Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Jagged Edge

Mamma Legba [Bridget] 
Baba Legba [Baron Samedi] 

MaStar(s) of the graveyard 

Sum people are getting caught in dimensions, many are conscious and are studying the conspiracies and many are only focusing on the ruling, the powers that used to be [because they are on their way out], and they are just talking about what the illuminati is going to do now, they said this and now they are doing that, this day means this and so on and all they are doing is watching their agenda and this is taking you off of your own agenda

We are not going to a concentration camp, you are in your mind, the mind control they have already put that out there, so without you actually going to a concentration camp, you are already in one, they can contain you alone by giving you that threat, when Bush blew-up 911 they only had to do it once now everything is terrorism and all the laws where created off of that one incident

Remember don’t burn brain-cells on things that you cannot do nothing about, it is what it is

The MaStar always appears in unconventional ways and when they talk, you might now catch it or you will have to grow into it

The spirits are like children, that is the innocence, that is when you leave the psychical body and you leave the ego and you return to that innocence aspect

 When they engineered Katrina, the bodies started building up, and they wanted to offer them to Baron Samedi, they started marking the doors with an X on the doors and all these secret societies where doing was to usurp the power, the energy and they were trying to appease him with

Baron Samedi, the [deity] of resurrection

The word Samedi means Saturday which is also after Saturn

They tried to usurp the energy by marking all of the bodies or the houses that contained all of the dead bodies and all done to feed Baron Samedi, those spirits has a result, this woke Baron Samedi back up which was a plus for the 9 ethers because that is their ancestors, the secret societies wanted to see if one of them would work for the 6 ethers, a 9 ether ancestral energy, when you trace Baron back to Alkebulan he was Baba Luway-ya and he comes through Haiti and he really flourishes when he comes to New Orleans

The Top hat, at that time the slaves looked at Lincoln has this great emancipator and Lincoln wore the Top hat and that hat was fashionable in the 1800’s and in the movie Live and Let Die, Jeffery Holder plays the role of the skeleton [deity] aka Baron, which is the death-card [tarot] and is a nu beginning
If you’re in the Freemason and the head Mason you wear the Top hat and for inauguration

Top hat is also for healing and the grey Top hat was for marriage

This was also the marriage between Baron [Osiris] and Bridget [Aset]  

None of the ancients left the planet, they are all here, they got trapped here when the dome went up

Obama is technically the symbol of the 9 ethers rise when he came into power, I didn’t see him wear the Top hat, maybe he did but his inauguration was symbolic of the 9 ethers rise

He is the representation of Osiris and Aset’s rise, the return of the Pharaonic world, the Pharaonic dynasties, the return of the double White House, built by slaves over a MA.RE, where’s the other White House because its called the double white-house in KHMT, the other White House is a collective ancestral people of a genetic people and the 9 ether is the return of that house, there is the house of the living which is the White House and there is the House of the dead the ancestral heritage, you can read Rosemary Clarke, one book is called Sacred Mysteries of Egypt and another book is entitled Sacred Magic and she breaks down the Pharaonic house, the double house  

So, they woke [activated] Samedi up because so many bodies died and this fortified the real poWRA, at least a thousand bodies of men, who just disappeared after Katrina

Thousands of law enforcements officers were also deployed and they wouldn’t let many get on the bus to Houston, if you didn’t have immediate family or children they wouldn’t let you out, if you didn’t have a car you couldn’t leave and the officers just starting shooting many, and all those sacrificed went to Baron, and he rose up in July 2008 who is a very poWRA-ful force and they talk about this force in alchemy

That in the last day there will be a skeleton figure, we can go back to ancient KHMT to Osiris in most of dynastic KHMT and later on you have Amethyst who is a Coptic [later day or later day Egypt] version and later changed by the Hebrew [Akhenaten crew] and Amethyst gets changed to Sabbath and is Saturday which is ruled by Saturn and Sabbath in the modern world is Baron Samedi or Saturday the [deity] Chronos which is Greek and is Father time, they say that the Chronos figure will come around again which is the Mayan cycle, which is all coming out of the 9 ether and their DNA [DEA] and has a result of the Katrina, which this activation was going to take place anyway, they just added sum of their force with it the 6 ethers, with the ritual by trying to get Baron Samedi to work for them instead, this particular energy

