Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Dextrous Hands

the book [heart] shall be opened

You were the Orisha of old, the Neteru, Anunnagi, Elohyeem, Ghibbore, Nephilim, Malaa-ikat, Angelos, and you must return to the universal order called Ma’at

144 negative confessions, what your soul [Baa] didn’t do, negative- the soul didn’t do
KHMT is an online [frequency] library that was left for guidance, there are ramifications for misusing your energy whilst you have been on Ki [earth]  

 Asaru [Osiris] Heru is the Judge and Judgement, you have to go through Asaru to leave the 3D realm
You enter SAHU at 9 degrees, that is the gateway out of here besides the sun portal, Asaru is the gateway holder and there is no alteritive 

Ma’at wants you to focus on your achievements and not to dwell on mistakes, she doesn’t recognise mistakes but rather awareness, don’t get me wrong, many are going to get the swine smashed out of them [Heru’s words not mine] but she is fair and wants to know you, the real you, your intention, your h-eart [earth] 

 Read about the Laws of Maat or Maat Laws that is the real Martial Law [ML] if you want to rise, vibrate up into 4[5]D, it is not about loving this and that and wearing this and that and Namaste and wishing everyone love, light and peace, that is coming because that is the field [Waji] that we are in, individually you must give your own account

The Papyrus or stone book was left by us for you to know what it takes for you to rise from this realm to the next realm, for you to know what it takes to make the transition and the fact that you have a judge [Osiris] at the end lets you know that you are in a prison [prism] because the beast dictates to you and you listen to his dictations, you have to prove that you are worthy of inter-galactic travel once again

The day of all the wrongs is inside the day of the rites, no beginning of days, no ending of nights, one timeline, one timeframe

Do what you do but your heart [Ab is your spiritual heart aka holographic heart] and your [Hati is your physical heart] must be lighter than Shu [feather][Maat] which are the ancient [Ihm][Illyuwn] principles 

You could be the tramp in the street, the sales assistant, you could be a Muslim, a Christian, it doesn’t matter at judgement, its your heart that is on show here, no explanations, your heart will speak for you for your true intentions, why, because this will determine where you are going next  

Many think they have got away with this or that or many think by serving a jail term or apologising that they have redeemed themselves, h3ll no, Haji in Mecca where the Muslim go and walk around a stone [Bennu] three times and they are forgiven or go to the Mosque or the Christian who tells their father, forgive me father for I have sinned, you wait until you get to the Amduat, the book shall be opened and all will be revealed, your heart will even bear witness against you, its not the act that will condemn you, it’s the intention, the lies will be muted out and only the truth shall speak your truth

 This is why Cain [Kane] was punished for killing his brother, which is why Ham was punished for committing homosexual acts and is to why Moses of their Bible was kicked out of KHMT for killing a man >> yet Moses received the Laws, what Laws was he following before he took a hit from the burning bush [Marijuana] and he was downloaded [tablets] to receive Ma’at Laws

 You better wake up and smell the coffee [frequency] 

  You all carry your own radio and there are two frequencies, one is your higher frequency and the other is your lower frequency, the higher frequency is a strong connection and is clear in its intention, the lower frequency is crackly, static, the one you want to listen to the most

 This lower frequency affects the heart chakra and the lower you stay is the lower you will be

Telling lies lowers the frequencies, get rid of those who you know are lying, this was hard for me to do but, when you smell sh9t, know that the devil is nearby

Knowing the truth about sumthing and not saying so is just as good as the lie itself, many people cannot even tell a really good lie, no even creative, sumone I once associated with said to me, I’m going to meet my mother twice for dinner and they had a sh9t relationship with their parents and I knew that they were not meeting their mother twice, but when they believe in their own lie and you can see this, then I couldn’t be in that realm with her, I couldn’t consider them a friend when I’m 100% and them full of sh9t, these are people close to you but they are so very far away from you

 One side of you is positive and the other side of you is negative

 It was easy for them to lie and this means they have lied before and this means they are calcified and hardened in their chakras, lifespans get shorted and, in their faces, they age

