Inside this [Iy] adobe, coast, isle is a device that is 90,000 thousand years old, the [Iy] itself is younger than that
In the older [Iy] is where the Zodiac or planisphere is on the ceiling, when the Romans come in, they light fires at night thus smoking out, blackening out the ceiling
c. 1200, "the universe, the world" (but not popular until 1848, when it was taken as the English equivalent to Humboldt's Kosmos in translations from German), from Latinized form of Greek kosmos "order, good order, orderly arrangement," a word with several main senses rooted in those notions: The verb kosmein meant generally "to dispose, prepare," but especially "to order and arrange (troops for battle), to set (an army) in array;" also "to establish (a government or regime);" "to deck, adorn, equip, dress" (especially of women)
Originally meaning "the starry firmament," but it later was extended to the whole physical world, including the earth
For specific reference to "the world of people," the classical phrase was he Oikoumene [Orion] (ge) "the inhabited (earth)."
Septuagint uses both kosmos and Oikoumene. Kosmos also was used in Christian religious writing with a sense of "worldly life, this world (as opposed to the afterlife)," but the more frequent word for this was aiōn, literally "lifetime, age."
Neit which is the secret name for Amon Amen Amun [AmUN]
Universe the word is [Uni = together] Verse = against
Numbers the word is from Nu-n
The energy forces of the deep, abyss, Spiritual energy
PAARE [PAA.RU] = Planet
Plan of the E.T
Planets and Stars are the same thing
Asaru [Oser] Osiris would choose the [Gods] Neteru and
A’atferi in one of the word Aatferi translations translates The Choice
There is a book called Echoes of the Old Dark land by Charles Finch he has a whole section on the Black Madonna and KHMT
Karnak also called Warit and Per-Asaru and Wa-set, the Karnak complex took 200 years to build and every Aafteri that came added his or her own piece onto this [Iy] temple aka online library
This [Iy] is a mile and a half long and half a mile wide [remember half a mile by half a mile]
The Karnak is the largest complex for learning, worship [Sen] on the planet
Karnak is a word processer chip from a craft
Tahites [Ptahites] pygmie
The anthropologist stayed for 15 years, so you know that
if the French studied the Dogon for 15 years then the Dogon are real
significant in this timeline, they only stopped after 15 years because of ww2
[1944] and they resumed after the war and the original anthropologist took
another anthropologist with him to study the Dogon tribe and we use the word
tribe lightly, because there was 4,000 of the Dogon and that sones like a nation
to me
On the cover of this book, the Pale Fox is a picture of Nomos [Nommos]
and is in French and came out in the 1970’s and the English version came out in
1986, this book is out of print now
The Dogon have a [God] that they said created the world,
Amma [Amen] [Amun] s-he had a son [Yurugu]] and you will be complete said Amma
and you will have a brother [Nomos] and two female twins who will represent your
spiritual half, but the first brother [Yurugu] got impatient and he broke out of his
mothers [fathers] womb and when he did this, this was classed has rejecting
creation [which is similar to how sum people are oppressing another group today,
a graphed mutated people that is against nature on the planet no matter where
you go, they are not HuMin beings and that is a lot to think about]
Hue means colour, One small step for man and one giant
leap for mankind, a kind of man but not HuMin
The [Yurugu] is called the Pale Fox by the French author,
pale meaning fair-skin, albino and fox meaning sly, he said in the arrogance of
the European, I want to be just like you, I want to be able to create
Amma said you can never create, and you can never be like me,[Yurugu] said, I’m going to be like you, so he walked around in he-r womb, she said you can never create, so he walked around in her womb until he learned how to create, so s-he said you can create but you will never create one like me
It’s the same story that the albino cannot create carbon ether people who can have all colours of the spectrum, so she was going to destroy him because he had a placenta and the placenta was Ki [earth], s-he said I’m going to destroy your placenta >> don’t you think that is the story we hear now about sumbody destroying sumbodys evil, so Amma said I’ll make a brother Nomo [Nommo] and Nomo will sacrifice for you and will save the placenta [Ki] earth, now again doesn’t that sone like another story about sumbody sacrificing for us, all of the stories around the world all come from the one source
Nomo is supposed to come down and subtle his brother and
purify the earth, doesn’t this sone like sumone else who is supposed to be
coming back that many are waiting for