Baron rules over the graveyard, and he is ruled by Mama Bridget and Mama Bridget rules equally with Baron Samedi

Mamma Bridget her colour is Purple or Lavender and her emblem is the [black] rose  

Baron Samedi is the head MaStar Mason in the Cosmic celestial realm, he sits over the MaStar Mason in the Cosmos and you can see why the Skull and Bones would want to usurp that poWRA, that makes sense and what the 6 ether did actually helped the 9 ethers out   

 Many will see Bridget when you transition after a couple of days, she comes and she takes you over to the other side

What is interesting about Bridget is that she is also found in Ireland [Irene] [Iris] 

Baron Samedi energy drink made by the Australians who flew to New Orleans to get permission from the linage and so that Baron Samedi didn’t mess them up for doing so without his permission, permission granted

Baron Samedi is the tarot death card and is the Scorpio energy, number 13 and is Sirius, this Christ [KRST] energy, twelve disciples, thirteen is Christ, you have twelve zodiacs and in the middle you have a point, that point is the Christ energy which is all the black-dot, the number of melanin [KAANU] and thirteen is also the number of the Moon 

The Moon [God] is also called Soma in Indian Sanskrit and is nothing but melanin, Soma used to be a plant, you must have Soma in your body in order to become a [King] not only is Soma King, King Soma and you must have Soma in you to become King, King comes from KIN.GU [KINGU][Moon] who was one of the partners of Tiamat and she was turned into the ocean and he was broken down and into the blood of the HuMins which brings in the Melanin [13] KAA.NU

Samedi is Saturday and Saturday is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is the black planet and all comes back to KAA.NU [melanin]

There is an image of Osiris receiving Duck but the Duck is not to eat, he is getting Duck grease because the grease is going to merge with his melanin, because the KAANU never stops moving and you can trap the KAA.NU and use it for healing and spiritual advancement, the melanin has memory, you can do this with hemp-seed-oil  

All it is, is when dealing the ancients, you must come from your heart, and your motive
Isaac Hayes top hat on first album

The spirit world is androgynous
Shiva [Chi-va] Femi9 and Male aspect [energies]
Check left and right side   

Vishnu and Shiva merged together and they are then known has Hari Hara [Haru][Heru] Hari Krishna [Krishna means avatar], they form this Hari Hara and he is wearing the original Fez [top hat], today the origin of the Fez is associated with Turkey, that region however, all that region was all Muurs [Moors] territory and that whole area is connected to India 

 The sleeping Vishnu wearing the Fez, he sleeps during the winter and is up during the summer

At one point forty labs where working on Ramses body, you know they ate the body, that is one of their rituals that they do, by doing this they think they can become immortal they eat the DNA
read Black Sun by Peter Moon

Stem cells come from the Nubian wombman and Nubian babies only, the 9 ether, the 6 ether cannot produce these type of stem cells

 The first movie The Earth Stood Still, in the earlier movie, they said, we are going to come and destroy you if you do not stop your wicked ways and in the second movie, they reversed the story by healing Will Smiths son in the movie, they changed the message in the movie

 And with the movie Knowing, that was them trying to set themselves for afterwards, those children ran through a wheat, corn, reeves, fields, that is symbolic to the heavens, paradox

You see they thought they were not going to be here after the millennium and they got cocky, and they started changing certain things 

Rapha’el [Ra-faa-El] rase to El 

His KHMT name is Roo-tho and he is originally Tehuti [Thoth]
Rapha’el along with Miyka’el [Mee-Ka-El] are already here from 2009, all coming from the NTH dimension 

Purple [Ultraviolet] Crown 

 The lover’s tarot card, male and female and above them would be a purple cloud [the woman clothes in the cloud] which is the robe of Rapha’el

 The Nag Hammadi in 1944 but what also came was a load of magical text, and they translated the text but did not release that with the Coptic text because they wanted to keep it in line with Christianity and Christianity is against magic [Maji][Magi] and yet the book of Psalms is a magical book and are the Hymns [OHM][OM] of Akhen-Aten, so they separated these texts

