Friday, 6 November 2020


Dark Night of the Soul

 The throne, ASet is the seat of consciousness, pulpit, that throne is called the stone seat in KHMT and is called the Star-Seed-Sirius [Sibtu][Suptet]

There is a planet called Sut [Set] Supdet [SUP.TET] Septet [SEP.TET][September] also called Sibtu [SIB.TU] that shares the 18th and 19th galaxies, [SA.HU] Sahu [Sah] [Greek Orion] the link between the two

You call it Sirius, and whom the Greeks call Sothis, having two satellites [moons] and her [siStar] system Mirzam

In their holy Quran [Koran] it says, he is the Lord of Sirius, so that particular star that they are referring to is this heaven structure 

All in Chakra energies [radiation] 
This planet [Ki][Tanen] Tiamat [Ta] is in the trappist system on her way to [God] Sirius
Sirius is a Greek word for Osiris
Sibtu was on her way for her initiation [that means you also] from1997 
Therefore, you who are the microcosm of the macrocosm because you where the only people when the planet was formed, that means you had been initiated too, because you are just like nature, the planet has a grand birthday, so do you, its called activation [online] 

Ignorance of the Law is an excuse, sum of us need to be like a Mother with her Child when dealing with the 9 ether, knowledge is all around us, many are conscious, we are all conscious for different reasons but we must respect others for whatever level that they are at and do not look down on them, the child could be the devil, that child could be crippled, neither less you would lov9 them regardless, so at this particular time, the fire and brimstone is for the beast, whatever stupidness that we see the 9 ether doing, I kind of step back, wouldn’t you do the same had you been incarnated into a slave over and over for 400 [512] years, they have to release in sum-way, sum how, they are the lowest form of manifestation and this lets you know that if we are at our lowest point, then the only way to go is up, I don’t care what they do out here for they have been through slavery and have lost their mind, so they have already paid for that, they have paid their dues 

These lot cannot be chastised by [God] for being dead [non-activated], those so-called holy books where written for the animal-man on the planet and not the 9 ether, it wasn’t written for the 9 ether

You were the embodiment of what they were trying to teach the animal man who to be, the Albino-Arab was trying to teach their people what the blue-black Kushite Arab already knew, the Albino had to take the essence of the blue-black soul and put it into writing, in the form of their holy books and that is all that religious doctrine is

 You are [God] and you need to start thinking like one because sh9t is going up to another degree, if you are to inherit the planet then you need to know her mechanics and what she needs for operating

 The 9 ether are being kept in ignorance and many simply won’t make it, this figure of 144,000 [frequency] is relativity low considering that they are less than 2% of the population 

   The Insectoid powers fear the Nubian [9 ether] Ebony races poWRA(s) and this is why the Insectoids and the likes have kept the 9 ether confused and subjected them, for the 9 ether holds the key to knowledge, their genetic Kaanu [melanin] is information needed to unlocked the advanced sequence from the Sirius death, the segmented data unites with what is carried by the Beys [Muurs] (Indian) clans or native Indians aka the black-Nubian Indians] which originates from the star-system Sirius [Sibtu]

 In their Qur’an [Koran] it says, he is the Lord of Sirius, Sirius is Osiris and is the Alpha and Omega but they always leave this page out when writing about the Qur’an, this book the Qur’an was written by the albino Arabs, its their religion, today those 9 ether Muslims are not even recognised by them, the Nation of Islam is a token gesture and means nothing, like your million man march, yeah and what was that about, the Arabs of today where always trying to copy you and to teach their beast product, they never talk about the Sirius star system, they leave her out

 Surah of the star is about the Sirius star only, they know that the Surah of the star connects them right back to Coming forth by Day and that is why they leave out the Surah of the star, that is the [God] of the Egyptians [KHMT] and is the [God] of Islam, then in actuality what they are saying is that this [God] has to be Nubian [9 ether] aka black, so they take her out because in actuality it’s the same [God] 

 We know that the Torah, the Bible and the Quran and Coming Forth by Day is supposed to be read like one book, not individually, they were never meant to be separated, this is how the Nation of Islam became popular because they put both books together and even attracted Christians into their teachings, how can these [Gods] deities be in one book and in another book and are the same and they don’t belong to the same [God] but are in separate books, the grandfather who is Hebrewlism, the father who is Christianity and the grandson who is Islam [that is how they put it in organised literature]  when we are to forget all the bullsh9t because all is referring to is the nature of the 9 ether, you are beyond the scriptures, your beyond sumthing that was invented to teach others how to act, you are still the model to any society, even in your stupidness you are the expression of [God], you are the only people that never rose up entirely against your slave-masters 

