Saturday, 14 November 2020

Carnal Mind


So, many of us were brought up on sumthing that could have been handed down to us and this doesn’t mean to say it was right, doesn’t mean it is valid to reality, only you will know if your parent’s traditions or practices are valid, reality is going to be what you tell yourself it is

Your parents or siblings or children are not coming with you or you going with them when you transition

 If I take a person and tell him or her that everything that is real is not and everything that is not real is real, and that its only a hologram, then that person would have another perception on life  

What is physical is not real, it’s the other way around because the physical is an illusion, are you still using the two-eyes which is a cheat, and not your first [Ayin] eye, when you Ayin opens, the illusionary world disappears and the real world begins

The spirit [holographic] world is the real world and when you talk about death, those are the people living and you are the people that are dead, the only thing that is real is you, is the sun inside

That is why you are the sun of [God] in the West, you shall rise up the sun of man, the sun in man, called the KAA.NU [Black][Melanin] dot, the Black-sun, the Abraham, suns and daughters of Abraham 

Abra which means sun and Ham which means Black [K-HAM-I] [KHEMET] Abraxas which is in the Gnostic religion

Bethlehem [Beth] means House and Hem [Ham] which means Black, the sun in Bethlehem, the Star in the Black-house aka the KAA.NU body, your body is a temple, Solomon(s) temple is your head [mind] solo-Amon [Soul-Amon] your body is the temple of [God], it is the Bethlehem, the sun in Bethlehem is the sun inside of you and is the only thing that exists down here

So all the other stuff that you like to manifest in is only an illusion and comes from your ego, the ego [Greek word] the ego is a series of events that you learned from birth which does not exist, so therefore, your pathetic lives doesn’t exist, you have learned those particular things after you fell [fell in frequency] 

What exists is the spirit [Kaa] within you, the soul [Baa], sum only have a spirit [Kaa] which is energy [Chi] but they lack the soul [Baa] and the soul is called the dark-night-of-the-soul, its called the Emerald tablet

 You see your scholars [soulars] they only get what is in the museums and libraries and the occult is keep for private knowledge, its kept underground, the stuff you read lines up with their religion

To many historians that don’t talk about the metaphysical or the mystery systems because they don’t know it

History goes back millions and millions of years, not thousands, its in your scriptures, even KHMT says so, they have bones that are millions of years, so then they have records that are millions of years

The holographic [Kaa] universe, once the 3rd eye opens you see, so much is taking place on the planet right now, sum is registered and sum is not because the physical doesn’t exist, the Kaa world is already on the planet in places but many will not see because their 3rd is not functioning, and because the holographic kode cannot register in the 3D, your first eye is the one you used when you were [God]

What is going to happen, look at their book Revelation, had that happened 2,000 years ago and we didn’t have the illusionary technology they have today, then BOOOM, yes you could see it, but today the European controls it all because if it doesn’t come on the News, then you don’t know what is going on and you won’t know if its happened or not

There are mind-blowing things going on every hour, all you know today is who was voted next to lead you, that is it, and this is how they mark intelligence, they put sports in the news, a man kicking a ball for £100,000 a week, is your news, a man who comes first driving around a track 92 times is your news, after twelve years of age, you should have done all you can with a ball

Wombmen know that football is stupid or basketball or baseball, F1, they used to say it all that time, but the man is a child

I want to be a revolutionist and your putting on the tv to watch the game, do you know how demoralising this is to me, these people are the child, they have no soul, so to get the spiritual high they have to bungee jump off a mountain, jump out of a plane, do so-called-yoga positions that don’t exist in the Riro [Rero] or they have to do motorcycle in a loop or ride a rocket across the Grand Canyon and all because he has no soul and he has to keep that extra adrenaline, that rush of energy going, skydiving, jumping 50 cars, monster cars, the sh9t goes on and on with what they have been doing and today, everyone is doing this childlike things

