Your ancestors and your lineage are right here with you
now and when you expire- so will they but you know that energy can never be
destroyed, only recycled, renewed, however, if you want protection, guidance
and strength, you need to invoke them by doing libations
Get a plant and water the plant and with each pouring of
water, you can call out their names, you can do this with KA.LI or IN.ANNA or
Shiva or Megatron, whoever you want, do this procedure regardless of your
ether, the ether just means if you’re driving a Ford or BMW car [Kaa]
Your ancestors, lineage cannot do nothing for you until
you invoke them [for those that they can-that is only in the 3D and we are in the 4[5]+], pour the water into the plant at a steady pace while calling
[invoking] your people, immediate family, whoever and by saying Ase [pronounced
Ah-shay] for this gives what your speaking [sphering] conceiving- poWRA, they can provide
strength, protection and guidance
[think of things that are taking place to
others and others around you and if your good to go, then this is what you want,
you don’t know how many things you are being protected from, things from
happening to you]
Strength in a world full of sh9t, yeah you have your good
and bad days but who doesn’t, but those deep days, strength can be provided in
many formats
Guidance, clarity, they can give you their experience,
they can guide you to the Ptah, stop you from veering off Ptah
Your thoughts are being read by the higher beings, by the higher realms, even your
sub-mind thoughts, even the thoughts that have no image, symbol, picture,
nothing, the sub ones, all are being read, like with always, you have to go to
Sumerian Mace
Roman and Greek, the first people in Rome that set up the
actual buildings, language, teachings, knowledge and the [Gods] were 9-ether
people and those that started the Greeks, the buildings, the language,
teachings, knowledge and the Patheon of the [Gods] coming out of KHMT [Egypt]
were 9-ethers
All the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Typhoons and the
soular dynasties were all 9-ether, even the Aryan people were all 9-ether
None of the 6-ether had a language and they couldn’t even
speak coming out of caves [Georgian] and took them the last 100-years to
compile the English language, so there is no way that they created a Greek or
Roman [Latin] languages
Even all your scholars Plato, Aristotle all went to the
mystery-systems and were all 9-ether, the Parthenon was built by the
And just like with Atlantis [Aztlan] aka USA the 6-ether
came in and took it over
6-ethers are everyone who are not 9-ethers, whether they
are Turkish or Indian or Chinese+, it doesn’t matter, if you are not 9-ether
then you are 6-ether
Not on public display
A Peruvian elongated skull with metal, surgically
implanted tightly fused together
Base plate for the magnetic field generator attachment [chip] that held the cranium together perhaps or is a microchip or both, gold or silver would have been normally used remember these are not HuMin [HuMan]
heads [skulls]
All the higher beings resided on this planet
[God] is everywhere, they say Allah has 99 attributes,
that is 99 [Gods] to make up the one [God] and the one [God] to make up the 99,
meaning there are more than one [God] and sum are female, different components
making up the [God] and it doesn’t matter what people say out here, they are
all talking about the same [God]
Psalms 82:1
And [God] standeth on the congregation of the mighty and
he judges among the [Gods]
-well first of all I thought there was no other [Gods]
before him, the Muslims say, have no [God] before me, you were taught
Christianity before Islam
You are the heirs and means that you are direct
descendants, the direct bloodline and means you are joint heirs with the Christ
and there is nothing in the Christ that you don’t have within yourself, he or
she is just the example for you to follow and there are many Christs to follow,
Christ is not just one person, just has I have done great works so shall ye do
greater works
Learn about esoteric and occult teachings which just
means, what was hidden, yeah hidden from you for the last 140 or 180 years by
the 6-ether who in that time was translating Hieroglyphics of Metu Netu [Metu
Neter] Mother Nature
These teachings are not historical but are your
mysteries, everything you learn is his-story [history] when your story goes
back thousands into millions of years, the Sphinx is a million years old,