On Venus [Lahamu] there are 9 ethers and they have never fallen, Mars [Muurs] Lahmu fell twice and they learned their lesson, Ki [earth] has fallen so many times, why, because Ki is the prototype of the first planets that was inhabited by [Gods] therefore you being closer to [God] you had more poWRA to be creative and you had the poWRA to fall all them times before because that is chaos and chaos is the form of [God], the nothingness of space and from the nothingness of space you get the ab-Sol-ute, where anything can happen and that is the 9 ether’s right to be wrong

 In James Henry Franklin book Egyptian Religion, he said, I’m studying this stuff and we find all these contradictions in the Metu Netu and the Europeans said, the Egyptian [KHMT] didn’t understand their own religion [Sen] Sen means to worship and is the closet word to the western word religion

 Now that is a contradiction within itself, that they didn’t know their religion [spiritual systems] but Franklin got it right, he said, I know what the Alkebulan is doing, they put contradiction in all their prophecies, because that is what life is, it’s a whole contradiction, that is the Cosmos >> a big contradiction, that is what life [light] is, it’s a gas of contradiction, what DC[AC] positive and negative means, it means life [light] which is a contradiction, you being [God] N.TU of the particular realm that you where able to do these particular things and bring yourself to even make yoursCellf low, and because you are this low, you in actuality are the model of the universe that can be on the throne rightfully because you are the only specimen or spasmium that forgot who they were, a dog knows who they are, that’s more than a plant, everything in the universe knows who they are except you

But when you look at that on a divine level, you have gone where no man has gone before
[think about that]

 That is what they are talking about in terms of the earth being the [Godhead]  

this symbol is 8 [infinite] = endless 

This particular earth is becoming a Cosmic sun and if you are a magnitude or a micro-macro, you are an intricate part of the earth [Ki] and she is becoming a Cosmic sun, then you are also becoming a Cosmic sun

 There is no-way that the 6 ether [Albino-European-Caucasian] can become a Cosmic sun because they have 6 ether and you need 9 ether, many are on the internet are being led by Ashtar Command and they are taking all of their off-spring with them  

 Only the 9 ether can make the transition, this is not my opinion or my take, it’s the Law, universal Law

 You are to become a [God] in that realm of energy and this is what is taking place right now

 You won’t even recognise this planet when you are fully submerged in the 4[5]D, let alone KHMT, yet many are still in the 3D and think they are conscious while they still vote, while they participate in 3D things like the 5th of November, Halloween and when Christmas comes up, your energy goes where your mind goes and this is all recorded, star family have not travelled 36 light years for the weak minded, yes the test is over but over when the fat lady sings

 Many have seen the mothership, not the one that was built on the earth, this is the crystal city [Ur] that cannot be described fully, sumone I know went to the subterranean world and she said that

[heaven is their h3ll and not yours, you want to be aiming to go to that realm, the underworld], she said that sum blue-black men took her while she was connected in Istal and they took her to the subterranean world, she said she saw these civilisations and these structures and it was physical like how we see but you can become part of the structure yourself

 The earth is becoming a sun and a structure too and you are becoming a sun and a structure also, you can forget what you see out here because even what you think you want to get back to is still your lowest point, they are talking about a new earth but its nothing like what they are promoting out here, its not new land or animals, its far deeper than that, what this person saw is a fragment and she did really well to describe what she saw, what you think is the sub-level of your lowest level, there is no English [Bastard language = Baal’Star] word or even words for that matter that can describe what you are supposed to get back to 

 Your governments are telling you that everything is alright, investment advertising, next year CV19 will be defeated, that there is water on Mars, that they are bringing in renewable energy and all the rest of the false illusion programs they have going on, and that the 6 ether will maintain the world, this is called a cataclysmic of impossibilities, they want you to think that his reign over you is forever and this is why many sell out because they cannot think beyond the European man, the European is quaking in his boots right now, they are shi99ing themselves right now, yet they are still building things, carry on has normal, clap while your winning, he does things to give them the illusion that he is going to be around, yet it is the clones that you are serving

 In 1996 they said that the Olympics was going to be in Atlanta [capital of Atlantis] for they knew in 1990 their rule was going to just about be over, so lets give them the Olympics and get them hyped up, remember Greece was supposed to get the Olympics because it was their 100 year anniversary, doesn’t that seem strange to you, that Greece didn’t even get it and it was their 100-year anniversary, this was a cataclysmic of impossibilities in your mind to give you the sense of security