You can read Ancient Christian Magic

Abraxas is a Rooster [deity] Rooster [Roo-Star] Rasta [Ra-Star] also know has El Cristo Negro and Raphael name is also Roo-fus [Rufus] Rouphos and this is the [God] over KMHT and his earlier name would have been Tehuti [Te-Huti] Thoth who is also the Ibis 

Jimmy Hedrick sang about the Purple Haze and he said he was actually singing about the NTH dimension, he died around 1970 and this was so that Prince could then bring in Purple Rain

The Purple crown, Bridget her hat is the Purple crown, Osiris is the Purple [God] healing 

The Purple NTH dimension is in mediation [Istal] looks black but is Purple, this is the NTH dimension

Purple is from the angelic [positive] realm


There was sacrifices, I stand corrected, at least once a year they would give up their life, back then they knew how the cycles worked and that there is no death or life, physical and spiritual, and sum wanted to leave through boredom or they had already completed what they were sent down here for, so at least one person a year would be given up and it was a rejoices experience, they would do this for the prosperity, they still do this in parts of Alkebulan, if you had twins, one would go, the negative and disagreeable beings took many for other reasons, this is a lot of poWRA that is created, just like when they sacrificed many in Katrina to one deity

 You cannot go by skin colour alone to know what kind of energy is dwelling amongst us

In the days of the steel mountains [talking about skyscrapers] in the book of Kha-Nowk [Enoch] skyscrapers are made from steel, they would send people to you to guide you, do not reject them is what they are saying, this is about a genetic line, this means sum 6 ethers will be there to guide you and you must not judge them because you might miss the message [gift] and this is written in the book of Kha-Nowk, so that is prophesied, even homosexual people will be sent, the [God] outside of the body is androgynous [not talking about those born outside the womb, test tube and the defects]

Many come down here all have to overcome many different schoolings

You also need more components to explain what [God] is, like in Islam they become the 99 attributes of Allah, the source, and all they did in KHMT was to take the Neteru and make them Arc-Angels, and that is why in KHMT they have these multiple deities but they are put together like a jigsaw puzzle and you put the one [God] together and they all represent one and the one represents the [Gods] but these are attributes and they are formulas

You must be wary with the 6 ethers and the 9 ethers 

Hannib-al [Barca] when he won the battle he was supposed to go to Rome and burn it to the ground and the reason being that he didn’t was because he saw that sum of the Romans fighting were Nubian and that meant another Nubian nation and it wasn’t in the 9 ethers temperament to go in and destroy other Nubian nations, so they said he lost the war because afterwards the Romans sacked Carthage

Hannibal did what he was supposed to do  

 Hannibal connects us with the monkey king Hanuman [same name] 

This book, the Cube of Space

There are four sides to consciousness, a cube has 6 sides, there are four elements that rule and are connected to the cube of space

Digital route frequency is 216

One side is rule by Rapha’el which is Tehuti, another is Miyka’el which is Heru [Horus], another is Gabriy’el who may be Anubu and Uri’el who is maybe Amun, they rule these four dimensions

 These deities [N.TU] are already lined-up in that purple cloud in that NTH dimension, get sumthing purple because this can line you up with these Angels [Angle] these are air, fire and water and Ki [earth] the 5th is ether, east, north, south and west, the circumference of everything

 This realm, the purple realm you can meet others, it can be sexual, the realm is an angelic realm, and is to why sum of the siStars were on hold because the next realm is the upgrade

There will be no complications of relationships and we will have the s-e-x energy on a [God] level

To go to these next levels, the realm is opening up, we cannot fix the lov9 we had experienced down here so things are changing for many, we are insane, so lets go to the NTH realm

Many are having visits, don’t be alarmed, this is the next level in evolution, its not s-e-x on a human [humin] level, its more than a union, your fantasies are greater than your sexual act, why is that, think about that for a minute 

 The sphere [cube] and cube [square] are the same size [360] and all shapes can pass through the cube

Sirius [Aset] Osiris [Asaru] Alpha and Omega [Sirius is Greek for Osiris] and is the dark-cube sun and Sirius is purple [Ultra] black-light