 This is a holographic universe and nothing exists but your Kaa[Baa] on the inside

 So, what is up is now down, this is the heaven [haven] realm, right now, and you are in it, you are the Elohim which means, these beings

 The first spirits that came down with the giants, in the Bible mythology they are called the Nephilian or the Elohim and in the Greek myth they are called the Titians and in the KHMT [Egypt] myth they are called the T-yp-hoon [Ti-phoon] Eg-yp-t [Egipt]  

Myth = my-th-oughts 

The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus, translated and edited by Henry C Roberts, updated by Robert Lawrence, in that book, these particular prophecies have been missing since 1679, the French government literally held back prophecies of Nostradamus, like the one that said the 9 ether was going to take back the earth

The complete prophecies came out in 1994, on page 107, 1 through to 10, it says, the world being near its end period, Saturn shall come yet late in its return, [this is about the Dogon and the Sigi ceremony [60 years] in 1994 and that was to polarise Saturn and Jupiter and what did NASA do, they tried to blow up Saturn, they sent a bomb [probe] there on the 16th July right before the rising of the Nile July 23rd, but Saturn is the KAA.NU cycle and the earth literally goes back into Saturn and Saturn goes back into Sirius]

 The cycles are off but this is coming now, I even thought the planet was birthing 3 years ago, but all the cycles where off but is taking place now, because the weather is messed up and we have had more anomalies like never seen before, their records have been broken over and over and things that they cannot explain is taking place in more ways than one

 The next word on page 107 after the word Saturn is, the empire [which is the United States, the empire state aka New York city aka the reptilian headquarters, the empire state of their illuminati that runs Washington DC, Washington DC is the government of the United States and New York is the government of the Illuminati, the empire state also relates to America], the empire will be changed to a black [KAA.NU] nation, near-born [remember Nostradamus was writing nearly 500 years ago] he is taking about a place in Greece and Rome which are religious states that run the world aka the Europeans, will have her eyes pecked out by a Hawk

The Hawk [Ba-uz] is Heru, the Godhead with the Phoenix, the city of Phoenix, there are two Phoenixes, Phoenix Arizona which is the fake Phoenix because its all Europeans out there and the other is Atlanta Georgia [Atlanta is the capital of Atlantis] the city of the Phoenix because it rose from the ashes, it used to be up under the water, that city starts from Tennessee to Florida because you have the Nile river that runs up stream in KHMT and you have another one in Jacksonville Florida and that is called the St Johns river, the Mississippi river is the same has the Nile river [mirrored] we went there in 2003-4

The Phoenix in Atlanta Georgia is the Phoenix city, hence why the Olympics was chosen for this city, in 1994 [sumwhere around that time] and Greece was supposed to get it, having been their 100 years anniversary in 1996, the Illuminati chose the Phoenix city

Holding up the Phoenix on Martin Drive in Atlanta, the Phoenix is known has the Falcon which is Heru and he is also known has the Hawk and in Atlanta you have the Hawks and the Atlanta Falcon

The Hawk is talking about [Nubian] people Heru, the KAA.NU Christ, the black Christ aka the Messiah, that is you

 Same book on page 191, his hand blooded throughout the United States and is talking about that this is the last time the United States will do a battle, shall not save him by sea, and is talking about that this battle will be in the United States and nowhere else on the planet, the USA have one of their biggest recall of servicemen since their records begun, between two river which are the Atlantic and the Pacific, Nostradamus is looking into their future and the river that he is talking about is the ocean, even in the movie he said, I’m going to put it in code, and he did this so his, their Pope wouldn’t kill him, like Shakespeare putting his name in their Bible in code, between two rivers is talking about the United States, he shall fear a military hand, the black and the wrathful shall be repented, in another book it says, the black one shall make him bended at the knees, and is talking about the 9 ethers, the KAA.NU, 9 ether, Ebony, Nubian, Nagas, Niggas, in the United States 