 No matter what you see, in your mind, your daily routine will still have you following their 3D matrix, they told you that [God] is going to come like a thief in the night and the revolution will not be televised, in adverts, you can drop your cell phone and it will still work, you can drop water over it and it will still work, this is your future, they are setting you up because they are shaking in their boots and these boots are made for walking and Elvis has left the building, they will keep the illusion until their last days, they will keep on building until their last day

All designed to keep you in their house while they are in another house, in the last days the Cosmos is going to open herself up to the European and to the most wise 

Stay in their house and you will see sum stuff that will mess you up, people are not ready for what is about to be revealed, the 6 or 9 ether are not ready, slavery is public information, they are on a whole different level, they are advanced with what they have been doing, they are 50-60 years in front of this planet, psy-chic [psy = soul and Chi is your life force aka spirit energy] warfare many have never heard of and even if you explain what this means they cannot grasp the concept but yet they have watched the movie Philadelphia or Philadelphia project or experiment

 In 1993 under Bill Clinton he passed Martial Law [1st June] and this was done because many where not vulnerable enough for them to reach and today Martial Law will reach everyone

 Slavery never took place in KHMT, it was talking about slavery today, one was bondage and today we have mental slavery to which we are all a part of, this is y-our new world order, not theirs but they will try to counteract, even the ones who are out of their mind, the stupid ones will all be reached to bring online, no matter how conscious you are or think you are, we will have a relapse rate that will be higher than those who go cold turkey when trying to give up A-Class drugs or drink or whatever

The Kundalini [sexual energy] and how you used to feel when you was a [God] and many will say they don’t know what it feels like to be a [God] the magnitude of the force, every time you climax you get a little taste of that, now imagine that every day of your life, that [God] level is like climaxing 24hrs a day

 [Sex = sacred energy xchange is a humin – human thing, when you are on the 5D you don’t sex because you are too advanced for the humin- human thing]

 Under the 3D matrix, they had made you and your sexual nature negative and made it negative with connotations with the wombman and by doing this, this shut down the nature of what you really are

You can open your centres via your sexual nature aka you sexual energy and since you are the [God] there is no such thing has sin, the [Gods] used to do high sexual things, so sex being a spiritual manifestation of poWRA, once you get into the Occult which is the hidden, when you study the Dogon and the Yoruba you start seeing this sexual stuff [not the European take on sex] this is the 9 ether energy, which is way more higher than the 6 ether, which is all physical, oral sex is not even in the Karma sutra from woman to man, its the other way round only and is to why the 6 ether does it or introduced it into the 3D world

The sexual stuff is also in KHMT which the religions had to cut all that material out of the knowledge that was left, all this sexual material was the poWRA that you used to have and this can actually open you up [chakra centres] those that have a chakra system and you must follow the Ptah into union

 We are not talking about the 3D love, not their kind of love, one part was for procreation and the other part was for spiritual attainment for you to fuse into your wombman and you, when you sex a European woman that is lust and physical, not spiritual at all, many are trained just to get the climax and you miss all that in-between, they call it foreplay, no, its not play before or after, its 9to9to-the 9th poWRA and when you are with a 6 ether, you miss what is in-between because she cannot reach you

 Making sexual energy is not against the creator, that is what she wanted you to do, for she said go forth and multiply

 The Ta-nt-ra is inherited and what you have to do is make a union with your mate, on a spiritual level first, and you can only reach a high level of spirituality through the s-e-x which the European cut out because they didn’t want us to make the union 9to9 plus 9 – cosmic energy, its all physical out here and this is why you feel empty, this is why many have stupid partners and then you come along and she is infected with sh9t energy, why she is emotionally unstable, you need the spiritual bond

 It’s a frequency, a rhythm and this is why they cannot dance because they are not in-tune with the frequencies [vibration], put the spiritual light around you

What I would do is right before I was about to climax which the European calls cum for they are interested in the function only, I would slow down and almost stop and Magi [Maji] on my Chakra system and open them up, my respected partners where never spiritual to this level and would not be able to hold fast, this was good for me has this allowed me to strengthen the energy centres, you direct the seaman and direct it back up, this should be done once a week [if you are over 40] and you will redirect the poWRA, this is for the male to do, not the 9 ether wombman for all poWRA is given to her for she is a complete microcosmic of the [Godhead]

 What I saw was all this energy in her, in us, the [Gods] come and visit you, they would come and visit us for energy, not lust, these are positive and agreeable beings

Many [Gods] come down here and think they can MaStar the 3D and not realising how poWRA-ful the 3D is and they get trapped, [Gods] want to come into people who are raising their thought process

