Yes, you can have luxuries and trinkets and different
things to make you feel comfortable, but you will always be searching for that
in sum kind of way
You used to be N.TU [Gods] of the universe and you have been trapped in a prison [Prism] which is a painted jail-cell
For those that do not want the apocalypse, the apocalypse is not for us, the apocalypse is y-our key to get out of this sh9t, this is how serious this stage is, it is not about the physical destruction that is looming but rather your escape route out of here, how you want to bail out
There are programs that do not exist no more and where inserted to get us activated and to recognise the frequency, those movements that all came out in the last 4-5 decades we don’t follow them no more
Those armchair revolutionaries with books on their shelf are going to be catching h3ll, because all they have done is learnt how to stay out of trouble and stay above the rim
We are talking about bringing on the apocalypse because everything else has already been tried and tested
The apocalypse is not only a concept, it’s a reality
Reality is becoming a reality for many, the frequency change is inevitable
In the history stories was see all the creation stories but we don’t hear about the apocalypse because that group have already been there
Shiva, Heru are all about the apocalypse [destruction]
Look around you and see people for who they really are, do you really think that we could all change, in all honesty, search your heart and mind, think of grandchildren or the fourth generations, do they stand a chance with what you have left them, what legacy has the third and second and first generations left them, what did you really leave them and what do they or you really care about anything outside of the [3D]
Get out of your emotion [energy in motion] these people do not exist
Ultimately, we all have to illuminate out of the physical body [Kha], basically, in order to be [free] you have to die, there is no way out of this
The Baa [soul] illuminating is about death and in order to pull this off, the spirit realm already knew that they had to sacrifice many of their own people
In the movie the Matrix, Morpheus said that the many had to be looked on has, the enemy
In order for them to be saved, they had to take a group of people to be in a certain field so that they could in-turn, be saved
So even with the one’s who went before us in terms of the masses, we are all going to the same place
Being one, and loving one another, and save earth and give back and all the rest of it, is good but only as far as roman-ticism, but on the real universal scale, they are finished, its over for them and they will do anything to protect the fragments that is still present from their 3D matrix and that means even kill you to keep the matrix alive, like I said, we are all going to the same place regardless
December 21st into the 25th is not just about Gamma radiation [energy] it is the resurrection of the KRST [Karast] Christ [Crown Chak-Ra] energy and the destruction [Heru] Shiva, the cosmic dance, this light [Gamma] will destroy all that is artificial from this planet, all life that nature didn’t create, many are missing the real message
You are wasting energy if you think that this thing is about liberation physically, its not going down that way, none of the ancient scriptures say that, the book of Coming Forth By Day is about leaving the physical body, the revolutionaries was to get us up to this point in time, but is romanticism to think that we are going to save physical people, when you kill one another over stupid things at the flick of the wrist, look around you, the world is fu9ked up
The whole liberation for the people out here is an illusion and they record this is the Sanskrit text, that the real spiritual being walks through all the crazy stuff and in so many words that is ancient prophecy, they had to preserve a group of people and that particular group of people will also be raised up but they had to do a certain work out here to get the activation going, sum had to do negative things but was needed to get the awareness going, to get thoughts thinking, and to make it possible for another group of people to illuminate
Right now, there is no one leading the 9 ethers, there are many leading the 6 ethers, there are many scrambling for leadership, but there is no one leading the 9 ethers, its all talk
The consciousness and the creativity as gone, but they sent others to the 9 ethers [ET-hers] and preserved those ones to activate the ones in the 3D, many people died so that you could be here, they gave up their vessels in the most inhumane way possible that you know he is capable of doing to you, did you know that this was sum of our ancestors soul-contract and many agreed for the survival of this planet and all nature life
The spirit doesn’t give a damn, we are all going to get to where we are supposed to because death is inevitable and you have to transform out of one condition to get to another condition, its call recycle
What you have done, HuMans [HuMins] can do
