Shadow Play
There is a doorway in your dreams, if you are sleeping a
lot, you are spending time in the dreamland
The primal creative energy, this signifies dimensions
beyond the grass of both the walking and dreaming states and is the true
mothership and home of the [Gods]
In KMHT [Egipt] Egypt they call the shadow Shut [Shoot]
there is another name but for the purpose of this post we will call the shadow
Shut and was called spiritual saiyans and was a super term for Melanin [KAA.NU] and MA.AT and was the highest part of the soul [Sakhu] once the Melanin changes
from [black] to light which is also called the [white] stone
The dreamland is an abominable plateau of land, the
abominable plateau of land is the highest alter of a nameless mass involving
diffusion of HuMin and non HuMin elements in alchemical from Melanin and the
only way to get to this land mass is in your dreams
Last year sum time, I was asleep and I woke up in my dreams [this
is called lucid dreaming] when I woke up in my dreams I was in a pure [black]
dimension, like a cave, it would have been scary but I was awake and I knew I had
to go through this darkness, so I went and was really close because it was
really [black] like midnight but I was at sum ones home and there was a noise
from next door, more than a noise but it was enough to wake me up, when I came
round I felt that the noise was purposely made and later on this year I realised
that the entities in that realm did make that noise because they didn’t want me going through
this doorway- to which I confirmed when I spoke with sum one
There is a doorway on the other side of the dreamland and
this is how we get out of this thing, and that is why they stopped me, since
last year I have researched and spoken with others
The dreamlands are alternative dimensions accessible through
a person’s dreams
In a book by Robert Wilson, they talk about the clouds without
water and in Mask of the Illuminati throughout the book and clouds without
water is called dark clouds which is nothing but Melanin, what is a cloud
without water, Melanin
I had a conversation with a relative and they were
talking about his children who are mix-race and he was telling me and they are
grown up but both are taking sleeping aids to go to sleep because when they go
to sleep all they are seeing are monsters
Which I thought was very interesting because we know that
the 6-ethers have to take the Melatonin [Melanin] so they don’t experience the
monster thing [nightmares], I didn’t tell my relative what I’m writing here
because he is not plugged out- anything that is artificial will experience the nightmares on
that realm, if they take the Melatonin this balances the sh9t out and allows
them to sleep because they see monsters, creatures, entities, and to be honest all those monsters that you are seeing are the 9-ethers on the other side [your HuMin
bodies are the vessels for this planet- you do not look like your body on the
other side], now if two mixed race children can experience this sh9t what does
that tell you what full blown 6-ethers are experiencing, if you know any one
that takes sleeping aids ask them why, they may not tell you because what they
see scares the sh9t out of them, they just don’t want to experience the land
They are seeing these monsters who are nothing but the
Dreamlands is an alternative dimension accessible through
a persons’ dream, early in life most people can enter the dreamlands at will
but as adulthood approaches this gateway closes for the majority of dreamers
Children can do it because they just came back from the
dreamlands, sum of these children incarnated in the last decade can do it because
they are straight from the Cosmos, many children can complete a computer game
in days because they are straight from the holographic realm and in sum ways
its actually a tragedy when these children are incarnated into this world for
they were already on the other side and they have to come into this bullsh9t- but
if you notice for the first couple of months or longer all they do is sleep
[babies] that is a lot of energy time, these children are closer to dreamland
and is to why many experience these [monsters] because they just came from
Only a certain amount as adults are able to enter this
dimension again through certain [narcotics] [drugs] and simply dedicated
dreaming and sum physical portholes between dreamlands and the walk-in worlds
do exist but these gateways are few and found in dangerous locations in both realms
and that is because the 6-ethers- when they get this they can literary get hurt
by it- but then again on the other hand when you hear people say they died in
their sleep- what happens is the body gets so dense- especially with old people