 You have children today who are talking like adults, the [Gods] have been reincarnating and they are acting like they are grown, the planet is in the trappist system and is being called to [God] and will be called up into Sirius, the whole universe and this soular system and they are lifting up one planet at a time, so all the [Gods] who are all over the place have been trying to get down here so they can get lifted up to, there are trillions of planets and parallel worlds, sum of these [Gods] are trying to get through the wombmen and women, they are picking the ones with high vibratory rates, children today are real smart, this has been going on since the 90’s, sum are sexual predators today, over juiced and out of control, many are in their first earth incarnation and are here because the Cosmic juice is about to flow 

 There is no sin, how can anybody who doesn’t have a piece of paper to say they are not married and they have s-e-x is going to h3ll, how does that work, why did the European make such a rule from their ruler-ship, how stupid can we be, you have common sense with good spiritual attainment 

Mandinka Mohawk in Africa [Alkebulan] are the Incas [Mand-Inka = Inca] and not what you see on your tv or what the $5 tells you

Mo-hawk [Muur-hawk] 9 ether transmitters and not sum fancy hairstyle  

The 9 ether on your head that is called hair is from the word Heru [Hari] Hara, the Hari [hair] Hari mean Sirius, and Krishna means the Blue-Black [God] within Sirius [avatar][you]

Esau [Iysuw] E-Saw means the hairy one

Samson means Sirius and was talking about his hair [infinity locks] Samson in the esoteric terms meant the heat of Sirius of the Sun that rose up on July the 23rd and Samson was striped of his hair, because your hair has a double helix of the DNA [DEA] of the universe and is the only hair that defies gravity, the only hair that is not fur, your hair comes up and spirals into a number 9 and 9 means completion and then you will see that you have transmitters and why sum people have been shut down, the 6 ether all have fur, yours are transmitters to [God] hair-root [Hair-roo] [Heru [He-Roo] and is the triple blackness of space aka the Greek word melanin [Kaanu] which is the double helix structure of DNA which is the same passage that Sirius A and B take, as illustrated by the Dogon 

The Blue Star Kachina which is Ka-Chi [Kachi] and means Sirius

The Coyote [Aztec] which means the great dog of Sirius and DogStar which means Sirius
[all Coyotes and Wolves where are Kaanu at one stage]
Dog spelt backward is God, the Dog ba-rking, warning, the protector, warning you of a coming sign, Dogon [Dog-on] 

illustrated by the Dogon [Dog-on]  

 The collective archetype of the collective unconsciousness comes from you, in your dreams, mind, are numbers, you don’t need mathematics, every number is infinite
There is a triple blackness of space [God] called Eywa [Aywa] Arawa-k, Aiwass [A-WASS] , and is also the [God] of Sirius and is also called the Melchizedek [Mel-Chi-zedek] 

Aleister Crowley, was one of those priest who created a mutant in Atlantis, so he had to become one of his creations, we know the name of the person that he became and he is Nubian, so when he went back to Egypt in 1904, that particular person was created and Aleister did this to get the black dot [Nuqta] this project he done went up to 1993, in the 1800’s the Nubian became sumone called a Eliphas Levi and when he died, Alesister Crowley was incarnated again, he had to come because he had his hand in creating the first mutants on the planet and if they had a certain amount of spiritual knowledge they could get the black dot which is melanin [Kaanu] but since 1993 its been 98% unsuccessful in their project with the mutants, also with Gerald Massey, who went into the British Museum and wrote everything down about the 9 ethers and put it in his books, Ancient Egypt- light of the world [if you wanted to get the whole thing on KHMT and the people, just read his lectures, its all in there, Gerald wrote it all down correctly whereas all the other Egyptologist was writing it down from a 6 ether perspective, when they weren’t even here when KHMT was created], Gerald was part of their Brotherhood, Gerald Massey was also a Nubian who was passing through, the thing is 20% of Europeans [Caucasians] are not white [Albino], they are black [Nubian] they have the melanin, like Elvis, the melanin is not just with the skin, the melanin is also at the base of the skull, and the top of the spine 

Those that work in autopsy [auto-psy= psy means soul] with tell you, when they want to find out if the European [Caucasian] is white or black, what they do is to spilt the skull open and if they have that black substance [melanin] they know that they are black [Nubian] people which the melanin is also called the dark night of the soul

 Yes your skin has melanin which is condensed sunlight [sol] sun[soul] but this substance called melanin and is recorded Kaanu is the soul, soular being

 The Ayin [eye] of Heru is where all the children are born out of, the eye of Heru, he defends their souls, this melanin is the same substance that is in space and is in the black-holes and is in the 9 ether wombs and is in your human eyes, in your heart, mind and is the fabric of the universe and is in the middle of all stars and is the melanin [KAA.NU] and when the star burns out, that is what you see 

