Sunday, 22 November 2020

Deductible Reasoning

All of the dimensions are coming together

 Alaska shuts down until the end of January
[Al]as[Ka] the Crown of the planet
We are reaching the higher dimensions when we see the chakra energy fields

Each chakra energy [radiation] signature lines up with the planets chakra system and your chakra system, WAJI is the life force healing energy [heart] 

Behind the sky is the holographic program [code] the NTH dimension aka the spirit world

Red the MAAT and HERU principle, the Laws of MA.AT 
9 to the NTH poWRA of 9 

21st is when upgrade came in and lasted near enough 2 weeks to recover from 

All the usual, earthquakes, weather systems, landslides means land moving, flooding, hailstorms, power outages, meteorites 

Seen over Germany, Czech and Austria 

  This photo was taken outside a Walmart near Dallas TX
Your government that you voted for are about to fu9k you

the NTH gate is being moved 

More than 150 crafts show their selves over a drive-by through the orbit of this planet and both the ESA and NASA and China and Russia know because the footage comes from the ISS

£16.5billion pound budget passed for space defence from the UK, now you know why
Whoever controls the skies controls the planet and it is not man 

 craft sitting pretty 

Buma [Owl] 

 Don’t put your hat where you cannot reach it 

Notice the doorframe

George Soros is wearing one because the real one is dead
their black eyes show up, be wary out there 

Roman aqueduct in Tunisia which would be Morocco [Muurocco] and was constructed by the Muurs not the Romans who couldn’t even build a sandcastle, all the Romans and Arabs did was claim what they stole 

We are talking about an NRG [energy] that is end-times energy that the Romans made a historic energy, what they called grotesque they call sublime mythology or eschatology which is talking about now and makes grotesque history and this is one of the greatest hoaxes of the 20th century of the Masonic-Age that we’re living in now, that came 2,000 years ago

 Christos [Karast] means your soul, the reinvention of your soul [Baa] and that is the difference between an Albino or Nubian man

It took eight conferences and a couple hundred years to produce their fictional character called Jesus

You’re going to need to line-up with sum of these spiritual-systems that come from Alkebulan and their sciences and their frequencies, that many think are myths, folklore or old wives tales

 We are going to the beyond, things that you don’t know rather than the things you have already tried and tested, you need the creative things, we are creating a mutation or transmutation, we are in the zone now, literally and it’s a very critical time

 There is a new horizon and you need to create a new bridge between this new world and you

 Knowledge is not supposed to sumthing that you agree with, at the beginning its supposed to be strange and out of the ordinary and that is called creative physics, you give to a new birth

 Chaos, we are chaos beings, in the beginning there was darkness, in beginning there was chaos or in the beginning there was death

 We are in a new paradigm and we need to look at the things that make no sense

 John 10:34-36 Yee are [Gods] and the scriptures cannot be broken
I will give you the treasures of darkness Matthew 25

 If you are [Gods] then things that make sense on a HuMan level wouldn’t make sense on a [God] level, a [God] would be sumthing totally different
Mere mortals have to deal with logic, rational, common sense, deductible reasoning, but you are [Gods] and to the mere mortals your stuff seems really out there

 You are [Gods] and that is the mystery [my-star-y] myStory and is the reason nothing works on the humane level and that is because you were not originally humane, you fell into a human existence and you had the human experience but now we are in the [Godship] field which is sumthing totally different and means the insanity [chaos] is the right way to go, you are chaos beings

 This frequency that came in at the start of the year wanted you to merge with it and you couldn’t merge with this new frequency with old settings, the old program had been deleted and installed was the new frequency which took time to install, during the last 8 months you were to upgrade by inputting new learning but many instead were using Windows9 with an old browser

 We are in 4D[5D] and there are those already beyond and will go to 9D

 You cannot be learning things that you already know, sum like it that way because its familiar, it’s a comfort, its sumthing that they know and for them time has already run out on them   

 If you agree with what sumone says then you are the idiot because you haven’t learnt nothing and all you do is nod your head in agreement or you say, yes that is true, sum don’t want to learn sumthing because they already know the truth and this frightens them, the truth hurts, the knowledge hurts

 This is the key with mind [MK-Ultra] is to give you sumthing that you want to hear and not what you need to hear and a lot of the things you need to hear is not the familiar

 People gravitate towards the familiar because they are afraid of change

 The laws of the universe and the laws of chaos [MAAT] 

 Chaos means, the state of things where change is supreme

If it doesn’t change, then it is dead and that is why the 9 ether is always changing, they change their style in music, clothes, hair-styles, and so on, they are constantly changing, the 9 ether is always in a state of flux which is a change, your insanity is correct, when they say those 9 ethers are out of their minds that is the sh9t we are talking about, that is the right ingredients