 There are two of you, reSet your etheric light

 If sumone has done you wrong, forgive them once you have assessed them after you felt sorry for them because you know that they are weaker than you

 The Mind [Khu] and the Heart [Ab] must become one

 A.NU can put a seven-fold curse on your heart to weigh you down even more and your heart chakra goes right down to the lower-self, because that is where you want to be right >>

Shen [Heru and Maat] the Horus and Maat Principle

We knew that Ma'at was here but she had not revealed herself until these images came out, this is the energy [colour] that man fears the most

We saw Red [Root] in the AU.RA(s) Red is the chakra energy signature, not only is this a radiation [energy] this means that Maat is restoring the Maat principle which is also the Heru [Horus] principle, the truth  
Maat [9to9tothe9th poWRA]
Universal Law
Laws of Ma’at

The Moon is near enough still on full mode and has been out for 5 days on full mode
If you are struggling to connect in Istal [mediation] the sub-mind [sub-consciousness] connects automatically around 3 [3:30am] connect then and it’s a straight connection
Lots of Purple in the dimensions
Feeling hungry more than before means the immune system is burning, lots of fuel is needed for you are using lots of energy, learn to eat energy [soul food] 
Pay attention to your visions [dreams] 

The planet is emitting a pulse every 27seconds, NI.BIRU is also emitting a pulse, so too is Septet [Sirius] and so is the Sun [Ra] Re, tune in and drop out  

4D[5D] with or without you, this process will complete [change dimensions] 

Red is in the Schumann graphic 

The Schumann resonance is a photograph that NASA take and transfer the image into a frequency, we are hitting the 4D[5D]

 The planet is emitting a pulse every 27seconds, NI.BIRU is also emitting a pulse, so too is Septet [Sirius] and so is the Sun [Ra] Re

Tune in and drop out 

 Blue is Life Force energy
Green is Life Force and Healing energy

 The gamma radiation, ultraviolet rays is affecting your organ [muscle] brain [mem-brane] Consciousness for all but for sum it will be damaging, mentally and physically 

 Gamma Ray Bursts [Cosmic Radiation] Pulses of Exotic Particles [Waves of Energy From Space]
You need 9 ether to process these energies, you need 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons
 [we have been upgraded]

DNA[DEA] is changing with the Gamma radiation [energy] 

 Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UV-C]UV-B[UV-A] which is Alpha [Beta] [Gamma = Ultra = Cosmic]  

Nrg is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight

 [1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra] Purple
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

 The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

 The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being [A] Alpha Waves [B] Gamma Waves [C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

 Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC [Ultraviolet] 

 Electron [Proton] Neutron [666] 
Mesons [Gluons] Quarks
The planet will heat up to produce Zedes 

 [1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 

 [1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

 Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light.

 Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

 Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

Aquarius is the Age of the Knowing, when all data, technology shall be made available to you once again  

Proton stable, positively charged sub-atomic particles in the baryon family having a mass 1,836 [9] times that of the electron

From Greek Proton6, neuter of Protos, meaning first [first in time]

The proton is a nuclear particle having a positive charge identical in magnitude to the negative charge of an Electron6 and together with the Neutron6, a constituent of all atomic nuclei
The proton is also called a nucleon, as is the neutron
 Photon >> unit of electromagnetic radiation
From Photo- light + -on unit
Related: Photonic

word-forming element meaning light or photographic or photoelectric, from Greek photo-, combining form of phos (genitive photos) light, from PIE root *bha- (1) to shine

 *bha- (1)
*bhā-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning to shine
It forms all or part of: aphotic; bandolier; banner; banneret; beacon; beckon; buoy; diaphanous; emphasis; epiphany; fantasia; fantasy; hierophant; pant (v.); -phane; phanero-; phantasm; phantasmagoria; phantom; phase; phene; phenetic; pheno-; phenology; phenomenon; phenyl; photic; photo-; photocopy; photogenic; photograph; photon; photosynthesis; phosphorus; phaeton; sycophant; theophany; tiffany; tryptophan.