Those stars up there, we put them up there, when you die you go to certain incarnations and after you graduate in so many schools on this planet and on other planets, and on your graduation you become a small star [SAARE][SAARU] in the sky that you see, so what you are looking at are the souls of your people, the [Gods] of other soul-ar systems, on this earth you can become that star 

 See the halo on the Black-knight in Italy, his name is St Morien [King Arthur is about Osiris] 

When you see their Jesus with that halo, that is the black substance once the KAA.NU that has been activated shines and is the crown chakra shining and is a star

So how did [God] become a star, he was the first star, no more thoughts on are you following the son or are you following the father, what many don’t get is that all those stars, the most-high that you may call Allah, you call him Adonis, you call him Aten, what many failed to grasp is that most high [God] has a mother

That [God] up there is nothing but a grain of sand on a lonely beach compared to the Great Mother and if you really check it, he is not a male or a he, there is no such thing has a male at all

 The male is nothing more than the Masculine expression of the Femi9, that triple blackness of space up there is a she and she sets in the constellation of Draco and in your Qur’an it tells you that Al means God and lah or lot means mother, the triple blackness of space [God] [Allah means the source] Allah means the Child and the Mother combined aka the source 

Typhen [Typhoon] Ti-yphoon means triple blackness of space and Sut [Set] [ASet] means Mother and Child combined

Ti-amat [tee-a-mat] Maiden of life [Sumerian] 

Ta [Ki] earth Egiptians [Egyptian] Ta-Ma-Re [Tamare] 
Typhoon is the first dynasties and the Soular dynasties come after
Tiamat [DTI.AMAT] [TAM.TUM] the Great Mother Dragan she gives birth to the first generation of deities [N.TU] Babylonian, she is the deep, the abyss 
The depiction of Tiamat as a multi-headed dragon was popularized in the 1970s as a fixture of the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game inspired by earlier sources associating Tiamat with later Leviathan
Mother Hubur [Apep] 

 She is so black that she has to express herself, so she cuts hersCellf open with a Neter ax (axe) [which is the number seven] and reveals herself with light and that first light or first child, Sut, Sirius, Adonai, Yahweh, Ka-Chi, all of that which means the manifestation of [God] from the mother and is only the expression of the Mother [Metu] has the first star and inside is the black star that takes it back to the Great Mother, you are born in the triple blackness of space and that black dot is in the womb and this lets you know, if there was such things like male and female then how comes its only the last 6 months that the girl turns into a boy or if she will remain a girl, whether the Clitoris will become a elongated penis or stay has a clit, there is no such thing as dualism after the Femi9, there is only Femi9 and the Masculine is the aggressive part of the Femi9, its all about the Great Mother, the triple blackness of space

All of our creators stepped out of the Femi9 womb universe and if that is true, then there had to be sumthing there before him, in the beginning there was darkness and then the light came and that darkness is sumthing because you are the manifestation of that super blackness of space

 I AM because we are, because I AM, no chain is stronger than the weakest link

The reason nothing works for you is because you have outgrown this level, you came here to return to [God] not to return to Egypt [KHMT] or to become a Muur, running a country or a civilisation is nothing, you’re a [God] of the universe and you are to be nothing short of that and this is why nothing works for you down here

 The dark night of the soul is the [God] you, it is that black [Kaanu] eye [Heru] and if you do not have that melanin, then you don’t have that soul

 A book came out n 1975 and they never reprinted it and, in that book, it said that [God] was a black crow, that [God] was a black raven, a black man [the perfect black]

Saturn and Jupiter, the Dogon have a ceremony that is done every 60 years and once this is done, its all over when we polarise with Saturn and Jupiter, it means the birthday of Nomo [Nommos] which is the fish which is Christ, who is Jesus, who is Heru, who is Osiris [Sirius] Osiris resurrected 


That black star, there is a A’aferti [Pharaoh] called Pepe who is Kek [raiser up of the night, obscurity] [raiser up of the light obscurity] read Robert Temple the Sirius Mystery and in there he tells you that Kek [Pepe] went to Sirius and became one of the stars, don’t let no one tell you that we don’t know where others went, we have Papyruses that tell you so, those are your ancestors up there, when you see Jesus with the halo, when he gets to heaven, when he gets to the celestial [DEA is your celestial DNA], he’s a star, a sun, because you are a son [sun], this is why the planet is going up to the sun, you are nothing but the soular product of the sun [Apsu]

