Tuesday, 20 April 2021


In life i-know there’s lots of grief, but your lov9 is my relief..

Be the best that you can be, that is all she wants, forgive, let go, make right, its time for that change that you have been wanting for- for so long, you owe it to yourself, the time is right now for change
Surrender to your heart 

Rizqiyians [Riz-qee-yians] translates Providers and has three suns to which three can be seen in SA.HU [Sah] Sahu (Orion-Belt) but is coming from the 19th galaxy
These three suns are coming from the 19th galaxy called Ihm [Illyuwn] this is the 18th galaxy called the Draco in which this planet [Ki] resides and Sirius [Septet] is the link between the two
Sahu has seven stars but it is actually nine

There are 19th planets in Ihm, Ihm and is a three-sun-system, you have AFSU which is the yellow sun with 10 planets attached to it, then you have the blue sun called UTU with 3 planets attached to it, then you have the red sun called Shamash with 3 planets attached to it

Later they were called Atum, Atun and Amun and Hu, Huhi and Huwa is the etheric counterparts of the netherworld [holographic realm] [spirit world] 

Rizq three continents are called Zarantu, Darnuriyya and Kusmusta 

NASA [NSA] cannot access these suns because of the unique way in which the highest triad rotate because one of the planets has a free rotation which is Rizq with one satellite [moon]
Each planet can alternate between colours for we are dealing with fifth through to seventh dimensional frequencies
Sum of you will be leaving with the Rizqiyians

A.NU is the heavenly father and does have his lineage here, many have to get a grip when it comes to the Reptilians [Draco], the Ghouls, the Nomos, the Kammu beings [they are cousins], there are both negative and positive beings in all, the Annunaki [Annunaqi] Anu-Naga] seeded this planet with their off-spring
The Ashtar Command are trying to mix the data that is out here

MAAT [Laws] are from Ilm [Illyuwn] and handing it to you as a feather called MA.AT

The feather of truth 

Karma [Kama] is real 
You have to save yourself, that is the bottom line, you have to let your ego go 

The matriarchs return, Mother Hubur aka Lillith is here now for she is here in the physical to reinstate the Femi9 electron energy, the stargate is being blocked at times so that she cannot get the beings that are needed down here to come through by other beings, they don’t want her to succeed, she is surrounded and protected by Humanoid Reptilian females in the HuMin [Kha]

The secret societies know she is here

Chakra in Sanskrit means wheel [disc] and are alien implants that were graphed into their off-spring by the Anunnaqi

The sacred [Sacral] Chakra which vibrates on the colour Orange and represents Rey [Re] and a [D] on the musical scale and is coming out of the 6D and protrudes out of the front and back of your Kha [Body] and is your creativity and is represented by the number [3] and is a triangle with [180 degrees] each Chakra has an element and the Sacral is water, this is where you channel and MaStar your emotions and relate to the emotions [energy in motion] around you from others and is the Vam Mantra and is connected to your genitals, with your bladder and kidneys and your mind [Khu]

[keep in mind that all these Chakras become one once you MaStar them all]

Buddha [Kanjil] the Injil [Jisha] mentions the seven churches which is no more than the seven chakras [keep in mind that the Buddha was taught by the Naga first] and all is based on ascension
The seven siStars of Hathor, seven stars in Sah [Orion] Leviathan 

Snow-white [pure light [white] holds all seven colours-frequency] seven dwarfs are the seven Chakras

All planets are stars

This Chakra begins to activate your intuition and is a combination of the root and soul-ar chakras together for Orange is a combination of two colours, Red and Yellow for you have three primary colours which are Blue, Yellow and Red with Orange being the result of two colours being brought together and so the Sacral [Sacred] Chakra connects the soul-ar plexus and root Chakra and in Rizq there are three suns which are Red, Yellow and Blue Suns [Stars] Blue is a new star and when it cools off goes into Red

In Sah [Sahu] [Orion-Belt] there are three stars with a total of seven [siStars] but there are nine in total, you can only see three from here and they are Blue Stars and Blue means they are nu Stars and has they get older they will turn Yellow and then Red and Re is getting ready to turn Red, Sirius is Blue which lets you know that Re is older than Sirius 