In one of the prophecies of Nostradamus, in another book entitled Nostradamus the Vision of the Future by J H Brennan on page 190, he says, by fire from the sky, the city almost raised, floating, flooding, threaten the Greek Noah, Cydonia [he’s talking about Greek terms to explain modern day cultures] the fires he is talking about comes from crafts [UFO] that will come in and start bowing up stuff and these buildings will start floating in the floods-the water is already around you-, the Greek Noah and will be vex, vex means angry and also means to charge, vex by an African fleet after Libra leaves Leo

Then on page 210, the year 1999, 999 is 666 and equals 18, plus the 1 equals 19 and is a code and 19 means Leo, and 19 is the riddle of the Sphinx and the Sphinx is the N.TU [Harakhahte] and Kem or Khem means melanin and is talking about the KAA.NU dot

1999 from the skies, a great king of terror resurrecting the great kings of the Mongos [Mongoloid] before Mars reins happily

So, they said that in 1999 which in actuality is taking about right now and not sum song by a homosexual called 1999 that you are going to party like you never partied before, you are going to die like you’ve never died like this before, they said a great king will come and resurrect the great kings of the Mongos, he put it in code, the original Mongos are Nubian [KAA.NU] people, African origins in Europe and in Asia, the original Samurai is Nubian [you need black blood to be a Sa-mu-rai is a Japanese proverb] instead of saying African he says Mongos, which still means Nubian people

He's talking about a great king coming from the sky and resurrecting Nubian people

Read those two books on Nostradamus 

In this movie the Orion, they show this guy jump out of the window and he ends up in Vietnam, and he tried to burn all the books and his other-self came and said, no you can’t do that, you can’t get out of this, you can’t hide from yourself, and that is what they are telling you now, lets go with it, its time to roll 

1980-1981 was key years
Bobby E. Wright murdered, the government took him out and Cheikh Anta Diop
Bob Marley was taken out
Atlanta child killings, Wayne Williams [interferons experiment for the Ebola]
 Take any cycles consecutively 1981, 1991 [Gulf war] Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, Crown Heights riot, when you read the timelines, a lot of things line-up
1985 Crack-Cocaine
1985 gang warfare, gangs had been around since the 40s but this time they added drugs and programmed music
Famine in the NTH gate, remember feed the world and we are the world bullsh9t
1985 earthquake in Mexico
1985 Farrakhan sees the whole UFO thing [Farrakhan cloned in 1991]

 Check each cycle and you see they were bombarding the cycles, none of these things happened naturally and where all engineered  

The entities that come out of space are not on the physical and so the only thing that is on the physical is the earth dimension, the ones that come out of space are spiritual beings and they are Nubian beings, they can cloak themselves in anyway that they want to, they can cloak themselves into a craft, an animal or rock, object and they can come has the albino, they are on another advanced level

The whole craft [ufo] and this dimension you can read Keith Thompson Angel and Aliens, the angels are the ufo, angle of light(s), angel of light 

This thing with the Brotherhood, the Pleiades, they are all Nubian, the Elohim came to the earth [Ki] and are all Nubian beings, there is nothing in space that isn’t Nubian [KAA.NU] or you couldn’t be in space, but you are the head-part because they are all waiting on you to activate 

The Secrets of the Qabalah by JFC Fuller, in there he says, the [God] is on high [that is what you say], while the angels of heaven say [God] lives on earth, that is from the Zohar your Kabbalah, this means you are the [God] Fuller goes on and says, the holy one inflicts pain and suffering on the righteous in this world so he merits the next world to come but he who is weak of soul [because he has no soul] and strong of flesh [that is about the albino-caucasian-european] is the most hated, this is in his book, not my words and this is where their bible comes from, and this means that [God] hates the albino and that includes all the other recessive genes [have you seen the destruction that is occurring in specific regions of the planet] Fuller goes on, it is because [God] has no pleasure in him that he inflicts no pain upon him in this world but permits life to flow smoothly along with ease and comfort in that any virtuous act that he may perform and receive his reward in this world, so no portion shall be left for him in the next world