 It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit bhati > shines, glitters; Greek phainein >> bring to light, make appear, phantazein >> make visible, display; Old Irish ban >> white, light, ray of light

This 26,000 year history is what we need to get back to, every 26,000 years we go into a nu eon, end of a eon which the Jews call the end of the world which the end of the world, structure or government [not planet] and if it wasn’t right it couldn’t go into the next cycle- the things that you have been learning in this 26,000 year cycle, but we are talking about before that

We are in a nu photo, the cycle of light [data]  

7 siSters 

Seven siStars housed in the SA.HU [Orion] system
Kesiyl [Ke-Seel] fool, stupid fellow, also the name for the star constellation Orion
Kiymah [Kee-ma] one who cover up, the seven-star constellation Pleiades

 They tried to cover up this system because this is pure Femi9 electron energy

 We have gone and will again be going Super Nova, from Super a prefix of Latin origin meaning over and above and Nova meaning new

November means Nu

We have been merging onto the Sahu belt [think of the Big Dipper symbol and that symbol rotating or spiralling in a counter-clockwise number9] there will an explosion of light [connection]

When they peel back the sky and you really see, your heart will fail many  

 Shifting sands, the soular energy contains light codes, the higher [4D][5D] dimensional energy is streaming onto and into the planet, in order to receive the field you must raise in consciousness that matches this higher frequency, you cannot have that old mindset

 Look to nature [Neteru] N.TU [Netu] for guidance, she has never left you, she shows you time after time, life and rebirth there is no death [spoon]

 Foretelling is foresight 

Turquoise, blue, red, yellow, green
Chakra energies reaching the planet, without protection [ether] you will die, you must have a chakra system and a soul in this soular system
You see that then line to the right of the planet is what is protecting the 6 ether and when that line [electromagnetic field, dome, van allen] comes down, they are going to heat up like the Godfather, when the red breach they will not be able to come outside and this is why they are in the mountains and in their bunkers-tombs, sum of the 9 ethers will be bailing out with them

Your organs and Body are perfectly organ-ised its your soul that you must balance

The energy of your Baa [Sol] Soul [Sun] is called Karast [KRST] Christ [Kristos] and the energy of your Kaa [Spirit] Body Double is called Chi [Life-Force and both are poWRA-ed by Khaybet [Plasma

We read in energy, look at the planet, she is completely surrounded in Red in a sphere, Maat is not playing, the arrows around her are point back into her, meaning that the energy is the atmosphere is being pushed straight back into her, NI.BIRU her Godfather is on the left and is making sure no energy escapes, relentless pressure if you are 6 ether, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, red are chakra energy [radiation] signatures, these are all conscious frequencies not sum light show
Light holds codes, know their meanings and dealings 
[6+6+6 = 18] 1+8 = [9] 
9to9to the 9th poWRA [MA.AT]    

Polar connection disappears and its also connecting to the red radiation, these lines coming from the polar caps go into the planet and into the field and means all is connected, when the electromagnetic field or the dome or the van alien belt fails, whatever you want to call it, means you are unprotected 

Dark sun, The sun is a multi-dimensional portal, the womb and this is what you are looking at 

Halo is the AU.RA shield [frequencies] 

Kanada [Red-Iron-Oxide]

The backdrop where you reside is changing, pulsing lights, or the sky changing colours are warnings 

Red iron oxide and radiation doesn’t affect the 9 ether, the reptilian will not be able to hold their form under this radiation aka energy or their off-spring  

Nicaragua [Nigga-gua] this is a portal and there are many, many crafts in there, coming and going 

Orisha, Oshun, Ogon, and Yemaya [Queen of the sea- the original mermaids] [Ogdoad], and Queen Hericane [Hurricane] [Heru-i-Caine]
Typhoon [T-yp-hoon] [Eg-yp-tian][G-yp-sies][Eg-yp-tian] [ancient Neteru]

Ancestors are pissed, the bigger, the threat, no point in praying to [God] because it is [God] who is doing this, our thoughts are with you, you will have to take one for the team

