Thursday, 8 April 2021

Jane Doe

Music [Muse] produces a kind of pleasure which HuMin nature cannot do without
– Confucius [Kon-fu-cius] Kung-Fu
Sone [sound] is an arena

There are 12 different notes that we can play [7 major- A until G] and [5 minor] you also have A vitamin, the vitamin B group and vitamin C and so on+ and is a direct connection with music
Vitamin the word comes from the word vital and the word Min has in Mineral [these are vital to the body] vitamins are minerals and are sone frequencies as well
Amino [Acid] the word comes from A-min-o [Italian] and means A Mineral  

Harp [same has a piano-its on its side] 

All is found on a Keyboard or Piano which is a Harp [Sistrum] on its side, a percussion instrument which was designed by Tehuti, who fine-tuned the [piano] to 500hz and along came the Germans and the Italians who took it down by 60hz to 440hz

The big piano has 88 keys and the original piano that was created by Tehuti had 144 keys

Sone is everything, it is the universal sone [Om]

Julie Andrews is signing Do [Re] Mi [Fa] Sol [La] Ti that was taught to the 6-ether by the 9-ether

Each of these sones represents a sone and chakra energy signature and these sones are connected to the chakra system which are alien implants graphed into the 9-ethers

You have seven [9] chakras

All of these Do [Re] Mi [Fa] Sol [La] Ti [Do] are a tribe, a family of light beings, sone beings, not none of these New-Age people calling themselves Light-Workers, they are but for the Ishtar Command, you are way more superior, light beings [white light holds all seven energy-colours]

Thought slows down into light and light slows down into sone [resonating frequency] and sone speeds back into light and light speeds back into thought and we repeat this process [sone being]

This is also why you are referred to has HuMin [Hu-Mind]

Sone beings, sum of you that came here, sum of you are the Ti(s) like in Hutu [Tustsi] Tehuti, sum of you are Re(s) [Ra] has in Amun Rey or the Reys [Tama-reys]

Do would be like John Doe (for males) and Jane Doe (for females) for those that nobody seems to know- and those people represent the root chakra, the red root, and Do represents [C] on the musical scale and is two frequencies at around 200hz in your red root chakra  
[this can go on and on and are just examples, remember anything that starts or ends with Re [Ra] Ba [Ta] Ma [Ka finds its way back to the online library KHMT]   

A lot of rappers throw-up the symbol for the root chakra and I doubt they know they are doing it and many of them are using the root chakra for sexual gratification

Sone creates colour and shapes and each of the seven [9] chakras have a symbol, shape to it, sone creates letters, a frequency and the root chakra is connected to the [1D] and represents 180 degrees and there are various stones [red] that also enhance the chakra frequency

Even though red is a low frequency, it is a warrior energy, very poWRA-ful energy, when red hits the eye follicle and connects to the root chakra [Do] it can go many ways, from seduction to war to destruction- like when the last thing you saw red when you went crazy+, the red root chakra is the ground wire and you balance this chakra by mastering and controlling your desires and by mastering this chakra, you MaStar the physical dimension by controlling sum things that keep you bounded here

Red is your fire and is your entrapment

You have to learn how to control your north and south poles, crown and root for this is where you balance all
All is still about alchemy and the powers that used to be running alchemical schemes for a long time, watch your desires, your interests

The true colour frequency of lov9 is Waji [Green] not Red, it’s a Waji light [ray] and Red generators fear

Your AU.RA plays a huge role in the spirit [holographic] world [realm] you will not need to verbalise for your AURA will introduce you first

The AU.RA [Bio-field] is also referred to has Aura-egg, which is the atmosphere that surrounds your Kha [body], this atmosphere is also called your Akashic [cling] film [the planet has one also] which are the principles of a person, this is the invisible essence, the free flowing that is emitting from the being

You can see these beings for your 3rd eye is open, you can see them, the planet has one, NI.BIRU has one and you have one, all the planets are getting one [all NASA are watching amongst many thing is Mars for we are next after Mars] called a Halo by the Greeks and Roman for a sphere, shield

Your AU.RA is emitting different colours of the [rain-bow] seven lights or rays, of how your mood [mode] is, how your energy in motion [e.motions] are and is being registered and displayed by your AU.RA

Your AURA will drop when you are in your root chakra and the beings from the 4D can see this from where they are and will then surround you can now that you are on their frequency, they can begin to influence you to do sum things that you brought on yourself

When you stay in the soul-ar plexus and above the bottom set of chakras cannot reach you nor can the fourth dimensional beings if you stay in the soular plexus and above

You wouldn’t be able to pull the trigger on sum one while you are the soular plexus, you would need to drop frequencies to do that and be in the Red

The goal would be to be in Ultraviolet which is Purple [Crown] and after that is Ultra-Kaanu [black]

You want your Aura-egg to be vibrating at a Purple-Green for maximum vibration

Those that vibrate at the Green ray are impossible to kill and by this, I mean things cannot reach them, you walk through danger, situations, environments, you have a shield that protects you from this world and makes you in the world but not of the world  

The lowering vibrational frequency is consuming many, their Aura-egg is no longer protecting them, be mindful of those who you hold company with, with those that drink alcohol

What you do [intention] plays a role in your Aura-egg, your true colours, your true colours are being read by other beings, crafts above you are scanning in Aura colours 

Avoid the red Aura-eggs, or at least beware of them  

Those beings in the 4D contain many beings and there is a group in there called Cherubeem

There are numerous parts of the soul [sol]

Kha [Khat] Khet is the [physical body]
Ka [Kaa] is your double you
Sah is the spiritual body
Ren is the name, identity
Ba [Baa] Strength
Ib [Ab] is the spirit-holographic-heart
Hati is the physical heart  
Sekhem is the power, form
Akh or the combined spirits of a dead person that has successfully completed its transition to the afterlife

Rosalie David, an Egyptologist at the University of Manchester, explains the many facets of the soul as follows:
Khet, or physical form, had to exist for the soul [Ka-Ba] to have intelligence or the chance to be judged by the guardians of the underworld

Real insights are in your dreams [visions] 

Don't smoke or you will burn your looks [energy]


Coming from a new horizon 

Mars rain-bow
NASA are watching Mars like a Hawk, for what takes place there will follow on earth

Australia a week ago, that is how close heaven is to earth, very charged atmosphere

Two raging number 9's systems just outside of Australia, joined together they would make 18 and 
1+8 = 9, huge sinkholes open in Australia 

Ukraine [Crimea], very strategic position, many MIR [MER] MARE are there, Putin resides not to far away at Cape Idokopas and Idokopas they say stands for the abbreviation containing a similarly suggestive meaning ПТН ПНХ [PTN PNKh], which stands for Путин 

Where is that plasma from the ground upwards coming from

This was the Spirit of Tasmania late this afternoon as it seemingly floated above the ocean as it made it's way towards Devonport (05/04/21)
This is the 3rd one or 4th one over in that region, what’s going on over in that dimension  

Steady on the left 


Craft city up there, this planet is surrounded and this soular system is on lock down 

Look above their heads and the little Naga [Buddha] on the right 

ancient beings letting you know about their advanced technology 

Positive and Negative can come through your eye, you can see the physical-material world or you can see the illusion, the real world by using your eye of Heru [Horus] 

Albino reptilian crosses over, one of many that will have to come over to the higher dimensions where everything meets
13 bloodlines on the planet that must be removed
Ghouls [Nomos] are using 6-ether and 9-ether avatars 
[999] now they can go live 




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