 The Germans when they went into KHMT had the nerve to say that the ancient people didn’t understand their spiritual systems, the Germans also said that so much was a contradictory, like columns that was this high and sum that was this low, pillars that supported weight that the pillars technically shouldn’t be able to hold and what the Europeans failed to recognise is that the KHMT [Egyptians, not the Arab Muslims today] created what they saw in nature, do you ever see a blade of grass the same length or do you see trees that are not all the same sizes, they were creating a forest, nature is a series of contradictions

What we find is that our ancestors purposely built in mistakes 

 The Muurs built all the Kathedrals and Kastles and not the Europeans who came in and just took it over, all these organs were created by the Muurs which is why the Europeans cannot repair them 

They purposely built in mistakes because that is how nature is

Take Jazz which mathematically is a mistake, the Europeans smoothed Jazz out and by the time Jazz came to 1950 the Nubian had put back in their chaos, even the way the 9 ethers dance, all is a series of contradictions

 We study the pattern of sumthing rather than the European who would take it apart, we watch the chaos pattern, the nature pattern

 We are talking about moving beyond what is rational, what makes good common sense

Do you know how the USA got their ass whipped in Vietnam, three groups figured it out, the Haitians with Toussaint and Dessalines  [Haitian revolution is which 250,000 Europeans mainly French were wiped out before they even got off of their boats] and the Vietnamese and the Ethiopians in the first Italian war and only when they started fighting like the Europeans did the poWRA break-down

The HO.PI say that the holy [Dogs] [Kachinas] are coming, the Kachinas and they are spiritual beings that will go to war with the physical beings and the physical beings cannot fight no ghost, they will lose 

 We are talking about advanced energy

 You can surround yourself with this ancient, modern energy

Look at the images above from Vietnam, those men have Buddha ears, the next image all from Vietnam, we are talking about the original people not the slit-eye people, the original 9 ether that inhabited what you call Asia today

There are those who pray daily, almost five times a day and for those that do it, is pointless, because the spiritual scientific aspect is now lost, it is the Kundalini that directs itself to you if you let the energy flow, even cancer and things that your body needs to heal itself comes from the serpentine energy if you let it flow [remember Luke, a Jedi flows] and at this particular time you are going to have to deal with sumthing that is way higher than any religion or praying or believing in [God] believe [Baal-Eve] is a weightless word, believe means you don’t know, the point is you have to be an advanced scientist, we don’t want believers we want [Gods] the knower

 Things happened every day [cycle] and you have to ride the wave, sum of you don’t know that you may have just walked through danger and you might not get that until a month or even a year later when you recall, your particular science is in the spiritual realm

 Six-million ways to die, choose one
Two-ptahs [paths] in front of you, choose one
You cannot serve two-masters

 Religion is inspirational ceremony which has nothing to do with spirituality whatsoever

 Mind over matter [Maat-er]

Learn the difference between high blood pressure and the Kundalini energy peaking, chose the machine readings or know your body

 The key is to convince your sub-consciousness mind that spirituality is real, it’s the sub-mind that gets in the way because of what you knew of before here out in the 3D, its not what the doctors says that you think is physically right

Visualise [MAGI[MAJI] i-magi-nation [imag-e] whatever you want to heal from

Imagination is the word manifestation, but in nature we don’t see man-in-festation

 The 9 ether(s) heartbeat is faster than the 6 ether(s) heartbeat and the reason being is you have KAA.NU [melanin] inside of your body inside of the central nervous system and inside of the blood

And so, the heartbeat must be at a certain frequency [think of the Schumann] for the energy [Kundalini] to line up with the KAA.NU and this crystallizes throughout the body and heal the body

This KAA.NU is everywhere around the body, you have KAA.NU dots in your Chakra system, in your heart, in your eyes, so the nervous system has to pump at a certain level to ling it all up and you heal yourself, the 6 ethers have figured this all out and they had been slowing your heart down to stop the KAA.NU healing

Diabetes, it was sumthing that you were born with and then in the 80’s they said because your overweight you have diabetes, now they say its an epidemic [epi-demon-ic]

The insulin shuts down the pancreas and then they tell you that the reason you have diabetes is because your pancreas isn’t working correctly, so literally they are giving people diabetes

 Melatonin is in Viagra

Any other breakthroughs in the Western science is all related to Melanin, they only study Melanin [KAA.NU] and the Nubians womb 

 When they take blood from you [blood tests] blood samples especially when they take 3-5 samples remember they are cloning out here, they have been doing this since 1945  

Everything that is affecting you on the outside is a reflection on what is happening to you on the inside

a Jedi flows


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