Spiral number 9

Snow is hitting Kanada and Pakistan, very heavy in places around the world,  all Muslims states are getting flooded 

 Just this building, remember these buildings maybe sum fancy office block or private offices but they house other business, star family does not do random 

Your people know when a strike is coming in, there are people on the internet who know when a strike is coming in, animals know when a strike is coming in, nature can only hold on for so long before she will have to let go

Weather systems continue, Jamaica gets another flooding in St Thomas, that region, New Orleans has already sunk below sea-level and means that plate is sinking, that includes the Caribbean, across to the Bermuda triangle is into Mexico and Florida, all that area, buckle up  

Parallel Worlds 

I heard they did this when the Titanic was sinking after being torpedoed by their own people, how history repeats itself, your own government have fu9ked you, sing while you are winning, fight the right revolution this time, this is not a game 

They are already here for they are 40-50 years in-front of the planet, this is the replacement of wombman, Baphomet is a tranny with no fanny 

We will defend her all the way 

You're watching a movie, the real Biden is dead and so is Obama, it’s the clones that are out in every person who is in your public eye 

Venus and Mercury are not alone, those arrows are telling us another story 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary] 

 Watching you, watching me, check all the colours from the crafts and all the colours in the sky



incoming over the UK 

Over 72,000 crafts in and out of this dimension
Over 900 war-planets in and out if this dimension
We are with the Galactic Federation and not the Galactic Federation of light
Wherever there is destruction is our star-family are there, there care enough to minimise the deaths although they can only do so much, you have had warnings and they have even met with your commander, unfortunately mans greed and ego far outweighs reason and it is to the end we go

The home of the messages [crop circle]

Star Trek trailer is showing you their future, that all galactic races living together on Earth
 >>>> YAWN <<<

Tic toc, one is fiction and the other is reality, the Galactic Federation will be removing the Galactic Federation of light, no one is leaving, this house is sealed, Richard Branson who is responsible for getting them up and out of here will not be successful in his attempts to leave, his craft was shot down in a recent attempt

1701 [9] will be shot down 

Snake eyes 
The royal reptilian family have a base and residence nearby
Star family are getting closer, all these di-stars-tes are coming in closer, what started outwardly is now inwardly 
When the guy says little green men they are the Hindu [not the ones today called Hindu, there is also Mel-Chi-zedek [Melchizedek] [Al Khidr] the Waji [Green] One of the Sons of the Green Disc Light 

July, August, September, October, November is where Friday the 13th movie series got the name JASON from
We will see pterodactyls and crafts flooding invading by the myriads and legions reaching out and land on Kinshasa, Melbourne and Sydney Australia, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Israel, Mekka, New Delhi, Shanghai, everywhere a camera may be

The flat [one plane earth is opened
The end of Maya the illusion
We must go now unto our super-earth
Zion, the land of [God], the ruler-ship of Gold
Our sun sized earth and our Saturn sun awaits
 We shall be [God and w-holy priests again
All information and intelligence and spirit in existence shall be as the air that we breathe, it will be available just as our consciousness is available for our use
[God] shall be known by all and in all
It is finished, let our people go into our second exodus

Star family are using energy-based weapons and technology, there will be no war, it will be a slaughter, Sham is a cylinder craft, there are 5 types of SHAMS 

When you watch the crafts, notice the crafts that are stationary on the side, whoever these other beings are in those crafts, they are being escorted, over 500 crafts 

Trust in Jesus sprayed over Brisbane, they cannot write trust in your priest because they are pedos 

Australians are really Europeans and the artificial races must start being honest, this is not star-link, don’t lie, the guy whose this channel footage is from is a natural born liar and I stopped watching him a while back

Darke eyed race

The dark-eyed races are getting ready to reveal themselves, all the news reporters are wearing back and red, those are one the ones whose eyes are all black, like gina maria colvin hill, she is the only one in the entire cosmos who is getting these images, but many have found out who she really is, her footages are real but she works for the dark-eyed races, they are paying homage to their god who is going to be revealed, we are with the Galactic Federation, we are not with the Ashtar Command