Don’t you also think that the Nomo fish symbol is the same has the European Jesus Pisces fish symbol
In the Dogon and the KHMT and the ancient Alkebulans [Africans] they all knew where heaven was, yet we have all these religions and sumhow they tell you that heaven is in the sky, those that don’t know the Cosmos won’t know heaven that is what Tehuti said
They knew where heaven was, it’s a physical place, heaven the word comes from haven, h3ll is here and the 9 ether can bear witness to that, the albino is not a devil but is the devil, has documented and translated by Robert H Gardiner from the Hermetic papyrus from the British museum
Heaven was around the constellation of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, people like John Anthony West [scholars][soulars] say that if they were to locate a heaven that all of the religions are talking about, we would have to locate this heaven around Sirius because the Sun is millions of times bigger than the earth and even though the Sun is that size bigger than the earth, Sirius is 13 times bigger than the Sun, so if you were going to heaven [Cosmos] and you were walking around with your white wings on and your milk and honey and all the rest of it that you say in the church, you would have a Sun and that Sun in heaven would be Sirius, called Sothis by the Greeks and Sept [Set] in KHMT [Septet]
So, when you die according to our ancestors which you should be taking note from, your Baa [soul] goes to Sirius
The morning star that they say rose when Jesus Christ was born is Sirius and is the morning star, so the 3 wisemen saw Sirius and in the Book of the Dead, it says that when Sirius comes we would see the divine child come from between the closed legs of Sothis [next image] which is when Hathor [Atheer] would come
Dogstar is the morning star [Dog = Dogon star] five is
the symbol for pure Femi9 Electron NRG
Mythological does not mean myth or folklore, see previous
post on what that word really means
You came from heaven because you are [God], as above, so below, you are in the image of [God], you are supposed to be what people are supposed to be like, you are what heaven is supposed to be like, the Europeans come later and he comes from you, he comes from the lower half of you
So, if you came from all of the heavens, all of this is yours and he came from you on earth, then this means he doesn’t possess what it takes to go to another level and means he can only regenerate on earth, and this is why he rules now because he is not going nowhere, this is why he doesn’t give a sh9t about this planet and even his own life because he knows he is not going nowhere after this, energy can never be destroyed but he knows his energy is going nowhere fast
You have Albert Pike, big time Freemason in European
American history, he said, if you [albino] people knew what religion was really
about, you wouldn’t mess with it
He was saying that you [albino] are the devil, Aleister
Crowley said the same thing, Aleister tells you, I am the beast 666 and I am
the devil
So, whatever they do, they cannot go where the 9 ether is
going, its either the 9 ether rules or the 6 ether rules, its as simple as
that, there is no compromise, master and slave relationship if you stay in the 6-ether
He understands that whatever the 9 ether has, that equals
the Cosmos, the planets, and he doesn’t have that
KAA.NU aka Melanin, the same stuff in the universe is the same stuff in you and makes you go beyond this realm to another realm and the 6 ether does not have this substance and they know this
You should not be eating any meat and especially Hog, Pig-meat [pig-ment] not because its bad for your health, in the Amenti [Amen] which is the Daut [Amduat] or the underworld or the netherworld or the subconscious aka h3ll, when the Hebrews [Habiru] came out of KHMT or where kicked out of KHMT, depending on what story you want to go with, the historical fact or the biblical story, on their travels a priest that was among them called Moses [Mose] Muwsaa [Mosheh] [Mow-shay] Musa [Thutmose] [Thoth-mose] taught them what he got out of the mystery schools, for near enough a 1000 years they didn’t have this h3ll concept and the Jews adopted this concept a 100 years before Christ, the h3ll concept and they adopted this was from the book of gates, these gates are a series of gates or levels that you go through when you die on certain planes
The book of gates says not everybody is going to h3ll, it
means that many will suffer but not everyone is going to h3ll, the ones that
would suffer would be the enemies of Ra and Asaru [Osiris]
[Osiris] is a KAA.NU [God] and he is a WAJI [Green] [God]
because he is a vegetation [God] also and in the works of Tehuti [Djibouti] he
is seen has a Blue-Black [God] and the book of gates just means the enemies of
