It’s the bulk of the Bible people who had been holding us
up, that was 19 books that was taken out of their Bible, what is missing
Down here is the 3D, the political and mundane dimension
and is run by the Caucasian [European], he was given this dimension
Up there is the 4[D] and more
The Europeans runs the second sub-planes of the fourth
dimension but he doesn’t run the 4[D] and up onto the 9[D], because you do, you
are guiding NI.BIRU and 9 means completion
When you start dealing in his realm, this is what
happens, you get deactivate because you are on the mundane dimension and that
means you can be subjected
They keep an eye on the astral plane, they have spies in
there, these spies have no connection to [God] they are 9 ether and are cut off
from source
In the last days, they said that the heavens are going to
open up for the Europeans, and even though the Europeans are not on the higher
realms, they are still on the lowest part of the fourth dimension and that is
still over this 3[D], sum of them have mediated [Istal] and are on these lower
realms that are still higher than the 3[D] and power themselves by doing what
today is called witchcraft
[Witchcraft] is from Wicca [Wikka] and are spiritual
systems called Juju [Maji] Magi [Wicca] and is from one of the 9 ethers
[Goddess] and Wicca means wise-one and she is shown has negative in sectarian
religions, those that were burnt at the sake where practising KHMT knowledge
and is the 9 ether poWRA tools [spiritual systems]
The European has sum of the knowledge and is enough to
control the ones on the 3[D] dimension
There is a Church called the Cosmic Church of Christ in
the USA that the witches [modern day meaning] of today have and many of the 9
ethers attend these types of Churches, there are so many other churches out
[We keep an eye on the USA because the bulk of the
Anunnaqi [ANU.NAGA] off-spring are there in the belly of the beast-USA]
However, they have the ego and although they are getting
the transmissions, the ego is blocking their connection and they cannot go
further up the ladder [Jacobs ladder 33 vertebrates] they cannot get the
energy, they have to let go to get [God] aka the connection
These people [spies] on the astral plane knew what was
going on
Remember, if you stay in the realm that you’re in, they
cannot zap you, step outside of that realm and they can zap you, so if you go
to these places or to sumones house, then you are in their realm, you’re not in
yours and your [God] cannot protect you
In the movie Lost Boys, the father reptilian [vampire]
couldn’t come in unless the mother invited him in
Stay in your realm or come out of your realm and they got
you, you have to make a bridge with them, sum have through a sh9t partner, sum opened portals without knowing what they have done, so forgive them Father, for thou not know what thy as done
These are African spiritual systems [the bridge between them and you] and not sum pastime game, Ouija, like Juju are not to be messed with, a girl from Virginia called on Baba Legba and asked him to kill her classmate, her classmate was Nubian and so is Baba, Baba killed the girl and not his lineage, this is called ignorance, ego, how could she think that she could use one of the African spiritual systems, that is not how it works, she learned an invaluable lesson
The masses are still the 5% but are really the 1%, you
don’t need to be with these people, they will bog you down, you will always
have the masses but not be in association, the masses don’t want to hear
nothing but riddles and quotes, your knowledge now becomes your aphrodisiac but
is not resonating if you do not internalise, its sones [sounds] good but its
bouncing off, they are to filled up with the ego, those on the 3D and those who
follow the European plane
They can chip people and you see this in many in the
media, they said that heaven is going to open up for the European but the hierarchy
are going to give him enough rope to hang himself, they created implants, metal
poisoning, they have been implanting people even in the 60’s, sum of these
people that are in your domain and are MK-Ultra and sum have the implants, they
are more advanced than that now, there is no-one in the media that wasn’t put
there by the European, that is all your 8 ethers people, anyone of them, choose
one and he or she is one of those spies
Watch your diet, fish right now is worse than pork and
fish is worse than chicken, toxics are in the fish, these are dead animal
vibrations in your body, you cannot be eating meat at all or dairy products,
milk, cheese, pizza, on the internet its nothing but KFC and its £3.49 for a
meal, we are in the 7th month of CV, where are they getting the milk
from, the cows produce the milk for their calf’s, so where are all these
pregnant cows and where are all these chickens to make KFC, you have to let the
meat go, and dairy products, you will experience what its like for those trying
to go cold turkey against crack, alcohol, coke, get off the mundane level
[they have culled many animals and you will start to see is
that what you purchase from the supermarket is man-made, that the produce