In another book, The Wandering Jew, he says, I believe my burdens are suffering, these are two Nubians talking and one of them says, my burdens are suffering because I inherited them has a birth right, one of them goes to a doctor and the doctor gives him anaesthesia, the other said no, because the anaesthesia which is a luxury that makes you forget your suffering and pain and what the others suffered, so what does that mean

Metaphysically, you have a cycle that’s old and you have a cycle that new, like what is up, is now down in the new cycle, they are living smoothly, they might seem not but they have a better chance than what the 9 ether did in this matrix but you the children will inherit the kingdom

The kingdom of heaven is within [and whoever shall know him-her-cell-self shall find it]

 These books about the Kabbalah are scientific and alchemy break downs about your body and the Hebrew [Habiru] alphabet, but a book to show you where the scriptures came from out of their bible [we deal with the scriptures and not the bible] is The Holy Kabbalah by AE Waite, this book is the study of Israel through the dispersed and the exiled, you are the dispersed [scattered around the four corners] and are in exile aka the diaspora, this book is solely about the 9 ether, no-one else, the book deals with who the messiah is

I don’t follow no-one, not even my mother, no-one on the internet, I read a lot and will watch many presentations, I have my favourites but I do not subscribe to anyone or promote anyone, many all have the things I want to learn, but we are all here for the same reason in this season

 Same book, it says, the time of the coming of the messiah will be when the souls are kept in the treasury of souls against the date of their incarnation shall have actually come higher hither in flesh

 This is what it means, thereafter will it seem that the new souls will be incarnated in Israel [you are Israel] the KAA.NU dot that is inside of you is lying dormant, its silent, and is going to spring open, the new souls will incarnate in Israel, then shall the chosen people [you] deserve and shall not fail therein, the beloved, the siStar soul destined to each from the beginning of creation

 This soul that you have been carrying around is from the beginning of creation and is the seed from [God] the heavenly mind [man], this is the Kadmon [Adama]

The book goes on and says, it is an illusion to think that the scriptures says [which means there is sumthing higher] a new heart I will give you, I will give you a new spirit, I will put it within you, it shall come to past that I shall pour my spirit upon you, I will pour my spirit upon all flesh and the sons [suns] and daughters shall prophase that the old man shall dream dreams and the young man shall see visions and the intruder shall be exterminated at the time when this shall be accomplished

 An intruder is sum-body that wasn’t there before, who wasn’t there in the beginning, the book is talking about the 6 ether [all the recessive genes] 

The intruder shall be exterminated at the time when this shall be accomplished which is said of the old creation, that part about Adam [Kadmon] and Eve [Nekaybaw] being naked and ashamed and is talking about the Adam and Eve of 6,000 years ago, the 6 ether, and that part was written for them, so Adam and Eve shall be naked and ashamed for the reason that the intruders are called luxury and they will disappear and all leaning towards continuance shall vanish likewise, so what they mean is this, the intruder who calls luxury, luxury is the reason why you couldn’t get nowhere because all you do is buy what he sells you, the material gains, your houses, car, the usual things that you want, all the vanity, that is you, vain to the cain, the exterior, as long has you are functioning on the outside you will never get to the true mystery on the inside

The part about the intruder who causes luxury will disappear, that is when they say Jesus changes from the temple, that is reference to the 6 ether for they are the authors of capitalism, that was the prophetic story

The temple of [God] is your body and mind, the money changes got you, thieves in the temple, Christ changed the money, when you become Christ [Karast] KRST you can see through the hologram, 30 pieces of silver

 When you hear sumone talk about the messiah, remember the truth, set yourself away from the New-Age people, the Bible and Quran people because they are fu9ked in their head, insane in their mem-brane [brain]