 The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] Set(Sut) [Septarian] September [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] 

1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-RayU.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Nubian [Anubu] A-Nub [Nubia] the Dog N.TU 

There is this internal fight between Osiris [Heru] and Set, Set [Sut] is a dormant figure and is the oldest aspect of Alkebulan [Africa]

Heru [Horus] represents the new active figure which produces a new protein that takes us to the new form of evolution and that protein was produced in the diaspora

There are at least 100,000 albinos [witches] wika [wica] in Australia and they are not [white] at all, watch the movie Australia, it’s a long movie but the knowledge is in there and will tell you more, and Rabbit Proof Fence 

The Europeans Australians what they did was to breed out the aboriginals and in doing so re-white themselves over the generations and kept them that way for decades, but once you get the Negro DNA it shows up and today the KAA.NU is in these sub-continental people

They might look [white] but they are not [melanin recognises melanin, remember that] so for them they will class them has contaminated blood, which are the 9 ethers ancestors

And now they have the wicca [witches], 2005 was 50,000 and by 2006 that was 100,000 from these breeding programs that they did with the aboriginals and these witches deal with the mystery system of Aset [Isis] number [13] called Hika [Heka] in KHMT and all the Wicca worship 

 Read the Greek Magical Papyri, this was designed to keep you out of this knowledge, read this book, it was translated into Greek so you couldn’t know the truth both the 6 and 9 ether, outside of Greece they are in Australia for a reason 

Hika is the Femi9 Legba Hika [Wika] Wicca [Witch], she is the [Goddess] of the crossroads, the Moon [Goddess] in that Book Greek Magical Papyri, there is a sentence where its says, old black bit9h, that is what the KHMT priest [Semu] put down, he translated the Metu Netu into Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Arabic, the KMHT Semu did that in a 100 years, the Greeks could not do that, they didn’t understand KMHT

 The bit9h is the DogStar, princess of the DogStar

[Bitch] Zitch [Witch], they are princesses of the DogStar

DogStar symbol 

 The whole witch world worships Hika [Heka] Hecate [Hekate] He-Ka-Ki the [goddess] of the Moon, she is a Nubian, old black bit9h, that is an honour to be called bit9h of the DogStar, the female bit9h is Sirius C which is called im-me-ya which is Yemaya [the great mother] [Yemen], the planet of wombman, that will rule in the future, they say the can’t find Sirius C and that is because you lot are on this planet [earth]they are looking up there and you are right here

 The Queen [England] was traced back to Seville, Spain, that is Moorish [Muurs] lineage and this means one of the Moorish Kings mated with Queen Charlotte [Charlotte North Carolina] and this means that dynasty is a whole Nubian dynasty, once that Negro line is in your bloodline it will always show up and this is why they hate Islam because under the Moors that is how that line went Nubian

The ancestors are pissed off about that particular lineage mixing with the albino reptilian 

The Orishas don’t like the HuMins and the reason being is because no one goes to them until they need sumthing, we only ask for them when sh9t hits the fan or you need sum healing or you’re in trouble

What is happening in the realm is that all the [deities] are all together, there is no dark or light forces for they are all one now, all the spirits in the heaven realm are now together, merged

The only thing that is divined is down here and is the ego, and is the only left remnant of the whole cosmos and the arc angles [angels] are coming through

 You can deal with all of them now, the angelic, the demonic because there is no division

The whole cosmos is merging into one 


Its in the wave the band-wave, not just implant 

Analogue to digital

They can send a signal through the tv, cable-box, telephone

Wide-band came in 2000  

You are controlled through the box [cube]

The CERN had them in court with the USA because it was also for the 9 ether, because to open a portal or black-holes [melanin] KAA.NU means a lot of the dead 9 ethers could return

August 8 2008 [888] people went crazy that day and again the signals where sent out

[888] is a real powerful energy

Its not broken down, the Swiss CERN interferes with the MK-Ultra that the USA have and both are designed with the 9 ethers in mind, a lot of them entities that did come made it into hosts, so this still affects both ethers, those on a higher spirituality you have already gone past this level, so you won’t be affected just the dead people [non-activated]