department is just about the only real food in the entire supermarket]
Keep you on this realm and then they have you, keep them
away from the [God] realm by any means necessary
The 1990’s was an important timeline, Thunderbird took
all his people off of the street, time for talking is over, the masses will get
nothing dealing on the mundane level with the five senses, that is the animal
level, what tastes good, what sones [sounds] good, what feels good and what
looks good, that is their level, those five senses is not really good for you
on this realm, so the masses did nothing but follow a culture, a trend
[New-Age], deaf, dumb and blind, dumb and dumber, it’s the nucleus, you build a
nation from the inside in, you build it from the inside out, this one small atomic
point called the KAA.NU [melanin]
They took our same pyramidal structures, they are 33 degrees while you are 360 degrees, this is why half the story has never been told
Our secret societies where run just like the black dot,
this one point in you is [God], they got that from us, Illuminated Ones is one
of our terms, Lucifer means the light-bringer [LuCell-fer][amber light] you
build the nucleus and the nucleus shines just like KRST [Christ] and the masses
see the light and they start coming in, so you are drawn in from the inside,
not from the outside, and this is where the New-Age comes from, the outside, you
are the Qur’an, you are Allah [the Arm, the Leg, the Leg and the Arm and the
Head = Allah] An-atom-y [Anatomy] which is the triple darkness
You get the knowledge first and the masses will come
after that, I don’t have a tv but on the internet you can see that they are
using psy-chi-c warfare [psy = soul] [Chi= energy]
We are in the [Godhead] now and you need to stay on the
right frequency, one 5G is man-made and the other 5D is the higher being’s
80% of Europeans do not have the black dot and therefore
do not have a small atomic point in time and this means they are not connected
to the brotherhood in the universe, they have no star connection in the sky,
they have no connection so what happens is, when the aliens look at this planet
they say there’s no life down here even though there is but in actuality, there’s
no life down here but in the cosmos they do things on a divine and spiritual
function and because you are [were] all shut down they considered us all dead
people including the 9 ethers, so they feel it’s a dead territory, they feel
they can come in and conquer the planet and come in and do what they want but
they are prohibited from messing with the dark-head ones who have the black dot
that have a soul, that is law
Designer, custom made and is not from nature, she didn't create none of this
They are permitted to mess with the mutant who doesn’t
have a soul and he is in the physical and is only functioning and that is like
a zombie and exists only in this dimension and outside of this dimension he is
nothing, but he has a low vibrating energy force [Kaa] [Chi] and RNA, for he is
made up of the lower astral plane and not the sun-poWRA [DEA] and technically
they are scrap metal and in the 90’s they had 72,000 walk-ins and these are
beings from other planets that when the 6 ether is about to expire they take
over, the 6 ether is not HuMin and are an experimental project, they can take
out genes, add this, they can take parts back to their planet and work on it,
they can give them babies, they can strip out the body and walk in
Watch Fire in the Sky
Because they are mutants they don’t exists, this is why
it’s the 6 ether that gets abducted, they are prohibited from abducting the 9
ethers for that is the law, and when the 9 ether is abducted its for healing,
for a tour or to open the psych
Sumtimes the 6-ether body will break down, it’s a
physical body, they go to the hospital and they have to leave and so what the
alien does is throws out a gas and that is the aliens exit gas
What happens to the 9 ether is different, you’re in your
higher realm which is your higher consciousness and that is an entity on
another plane and sum of these planes are not up there, they are right here,
the difference for you is dimensions, when you look up at those stars, they are
right here because its all one, [the Law of One] and all you have to do is
stream into a doorway in your organ, muscle, brain [mem-brane] and you can get
there, its frequencies, like a radio, so with the 9 ether there is an entity
that takes over the body, and that is you, your divine self [cell] you remotely
control this avatar, say Mellow Yellow to yourself without speaking, you will
hear the words but your mouth didn’t speak, so where are you, you heard the
words, so you are sumwhere else
There are sum blue-skinned beings from Andromeda and
there are a few of them here who are interested in around 4-5 people around the
earth, they told the 6 ether, we can give you information but we cannot help
you in getting off the earth, even on Mars they have told them you cannot come
up and stay here, the only people that can help them is [God] and they have many
of the [Gods] locked up in prison, isn’t that sumthing, that the [Gods] that