Stonehenge the same age, so sum body had to build them and it wasn’t no ape man
Yes the Ape [Apep] Lares [Simians] were already here and resided with you concurrently, many are in middle earth and sum on MARS, the 6-ether is from the Ape, all those
skulls that they keep showing you have nothing to do with the 9-ethers, let
alone the Dinosaurs [Lizard beings] who were also present when you were
You predate all this because you came straight from the
[Godhead] [Sirius] Dogstar and you came from where all the sacred text say you
came from which is mainly the star-system Sirius [Septet] Set [Sothis] Supdet
and are the beings that have returned and are coming out of you to kill the
6-ether [energy cannot be destroyed so don’t think omg] who are the biological
At the [Iy] of Seti [I] and Rameses [V] on the KHMT walls
tells you so, Tama-Hu [Tama means created] [Tamil] Tama and [Hu that means
white] which is the lighter version of Hue which means black
Tama-Hu means the created white people
Nessie means ancient [black] man and Rooty also means
ancient [black] man and they created the Tamahoo [Tama-hu] [Temehu] Tamuramaro
[Sakanouye] or 9-ether
[There are different strands of 6-ether and 9-ether, this is based on the KHMT online library]
That particular [Iy][temple-house-isle-coastland] Seti
[1] was a whole complete temple [Iy] in the late 1800’s and by 1989 they had
torn down the [Iy] and removed the bast reliefs, you can read Gerald Massey book
of Beginnings vol 1 page 27
This is page 26 and 27 from Gerald Massey(s) book
The 6-ether had removed the pictures since the 1800’s and [Iy] and is not to what they gave everyone in 1989, they tore down the [Iy] and completely rebuilt the [Iy]
Now if they tore this complete [Iy] there was much they didn't want you to know about
Remember when Champollion went to SETI 1 he was hurt when he realised the Rosetta stone that he translated was talking about the 9-ether and not the 6-ether because it was on the walls of SETI 1
1992 and 1995 FEMA started taking the 9-ethers in the
USA, they have had these concentration camps up and down the USA
In 1991 in the USA, they had a train derailment and in one
of the trains they found shackles, we don’t know how many trains would have got
through, these shackles where not for prison inmates because these shackles
were built into the trains [watch the movie Geronimo]
Many concentration camps in the USA, Oregon is getting
battered for this very reason, this is all based on their King Alfred plan [84]
Ex concentration camps that in the late 80’s under Jimmy
Carter they refurbished all the concentration camps that they had put the
Japanese in during ww2
In 1989 Bush closed down 4 army bases and in 1995 Clinton
closed down another 5 army bases with a further 10 army bases in total which
means they have enough bases to incarcerate you, this is not including the
Walmart(s) and so on
FEMA camps are in Europe [Ireland and the UK], USA and
South America, China, India
[its worldwide to sum extent because many will simply be taken by nature]
[HP666] Bill this means they do not need a search warrant, they can enter
without consent
DMX [Dark Man X] was called the DogStar
Dark [KAANU]
X is unknown quantity or number in maths
When he first came on the scene, he was the Dog, said he
was a Dog, so was Anubu, the Dog Neteru [do you get my drift] he did what he
was supposed to
None of the poWRA(s) that be ever left, they kept on
reincarnating over and over, they walk amongst you, many are going to get a
shock when they are revealed
Dogstar [Sirius] also has two satellites [Moons] and a
siStar system called Mirzam, Sirius is the link between the 19th and
18th soul-ar system
1994 [April 23rd] was the Sigi rites by the
Dogon to start sh9t and to get you out of the mess that you are in and the
powers that used to be knew this and was watching the USA, especially in
Atlanta which is still the capital of Aztlan [Atlantis] and because that is the
western and eastern horizon
Horizon the word comes from Horus [Haru] Heru and Aten
[Atun] Aton names wielded together
The 6-ether had to stop them in Atlantis
They do not care about their own people the 6-ethers and
this lets you know how they exactly feel about you, the KAANU [Melanin] is an
alchemical process that starts and ends with you, everything else is secondary
The 6,000 cycle is out now and a lot of things are taking