and they find the gateway and they go through, there is more to it than that but I just
wanted to touch on what is going on for many
The reason why the 9-ether has a problem is because you
are getting caught up by which this society as trained you by, which is when
you were 9 [10] or so, you wanted to stay up late because everyone else is up,
when the TV came out you wanted to stay up and watch the TV, your parents told
you to go to bed and those with a TV in their room watched TV, you would get
mad and when you got to adulthood that was it, you could do what you wanted, and
now as an adult you stay up for as long as you want, when I was younger we had
a black and white TV in our room, the colour TV was just coming out and my mum
found out and removed the TV, but I thought I was missing out, it was almost a
pleasure to watch TV and stay up late, when you visit your friends or family
you will today find that children are up after 12am and longer, after 2am and
3am with their parent or parents- that is the new generation
The point is we stay up later and later, that is the
generation today, but the more you stay up the more you separate from the
dreamland and you push yourself away from the doorway based on society, you push
yourself away from the doorway, the ancient people or the primal people or what
you call the primitive people [first people] when it got dark if they didn’t have a
spiritual ceremony they went to bed, they didn’t even eat after 4pm, they went
to bed so that they could go into dreamtime or vision quest but in this society
as you get older and you take on more and more responsibility and they make sure
you don’t sleep because you have to work and sum of you work odd hours and sum
work at night and so forth+ sum of you live with others, sum with extended
family, so many of you cannot sleep when you want to or you don't get enough sleep
So the journey to the dreamland, what you must
inner-stand at this particular point in time is we are in the quickening so it
doesn’t really matter with the cycles before, why you couldn’t stream into the dreamlands
before- for now we are in the quickening and we are at the doorway because right
now many of you don’t need much sleep, this is what prompted me to write this
post, for the last 4 months especially I have not had more than 4 to 5 hours’
worth of sleep, this week I have slept for 3 hours and am wide awake and this
is because I am right at the doorway
Get sum Valerian Root [tea] and take enough to get sum
real deep sleep
When you go deep that is ascending down the [700] light
steps of slumber [these are the 72 demons of Goetia- they also call it the Caverns
of the Flame] and will meet the Cavern priest who may be Tehuti or your guide
or Anubu and if the two priest find the dreamer worthy, they can continue down
the [700] steps of the slumber- worthy does not means what you have done in
life it means were you born of the original stock of the people for example it
means- do you even have the soul to complete this sh9t, that is what worthy
means right now and nothing to do with what you did in this fu9ked up life, so
if you are worthy then you can continue down the [700] steps into the enchanted
woods and thus avoiding the dangerous woods, and the dreamer is free to roam in the
land of the dreams [visionary], the
walk-in world or the weight world, the 9-ethers are dreamlands greatest
hero’s for these individuals create entire cities in their dreams and may take up residence in the dreamland following their death in the walk-in worlds
Now, for those who know of others who died in their
sleep, the ones you can confirm this, like they died at home and you know they
did, not what a hospice told you, most that died in hospitals they will never
tell you that that person cried for their mothers or was screaming out or they
had a heart-attack, not those ones, we are talking about the ones who died
peacefully for they reached the gate and went through, this will be an option for many, you will know when you are at the doorway and this is sum thing very real
We are in a ending cycle and the cycles before do not matter now for we are in a quickening, pay attention to your dreams [visions]
Seven heaven [9]
Seven [chakra] system
Leviathan [seven siSters] Orion-seven stars
Serpentine [Kundalini]
This is not picture distortion, how many cubes are up there
Merkaba [spiritual vessel]
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
Newcastle [UK]
Was this taken through a window because if not what is
When we see the spites these are spirits coming from the spirit world which is the holographic [parallel] astral worlds [realms] and means the realm is hitting the planet
The portal to the fifth dimension which will explain what