can help them off of this planet are the ones they have imprisoned, that is the
secret behind this, [God] is going to come like a thief in the night, yes
because t-he-y are already here
They 6 ether built a base on Mars and the aliens have
already taken the base from them on Mars
There is a Sphinx [Akir][Ekur] on Mars and is a million
years old making it the same age has the one here and are both the same
circumference and that means it was a high civilisation that built them and
that means you have been here for 66trillion years
That Hubble telescope that costs $9billion and is still in space,
not the plane one, the one that is in the lower orbit must this must be their defence
force, who spends $9billion on a camera
3rd eye is on the outside, Nubian huminiod
NASA was warned not to move the craft and they even designed a NASA logo badge that was rejected by NASA from one of their astronauts, why was the shuttle shot down, the craft is over a million years old
On LAHMU [MU] Mars [Muurs] Moors
The beast is the tv set that is keeping many down, the
media, when the beast came on the planet they had to give them a religious
doctrine and man listens to that stuff and you are the [God] and not the beast,
and it’s the Bible and the Qur’an that is explaining your nature and your
following them like the beast and you’re supposed to be going to [Godhood] and are
the example of what the 6 ether is looking at in the Bible, remember there are
esoteric schools and your Bible was created by the Kabbala and the Kabbala is
the system and the past of the tree of life and you go up the tree of life and you
attain [God], there is in the tree of life the black dot aka the Darth Vader
and the rest is the planets that are in you and when you line up all the
energies [planets] energies centres you reach [Godhood] the source
This is where the Bible comes from and is turned into
little stories and given to people on the esoteric level and is also the
Kabbala, its in the Bible if you know how to get it
Not talking about the Quran or the Bible has in religion,
but talking about the scriptures that was written and sent by your ancestors
has a manifestation of your soul to get you back to your soul, it is the
man-made religion that is keeping you dead [deactivated], this is spook
teachings that man has taught you, that our scriptures you were supposed to
know by the time you were twelve
You are ignorant until the time you are twelve, you go to
[Godhood] at twelve
92 churches alone in the capital of Atlantis [Atlanta]
this lets you know he must keep you bind-ed by their light [Re for them means
to bind]
[we keep an eye on the USA because the bulk of the
Annunaqi off-spring are their and they must take back Atlantis]
The Nubian man had the land and the Albino had the Bible,
the Albino said to the Nubian, get on your knees and close your eyes and pray
to Jesus
The Nubian man got on his knees and closed his eyes and prayed
to Jesus, when he opened his eyes, the Albino man had the land and the Nubian
man had the Bible
Their religion is keeping you in slavery, you are bigger
than slavery, you are bigger than their religion
To worship a [God] other than yourself is to worship a
[God] inferior to you and less than yourself
Sen means to worship [war-ship]
Yes there is a universal prime creator, all we are saying
is that you are one with that [God] you are from the same cloth, you are from
the same source, you are a expression of that [God] and are the example of that
[God], you are a mirror of that [God] and the 9 ethers are a mirror of that
soul around the world, you are a microcosm of the macrocosm, so you are that [God]
Aten [sun] and you see the hands coming down from the sun and is to grab
you [active], we never worshiped the sun [Re] we worshiped the poWRA of the
sun, learn the difference, you are a sun product of a greater sun and that sun
in you is that black dot, the black dot in the sun is called Sirius and when
activated becomes that crown chakra, this the science and you need to get with
the program
No [God] is coming to save you, you have to save yourself,
that is part of your exit route out of here, yes you have those guiding you but
no-one is here to save you, save our souls [SOS] your distress signals have
been registered but just like the mother penguin, you have to fend for yourself
and get onboard [fight or flight] out of here
The reincarnation mystery is not to find out when you
were a slave, you are to find out who you were when you where a [God] a N.TU
[Neteru] which means Supreme Being, then you would find out who you are and what
you are supposed to be, the more you are by yourself, the more you can stream
into this and find out who the fu9k you are, through Istal and through sumone
who can give you a good reading, you need a 9 ether wombman to do this for she
will be reading the KAA.NU, when you are the 9 ether wombman, ask them when you
were a [N.TU] (God) and line yourself up with that, tarot cards are windows to the
soul, for you are a soular beings, with soular panels [eyes]
Sumone here that I was introduced to around six months
ago has been guiding me, make sure she is 9 ether for the 6 ether can only read