place with the nu poWRA that is on this planet, things that happen in the last
20 years is coming out, the cycle ending and means a lot of disclosure is going
to be and continue to be released, don’t get caught up in that because you know
all this already, many people will start coming back to you because you had
said sum thing and you were right and now they seek you out, [you] have already
outgrown these people and will be pushing yourself backwards by engaging with
them, all what is being released will be things from the 3D, you already know
there are higher beings here and in other soular systems, you know more and
this, that and the third, just watch for those coming to for more data
You have to know that this and more are happening and
no-one has control over you no more, no one can hold you like they did before,
you are far superior now
[which technically started in August 1994]
During that year it snow in KHMT [Egypt], that is snowed
on the Equator, the spirit is saying, all what is- is not
In Roberts book Revelation is says, behold I will open
the sixth seal and an earthquake will appear, that couldn’t have been the 1989
earthquake in San Francisco because it wasn’t big enough
We’ve had sixth seals already, has it happened and is to
happen again for histories sake, if they write how many have died in a quake
its always low and you need to double the number they put out or even treble
it, remember the loop [time delay] that the 6-ether created was to spiral out
which it as done, there is no more time [space]
The Beginner's Guide to Revelation by Robert Robinson and
in that book, you will see that all what is- is not
In his book he says, this is the battle in which reality
is not a battle at all, because the forces have long since been lost and he goes
on, they had been given a short period of time to rule over you, these lukewarm
people, he goes on, after the battle is over with the Christ forces >>
who are the Christ forces >> [is it not written in your law, that ye are
(Gods) and that everyone of you can rise to Christ- Christ is not just one person,
there are thousands of Christ [Karast] [KRST] the kingdom of heaven is within,
the book goes on, the Christ forces are triumphant [talking about the 9-ether]
There are two beasts in Revelation, there is the false
[666] prophet and that beast is on top of the ground and the other beast is the
666 which is in you which are your 6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 protons
You reside in h3ll, you cannot go where you’ve already
come from
They had been writing all your history and now you are
the authors of their history, many of you have seen much and have documented
what you saw while you had been here dear old timer
The book is a good read and goes into the Kundalini and
talks about when the sun rises, so will you, the book talks about brimstone
which can also be talking about this fire [plasma] Sekhmet, the fire is within
you, this serpentine energy [lake of fire], this Kundalini energy is rising
higher and higher and they know this in 2021, and also means both the 9-ethers
and 6-ethers will be effected, not all 9-ethers will make it, a lot of them
were always earmarked not to make the grade, many had been set up to fail
because that is what they were going to do regardless, there is another
stimulation [program] being set up for therapy, mini-lives for those who just
missed out so technically everyone is actually going to make it, everyone is,
the destiny will be different but there will be no more suffering or pain,
there are good 6-ethers who have earned the right to a BMW avatar and there are
9-ethers who have lost the right to their BMW and will be stripped of their
9-ether starter pack, sum will also lose their right to intergalactic travel and their KAA.NU
The book goes on and says, most of us are just ignoring
the world around us, not taking sides and not getting involved and just taking
care of their own needs
It’s a good book to read, he is talking about the 6-ether
and 9-ether
The book is about the false prophet having many hooked on
his [their] world
-he who surely loves this world will surely lose it and
he who hates this world will inherit the kingdom of heaven
The lukewarm things are that you are in a spell and you
have got to get out of this particular spell
It’s a rocky road to travel but you must take this Ptah
to inherit the Kingdom to come, stay grounded and focused and don't you dare give up, you've come so far..