There is a Star in Sah called Betelgeuse [Beetlejuice] which is a Red Star and predates Re because its in a Red phase and was or is getting ready to burn out [Supernova] and then create a black-hole

The KHMT [Egyptians] Ghouls knew the phases of the sun which is why their main colours where Red, Yellow and Blue aka the three primary colours or the three basic colours

The primary Chakras are the root and soul-ar plexus and the 3rd-eye Chakras with the heart Chakra being a combination of the soul-ar plexus and the 3rd-eye Chakra having been brought together going you’re the colour Green which in turns creates the heart Chakra

Purple is the energy [colour] of royalty
Found in Uruguay [Heru-guay] Amethyst
Primary colours 

The Crown Chakra is a combination of the 3rd-eye and the heart Chakra having been brought together which gives you the Crown Chakra which all connects to your passion and is where the term passion fruits come from 

This is the Chakra whereby you can MaStar the physical dimension and this Chakra deals with magnetic energy [the law of attraction] your creativity 

There are many people who have an Orange Auric egg - AU.RA [Biofield] holds your Chakra vibration [frequency] the Orange Aura is close to the Red Aura people and those who are in the Red [root] can be influenced by those on the [4D]
You can begin to control your fears and your desires once you MaStar the root Chakra you then go up to the Sacral Chakra and is where your creativity comes in 

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco [USA] is not Golden but is Orange and you wonder why San Francisco is the way it is 

The Sacral Chakra puts you in tune with your emotions [energy in motion] and everyone’s emotions around you for your etheric cords connect to your higher-self [Sakhu] and your etheric cords [fibres] connect to others around you and when you are really connected, sum thing that affects them affects you, all coming through the sacred Chakra

When you do sum one wrong you feel guilty and its guilt that blocks this Chakra [to unblock you must go to whoever it is that you wronged and make right, thus the Chakra valve will open again]

If you regret things and have guilt you will be bounded here, unblock this Chakra disc because its also connected to the heart Chakra, your intention is so key, don’t trap yourself here and prevent ascension, you have to make it to seven to get to heaven, you need to be vibrating the Green light to get out of here

The Sacral holds all of your deepest and darkness secrets and is the vault and your secret- the energy transfers to guilt if your intention wasn’t good in what you did or didn’t do behind the event

This is a frequency when dealing with this and all the Chakras 

Go with your gut feeling, your first thought, your intuition [your gut-stomach has its own brain]

You want to get to your soul-ar Chakra for that is where your will is at and then you can begin to take control of your Merkaba [vessel] Krishna 

Butternut squash and Mango 


Orange Moon, them people can be crazy, especially women, those with an Orange Auric can draw energy from the Moon and is why they are called luna-tics

 You are extra-terrestrial whether you accept this or not  

 This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, do not let no-one dim that light in you

They can only tri to keep you on the root Chakra on the physical plane but sub-atomically, if your properly tuned in, you should easily be able to contact telepathically via astral projection

So pretty much a lot of us are offline instead of online like logging in or logging out of your youtube account, offline is trapped here in the physically [and even sum are logged on/online via sleep but while wake offline]

Like a piano we play different keys that utilize y-our chakra's seats [vortexes] but we must sustain the highest key >> because everything is nothing without everything << like a beat there is a base of it then there is different sones [frequencies] that make up the beat aka the melody, that can also be represented as colours [chakra's] DNA exploding [Nebula]

Orange ska and Lava 

Soul-ar energy

Soul-ar energy from a soular system
The sun is letting off [CME] that is soular energy 

These rays hold energy that is changing you from the inside out

Purple [gamma] Crown Chakra 
Match the frequencies and you will go further
All is in harmony 
Soul, Mind and Body 

White light holds all seven energies 

When the field [electromagnetic field] drops the radiation [energies] streams through, look at the colours, they are all chakra colours of energies, if you have a chakra system and the 9-ether pack then you will be good to go, not all- but that is what the 9-ether pack is designed for 



DEA is your celestial [DNA] you are mutating 

We salute you

Straight up [vertical] Sun, Earth [sphere] and Moon half a sphere or crescent 

The English Alphabet consists of 26 letters;
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z 

Remember that there was no letter 'w' in the Latin alphabet, the distinction started to appear around the 1400s
Latin is the bases for the English Alpha-bet
The Etruscans, in turn provided the Alphabet from the Phoenicians who derived itself from KHMT [Egyptian] hieroglyphs
Latin ultimately adopted 21 of the original 26 Etruscan letters