the 3D mundane dimension and tell you when your boyfriend is coming back, dry
things like that, the tarot cards are the window to your soul and contains
KAA.KU which she cannot read past the 3D without the Kaanu or a Chak-Ra system which are alien implants that where graphed into the 9 ether
Reincarnation, all of them [Gods] are already here like
Thutmose [Moses] to Mohamed [Mu-ham-ed] (Mu) K-ham-I, are all here, Hathor,
Kali, the arch angels, all of them are already back down here because we are nearly
at show-time, your history of the earth is a reincarnation history
We are talking about the entity or energy in you, you
have to stream into that energy or entity within you, your higher-self is
coming in and for many, they are already inside the groove, people are already making waves
Its not the 144,000 that are going to be saved, that
number is a frequency [144hz] there are spiritual beings [9 ether] who don’t
have a Bible or Quran, who have never eaten meat, who will make the grade before
you, they never drank alcohol or watched tv, who led a spiritual life, the 144,000
are the 9 ether light-bringers who are here to jump-start the others, to get
the masses rolling
We had on the Schumann around three-years ago
[150hz][170hz] and [190hz] and were activated to activate the rest, you don’t
go to the masses, when the sh9t goes down you will be their representative, its
about getting yourself together first, not them, you are to bear witness, we
have been internalising the knowledge for a long time now and soon you will be
ready to let others know what the deal really is, don’t go to people and start
telling them this and that when you have not internalise the data yourself, you
secretly get yourself together first or you will sone [sound] dumb, the time is
coming up soon for you to speak volumes, an EMP will kill all the dirty tesla
electrics and no-one will have their media to reply on, many will walk around
with their cell phones waiting for a connection that will never come, you must also
learn who and who not to speak your knowledge too, but your time is coming
Remember, I AM because they are, they are because I AM
>> you are their representative, one blue-print, one [black] dot
Read the Chakra Handbook
Purple is the Crown Chakra activation, you've seen the colour in your skies
Jesus the Christ is a composite figure like, Buddha, Heru, Krishna,
he who thinks he knows one book >> knows none
Read TW Doane
He says on the first page, that he was a missionary with
the Bible, and he says he went to all these healing places with his shitty Bible,
giving them the word of god, and he says that he ran into all these contradictions,
all these places they lived a harmonious life with nature, and here’s me with
this so-called Bible from the beast taking it to these people that we were
killing and he said right there he knew it was the Bible that was the problem
The ego was planted in man which is the lowest part of the
beast and who has the biggest ego
Sai Baba in India is a part of Vishnu and Krishna
reincarnated and is a Christ figure on the planet and is a Nubian man with an
afro, he said that he’s getting ready to get blacker than this
All the Christ figures where black [Nubian] them Indians are
about to get a wake-up call, Ganesh is from Ghana
We are reaching the point where we will know everything, but
you must be in-tune [on the frequency] even the spiritual world [4]5[D] is on
the planet but many will not see it because they are all 3[D] and you will need
to explain to them what is really going on, remember to exercise caution
because sum are hardwired to the 3D and sum are meant to crash on purpose with
Earth holds the most fear and fear comes from ignorance
and because you hold the most ignorance, therefore you have to go with this 3D,
many will die from ignorance both from the 6 and 9 ethers
The Albino says they have to take responsibility for their
government and the governments around the world work for the beast and they are
looking to take karmic responsibilities, the I AM because we are, therefore
they are, you must exercise yourself away from the 6 ether, all what you see,
voting, rights, jobs, money, all of this was never yours and is still not
yours, move away from their fight because this is not your war, its theirs against
their own people, you were never part of any government strategy, the karma is
on them because they have to take everything that the government, illuminati, slave
masters, all the murders, raping, hanging that they did around the world and
the spoils that they all benefited in
We don’t have time to figure out the 20%
of the Europeans that are nice, move away from their battle, let the chips fall
where they land, sum are doing sh9t to get where we are, that is fine but don’t
you aid no-one because you are being watched, you do not know the full
extension of sumones life but our ancestors do, they know where their bloodline
stretches back to, and this includes the 9 ethers to betrayed the other 9 ethers
They have to take responsibility for what they have done all
over the planet, all of it, karma is going to be a bit9h for many, Hitler wasn’t