dark matter is to the western scientific world
Dark matter [ether] Melanin [Kaanu] antimatter
Dark matter does not emit any visible light and so cannot
be detected but does hold energy and is an unseen force that makes up the
universe, the fifth dimension combines electromagnetism and gravity [levity]
This is another dimension that the western scientific
world only made as a suggestion in 1999 because it is unseen by man
No matter what, we will be entering the fifth dimension
using portal(s) that are creating dark matter [ether] this is the etheric realm
This is not a fantasy but is every bit a reality, ether
[dark-matter] is the fifth element
There is a black-hole and is consuming everything that is
unnatural to this soul-ar system
The Milky Way has a black-hole near it
The Milky Way as seen in Karnak
[Iy] is what the western world calls a tomb or temple but
are abode, coast-land, Isles
Karnak [Luxor] Kar-Naak [town of windows]
What’s in the realm of these nuclear forces, the weak
force mediates the process of radioactive decay, while the strong force binds
the Quarks together, weaving webs of energy into the form we call matter,
Hu-Min, mortals, [God] in flesh
There are [4] fundamental forces
[1] gravitation (physical attraction)
[2] electromagnetism (emotions)
[3] the weak (love) and [4] strong (hate) nuclear forces
The nature of things seen and unseen
Electromagnetism is Magnetism produced by electric
[electron] charge in motion (2) the physics of electricity and magnetism [C =
Cosmic = UVA UVB and UV-C]
The forces creates its own opposites
[its relative to your perception]
Unseen [seen] force
[1] Atum-Re [HaRu]
[2] Atun-Re [Asaru]
[3] Amun-Re = the hidden one which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. rays [2] Gamma rays [3] X rays
[Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple light- gamma]
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays] [electrical]
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of black (Kaanu)-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
Which are [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
No more Theta
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
[hidden light-spectrum]
Now you know the western scientific world will not go
into detail about dark-mater
Re [Sun] is letting off which is called CME and that is your corona [radiation] energy, linking up with Sirius, there will be many deaths
Charged, sum one as the finger on the trigger, its heavy out there, a lot of energies means you will feel drowsy, many people will be going offline
Alpha waves [over 7.83hz]
You may be eating a lot, the astral [spirit] holographic world
is demanding, if your dreaming [visions] you need to bring those dreams back
down to earth and this requires fuel, make sure you eat well, everyone dreams
and if you don’t remember those dreams is because you didn’t have enough fuel to
bring them down to earth
The fall-out from nuclear bomb testing in the 1950s and 60s had been showing up in U.S honey and was higher in 1970s and in 80s and means the radioactivity will be dangerous in 2021, God bless America
sea is charged [currenSea]
photographed in trees with long time exposure
The Annunaqi and Galactic Federation are on your doorstep
Putin assembles 500,000 soldiers and the UK
sends in their carrier
Huge fleets, armadas, space-ports, craft complexes, castles in the ska
Putin is a Reptilian Commander and is their first line of defence, he was warned a while back to step down
Hydraulic system in Mesopotamia in what is called Iran
today that is over 5,000 years old and is made by the Persians who are the Ethiopians [Kush]
Aerial view of computer chip [Iy] Aswan which is part of
Laser 3D printed onto Granite for Granite holds frequencies, KHMT itself is over 450,000 years old, well before the Albino Arabs were ever created
The online library is going, the Arabs have all the 9-ethers material in their billion dollar museum
On the left is Ah [the fighting principle]
Ahmes [Ahmose] born of Ah
This is Neteru [NTR] Nefertari and she is Thutmose(s)
wife and she is darker than midnight meaning she is from Sudan [Ta-Nehisi]
Nubian [Nubia]
All the colours have been washed from this original piece on the right by none other than the Albino Arab Muslims, the truth hurts them only the Chinese are yellow
We see nothing from ancient KHMT to do with Islam or any of the wombmen with sum thing covering their hair, they are going along with their billion dollar Museum, all they do is find [Iy] and sell them to the highest bidder, many places they spend months, years repainting the images or cleaning the images of their colours, culture thieves, Prince was right, thieves in the temple tonight