Ra and Osiris and when you translate this further, it means the enemies of the Nubian
people and that means the 6 ethers, and this is the h3ll concept that the
European is getting ready for and this is what this underworld is all about
Its an underworld for the 9 ether on a spiritual plane but is truly h3ll for the 6 ether, its where they are going to know the difference between right and wrong, in the underworld they have these series of steps or gates or rooms, and at the end of the steps you have Osiris the judge who will judge you before you go onto another plane, they didn’t have a damnation of h3ll, that you would go 40 miles under the earth to a h3ll that is 15 times hotter than the sun, 4,000 miles away and yet the sun is millions of miles away and is hot and this thing is 15 times hotter than the sun and only 4,000 miles away and you don’t burn up, this makes no sense, but on these series of steps you are going to be judged but before you go to another plane, they would have to beat the evil [s-wine] spirit out of you, your lower half that could not exist into the higher plane of the spiritual plane
What they would do is beat it into pigs or hogs, and what
you are doing today is eating your ancestors, the beast nature by eating the
pig [Ham][K-HAM-I]
A pig was a representation of Set, the prototype of the
devil came from Seth-typh or Shaytaan or Satan and is the oldest form of this
beast, devil that we talk about, this is written on the papyrus of the Hermetic
text in the British museum that they have everyone sacred about and the
prototype of that devil called Set or Sut or Set-typh [Shaytaan]
This devil is represented has a Pig or an Ass [Donkey] in
the Hermetic papyrus in the British museum and they are talking about an actual
people, and these people are known has the common foreigners also called the
Asiatic since there was no Europe at that time, they were called Asiatic, then
they identified Europe because you have Asia major and Asia minor, Asia is a
big place, they said that these people lived up in the mountains and are always moaning, whining,
they have a restless nature and a irreprehensible sex act, when traveling in this particular part of the world do not go there
alone, the beast that they were talking about is the European and is in the Hieratic
papyrus in the British museum translated by Chester Beatty
This beast has taken over a billion people off of the
planet, whole races like the Kari [Caribbean] you don’t know any true Kari people
because he wiped them out, there was over a 100 million native Nubian Indians
that are down to under 14million in the USA, the Tasmanian every last one of them
wiped out, 35 million Alkebulans taken off the continent in the Arab slave
trade that is not recorded and is before the Jew-European slave trade, Saudi
Arabia have an 80% race of Nubian people but they are oppressed, there are
Nubian Arabian princess who come outside and the albino Arabs throw bread to
them, the Arabs have murdered millions of Nubians
The original Aboriginal in Australia from 300,000+ to under 20,000 after the Irish wiped them down with the help of the British
The whales are down to under 4,000 from nearly 400,000,
the 6 ether have murdered in all of the three kingdoms, if you are not 9 ether
aka Nubian, Ebony, KAA.NU then you are 6 ether, all recessive genes have played a
role in the destruction of this planet and her creations, do you know how many
races or animals are extinct because of his beast nature
The Dodo bird went extinct when the British soldiers ate
the entire lineage, Tasmanian tiger wiped out, the Tasmanian tiger protected
the wombmen at Ayers rock, they have been cloning all these extinct animals and
this means with have dead animals out here now, millions of Buffalos were wiped
out, this is the beast that they are talking about
So they say, look for this new world order that we are talking about, we have to get rid of the Alkebulans or they call it depopulate Africa [Alkebulan] and they wanted this done by the late 1990’s or the early 2000 and in the chronicles of biological warfare in 1969 the bird-monkey disease passed by the government cooked up at Fort Detrick Maryland in 1978 and they gave it to homosexuals in the form with Hepatitis B in a vaccine in New York and San Francisco
1983 the first cases of AIDS break-out and we didn’t take no notice because it was classed as a homosexual disease which was a smokescreen and before you knew it the number one recipient of AIDS became the 9 ether wombman, they said the Alkebulans contracted AIDS because they ate bushmeat and monkeys
In the Bilderberg meeting in 1990 in Germany in a global
2000, said they had to wipe out millions so that the planet wouldn’t run out of
food in a hundred years or so, and they choose the Hispanics, Nubians and
Homosexuals, in 2020 75million have died through the AIDS diseases and
