consciousness when you have to be judged yet, how do you know that Heru or Asaru won’t back what you want because you haven’t done this or you fu9ked this or that up or not completed, they say everything has already been written

Be careful who you are channelling to, again, be careful of who you are channelling to, sum have good intentions and sum may come to you from your secret desires and sum come in the form that you want them to be, they want different things, the real ones don’t hide they show themselves, there are too many people talking trash on the internet and you can tell they are being channelled by sum thing else, sum are for the planets transition and sum are here to collect has many of you has they can, the real ones will let you know who they are, I’m not saying stay away from the Pleiades or Ashtar Command, do what they wilt by all means but for those who are from source do not engage with them until you are real sure, sum are trapped in this matrix and want you here with them, each extra-terrestrial is different and relative to each person, depending on a person's DNA programming which is link to extra-terrestrials as well

Many of you are actually channelling to intergalactic beings, so always tell the spirit to identify itself and by you putting in terms and conditions, this is a test and this can reveal who they are, ask them who are the highest beings and see what they say 

This war isn’t really out there, its in here, if there’s no enemy within then there could be no enemy without and how is this related, you have to make choices
This is the enemy within  

Generator, operator and destroyer of our reality and we are in control, the universe is mental and all is mine, we create our reality for oursCellsves, we are breaking the spell

Sharing is still caring but don’t put yourself out there, if sum one asks you sum thing, think twice, can this person handle what the answer is, is this person serious and if in doubt, play dumb, no sure, maybe, who knows, answer like that and do a Craig David, I’m walking away, and leave that environment, those who are meant to receive will and those that don’t will in divine timing and those that don’t, well that is how the cookie crumbles  

No more fundamental [ a first-rule] 7.89hz, anything above that number means many will not be able to function above 7.89hz 

Red is warrior energy [Heru and Maat combined] and is inside the groove, its showing up in the Schuman and the next set of graphics

Evidence of previous physical pole shifts
Red = iron oxide
Black = volcanic ash
Brown = new earth or old earth 

Read in Chakra energy which will be harmful radiation to those without KAA.NU
Gamma energy destroys [Purple] all that is artificial 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Mentality [Crown] Chakra is Purple, if you do not control your mind, your emotions you are going to go insane in the membrane 

Drink plenty of water has if water was going out of fashion or between Nestle and China they have bought the rites to water [crystal] that they didn't create 

Look at that cube [cube holds energy] 

The night time of the planet is the day time, pressure hitting the planet 24hrs a day for the longest, is it NI.BIRU or the Cosmic force, is it the Sirius connection, is it dark matter like a black hole
These are stills from the footage and a real battle is taking place out there, those arrows reversing are millions of miles behind the planet if where they say the Moon is according to man-made science, what if that is incorrect then this is taking place right behind the planet
Whoever is behind the planet is changing the soul-ar winds poWRA and strength, the planet is energising
There is so much energy blasting the planet, no wonder everyone is down the Pub
 Read all data in Chakra energies

Rio my Hero [Heru] 

Ultraviolet [Purple] back drop New Mexico
Huge craft inside this weather cell 

Seven colours 

How does sunlight [sun-ray] have so many colours 


Energy [full seven colours] just floating out there, coloured orbs are everywhere 

the holographic grid


All the same images 

Argentina floods and fish die off
The main producer for wheat was Argentina, we are in year 2 of 3 of crops losses, next year will be the end games for there will be no staple ingredients
Weather systems continue to batter places around the planet
Not all-weather systems will be picked up on man-made radar
Anywhere you see military deployment whether a drill or exercise means they are preparing for an outside strike 

Stealing trainers and clothes shows what you want to be wearing when you exit out of here

The Amazon Warrior ship that is used to seek out oil, the ship is equipped with a Direct Energy beam that creates Earthquakes [HAARP]
Where is the warrior today 

Manchester [Chester] Cesar

Clouds and the word weather system = craft or crafts, this is a simulation program remember that or know that 

Sum one posted these images, interesting
Those are crafts and soular spheres captured and the skies captured, is heaven really that close to the planet

Sum thing is sitting there

Three crafts seen over Yellowstone

NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] is on the left, since they got here the 144[000] had or have been guiding the Merkaba into their final position remotely, every October
That light at the bottom looks like its going to dock in NI.BIRU
Over 6,000 different beings are on NI.BIRU
NIBIRU does have an environment and is the chose chariot of the higher beings  

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

Reptilians have the slit eyes and the Ghouls eyes flash like that of the movie Predator
Kat [Kammu] Cats can also have slits or full pupil
Both the Kat and Crocodile and snake both hiss 
The Reptilians, the Ghouls and Kat beings have mated making them cousins and positive and negative beings, eating children and sacrificing women and children is negative right >>  
Masks hide them shape-shifting and hide those who will walk among you [that includes those pretending to be part of any riots taking place

Neteru Tutankhamun
His Neb Ankh [Sarcophagus] weights 90kg [9] of pure Nub [gold]
He was 18 and taken out on his way or coming from LAH.MU [Mars] he died on his Chariot [shuttle] most of the 9-ethers in the western hemisphere are carrying his DNA
The full wrath of the Annunaqi was unleashed for what happened to Tut which you can see the result on the underbelly of Mars

The more they dig up this planet the more blacker she becomes, look at all the Arabs [6-ethers] in the frames, no connection to this ancient land

Mac comes from Olmec [Ul-Mec] Old Mac 

Negusti [Neteru] Queen Scota sat on the throne of Europe while her cousins [siStars] sat on the throne of Somalia [Plut-land] and KHMT [Aset]
[Queen] Scota [Scotland] [aka birth home of the Freemasons] was [Queen] of Scotland-Meritaten and Ireland and England
[Genesis] Isis = Aset 
Celtic and all that history is all the 9-etthers 

Tamil [Tama] Nadu [not the top image out these 5 images 
Sanskrit comes from Tamil and was written by Maat

There are over 10million insects, not the total, the kinds of insects, that is one super ecosystem
If this is the first time you are seeing this spider like me, think on what we don't know about this planet

[Think of crafts that we see as well] 

 The Elephant [Ganesh] [Ghana] remembers everything... 

Wombmen are the real controllers of time [time is selective]
Space and time does not exist but the Femi9 Electron Energy does 
-and it will be when she is ready...

You were looking so good to me the night we met- I could not see how deep you were to penetrate my heart...






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