The sun we have out here doesn’t exist and is nothing more than a reflection of a greater sun and that greater sun is Sirius, its black up there and all you see is Sirius, its just a reflection of a greater sun, and the atmosphere is nothing but one big magnifying glass and up under that glass [dome], we have a magnified Sirius because Sirius is called Atun and is also called Amun, there is no difference between Atun and Amun, this soular system and the universe is nothing but the Sirius star system [holographic code][computer code] which its the Nubians that reside around those seven planets [Kiymah] Pleiades, SA.HU [Orion] 

The ISS as been up there for 20 years and in 20 years they have never done a panoramic 360 degrees with the camera, not even when they are doing fu9k all when walking out in space, they can hold sum tool but you cannot hold a camera, all them miles away and not even a full swing of the camera while your out walking in space, come on wouldn't that be so kool or is that only me

The only thing that is lagging behind is us, they are waiting on us, their power was over in 1995
You have to take back the planet but on another realm the [5D]6D, the 9[D] is right behind NI.BIRU and the SUN and the planet had been moved into the 9D a while back 

Do you know that the creator right now is listening to you, observing and recording everything that you say and think right now, get on the frequency     

We've been in a loop, many people woke up in the year 1960, sum from the 1990, every decade, the nu program took time to download, we had to jump timelines to bring many up to date and online 

The HuMin an-atom-y reveals two truths, the feet [Sole-Soul] connects us to the earth [Ki] plane, the head connects us to the heavenly plane, they tell us that Elephants have poor eye sight, when we know they are plugged into the earth, they feel-sense you coming through their souls [soles]

 Without your connection to the planet, we are more susceptible to the toxins in our environment, sumtimes we are unable to get into nature and ground ourselves properly

 The souls of our feet are often the most neglected parts of our bodies, this is unfortunate, because they literally carry us through life, stimulating the feet is a natural touch therapy which has been used for thousands of years

 Earth-in-soles, enables the Natural Pharmacy of the body to function more effectively, ultimately the body and mind are helped to cope better against the negative effects of abiotic stress

 When wearing Earth-in-soles, it feels like you are walking barefoot in the grass while releasing endorphins and neutralizing the negative charged electrons from our bodies

 Handmade with Mushroom technology, Anti-Infective properties of the Melanin-Glucan complex obtained from Medicinal Mushroom, Fomes Foment Arius (Amadou), raises the immunity of the body, how >> 

 The sole [sou] of the foot is a sensory organ with sweat glands (exocrine glands) a.k.a. pores, that absorb the Melanin Beta-Glucans into the blood stream via cellular respiration

 These medicinal properties are dispersed passively, by airflow and moisture that can employ a range of biomechanical devices.

It functions like a catapult powered by surface tension, this mechanism produces sum of the fastest movements in nature

 This mushroom can enhance blood circulation, regulate blood sugar and lowering blood pressure, and exalts the power of the medicinal mushroom for the impact of prolonging life by dealing with malignant cells that cause debilitating diseases

It’s possible that sum of these compounds has got really remarkable properties, says Nicholas Money, PhD, biology professor at Miami University in Ohio

But his 2016 review of the evidence published in the journal Fungal Biology found that marketing claims go far beyond what is supported by the science [YAWN] 

 Visit her website for more details: or you can contact her:

Ready Eddie 

See the Red

 If you know, then you know, there is a gap now, and you see more people are asleep, than woke 

Now the scales are tipping, once the majority starts to reach one consciousness and one frequency

 The lower, more dense frequency beings, will no longer have access to the higher frequencies and beings, its literary just like the Libra [Maat] scale, high frequency is light low frequency is heavier, and dense, earths way of creating balance with Ma’at

 The purge is beginning to take place, this is a spiritual purge, not a physical one, it may manifest into a physical purge after this spiritual one, but for now lets deal with the spiritual

 We are starting to purge a lot of things out our life, especially those who have been through traumatic relationships or situations

We can no longer tolerate what doesn’t serve our best interest anymore, we are letting go of old toxic habits and shedding our exoskeleton to rebirth a new healed person with a new beginning, as with Ki [earth]

 Purge as much as you need right now, go and apologize to those who you need to apologize to

Go and face whatever you feel guilty for and free your heart so you don’t create a h3ll for yourself when this shift happens

Release yourself before the 11:11 portal

 Read Dion Fortune, Psychic self-defence if you are being targeted 

 The real news is what is taking place with the sun and also earths Schumann resonance, aka earths heartbeat, her vibrations are measured in Hz, the 9 ethers control her heartbeat by the vibration we emit

So if the majority of people are vibrating at a frequency of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and anger, this will make the German man-made Schumann record the spike, which will cause the earth to vibrate more, which means more quakes and volcano activity