65million have been wiped out with the HIV-positive virus
Uganda = AIDS, Somalia = Famine, Ethiopia = War all started by the government and this is the Atlantis they are talking about, the custodians of the world, if we went through every doctrine that we know and trace it beyond KHMT the 9 ether would be at those people living at the beginning of the Nile, that is the Atlantis that they wanted
Star family know you want the new land and they are moving her out of your reach, the horn of Africa is breaking away, Ethiopia the NTH gate is at war and this is prophecy
The Bilderberg meeting in 1990 had a back-up plan in case
Bush didn’t win they put another candidate who could continue their plan and that was
Clinton, a bit like Trump and Biden, they both work for the same objective
The Apple product and its AI [Siri] is no coincidence
research Harold Bluetooth, King Of Denmark
Bluetooth Logo is actually his Royal Crest
Named a 100 years ago because Harold bluetooth [teeth] was black [blue] because they said he ate too many Blueberries, oh really, he is the one guy in the entire world whose teeth went blue from eating Blueberries, his teeth are black because he didn't brush them like in the movie Django
There is an image of Rameses beating the swine out of you with the mace [not this image but similar] which is symbolic of your lower self, pigs have emotions and are intelligent because the pig is your lower self [cell] and is in them
This outside enemy is your Jesus Christ, these beings that are assembled are your ancestors
The Roswell craft coming down had hieroglyphic, Sanskrit symbols over the craft and these secret societies established a group of men beings called MIB [Men in Black] and when people saw these crafts the MIB would be sent out to collect the information and this is how they controlled the information around crafts for the last 40 years
In 1950 they came to visit Malcom X in prison, the MIB a year before he was getting out because in the 1940’s Elijah had been handing out flyers telling many not to go to and fight in the war and they arrested him and, in his briefcase, he had pictures of a spaceship that Elijah talks about, this mothership
There is a speaker that is on this arc [this was in one of the papyrus] on the ship of Ra that is half a mile long and half a mile wide, Elijah(s) ship is half a mile long and half a mile wide
Imhotep says to Tehuti will we ever get out of this mess
and Tehuti says yes we will, Imhotep said how, Tehuti says there will be an
extremity in KHMT that will be built in the west [this is all verbatim]
West KHMT is what you call the USA
Elijah mothership is half a mile wide and half a mile
long and it has other fighter planes and these fighter planes carry 3 bombs
each and there is nothing that you can do when these ships come because the
technology is well advanced, these ships can cloak themselves behind stars that
you cannot see, is that not what the Dogon said
[remember the British Museum houses thousands and thousands
of papyruses with all this data on it]
This mothership is specially designed to destroy evil
civilisations, the divine civilisation cannot be put in place until the evil
civilisation is destroyed
Our civilisation is older than 3 or 5,000 years old, we
are talking about millions of years old, its un-dateable
KHMT is at least 450,000 years old, the concept of Denderah is over 90,000 years old, so the technology is way older than what you think
Today man has trains, planes, cars, and in Huntsville in
Alabama they have small [UFO’S] and this is what was said in the Dogons, that
he has his arc [craft] also and is inferior because his arc runs off of fuel, so
Mars is three and a half years away and star family can get here overnight
because their fuel is not fuel and his fuel runs out so he can only go for so
long before the fuel runs out
If we had 360 degrees of knowledge and all the knowledge [data] light that came from Alkebulan [Africa] and the 6 ether was initiated in the lower levels of the mysteries and have 33 degrees of knowledge, think for a minute, and he is able to do what you see out here, build all these buildings, cars, computers, devices, just think what you the 9 ether can do with 360 degrees and you taught the 6 ether everything they know
If it was sumthing stupid we didn’t build it, these
people where conscious at all times, these people where [Gods] Neteru
When you know the cosmos, the heavens, the stars, you
didn’t need all these contraptions to make yourself feel worthy, you never
purchased clothes, cars, vanity things to make yourself feel better about
These crafts travel because you think them into existence, sum of these crafts are being remotely operated and you’re in inner-earth controlling them
6 ether women who had their ovaries missing, sum where
impregnated, this woman wrote how she was in the house but was in their ship