one man running the world, was he and by the way, it wasn’t 6million Jews of
his own people that they murdered, it was only 600,000
Read Hoax of the 21
st century, it was not one or two
people didn’t wipe millions, billions off of the earth, they all did it, and
many have been reincarnated, even the Romans are all here for this house was
sealed a long time ago, you are the reincarnation of [God] and they are the
reincarnation of the beast and they killed, murdered and raped your mother and
today, sum of you are laying in bed with them, sum of you have children with
the beast, and these are the people that did your great-grand-mother over, your
ancestors are like wtf is going on with you
Karma is going to be a bit9h for many for both the 6 ether
and 9 ether
Look at these images, all from the on-line library that
we left to remind you what you came from, many of you have never taken the time
to research, many of you don’t give a flying sh9t
When you go to Egypt [KHMT] many just take pictures but never tune-in
and stream the frequencies
This is [God]
Behind everyman, there is a strong wombman
Behind every [God] there is a Wombman [God], that [God] has a mother
You have betrayed her over and over again and again and she
is here once again, the [Gods] have a sense of humour, we do not do Shakespeare
kind of love, we get down and the lov9 that is coming will be cruel to be kind,
ancestors will give you what your heart desires are, what you need and not what
you want, ancestors have a sense of humour and they will mess with you, all what you see down here, all of
it is how the [Gods] behaved, positive or negative
S-he is [God]
Netert [Ne-teer-t] means Supreme Beings, Female Guardians
Neter [N-teeer] means Supreme Being, Guardian
Neteru [Ne-ree-roo] Supreme
Netertiti means Beautiful
N.TU = Nature [Neteru] Na-ta-ra
Na-Ta-Ru [Watches, protectors]
Look at her ass, that is a black wombmans booty, Nefertiti or Netertiti wasn't what we would call HU.MIN but would you argue with an ass like that
Why did they take her head off, usually it would be the nose or lips, but they were so outraged they took her head off
We were created in her image and likeness
All Rudraksha beads symbolize divine poWRA and is
connection with the physical world
Through this link they bring about a better understanding
of the link between [Godhood] and HuMins, allowing one to resonate with
vibrations of prosperity, fulfilment and increased vitality
They greatly boost spiritual energy, aiding in [Istal] meditation
and the elimination of negative energy
Although Rudraksha seeds are technically not stones, they
still give off poWRA-ful vibrations that vary depending on the type
The different types are called Mukhi, meaning face, and
are based off of the number of lines coming out of the centre or faces they
display ranging from 1-21
Nine to the Ninth [NTH] PoWRA of Nine,
the frequency is spiritual and many are just physical and will simply expire because they cannot ride the wave
Melanin is a Greek word meaning black, the KHMT recorded word is KAA.NU and is condensed sunlight from the sun [sol] soul, there is no such colour called Black
Malaysia [Mela-sya]
Himalaya [Hi-Mela-ya]
KAA.NU evolves every 3-5 years
They lied their way to the top of your history, but our hiStory shows stone recordings, the next image is what this photography was trying to hide
Saudi Royal Family are all Crypto-Jews and are not Arab
They cleaned the colours off of these pieces, however, you can see their faces are still in KAA.NU, the stone work was left in what you call Iran today, left by the Persians who are Ethiopian
Assyrians are not the originals but are the Arab-Asians today who say they are Sumerian, okay then
Frequencies of light [sone], look at the book cover for The Chakra Handbook and see the same colours, the Greeks call it a Halo, this is a shield, a head AU.RA and means Crown activation, Christ KRST energy
Other realms are here
Re has one in the chamber facing the planet and is A 9MM
Internet, radio connections and power outages will occur,
the usual
See the grid over the multiple dimensional portal
Sum places around the world should have gone down but there are spiritual people still there and they are actually holding up these places from going down, sum of them will be ascending soon and that is to make them safe, but this is the reason why sum places are still existing, the earth is trying to get the spiritual people off before she lets rip, the ancestors are holding these places up because there is still 9 ethers in these places in the USA especially, so many places that should have gone down already like Kalifornia, NY is solely still existing because the ancestors have not gotten all their off-spring out yet
Sum are weather modifications and sum are from the deep, the abyss
the same image has the HAARP image
Ready and charged
Running red
We have planetary alignments, so earthquakes and volcanoes will be firing, pressure, data will be releasing
we are in 4[5]6D
You have been warned over and over
We are not part of no religion war, we are part of the spiritual
war, learn the difference
Have no [God] before me, sum are coming to a place near you