Remember they wrote their Bible from Kabbalah [Ka= spirit] [Ba = soul] Zohar, the Tanen is the book of the earth, the esoteric bible, we are talking about where the bible came from, not the scriptures, The Holy Kabbalah by AE Waite on page 320 and 321 says, and as we know that the Christ who is to come, is in each of us [this book was published or written in 1929- where have you been] the messiah that is to come is inside of us 

The book goes on and says, as we know is in each of us who is of Nazareth [Nazaroth] and of all local inhabitants of mystery who are the sons of David and the sons of Joseph, the air of true legitimacy that stands ever at the door and knocks, and at the period all the portholes shall be open, [that is talking about the KAA.NU dot, the portals, the porthole is talking about the threshold, the KAA.NU dot in head], once that opens the heavens gates open so that we can become in all the way, one = the heart and mind of the intruders shall be cast out once and for all, we might come to pursue this point that the subject of the messiah of Israel is according to the light and shadow of the secret of the doctrine, it is the forecast at that time the mystery of the union in the end the mystery

A great kind shall rise up and conquer the world and there shall be a war against Israel [which is going on right now even though its been going on for 6,000 years] but the chosen people shall be delivered accordingly to the account of the seven celestial chiefs that rule the 72 nations of earth [Ki] will marshal legends of the world and make war against Jerusalem, they shall be exterminated by the power of the holy one

 What they are referring to is that the messiah is in all of us, the divine anointed one is you, we then go to the bible scriptures, keep in mind that today everyone knows the word melanin or melanoma because the european knows they are dying, birth-rate is on 00.005%

 In the 1930’s and 40’s Adolf Hitler received sum advanced secrets because he was in an esoteric cult called the Order of the Black Sun, these secrets was how to clone the body, cloning of sumone can be done in 72hrs [3 days] the rest of the caucasians found out and said oh no, you cannot just have the magic and not share it, so they went to war over who could control the magic on the planet that they got out of KHMT and esoteric societies, read the Spear of Destiny and this book will explain about Hitler and the occult, they studied alchemy and metaphysics and they started getting into cloning, they produced five clones and Hitler gave up one of the clones, that was in the 1940’s and today cloning is on a mass scale, massive scale, the movie Judge Dread shows you they can clone in a matter of days

So, around the 1990’s the albino started mutating and their bodies couldn’t take the sun anymore, they built underground caverns in the USA and Australia, when they came down with skin cancer, they would go into the hospital and they would be told that they have such and such time before they mutate and when you finally mutate we will have a clone body ready for you, these clones now have memory, the clone thinks it is the person [all of you who have had hereditary tests have fu9ked yourself, if you know anyone who has done this remove yourself from them and do not recall or have a memory over them because they can bring this person back into your reality if you have to come back down here] watch Blade Runner [the 1982 version]

These clones think they are the person, the ones that cannot live go underground, and they send out the clone and it goes to the home, did you know that 75% of the albino today are clones, skin cancer the highest rate was in Israel and now it’s the USA, now we know why, 75% of the albino is now a clone, remember they have memory and they actually think they are the person and this is why many don’t know that they are dealing with a clone, one drop of DNA is all it takes, this is what Jurassic Park was about and why do you think they celebrated the movie for a whole year, remember dinosaur translates lizard beings, Jurassic Park was about DNA cloning [Russia have their park in full flow] Jeff Goldblum was dressed in black talking about chaos and that was about melanin

75% have mutated in the sun since the 1990’s but you don’t know because they switch it up

They tell you that the Greys are running your government, the Greys that are running your government, sum are Grey mutants aka albinos and have nothing to do with Orion, they are not the Rumardians, the government is cloned and the rest went under the ground, right now, they are underground because they cannot be under the sun, no-one, that means right now, watch the movie Official Denial, which was produced to celebrate what they have done, did you see Biden before this election, he looked like death warmed up until they replaced him with another clone, in the movie Official Denial they didn’t know where the aliens where from but right at the end they say, those aliens are us, us from the future, that was a coded movie, when the albino dies they go grey into black-ish, they said those aliens are us