Its all a huge puzzle, and every piece has its purpose, everything that is happening right now is all for the masses to be in a certain mental state aka certain vibration, so this process can be sped up, trust me Ashtar member Trump knows exactly what is taking place

The Sun is doing his sh9t right now and don’t be surprised if we get hit with a Geo-soular-storm 

 Ultraviolet [UVC] Gamma radiation [energy] is changing your DNA [DEA] the holographic [spiritual] world is merging into the physical world and once your 666 are upgraded and we are ready to go live, we will see the changes with the Ayin, your first eye, the 9 ethers are already in position 

Comets [Crafts] are still here, many where just parked up
NASA are shutting down the observatories again
Weather systems, water, the usual are all taking place 

So [God] sends in the water, to me, there is no point in praying for what exactly, not to do this, have mercy, this is [Gods] plan, so, it is what it is, does it make it right, ask [God] when you meet him or her
All these hurricanes, tornadoes, water are going to specific places, all these people are left over Spanish, Portuguese and technically they are on sacred land that is not theirs and they killed the ones that where there originally  

Quote; Foolish builders, everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock

Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn't do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand; Unquote 

[God] is sending in the floods and will wash away entire civilisations let alone their buildings, this is what A.NU done last time, he sent in the floods, look around you, history is repeating itself for a reason, the sun and [God] does not like you 

Coming to a place near you, all weather cells contain a craft fuelled with ancestors energies, they follow the slaver route, from start to where it finished, Eta hasn't finished with you, she will make it just inside the 11:11 portal

Huge blanket of snow in Montana, no more free energy for you, the whole mid section of the USA will have real cold coming in 

Red [Root]Maat Principle
The radiation [energy] that man fears the most
The Law 
9 to the 9th poWRA of 9  
The digital route frequency is 216


Zenith means Ptah [vortex], this is coming from the deep, abyss [Nun] frequency change with NI.BIRU at the helm [Neutron Star] this is danger for the 6 ether because they will not be able to process the energy, red and pink is death and the magnetic field will go down and so will they, this is why your governments want you at home 

All constellations, galaxies and soular systems are all coming online and are activating, we are seeing the signals and so can NASA 

This is not just a meteorite
Shock waves [Morse code]

Star family are reading in energy, so should you if you want to know what they are saying 

 When they peel back the sky, we will see through our first eye, the holographic world aka the spiritual world, which is on the planet in places but many will not be able to see

Kaanu Tiger in Indian, in Odisha [Orisha] this saddens me because the Chinese will pay a fortune to eat him or her, s-he is around a two-three year old, at least he or she made it that far

3rd eye
They have a 3rd eye on-top of their heads, Crocodiles, Snakes and the Komodo Dragon all used to walk up right, on two legs, until they lost that right to do so  

Look again

The Reptilian agenda, there are positive and there are negative beings 

All rainbows [bows] are spheres, energy infused with colour, holding frequencies, vibrations

Shields activated, so too are all the other planets, KRST energy aka Crown Chakras aka the KAA.NU dot 

Halo is shield and is the KRST energy
Gamma radiation [Purple] UVC
both the 6 ether and 9 ether have their DNA [RNA] DNA[DEA] changing from the inside out on a molecule structure, many people are going crazy out there and the aggression is building
UV Gamma X-ray
Aten [Atun] Amen [Amon] Amun and Atum [Atom] there is no difference between Atun and Atum
The letter [A] is the symbol of the tri-ad of Re [Rays] 

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the hidden one, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

[1] U.V Rays 
[2] Gamma Rays 
[3] X-RaysAtum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light

[1] Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
[2] Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
[3] Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or N.TU [Neter] of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

Shamash, Afsu and Uta are Amun, Atun and Atum and Hu, Huhi and Huwa, the etheric counterparts of the netherworld
These beings once dwelled in this realm and now they are guiding forces and controlling forces from beyond this world, working as the involuntary, to the voluntary in the HuMin [HuMan] body

A system which is systematic 

 [1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Orisis] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being 

[A] Alpha Waves [B] Gamma Waves [C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC

9ethers can absorb this radiation

Kosmic is the energy of Nu aka the Universe, Nu [Nun] is the secret name for Amun [Am-Un]

Nu-mbers [Un-iverse]

Western science and their followers are talking in jargon, we know who is doing what and what N.TU is assigned to what and when, ancestors have our back and had been gradually implementing the recovering programme 