Intricate rings
Nub [sandals]
Remember Nubian history is now being displayed at a
Museum that was built by Croatians and others at the tune of 1billion dollars
with all contents coming from the 9-ether, with all the proceeds going to the
Arab Muslims
They moved 22 [A’afterti] and that means they have now
invoked the poWRA of the dark side, rather you than me
Zer0 point energy
Three strikes near enough the same time for the last three days
The Russians are saying, its 29hz, its over 7.89hz but its kool
Whereas the Italians are saying, no way, spiking for a number of hours, hitting 100hz
We have had a lot of energy pressure over the last three days and many people will be offline, stay out of the way of people
energy streaming in
energy [radiation] chakra energies
Russia [Green] Turquoise
Energy columns [holographic touching the planet] 5D
M7(s) are hitting places from Australia to
These M will be way higher
52 volcanos let loose last month
Around 3:30am you can hear birds outside chatting in places around the world, this means the electromagnetic field has hit the planet, this also means where is the day and night [think about this] 3:30am is when the sub-consciousness connects to the netherworld
This has been going on for nearly two years and more
The sun is dictating the pace of life
Dark patches in the ska [crafts] huge electromagnetic energy is in the ska
Planetary Transition
The planet is rocking and rolling, slipping and sliding
North Korea is living in extreme famine to the degree
that people are already dying, they are already eating dogs and one another and
that is called cannibalism
North Korea has asked its people to prepare for the worst
and that means fu9k you, you are all on your own
Authorities in Japan have decided to pump contaminated
water into the sea from the Fukushima nuclear accident (Japan) that happened
2011 and has been pumping radiation into the ocean for over a decade anyway
Oh really, what do you think they have been doing since
Chernobyl, they say it will be 20,000 years before you
can reside there, nature has taken over and these beings [Annunaqi] have
reduced the man-made radiation over in Chernobyl, the plant workers can confirm
this, Chernobyl is worse than Fukushima
When they did Hiroshima, again the higher beings had to be
consulted as they nearly cracked the planet wide open
No doubt Fukushima had been monitored
India is experiencing extreme drought in one of its
largest rivers, the river water is disappearing and sum parts have no water at
Animals are dying
Northern Ireland are fighting back
The black sea is seeing all the action with all
militaries, they are there because sum thing higher is there
Volcanos continue to ignite St Vincent had only be asleep
for 70 years
Europe is experiencing freezing temperatures in April
Many harvests are dying especially in France
The situation is critical
Snowfall reported in several parts of Europe
This is the second year of three of crop losses
So much is taking place but its business as usual in the
3D world
This is called a weather cell or system and is a huge craft from the Annunaqi or Federation, they make all natural weather systems
When nature hates you, all designed to destroy crops and
cars, homes and so on, these hailstones are made by these crafts who then let
them rain down on you, from Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama to Mississippi+,
all slave ports that are systematically being targeted
Clouds over Finland
Deer in a spiral [vortex] and now these sheep in the UK
And there are 3 people in the background
Mars [Lahmu]
Greece [Rhodes]
Death warmed up
He died [executed] in 2019 or 2020 when he met with the military, it was the clones doing the rounds, many will be going out like that, executed by the military, many are at Guantanamo detention base
Jeffery is not dead
From the 9th into the 11th
what is going on up there
Crafts on guard over by Bermuda which is online
Sprite is a Greek word from their other word Spirit
Deep space should be treated like an ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean can be found in space
Red entities
5D world is hitting the planet when we see them
All are already online and always were
Neb Heru [NI.BIRU] controls the main motherboard
Tesla wasn't around when this architecture was created the coils where always there, Tesla's electricity is harmful to HuMans [HuMins]
Ul-mec [Olmec]
Columbia comes from the word Columbus, before Columbia
there was the Kongo [Congo] people
9 cities set up by the Ulmec [Olmec] capital La Venta, in what is called
Mexico which is part of Aztlan [Atlantis] aka the USA which is the largest
continent that includes the USA [Kanada] and South America
Inca [Aztec] Ulmec
All coexisting at the same time, the Mayan that we know
of come at least 700 years after, out of the Ulmec the pioneer builders we get
the Muurs [Moors]
We are talking about a Yoruba presence in Mexico
Aztec is from the name Muteczuma who was the last emporia
of Mexico Mutec-Zuma [Az-tec]
Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish, the name Inca
[Inka] is from the Mali tribe called [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are
called Almade [Andamanese] which is
Ul-mec and out of them we get the Muurs,
Mayan is the name for their text [writing] system
[Amazigh] Ta-mazagh = Amazigh; the true etymology of the
word Amazon = Amazonian, the word used to name the South Aztlan [Atlantis] rain
forest and the Indigo [blue-beings] people formally known as Negro [Naga] de
[This is a machine for cutting down tower trees]
Stone holds frequencies, these
are advanced, frequency tools
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