Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Static Love

The 9-ethers for the most part are the heirs to the planet, the ones who are not counterfeit spirits, a non-primitive being, its messed up now because we do not know, who is who, we don’t know who is who and its not just sum monolithic thing where it’s the 9ethers against the 6ether, the 6-ethers are uncomfortable giving you his woman away to the 9ether for they know there is no difference between the 9ether and them anymore and what I mean by that is they know that there is a great deal of 9-ethers who are not a 9-ether anymore and nothing to do with your an equal with them

A book entitled Making Sense of the Madness by Joseph Chiappalone, Joseph is coming out of Australia, they punished him for saying too much and dropping too much energy for their liking-
Joseph wrote, there are two types of beings on earth, there are two completely different types of consciousness inhabiting in similar physical bodes, over 70% of the bodies have a demonic or counterfeit consciousness

Demon and Damon [Damon] as a different meaning to what Demon or Demonic means out here which I have written about before

Did you know that true love is a Demon or Damon, the word Demon comes from the word Damon and Damon comes from the word Amen or Amun or Amon which means hidden, the Demon or the Damon that you know is a degradative form that you know of today and means sum thing totally different in the ancient world which means ones own genius, did you know that love is a Demon [Diamon] Damon in so many words

Have you really been in love, like really been in love, you will hear of two sides of love, one side is all romance [roman] for that is what they teach in the western culture but there is a flipside that there is no difference in love and madness, many of you have been in love and mad at the same time [ask wombmen] you have been in love but it was a form- sense of insanity also, if not you have not experienced true love, the 9ethers love is way different than the 6ethers

This is not about infatuation whereby its compatibility or we compliment each other for that’s a partnership, whereas you might not have nothing in common but you bond together, the one where you say your done with that person and an hour later there you are with her, sum thing eats through and there you are with her, making up excuses, standing out in the rain, that’s Eros, a form of insanity, you know where you get a scent of sum one, a song, sum thing that reminds you of them and you go into relapse and you go into remission on them, that is a Diamon a Demon, that is an entity, there is a book entitled Love and Will by Rallo May, sum real love will make you go crazy, its an entity, that is a Demon [Diamon]

They also say that Satan is love, this is not about no Devil worship [you have to bypass what western love is and what western culture as taught you] if you study Eros, the origin of this love thing, Eros and Psyche myth, what modern day terminology means is totally different to its origin out here, we are totally removed from what reality resembles, even me writing that Satan is love makes me feel uneasy even through I now know the true meanings 

You must over-stand that the European version of love is not the same at all as what the ancients say it is and is to why you fail so much, there are rules of engagement that are so subtle of the psyche [soul] and that is one key, you need a soul to know what real love is, the mystery between the psyche 
[psy = soul and che is chi = force]  

The 9ether in the morning say, how you doing and the 6ether will greet you the same way, throughout the day you will see a 9ether and you will greet each other each time you see each other throughout the day because you do this based on how you feel, it’s a protocol thing with the 6ether, the nature of the 9ether is you go by how you feel, do you get that, you go by how you feel about sum one, you must over-stand nature, the 6ether goes by how you make them feel- there is a difference, they like compliments about them, how you empower them, he didn’t say good mourning, he’s rude, the 6ether can generally like you or think that they love you but you had to produce sum thing to make them feel a certain way [remember for them its mind, body and soul, yours is soul, mind and body- for the 9ether you were taught the body is last] 

The 6ether can love say Michael Jackson or Bob Marley, but hate the race that they belong to, because Michael(s) talent did sum thing to make them feel a certain way, there is a difference and its not based on how they feel about humanity, take Motown, everyone loves Motown but dislike the race that the artist belong to 

There is a football club in London called Chelsea who have 9ether players who they accept but when travelling to other grounds the supporters or even at their own home ground will turn on other 9ethers and call them out by colour- and yet they have 9ethers footballers within their club, they accepted their own players because of how they made the 6ethers feel, because they win games and trophy’s- they produced sum thing, they made them feel good

