How can I serve you
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Friday, 27 November 2020
On the Batsrus graphic the black lines [field] should be coming out of the south and north poles but they are not at sustained times and means radiation [energy] is streaming into the planet, this has been on-going and means the UVC is hitting the planet
The fields are going down and energy will stream, all that red is Femi9 Electron NRG [MAAT]
There are other celestial bodies up there and a docking station in the sun and one near the sun, all day long, huge ships move with the sun over the day, the sun is on complete lock-down for there are only two ways to leave this soul-ar system, one is through the sun and the other is through SA.HU [Orion] Sah
When the vaccine comes in and it gets out of control
there will be sum type of distraction like war or a bomb taking place
Food is now at a minimum and so is employment, things are not going back to a this time last year, we are speeding up to destiny, get real in this field
The negative beings have to
be revealed, the Aquarius, the age of the revealed
Humanoid figures are being captured moving around the
sky, they are changing colours and morphing from one state to another because
all the dimensions are coming together
There is life in all the realms, dimensions that we created, you are the [God] supreme
All the codes in red is what you have now and use which
is 10% and the rest of the codes in this image are the ones being unlocked and
upgraded to you
Transhuman [Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil] means they want
to merge you will A.I which is where the 19 comes from [CV19] and the merging
into their 5G[D]
You are going to go to Super-Heru and they know this and they want to stop you from going X-Men
Purple in the USA
1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light [Ul-t-Ra]
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-RayU.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of
Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Your 9 ethers [6 electrons] 6 protons [6 neutrons] will protect you, for you absorb and dispense radiation aka energy through your alien implants called the Chakra system
X-Ray is Gamma energy, the colour Purple, the Ultra poWRA coming from Sirius, the deep, the abyss
Cosmic [Sirius] blasts [soular reSet] will occur for the firing of the codes, these preliminary dates are guides and subject to availability
The transmission changes again [we are into the second
day of that changeover]
Weather systems, floods, land sliding, earthquakes, sink-holes, meteorites, power outages, all the usual are still on-going
the sea retreats in Brazil and Paraguay
all hitting at 13:00
every 24hrs a spike is hitting
What is that on the left
The Red [Root] chakra energy [radiation] is going into the planet via the north and the south poles, the principle laws of MA.AT [9to9to the NTH poWRA]
The energy that man fears the most, he is worried
We have blue, turquoise, orange, red, yellow, green, does that sone like an invasion or a lov9 field to you, sumone cares about you greatly, deeply, come home
Red is the poWRA of change it is also war
Meditation [Istal] is off the hook, if your not connecting you may be dreaming a lot, take what you can, the connection and what you see cannot not be put into English words, you can go beyond, the NTH dimension is black-purple, what you see are the entities that rule over those dimensions
Sensitive to electrical pulses from the deep, abyss
In the movie, the Day the Earth Stood Still, Keanu Reeves character wasn’t negotiating, he was putting everything in place to destroy them, they never negotiated
We are not with the Ashtar Command nor are we with the Galactic Federation of Light or those with Blonde hair and blue eyes, stay the fu9k away from these people
We have entered the twilight hour and our ancestors are
standing at the door of justice, order, that which is straight, balancement
Online circuit-board
Smiling Faces
That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...
NIBIRU was first located by NASA using echo-location- inferred in 1989 NIBIRU and system was reintroduced into this soular system in 2012,...
Ego vs Soul So, here we all are, I’m bailing out for a while, I will post here and there, I have sum things to do, we must acknowledge the ...