We know the forces behind Nature [Neteru] NaTaRa [N.TU] she has many helpers 

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]

last 3 days 


NI.BIRU the destroyer has been here since their reintroduction in 2012, since then they have been working behind the scenes on restoring this soular system and the planet, we are moments away from the full magnetic force of the Godfather, they are the destroyer of all that is artificial and negative in this soular system and on the planet, their world will be destroyed, not the planet, learn the differenace  


Heaven is on earth, all crafts, fleets, armadas are everywhere, make your move 

Star family don’t care no more and are moving in and showing themselves around the world

Clouds that hold vaporised water that block out the Moon or Sun, okay then 

Maybe Jesus or Allah are at the controls of these crafts, this is played out now and you are existing by a thread, tic toc 

How long can you hide an entire Galactic Federation and their en-tour-age 


Mt Washington [Wa-Chi] 
Sumone wrote this, Love that its a singular cloud giving the appearance of a space ship!  
Of all the things that it might be, according to her its the cloud giving appearance, denial is the most predictable of all HuMin [HuMan] responses, tic toc 
Deal with those who are on your mindset, for you will go further, rather than be the one to carry them

 watching you, watching me 

The Sun is not rising in the same place [four corners to the planet]
How is the sun a sphere but the reflection is cubed, who is inside the sun

Purple backdrop
full of frequencies, sub-woofer, look around the sun, the ka-matic [ki-netic] waves  

Sah [Sahu] SA.HU
is the capital of this galaxy
Atlanta is the capital of Atlantis 

Samaria is Sumerian [Shiner] which is a part of Mesopotamia [Utnafishtim] which is a part of Alkebulan [Africa] in their Bible they wrote them in has the Samaritans 

A grid of dots which are filled selectively to produce an image on a screen or paper, this was drawn free-hand without a dot-matrix printer but from the Kaanu-computer [organ-brain]of an Aboriginal 

Golden ratio is 9 

Inverted Souls

Hallowed [Hollow] beings, these beings’ soul has been inverted because they have done so much negativity because they didn’t follow the Laws [Maat]

Sum are serpent seeds and theirs where always inverted but a lot of the real ones ended up inverted

 Regardless of the Laws of Maat these beings just did sum stupid things without using their heart and now they are inverted, they cannot feed from source no more, only off of others

They have been reversed, they do not connect to the circuit no more

 There are a lot of inverted souls around you right now, maybe you put them there, these inverted souls are hollow, plants dying are more than a reason not to be near these people

These failures will put their [darkness] on you, negative-mind, they tried sum things out and it didn’t work and instead of trying again, they simply gave up because they have no constitution, they are weak, they will give you the evil eye, they don’t want to see you be alright

 Your simple, humble, you don’t drive a fancy car or need one to compensate you for your weak life, they only feel good when they are bragging to people, the way they dress, the way they talk to you, to others makes them feel superior, they never feel positive naturally and its always about sumthing outside of themselves

The only thing that is real is you, let go of them, let go of all that external streaming

 Balance, Ma’at wants us to focus on your achievements, even if you stopped smoking, started going bed early, simple things, lov9 the small things about yourself, not that false pride love that you see many out here doing, not that false love that they show to their children or their partner and feed from that

 That person that even if their hair isn’t done or not wearing the latest trends, that average person in the street who is perfectly HA.PI with themselves 

 This 4[5]D will not be able to accommodate the inverted soul and they already know this, this frequency is very poWRA-ful and is very selective and will affect those closest to you, the vibration will affect you

 The illusion is a real big giveaway and many are seeing through it, what do they do now, come to you that is what they will do, in many ways its too late for this illusion had been breaking down for a long time and especially in the last 3 years

 Stay on the wave 

Athena who the European Greeks call the Etruscan Greek Arinna
Soul [sol][sal] sun
Ar from Arinna
Sol + ar from the word Arena [Arinna] soular arena

Its taken them 500 years to put this Jesus story together and even their followers have rejected it
Tic Toc, a lot of people did things in Jesus's name, now that they know he doesn't exist, who did you really do things in his name for and what exactly did you do 

I came here to record what took place to the Annunaqi [ANU.NAGA] off-spring

Sojourn means, a temporary stay, stay sum-where temporary

Many of you are going home for you have earned the right for inter-galactic travel once again, sum of you will leave via the sun, sum of you will leave via SA.HU where you will enter at 9 degrees, sum of you are going nowhere because you need to repeat the cycle, which the next cycle is 12,500 but first you have to see O'ser [Judgement] Osiris, everyone has to   

The first eye [Ayin] 

Altar [Al-Ta-r]  
Make sure you make a bridge with the right source and do not blow out any candles, if a candle goes out or blows up, they didn't like that one, each colour candle represents sumthing, so know what you are doing

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