If you watch the 9ethers they have a bond and accept each other, they don’t see each other for anything else regardless if you were a African or Afro-American because you are HuMin [HuMan] first, not unless you do sum thing to dislike you, one day I was walking down the street with a friend of mine and when he saw another 9ether he would say, yes king, and they would acknowledge one another, he would do that with all his fellow 9ethers, call them king or he would say one, when he saw his 6ether friends he would say, hey-how you doing, with the 9ethers you could see a bond, not because he is 9ether to 9ether it was an automatic thing

There had been times I have heard the 6ethers say, I like you [to a 9ether] because you’re not like the rest of your people- and that was because that person had produced sum thing for the 6ether, you could be a coon, you could have laughed for longer or grinned when the sh9t wasn’t funny or said sum thing that meant favouritism, overextended yourself, it goes for the 9ethers also, I have heard sum of the guys say, I really like her because she did this and she did that and I really love her, and this was because of what she did, or she will say, he bought me this and he said that and he did this 

So, what happens when that person fails to do those things or to make you feel that way anymore- are you still in love, what if he fails to compliment you or they stop sexing you, are you still in love, you don’t touch me anymore, you don’t take me out anymore

How did you fall in love, was it all those steamy pictures or all that sex talk on the webcam, did she have a body, is that what you saw first, her boobs, no wait- her ass 
[have you see pictures where a woman now stands with her ass facing the camera] 
-was it the car she or he drove, all the money, was he a bad boy
-most relationships do not fail at the end, they failed at the beginning...

Famous people or those with money or those with a flashy car will tell you that people are attracted to these things, that is the body, this is a science- a decree that many do not understand or they do actually understand

If you do not have money, you are deemed not HuMin [HuMan] think about that and if you see people out on the street and they are homeless, those people are sum clandestine race of people that could well have come from another planet, watch your mindset for we are in the money realm which many are using to attract others

Your now integrated and you don’t know what your integrated into

How can you love sum body if they don’t do it for me- well you do it all the time, you can have a child with one eyed and a short legged person, that child does not have to produce anything to make you love him or she, absolutely nothing, it just is, and is based on the whole unconditional reason why you love sum one or sum thing, with a European when you stop or fail to produce for them they will cut you loose, the European(s) love is based on how you make them feel whereas the 9ether is based on how you feel about sum one but now many are in the same boat, the European mind is the same for both ethers based on how they have trained you inside their matrix

There are five senses but its seven, they leave out feelings and emotions for a reason

You may go to a 6ethers home and eat with them but you will never be invited into their lodges, you may work and be accepted into their workplace but you are not invited into their chic

You can be a good Christian, you could be a good sports lover, you could be a good drinker, anything good but today if you know anything alternative based on spirituality, messing with them could see you dead, you can act ignorant around the 6ether and you might survive but if your conscious it might leave you dead providing that you’re thinking everybody is your friend, this is how dangerous these times are right now

 Energy will introduce you first of all and your emotion aka your energy in motion that you can feel 

The difference between love and hate, if you hate sum body so badly in your heart before you transition, that hate will go to you- it will never go to the person that you hate
-and whatever pain or harassment or whatever you put that person through is what you will ultimately go through, let go before you go..

Her story cut me wide open
All energy will be condensed into one, Lillith as your back, all siStars were not wasted down here 

Baby, baby, when we first met...

Watch your emotions out here, you are being pushed to the max, regulate, you have been here before, i-know you are tired, your spirit guide knows you are tired
-think of all the times before when you have felt like giving up and you didn't, what kept you on your Ptah, you did, dig deeper, you are at the threshold of your very being for a reason
-there is always a way..