That man at the end acting like he is part of the birds, that is wishful thinking
You had the 9 ether in there selling organs
Muslim Egypt, family wiped out, this craft is directly over this building, was it for the building that may have been used for sumthing else, was the guy involved in sumthing, star-family do not make mistakes
Always check the geographical area of where the water is coming in, places are going down, many are on their rooftops and this will continue, weather systems are controlling the outcome, no one uses the words Climate Change no more, chaos is looming, people on the streets, food running out, nature is bending the rules, slowly, for she wants you to know what is up
Rumours of war, the NTH gate goes to war, that dam must be destroyed, who are they fighting and why
The Horn of Africa
China's base in Djibouti [Tehuti], the horn of Africa will spilt, we are in prophecy fulfilled
A patience man rides a Donkey
is not just a one off and doesn’t come instantly for all
The sun gives the 6-ether skin-cancer, the sun is the
sustainer of all life and yet the highest rate of cancer in the entire world is
in Israel, then the USA and Australia, doesn’t that tell you sumthing, yet they
spend billions a year on sunbathing in a ray that is killing you
UV-C is higher now than at any-time recorded, the red ray
is the one they fear the most
Mount Fuji
Look at the craft colours that are being emitted, chakra energy, those are SHAMS above the main craft
SHAM [cylinder craft] with scout orb over volcano, SHAMS can store 50 ANUNNAGI and are transport carriers
part of the backdrop now, we are getting read close for disclosure for many, why NASA says yes and no to crafts, these being will dictate their pace, chemical spraying cannot hide these structures in the sky
Craft in Cyprus
This is the main craft that sets the sun off, soular minimum, but not with this craft
Last 4 weeks was heavy with the mutating of the DNA [DEA] upgrade
Crafts everywhere, that its normal now
This is a car-park [space-port]
Mercury deposits are in chambers underneath for refuling
Peruja Heruja (Latin] Perusia [Persia] [Ethiopia] Italian
Perugia is the capital of the Italian region Umbria
The city is located on the hillside, where the view of
the valley of Tibra and Trazimenskoye lake is opened
One of the 12 cities in Etruria [Etruscan] [12 tribes]
Since the times of Etrusks in Perugia, fragments of walls
with three gates, Etrussian arch [marble arch] and a number of burial chambers aka Iy have
Above the Akir [Ekur] lion on the right shows the
Kundalini and the Phoenix
Those three in the centre are later additions
Italy [Ital] and Greece are beautiful places and I have
spent many years on and off in these places and both are littered with
artifacts that where not created by the modern-day people that reside there
No one built nothing apart from the Muurs, the children of Mu
Tartaian arch-itecture
14.12.2013 [2020] worldwide eclipse [the game changer]
11.11.2013 [2020] Mercury energy [communication] don’t
Istal until then
The Hidden must be revealed, I do not write to be in glory, far from it, I was sent here with many others for the Grand Awakening, to aid in the increased knowledge that is now part of this planets frequencies, we are all aware that sumthing is taking place, the truth will set you free, no one is better than the next person, we only want the truth to surface so that your mind is satisfied for you are writing the past, present and future, this is my-stroy [MyStory] its not a MyStar-y [mystery] no more
You were allowed to be here only if you harmonised with the planet, the plant, animal and HuMin king-domes and in the last 100 years you have nearly killed the 3 king-domes and the planet, she is one of a few planets in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain complex organisms and she cannot be compromised, the whole abyss, deep have turned up to support her, over 900 war-planets and over 72,000+ crafts have assembled to protect her energy, we are the protectors [Na-Ta-Ru] of this energy in motion and we will not allow you to delete her, if she doesn't make it, then all this is over, we will have a galaxy holocaust
While many sleep we are connecting to NI.BIRU, to move the Godfather into position, we are moving the poles, they will only flip the switch when we say [think] so, we have been guiding NI.BIRU's approach since they where reintroduced in 2012
Nature has been giving you warnings and activating the 6 ether and 9 ether, it is up to you to what you do, but we already know what you are going to do, its if you make The Choice
A'aferti translates The Choice which the Greeks used the word Pharaoh instead, you are The Choice, EN.KI aka Asaru [Osiris] H.I.M choose you because he knows you can think like a Boss
We want this monkey sh9t to end because you are killing her [planet, plant, animal, HU.MAN [HUE.MIN] softly and that means reSet, we are bailing out of here has a result, isn't that worth dying for
The Choice is yours to make
9 means completion and we will complete on time, with or without you
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