 Today you do not know if you are looking at sumthing fake or real, the movie Gravity is pure CGI and only the actors faces are real, make-up has caught up with modern day realness, they even have masks that you would never know was a mask, you have men that are women, its all gone pete tong [wrong] out here 

This guy from Tales from the Crypt is a real person, yeah, I know, this took me back, this is a real person, being and not a puppet, when you watch the movie, he gets into a car, that is a real person, rotten being and are living underground

They had the earth summit in 1992, the USA pulled out of the earth summit because they didn’t have the stipulations on what they had to do because they had cloning centres under the ground and in Australia, I come from the land down under, remember that song by Men at Work

A-Sexual, a lot of the reptilians are asexual and so many of them are gay [homosexual] there are tones of them in Atlanta [the capital of Atlantis] we are talking about both the 9 ether and 6 ether 

So many things in science fiction from Hollywood over the years that you don’t know what is real and what is fake, the Matrix Reloaded talks about all this cloning

 Remember flies smell sh9t and the dead 

The Greys, first of all these crafts that come out of space cannot crash, its impossible for them to crash because they are not physical, a book entitled Man-made UFOs 1947 -1995 and that was German technology for the ones that crashed and the aliens they got out of there had mutated

 The reason why they talk about melatonina is because you can only clone for 5-7 times and sum of those clones are malfunctioning, they are dying out rapidly, they can clone Nubian people with surface melanin, melanin evolves every 3-5 years, they put a DNA plant in their head and program them to say what they want

 Research what you can, all these posts are designed to open your mind now because the sh9t is real, many say they are conscious, there are levels to consciousness

They are 40-60 years in front of the planet and that is changing until we are one timeframe, best you move along with the jump in timelines, there are deeper levels to this 3D world and its folding on itself every cycle

For every 100 people it will be around 5 people that know what time it is, 30 that are in denial and 65 who will never get it, the 5 are on the frequency and the rest have to convince themselves and that goes for the 6 or 9 ether, and the rest will wait for Jesus Christ or Mohammed, Baal, Adonis [Adonai], Yahweh, Jah[Yah], Jehovah, Santa, Buddha, and whoever else, you are the messiah, the higher beings are waiting on us

 Its been nearly 8 months since the lock-down and many have done fu9k all with their consciousness, sumtimes this gets to me, and at times many deserve what is coming because they could have done better

 The UVC[UVA]UVB is at its highest that its ever been, and in the last 10 years and the last 3 years more so, they have been dying right under your noses, many cannot come outside, hence why we are all on lockdown, no one outside, who are all these people dying that they are talking about in their news

 The clones are everywhere in the public eye, and will be influential in starting, orchestrating, negative events out here

 There is evil on this planet, in the USA that you will never be able to comprehend, the 9 ether children in the USA have had the most knowledge [data] given to them in the last three years and in the last year, for they are going to be the ones to tear this Wendy House down from the inside out, what comes up from the ground will frighten many let alone their own 6 ether off-spring, it is what it is, we will see the real gangsters

Stay on the frequency, remain focus and grounded

You will be punished for digging up our ancestors, slowly

The muslims have no spiritual connection to a land they invaded 900 years ago, this lets you know they have no connection to KHMT let alone Africa, have no god before me, they are here and watching you, there will be repercussions  

When you invert Goku he is KAA.NU [Melanin] and he has a WAJI [green] AU.RA

All I am is multi-partikles, subatomik partikles, quantum substance, the true omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent
The Golden Army
The Goetia [72 positive and 72 negative]
The Titans