As long as you have the will, the will to make it, then you are going to make it, don't you dare give up 

#focus #grounded #strength 

The little people
everything as spirit 

Buddha soles [soul]
Your soul uses the sole [soul] of your feet to connect with earth when you walk barefoot, like Elephants, these are connection points soul2sole

Pink is white and red
You can see the moon is yellow-ish white and the outer rim is pink, the different angles will always be different every two hours [the moon goes through each house every two hours] it is heavy and expect the moon to be like this for 3 days 

Turquoise [blue and green] yellow and blue and purple energies 
-look at that straight line on the right, its part of a cube- dimension holding all energy, this house is sealed  

Red, yellow, blue, turquoise, green 

harmony colours in the face of adversity

Those graphics are what this image looks like in the physical world, these colours are for your chakra system, for your soul
AU.RA [Aurous] will be around for a lot longer and we are going to see them in the four corners of the disc
Chakra energies which are radiation to many are healing- life-force energies 

Chaos is what destroys the universe and whatever is leftover will be put back, the 9ether is the Alpha and Omega and will be leftover to put back, that is what Ether [Melanin] KAANU [Mater] is- its chaos 

Purple backdrop, plasma [gamma] strike, very poWRA-ful volts of energy are hitting the planet 

Energy being released and energy coming in
many volcanoes are activating

The crafts are made from light, oval ship streaming over the planet, promoting harmony is a world full of sh9t 

The poWRA behind Ki is NI.BIRU and from the Cosmos-the energy of Nu, the starry firmament aka Sirius 
3 CME(s) in total from Re are heading to this planet
Earthquakes coming in, back-to-back quakes for California, Papa is real busy over there 
-expect more with these planetary alignments, many coming up  
We have planetary alignments, even though we use the planets [Plan.ET = plans of the Extra-Terrestrials] or Pla-Net, they are discs in shape, flat-one-plane] and is where say like for example, Mars will give us our Iron and is filtered through to us, the Moon is Silver or Monoatomic, the Sun gives us Gold, Saturn gives us Koppa and so on+
The soular system does not look like how they show you and are all discs not planets

12 planets 13 is the number of Sirius [the hidden] house 

When you watch Mecca get plasma strikes don’t you think the cube is actually off the ground
Violence is on the rise with the gamma radiation, Ultraviolent [Ultra-violence] 
The air is thinning, many people will be having respiratory issues, heart problems, many people will be bailing out of here, oxygen levels will be low, this is the corona
Locusts reach Israel
In my thoughts #402 you all went together 

Mexico drought in full swing 

Sinkholes are eating the countries crops and means whilst taking up all the ground water means no food, while they are praying to one [God] another [God] is not playing about
tic toc, the body is going to roc 

Lithuania [that region] are they touching the ground or is that dimension right there

Tarnaki [Tar-Naga] New Zealand drive-by 

Craft nation
scanning, listening, observing, watching you,-watching me 

This lady went to check on her crops in Indonesia and never returned

When you see Shakti or Kali or Ravana with all those heads or arms, think of this next image 

This is the best way to explain what we are really looking at [dimensions] 


Emperor Xiaojing
Real name Yuan Shanj-ian
Shang comes from Shango
Huge MIR [MER] MARE (Pyramid) complex 
All MIRS are online and NI.BIRU is the MaStar key for the main motherboard in KHMT [Akur] aka Gaza 

Single block of Granite cut with precision, Granite holds frequency, tones, sones, vibration, acoustics 
Bennu [BEN.NU]

The winged Dub (scarab) aka Khefe-ra (Re) whose name translates, Appearing like Re 
and maybe Anubu 
those holes probably held plates over these ancient pieces with further designs 

GPS [satellite navigation] 

They say they found a Roman Gladiator arena in Turkey, the Roman arena in Italy held the 9-ether Christian Nazareth’s who we murdered in those arenas, so the likelihood of this being an arena for gladiator type events and animals events is a probably true along with the Italian arena however there would have been 9-ethers involved
Turkey would have had 9-ethers residing there from the Barbarians [Tartarians] [different clans] and the Romans only do two things in history, steal and kill anything
With this arena the amphitheatre is underground with their Paedophilia and Necrophilia and Zoophile special rooms also 