This is a family fight between the USA and Swiss because the SS-wiss don’t have no ethers in their country and they cannot evolve their supremacy without attracting sum 9 ethers, and the USA are concerned about their stock of the Nagas 

The abolitionists were the ones without no slaves, like France and then they went to Africa and colonized and many speak French, so they cannot go to England or the USA becaue they speak French the ones they colonized, there is a small spot in Canada, or SS-witzerland [CERN] and so on because of the language barrier, its not like English and now France is overrun by Africans, France use to be the great liberators but now, no way

When the Ethiopian king meets a [goddess] called Aquaria and that is Aquarius [now]  

The Ethiopian flag with an upside star is the same has the disc of Akhenaten [Aten] and means that these are his people, they are from Ethiopia or Kush [Cush] the NTH gate 

Aten is different from Atum and Amon [Amen] Amun who is Osiris

 Aquarius started 9 February 2009 and hit the 14th which was valentine’s day and this was also intertwining of the DNA strands

Akhenaten mother [Queen Ty] is from Ethiopia and the disc was taken to the NTH gate [KHMT]

 The Arc-Angels are just a later form of the Neteru and the Neteru are thousands of years removed and the saints are actual angelic hosts-beings and are closer to us because they are a newer line

 There is a ship out there for you, you just need to know what to look for, you are not local and are sumwhere else, this is a beamed holographic version of you, experience the purple realm because you will realise that you’re not even down here  

Chile [when the AU.RA are seen in the four corners, then all angles have merged into one]

Bulgaria [dome eye]

A woman with a Degree explained this phen-Omen-on, it was so sh9t that I cannot copy and paste it
Doesn't the shape look cube-ish, rectangular, its in a higher dimension and looks like a column, pillar structure

Orb cities

Our crafts [UFO] are spiritual and its fair to say that most of these [UFO] crashes were man-made reverse engineered crafts [UFO]  

Angel is angle and is angles of light, shaped, holographic 

5D[G] [spirit world-hologrpahic world] is already on the planet 

Looks like a reflection from their stimulation sun

triangles [Arizona] 


Belgium [Huge craft]

Liverpool, England
November 21 2020
Fire at metalwork's in progress in image 

Russia and China have spiralling number 9's in their rivers
river discs  

Clouds only hold vaporised water and not solid mass

Craft with scout crafts-orbs

Crafts all around the sun portal, guarding, no one leaves, this house is sealed, no energy can escape and only the one who opens the way [Ptah][Path] knows where it begins and ends 

 Crafts are all around the sun, no one is leaving for this house is sealed and to all energy

When the sun lets off this MA.RA shape craft gets shown up, lots going up there and down here 


Lone rider [USA]

Kastles in the skies 
Whoever controls the skies controls the planet 

Double bubble 


The images looked like CGI but the footage shows a different story 
Bighorn medicine wheel is nearby
Found just sitting there, witness say it fell out of the sky
Well if it fell out of the sky the metallic structure landed perfectly in this groove with the crack of the rock facing the structure and embedded into the ground, that sones like precision by sumone or sum-beings 

We are looking at several massive plasma flares coming straight from the sun to this planet, so much is going on in the spirit realm

[the sun rotates exactly like a clock and not how NASA show you] 

The planet will receive this massive plasma energy and will shift as well as we the original people who are 95% plasma energy beings, we will shift right along with the planet

Innerstand what's going on, we are seeing massive changes worldwide

 The Sun is charging and releasing from the womb, the source poWRA for this soul-ar system, intense waves of energies, baptisms of fire

The openings of consciousness

 He who rules the sky, rules the world

 Alpha waves are hitting the planet and is causing connection losses, disruptions 

Check out the chakra energy [radiation] signatures, the frequency is all around us and in us, the planet is pulsating while she is online  

Tuning in [jumping time-ines] 

Anywhere is now prone to this mega quake that is due  

History repeats itself when you don’t know it
Frozen in agony (Italy, November 2020)

The NTH gate volcano erupts, we are in prophecy 

Take out the word believe and replace with know
manifest is Maji [Magi] image what you want 

You black bi9ch 

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