Basic fundamental metaphysis, you cannot find no ancient text on the planet that says this is the records on what you will use when you wake [activate] back up and the only thing that has been found in the ancient records is spiritual material talking about spiritual illumination and that is what the KHMT records [online library] was about, who you are
Despite what you think, my point is, the only way to illuminate to a higher level is to transcend the physical condition, which is the matrix, which is talking about death, but this death is about illumination on a higher level
This is not about a philosophical death, we are talking about metaphysical, you have to leave out your emotions, that means detaching from your mundane five senses, we are coming from the metaphysical aspect
Meta [Maat] nine to the ninth poWRA of nine [NTH]
Physical [the senses of the
body, matter] Matter [Maat-er]
This is not about the philosophical aspect of these texts when they talk about the Kundalini, we were once ancient N.TU [Gods] Supreme Beings, that fell into a HuMan condition and the KMHT explained this has the [Gods] went into a Cocoon state, the Caterpillar goes into a Cocoon state which is our physical bodies transforming into a higher illuminated being and becomes a Butterfly and that is the alchemical process [Metu-Meta-Maat-physical] from one state to another, the ability to move from one state to another, that is the process of the universe
You have a baby, you have a child, you have an adult and
they say that [humanity] is just the childhood state, which is getting ready to
redo [reSet] itsCellsf into an adulthood state which is not physical
So, we are getting ready to illuminate and transform into a spiritual aspect which is not a physical aspect, physical is slavery [bondage-mental] and that course has run its course
It’s not 400 [512] years, we have been down here for thousands of years reincarnating over and over to get to this particular point in time so that we can go to a whole new other reality
This is the illusionary state that we had been in, all this around you that is physical and all the trappings of the material things that you like, this illusionary state is recorded Maya, it’s a Prism of light aka a prison
Get real, this is not about what the New-Age people are promoting, the frequencies are higher than their words of encouragement and is for them rather than you, you are here because the 3D is about to be deleted and everyone attached to the 3D gets deleted with the artificial program, you were inserted into their matrix [Maya] to crash the program, there is nothing philosophical about your mission should you choose to accept it
It’s the total annihilation of the physical realm, apocalypse now
You are connected because of your soul [Baa] whether you want this or not, the universe is controlling this outcome, with or without you for the universe is moving from one state to another, your soul is a part of this energy, the soul outside of the body and the souls that are inside of the body, its all one connection, meaning, one consciousness, one universal collective consciousness, one mind, the universal collective mind
Its not about survive, it is about transformation
These are the mysteries for the next realm
drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,
examine thine heart and find if the feeling
thou hast has come from within
banish them forth from the place in thy mind
irregular first and regular second,
repeating time after time until free
be sure that a force is directed to thee
′I got the swamp, I got them all. Let's see what happens.
No one else could have done that but me ".
Yes because you are the mouthpiece of the Ashtar Command
and you had to drain the swamp [cesspit] because the Annunaqi are here
ANU.NAGA translates these beings and there are over 6,000 different beings on NI.BIRU alone, and sum of their off-spring are on and in this planet
Asthar comprises of Annunaqi defectors, behind the blue-eye blonde hair controlling these avatars are Reptilians, Ghouls, Greys, the negative and disagreeable from the Annunaqi
Asthar Command lost their planet after a mothership drained the fuel from their planet, that is why they are here, nomads, no place of their own
When the frequency changes, so will they, RH-neg, they will not be able to hold their form from the second sun [Sirius] which is the KAA.NU sun which interacts with anything that is made from KAANU [Melanin]
This council is now in session11:11
999 [99] 9 are universal messages, this number comes
straight from the universe and you must be in the moment, what you were just
thinking about or and doing, what you may have been dreaming about
Stay away from New-Age non-sense and find sense
Dimensions are right there
These are symbols, there are sum triangle shapes in there, maybe part of a structure, taken from footage, not sure how it ended
Ground based satellite in Porto Rica taken out, this device will no longer be used to communicate with their people, read pervious post about what this really was
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