Babylonian [Typhonian] Mesopotamian [Alkebulan]
These are the beings that ruled before the soular dynasties [Neteru]
And is to why the 6-ethers covered their [Iy] over with the Aswan Damn

Tar-scien [Tar-tarian] Barbarian [Mesopotamia]
One land mass back then 

Don't look into the future, the future is right now, why, because they are 40-50 years in front of the world that they created

They talk about Alzheimer’s being an epidemic, they have talked about lead, mercury, diet but the other reason can be that the cloning is in mass now, and the first thing that dies on the clones is the brain and based on 1945, the amount of people that they have cloned, many have come into age now and hence why there is an epidemic [epi-demonic]   

Too black, too strong
Malcom X
M[W] is the electron [electromagnetic] wave symbol [many people spirits were sent and have the letter M in their names]
X in mathematics an unknown number

The knowledge as come to you now, not 10 years down the road, it is here now, you can feel, sense, know it, ignore the void in-between, all that space, there are things that you don’t know that as taken place and you don’t know because you’re waiting for 10 years down the road, sum future things that are actually here right now, those who have [the eye] eyes to see will see, the future is now

When Luke finds out that the little man running around called Yoda was the Jedi Master who had trained Jedi masters for 700 years that he was looking for, the first thing Yoda said was, I have watched you looking into the future- never noticing what is around you, the force is all around you

In the gospel [ghost-spell] of Thomas which is one of the books [text] that was dug up in 1945 [Nag Hammadi] that they plagiarized from which is totally different from the Bible version, he said, heaven is around you right now, you just don’t see it because you’re drunk and because you have been trusting on these eyes [HuMin-HuMan eyes]  

Tell us about the end, you will know the end when you know the beginning, that is where the knowledge part comes in

The key is many always look into the future and is to why you delete your files, you have a 3-year attention span, ask sum one what happened in the last decade or what happened 3 years ago, other than sum key events in your life that was personal, and they will say, my uncle died, I went on holiday, I went out with this girl or guy, my daughter started middle school, I purchased a new car, and you say, no what happened in the world other than sum key personal events, they won’t know sh9t, this is what is called a postmodern society, this is the way they train you, keeping you in the future, when will a cure come for cancer, in the future, its not now is it, when will they give you renewable energy, in the future

Do you remember when Martin Luther King made this speech in which he said he had a dream that one day you will walk hand in hand, you don’t understand a government conspiracy from the get-go

Your government are advanced, they seem so because they are around 40-60 years in front of this world that they created, the N.W.O started in in 1775, Bill Cooper said this also, it started in 1775 in America, when America was started

So, if they had conspirators [con-spirit-tors] that started in Bavaria years before America even started, why don’t you think that the 1950s and 1960s wouldn’t be an ongoing conspiracy when they showed you JFK and they killed him on a conspiracy [watch the JKF movie] they had also just killed Martin Luther King, you don’t think Martin and Kennedy isn’t connected, come on now be real

They let Martin march down the street [Selma] which was all a government plan, who marches to be civil, bullsh9t, that speech I have a dream was written by Jews, not Martin, they told you that later on

The Heru [Osirian Drama] and Hamlet [K-ham-i]

Hamlet Camelot] Kam-e-lot [Kammu-K-ham-i] KHMT, Shakespeare took Hamlet from the Osirian Drama which is actually Heru [Hero], read a Hero with a Thousand Faces, study the hero material, read In the Quest of a Hero, by Ronald A Segal, he says, the role of any hero is that if you notice the father or the grandfather or even the mother, sum parent always gets killed and the child always comes back to avenge the fathers death- that is the role of any Kung-Fu movie that you see, because the father was either the master of the temple and all these story lines come from the ancient hero myth in all cultures

The book by Segal comes from Princeton University [Ivy league] when you deal with Princeton, you’re not dealing with sum Micky Mouse outfit, this is top dollar material if they release data, your dealing with those that run this world, so this quest of a hero book is coming from Princeton which means not only is it the collegiate booker, they have the ivy league as its major universities in which they do their research through