and the aliens where in the house but where on the ship to, the technology that
man has is only 33 degrees, the power of illusions
In 1962 Russia and the USA under the NSA sent a craft to Mars and they didn’t tell the public and they had cameras on the craft and in the footage you can hear the Russians and the USA all celebrating when they landed and in one scene you hear them say, sumthing moved and it was an organism moving along the ground near the ship that they had built with help, this was May 22nd 1962
Mars does have life and is more than thriving up there, there was a nuclear explosion that took place up there, and the people reside underground, since then, they have exchanged 6 ethers to mine up there, both NASA and Elijah have both in their books said the same thing, the NASA man is called Richard C Hoagland, read his books for that is real scholarship
NSA and NASA are different NAZI organisations, the NSA are called black-ops for a reason, 9 ethers are all over Mars [Muurs] Moors LAH.MU [MU] the children of Mu
Neil Armstrong is a mason and didn’t want to say nothing but others have spoken up [they were taken to Mars, the Moon, in exchange for humans] there is gravity on the Moon
Stairway to heaven by Zecharia Sitchin [mason] in one of the books there is a picture of a wheel that NASA also created in 1978, and they said that this wheel can conserve energy and that they could use it for space travel without using so much fuel in the future and in Germany they said we have one also that we call the flywheel in one of our museums that looks the same has the one in Sitchin book that they got out of KHMT from the first dynasty, image is mans version of that wheel
The original Arabs from Arabia are the Kush people [who
are from Ethiopia, Somalia, Plut-land] and the albino-Arab also know along with
the Kush [Cush] that there is a KAA.NU stone in the Kaaba and that pieces
of Ra(s) crafts hardware in under that cube [cube contains energy] and that the hardware
comes from Ra(s) crafts, the Kush make this Mecca [Meka] Mekaba, [Me-Kaa-Baa =
Kaaba] pattern in the pilgrimage in a certain way that activates the Kaa-ba
Under the KAA.NU stone [which comes from Ethiopia] under the vault are pieces of Ra(s) spaceship, there is much more things under the Kaaba, the Muslims today have reversed the energy so that it goes to Saturn with negative energy
The Sigi [every 60 years] by the Dogon and this means
that one generation will miss out because they won’t be able to see it, they
all practice this ceremony but many won’t see it
You can read it for yourself, E Wallis Budge entitled Fetish
of God ancient Egypt, the underworld is not talking about an actual people
under the earth, its talking about the slaying of the enemies of Osiris and Ra
and Ra has a ship, the same one mentioned
Elijah was a messenger of Allah [source] and Tehuti was the
messenger of Ra [source] because his sign is the Moon, the crescent of Ra
This Amenti is talking about the enemies of Osiris and Ra,
Osiris is a Nubian [KAA.NU] and WAJI [God] Neteru, he is a vegetation [God] and
all the animals eat off of the vegetation and this means the [God] suffers and
thus you the 9 ether suffers, if you are not struggling your going to get taken
out right with the beast, this h3ll thing is about the 6 ethers getting ready
to get their h3ll
Evergreen means ever-living [WAJI] heart
The time door closed in 1994 [we had been on a loop]
[Queen of the sea- the original mermaid], and Queen Hericane
[Hurricane] [Heru-i-cane] old school energies that fuel these weather systems,
she is here and she is not messing about, while many pray for this and that,
these weather systems are here to destroy and so no prayer is going to stop her
When you eat the pig that is cannibalism
This is why Albert Einstein couldn't get the spirit world for he has no soul [KAA.NU] he couldn't see it for he was using his HuMan eyes and not his first Ayin
Albert Pike book Morals and Dogma and he is talking about
everything I just wrote and more and was written in the 1800’s, so that means
they have well over a 100 years on you, the length and breath of the $dollar
bill, the dollar bill was only meant to last a 100 years and that has now
The N.W.O was put in place 20 years ago
What I am saying is you better get used to seeing a lot of
Nubians dying as well as the Albinos, they will be going out with this cycle
also, no one will be saved especially if you chose the matrix
There is another device that says that its 2024 now, and
for them that means in 2 months’ time, it will be 2025 = 9] what I am saying is
that a lot of Nubians who are going to die, this is the weeding out process and
there is nothing you can do about this, nothing
Seti 1