Feodor Andreevich Machnow
9ft 3inch
Born in Tartara [Russian] look closely at him  

Offspring from the Romans with KHMT bloodlines [Muurs] 
Look at the darker ones, they are isolated because they have Naga blood, we find them in South America also and around the world, they are highly creative
E-gyp-t [gyp-sy]
They are part of the 6-ethers but are too dark for them and so their own people despise them
They are royalty 
They are forced to reside like this because they had been trying to delete the ancient bloodlines however once you get the Naga bloodline it will always show up in generations
The Romanians are a special lineage and have been treated like the 9-ether 

Neter Nefertari, the beloved wife of Neteru Rameses
Rameses wanted to outdo Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Rameses [Somalia-Plutlan] 
Akhenaten [Ethiopia] Abyssinia  

Ra-me-sees [the begotten sun of Re] 

Yoda [Juda]
Osiris Green Man
Osiris, Ausser–or Wizzer (Wsjr), is the original Green Man–he is the land and the earth in his representation of mankind migrating through cycles of consciousness. He is the seed, self, sun and universe, enabling consciousness to express itself as a manifestation in the physical, earthly realm
The vegetation [God] Neteru [NTR]

Ausaru [Ausser] the living man, the perfect man [the prefect black] KAA.NU

Ausaru [blue] the underworld [netherworld] man
Ausaru [Osiris] Ausar translates, He who is seen [The eye] 

Khaybet [plasmatic you] 
If you have seen a body that has a wound and you see the yellow stuff that is the plasma when it hits the air goes yellow

Tachyon is plasma energy also for you 
All MARE [MER] MIR are online

Your body will be spent, tired, rest easy, drink plenty of water
The universe is pulsating [vibrating]

No more 7.83hz [7.89hz] that is over 

The planet is highly charged and ready when you are
-energy is being released and this will cause disruption 

Grenada is still releasing and for such a small island they have a big voice, look where all that ash is going

AB.ZU [South Africa] is burning down, loads of fires around the world and last year will California, Amazon and Australia, who is doing what here

The USA have said that there will be no food and water this winter in the USA 2021, hold on to your hat Dorothy because Kansas is going bye-bye, nature has switched off her umbilical cord, may your [God] help you, don’t be blinded by the light, go to the light

Zero Hedge release a map showing the famine that is on the way to the USA
Doesn’t matter that its all on the west-coast and that you have experienced droughts before, this is different because we are in 2021 [2012]
We are in year two of three for complete crop losses and your governments already know of this, they just need you to shut the fu9k up until they go ML and lock this mother down   

Its busy up there

What does this mean, its not from man, its a spiral, is it the DNA helix


Taken through a car window but that is not effecting what you can see here
No details 

Can you see that structure in the background


The gates are open [April 1st was the nu energy aka the nu year]
A sea Torii (sacred gate) in Oarai, Japan
No demon [negative] shall pass this point
This house is sealed and no energy can escape

Phra Merumat
Naga into Buddha into Hindu who are all 9-ether 
When the Orientals come into Thailand, they take over
Merumat is Mt Meru aka Heru, the centre of the universe in which is the house of the [Gods]
The Orientals come in around the 17th century and have no connect or power to source 

Lillith [Lil-Leeth] is part of the MA.AT and Sekhmet triad [complex] and she is here 
-what you should do if your a man, sh9t yourself, she hates men 

The History of Kurdistan and Iraq 
This is why we find most of the history over there because the Annunaqi hovered over this planet it was over the Persian Gulf 
Arabia [El Ghor], Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria+ and called this place Ereth [Eridu] a home away from home, the Muslims conceived the word Ard meaning [earth] and the Jews used the word Ereth to conceive the word Earth

This planet is called [Ki] Ta [Tiamat] Tiwawaat [Tanen] Tamtu before the albino 6-ether Arab Muslims we ever conceived  

The Annunaqi have returned for this planet and their off-spring and whether you accept this or not, you is extra-terrestrial 

Annunaqi [Anoo-Na-Qee] these beings, there are at least 6,000 different species on NI.BIRU alone and the primary beings are from Rizq  






Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...