So, in Segal(s) book they have an outline of the quest of the hero, one of them is; when the father dies [just like the Heru drama] the son always comes back to avenge the fathers death

In the government knowing this understood that based on the ancient Heru myth and based on what they have studied they thought that Malcom X was the Christ

Elijah was talking about the same mythology and so was the government at that particular time, the same esoteric doctrines, the same material that the Indians had told the governments as well and the Tibetans, they have scripts of Tibet on how the 6-ether was created, just like in India, they told them that the 6-ether was the [Devil], Rudolf Steiner had translated sum of these scripts from Tibet and India and put them in his book entitled Atlantis and Lemuria about the 6-ether being the [Devil] and created and Rudolf’s best friend and cotemporary of that day which was H.D Wells who wrote the Island of Doctor Moreau [Moor-eau] which was based on the Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] Jacob-story [watch the movie the Island of Doctor Moreau with Marlon Brando]

Ya'quwb was a Annunaqi scientist who had a double forehead and was forever being taunted, so he created a species that would love him and those strands were sum of the 6-ethers
Ya'quwb [Jacob in their version] was a supplanter  

All this data comes from the last 130 years- combined information, they thought for sum reason that Malcom X was the Christ figure, when Malcom came out he didn’t hold back and wasn’t scared, even in their book, the Judas Factor they said that they worked night and day to destroy the Nation of Islam because of Malcom, they were scared of him, even to the point that they realised that Malcom X never said that he changed his mind based on Islam- he actually made one observation that maybe if the 6-ether coveted to Islam that they might be able to behave themselves, he never said that he saw blue-eyed people in Mecca- the bullsh9t that Spike Lee put out 

In Malcom(s) return from Mecca [Mer-Ka] MX had a meeting with the Prince and they said that MX said, seeing Muslims of all colours from blue-eye blonds to black-skinned Africans, interacting as equals led me to see Islam as a means by which racial problems could be overcome, that is bullsh9t, he never said that  

MX made one observation, that maybe if the 6-ether coveted to Islam that they might be able to behave themselves, that is what he said

But regardless, they worked around the clock and based on their analysis they had to take him out

During congress they said, how is it that the government can spend a billion dollars a year just on researching [historical research is what they called it in the USA]

By them studying around the clock they figured that Malcom X was the messiah, so when they took Malcom out, they already knew in the script that he didn’t have any sons, he had daughters and so they thought that Malcom is the only messiah and if we take him out that would be the end of it

Messeh [Mes-seh] to anoint, using the fat of a crocodile from whence the word messiah comes
Millah [Mee-lah] = rites

Malcom had daughters so they wasn’t worried about anything but what happened was this, the grandson of Malcom was incarnated 20 years after they took Malcom [grandfather] out in 1965 and the grandson was incarnated in 1985, if you know about cycles and you calculate like the government does it was a 20-year cycle and the government said wait a minute here, we have to take the grandson out, so what they did was to get the daughter and take her out and clone her but Farrakhan and the 9-ethers energy stopped that program, they knew sh9t wasn’t right, but on the other hand many say that Farrakhan was in on it

Who knows [the higher ones do] but Malcom was sum real energy, a very poWRA-ful energy

The grandson could have fulfilled the prophecy and they were looking for the Christ all over the planet, maybe the grandson of Malcom that we slain, might have been the one because the scripture always talks about the messiah rising up and avenging his slain father, in this case the grandson is the same thing because in the Hero book [Segal] he is the grandfather of the father and is talking about that lineage, that seed

So, whatever the deal was or is they had to take him out

The messiah is not one person, and its not a he, the messiah is a she- and there are many, our higher ones are not HuMin and nor do they think like a HuMin, they think like a Boss

36 years ago this track was released
Just by chance, we fell into romance

-soul music always heals 
















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