In his [Iy] (tomb) there are three races of men on the walls, the Hemu or Himu, the Rooti [Ruti] [Tut-si] and the Tama-Hu [Tamahu], the Hemu are the (Blue-Black) ABZU [South African] the Rooti is the KMHT Nile Valley people who are not so dark and the Tama-Hu, tama means created, land and Hu comes from Hue and means white light and bright, Tama-Hu means the created albino man and this is in the [Iy] of Seti 1 and is also featured in Ramesses 5
Uganda ethic cleansing was orchestrated by the French and now you know why
Right after Champollion translated the Rosetta stone, he
went to KHMT and he was hurt when he saw what was on the walls
Who created them
[remember all the races where refined over and over again,
Sumeria is also up and running, Ya’quwb, Zeus all make albino lines as well, there are
different time frames] but the KHMT is the library and is written in stone and not paper and that stone is charged
You was supposed to give up sumthing, sum of your luxuries, even your diet and the food that you should not have been eating, you could have taught your children the truth about the matrix, that there are other beings, sumthing rather than nothing
They are a created capitalistic being and you function under it every-day
You were to give up on your luxuries, during this lockdown you was supposed to take an inventory, but many chose the matrix instead and did you know that the Most-High was watching each and everyone of you, everyone on what they were going to do, they were watching, they have seen enough already
When Heru arrives it will be pure destruction
Final destiny
This is a craft [chariot] in the 1800's before they removed the top [flight centre]
Removed by the powers that be
Orca [Or-ka]
Part of the Dolphin family are on the defensive, smart
enough to disable the rudders on boats in and around Spain and Portugal, not
the first time, they bit up the Japanese crew of a sinking boat recently,
payback are the right words, highly sociable marine life that do not warrant
the title Killer Whale
The Dolphin, Whales and Orca provider the tuning of the
planets acoustics and the powers that be know this, they use sonic sones to
blast them out of the water, this is why we find them on beaches, you would
take your own life if you heard these sonic sones that the military use
When the Italians first invaded Ethiopia it was the animals that attacked the Italians and they had to re-group, the Ethiopians only lost the second time round because they started fighting like the Europeans and disregarded the ancestors energy
This got to me, the paw and eyes
Indonesia or the Philippines, all across is charged and parts of South America
The time of destiny tic-toc on, red is inside this atmosphere, we are not on 7.89hz, keep up
the 6 ether DNA[RNA] is being destroyed and the 9 ether DNA [DEA] is being upgraded by Sirius [cosmic] radiation
The poles have moved and this planet should have titled
more, land slides means land is moving in the new places that are recording land slides, plates moving
Huge food support queues form in Texas, miles long, food shortages are coming to a place near you, Texas their dirty secret is coming out
Vaccine will be ready during the first into the second week
of December and the worldwide eclipse is also straight after that, they will test
to see how many people voluntary take the RNA based drug, it is law in the USA
that its mandatory for children to have this vaccination, star family are
watching our emotions so don’t have no fear, be like Neo when Smith and his
boys went to shoot him and he said No
Do not let the European love be your spiritual death
2 hours ago, more than 1,000 US fighter jets were
simultaneously in America's sky
Mothership sitting pretty by SpaceX launch
SpaceX delivers weapons crew for their first line of defence, there are Nukes on the ISS and the ground based satellite is destroyed in Puerto Rica what is it that they don't want you to know about, asteroid goes by at only 250 miles away, tic-toc, who is your real enemy here
Kanada [Diamond in the cut]
Portal [sun], behind the sun and NI.BIRU is the spirit world which is the Kaa holographic code, program
Signs and wonders
Uteti [the two eyes of Re]
watching you all the way
Green and Blue energy coming in, these can be camouflaged crafts, loads coming in
Costa Rico
Star family are present so they are fully aware of what is taking place, everywhere is under supervision
Tabasco Mexico after Storm Eta
Columbia takes one for the South American team
Honduras flooded out along with their neighbours Nicaragua, that whole region along Peru have been holding water for a while Watching you, watching me
Radiated backdrop
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
Countries buying illegal wood from the Amazon are Germany,
Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and the UK, who will in-turn feel the wrath of Ra
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