North Korea patients starve to death in secret coronavirus quarantine Gulag camps, quarantine camps have been set up in cities near the Chinese border
They have eaten all the dogs already 
Food is running out and cannibalism is already here 

Food is running out

Make sure you do not tell no one that you have stocked up because you are the first person, they will be coming to

People kill over drugs, over girlfriends, stupid things, so what do you think they would do when there is no food or water, the situation is real field, people will take from you

 You came to this world not to fall in love, but to destroy this world [not the planet] your love is not the same has their love, you are here to set up or the new world

 We don’t want an apology

tic toc 

How is he doing that in public and no one hasn't killed him

Montana is a sacred site built by the 9 ether 

General Zod
Zod [EN.LIL][Set] exhibits the same powers and abilities as Superman [Osiris]
Zod is Superman’s nemesis
Read Wikipedia and see Supermans father is called Jor-El, they even used the name El and
Faora Hu-Ul who hates men [Ursa] and read Superman (1978 film) in Wikipedia
And they are wearing all black [9 ether]
Is this not EN.LIL [Set] EN.KI [Asaru][Osiris] and IN.ANNA [Aset] story and the creation story and more 


Tree and roots
They cut down our towers
Petrified tree with exposed roots from deluge
Silicon to carbon carbon to crystalline
Natural silicon
Ka-rbon sits in Kaanu  

Our ancestors laid down for life
Our Wicca [Wikka] people can read the silicone because silicone holds data, just like in their man made computer there is silicone [man-made] 

The paper plants
Pap-yrus [pap-er]One of the fastest growing plants in the world
Papyri is a Greek word and this means the origin of this NTH gate plant is unknown

The plant takes dying shoots and redirects the nutrients allowing the plant to grow tall

Our ancients never cut down trees for paper or toilet paper or to write books, or to print money on, that doesn’t make sense but makes sense to man  

[Byblos] Biblio [Bible] [Biba meaning Book] Ethiopian [Abyssinia] NTH gate meaning

Glorified art 
1.2 million books in the Chinese library

Over 20,000 tress cut down daily for toilet paper alone, if you ate right, you would not need toilet paper, we never used toilet paper to wipe our asses, do animals use toilet paper 

Macro and Micro 

The Muurs built all the Cathedrals, Churches, Mosques, and Castles, Castles is an Ethiopian word [Kastles] and translates dwelling in the sand, Synagogue is Senegal 

Ka[Ba]Ma[Ta]Ra(Re)[Na] and more+ all these places around the world that their name at the start or middle or end of that name finds its way back to KMHT

Antartica [AntartiKa]
Canada [Kanada] 
Jamaica [JamaiKa]
Mecca [Mekka]

The Greeks and Romans used to grunt at first because the 9 ether hadn't taught them how to speak and they also had trouble pronouncing Alkebulan words and to hide the true meanings they misspelt or renamde names on purpsose

Chemistry = Khemistry  
Con-stan-tinople = I-stan-bul 
Rebecca = Re-ba-ka 

9th wave activation

How do they know when eclipses are taking place, how do they know when planetary alignments are taking place, because we left devices explaining when and how



The Ul-mex [Olmec] device is not a calendar but rather a mathematical equation, we didn’t need such devices because you have a bio-computer with detailed files, this computer is stored in your head [crown], that equation has now expired 

Aztec [Inca] and Mayan are all under the Ul-mex 

The KHMT version is called Denderah [Zodiac] 


Sumerian Cuneiform [Greek word for wedge] text is Old Persian text which is old Ethiopian text  

Konark Sun Temple In Odisha [India]
Kanark Ra Iy in Orisha

 Interesting the name in Konark in India and the KHMT [Alkebulan] name Karnak [Kar-Naak] translating Town of windows
Global connection [network]
One land mass, one knowledge   

Chakra energy centre point, all these coasts, isles, adobe, are sitting on her ley-lines, which is where they get longitude and latitude from, MaStar builders 

that which is straight, order, justice, balance [truth]
Red Root 




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