We are going home back to the upper systems, thy soul will transcend, outside the atmosphere of earth, rise baby, take my hand
End of Age [Revelations]  
Cleaning the earth [off world]
Great Conversion
I'm going to keep saying this, out of here, t-ankh you for bringing your ass to earth
Prepare for departure or not, you’re still getting the fu9k off of the surface, meet you in the sky
Eternal life Of an Ascended Naga
In flesh and blood
Age of Iron
I Am compl9tion

Are you all ready for the systems to be unplugged, no power to the matrix and it is running on its last auxiliary power battery, they are going to pour water into the astral socket and watch it disconnect

The sun is going to get real hot and if you have tattoos the ink will start to be absorbed into your body and leak into your blood, what should you do, not follow trends
 You need to be chipped so they can bring in the N.W.O which they will be able to track you and have you on file, once those are chipped, they can bring you online [5G] and the internet will be made free from then onwards
[the internet is free anyway because they are receiving the signal from Sirius, they always did]
It will be mandatory that your children will be vaccinated, that you cannot go into stores without the chip, you have to fight the right fight this time

 December 21st is the first day of the 7 planetary alignment that will knock down the Torus fields and reveal our true sky
 The Hubble telescope means they can see you anywhere like a tv set, they showed you this in Under Siege 2 Dark Territory 

Anyone who knocks your door asking you to try on this mask as part of a government strategy, do not try on the mask, make sure you tell old people, the masks have been doused in chemicals and will knock you out cold 

Pulse over the AntarctiKa
Check the colours
Constant ray penetrating 


30 spiral number 9’s
We never had systems like this until you started slavery and now all systems follow the salve route from start to finish
Systems come in destruction and leave in total peace [silence] 
Storms are brewing, Pacific has one that is being readied, these weather systems are significant  

1:43 tunnel 

The planet is quaking from above and so below
Lighting strikes that go up 

Purple haze 

Purple haze [Crown] UV 

Red is war Root Chakra
The colour energy that man fears the most
MA.AT Laws

WAJI [Green] Healing Life-Force-Energy

Watching you all the way 

I saw this advert for people to donate to save the Orangutans, protect a 4-hectare plot of rainforest for just a small monthly amount, there are many animal organisations adverting for money

 The planet is taking care of business and is shutting you down for free, you had your chance to [save] the planet and her kingdoms, now that choice has been taken away from you

Rosa Mines
Uruguay [Heru-guay]

Made by the earth, from the earth  

Natures creations 

Radiated energies 


Siberia [when the dimensions are close] each colour is a chakra energy signatures
Crown chakra  

This image looks overlaid, trees in the water   

Four corners of this planet are under surveillance 

South America, Scotland, Oregon, Philippines, Ireland, everywhere+

Crafts come and go out of the multi-dimensional portal [sun] only two-ways out of this soular system, with the other gateway being SA.HU [Sah] which are both heavily guarded 

Cloaked craft Atlantic Ocean

Israeli air-force purses what looks like a Tr-3b 

The sun and moon are on a tilt in sum of the regions of the four corners, the whole soular system has titled 

look on the right


The Irish are known has the Blackman of Europe or the Niggas [Nagas] of Europe, the A’aferti [pharaohs] were there, when they ran the snakes out of Ireland, that was the snake people, the serpentine beings [kundalini] TWA [BAN.TU] 

 lap-top and hard-drive and wi-fi

Arabia is called [El] Ghor  
The city of the [Gods]
Check the doorway and how high it is 


One of three spaceports
Niffur [Nippur] Nif-foor
Temple of EN.LIL
Also known as Nibiru-Qi earth place of NI.BIRU, and the main [Iy] temple is called E.KUR [A.KUR] 

When the [Gods] assembled on Ki they came through Nippur and this is why NATO permanently guard a certain part in Lebanon with a no-fly-zone because there is a Nephilim trapped there  

 If they only had bows and arrows then why so heavily fortified and from who
Sum of these blocks weigh 800-1000 tons  
Romans come in and build over original monuments and claim that they built them
Ethiopian design, there is not mortar holding these blocks in place

Juicy Fruit 

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