Thursday, 5 December 2019

Warrior Charge

Spirituality in a practical sense will make you grounded and more conscious in action and in awareness.

The more consistent you are in practice, the results that generate and grander inner realisations acts as the catalyst for spiritual poWRA.

When your Higher Self [Sakhu] calls you, you beta answer the call.

The PoWRA of Universe

All the powras in the Universe are already ours, it is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark, know that there is no darkness around us, take the hands away and there is the light, which was there from the be-ginn-ing, remember, darkness never existed, weakness never existed.

By continuing to project these images [feelings], you are telling yourself a lie, you are hypnotizing yourselves into something that is vile, weak and wretched.

Even time and space are nothing compared with your true nature, your Higher-Self [Sa-khu].
You can do anything and everything within, you possess the PoWRA.

Remember, all of your actions will be magnified, transformed, deified, by the poWRA of thoth, therefore, the first step for us is to listen to the wisdom of our ancestors, know y-our history, it is not a mystery [myStory], know who we are, awake and arise and not let this sleep become you.

It is through the knowledge of Self [Cell] that you know anything, Womb-man know thyself.

Voodoo Magi [Magic]

False teachings meant that we lost all of our ancestral knowledge [energy] and wisdom, Voodoo is the birthstone for manmade religion.

We are connected with the universal force of nature.

The word Voodoo, when the children of the Moors [Muurs] from Europe where enslaved their teachings where taken away from them including Voodoo, Jùjú+ and so on, if they practiced this, they were burned alive, hung or burned at the stake, the Salem witch trails comes to mind, that was all slaves, Moor offspring, the children of Mu, they were practicing their ancestors rituals and were put to death, the Roman [Latin] Catholic church and Christian Church destroyed many Moors, this was the Moors [Mu-Muurs-Moors-Maurs] ancient spiritual science known has Voodoo.

These individuals were doing nothing accept using holistic herbs and natural energies coming from natural plants from this planet to heal themselves and to heal love ones, so instead of the Jesus alternative they were using holistic remedies to remedy love ones and to heal and connect with source.
The French term Voodoo comes from the French word, Vaudois, Vaudais and Vaudoux, the word Voodoo does not come from West-Africa, the term Voodoo comes from the French, it is the French Moors that created the French language, when they came to Haiti and the French Moors where enslaved, they were transported to Haiti, they changed their spiritual science to the word Voodoo.

Now what does these terms mean Vaudois, Vaudais and Vaudoux, all three words translates sorcerer and sorcerer is from the root word source.

All that sorcerer means is that you are going to the direct source and the direct source is nature.

Ki [earth] is the physical, Air is the mental, Fire is the spiritual and Water the emotion on this planet, so when you do Voodoo, you are the sorcerer who is going to the direct source, you are going directly to nature, the four aspects of Humins on this planet.

In this version of hiStory, there have only been two-times that the European was defeated, one was in Southern Africa and the other was in Haiti, the Haiti’s and the Zulu [AB.ZU] warriors are the only two that won their revolution on a big scale and why is that, Voodoo they went to the source.

The true from of witchcraft is coming out of the KJ Bible if you really check it, this homosexual was at the forefront in enslaving the Moors, he was into the darkside and translated their Bible, hence why he was the King of England at the same time slavery started in the USA.

Voodoo is spiritual science connected to nature connected to your DNA system, you use this Alkebulan spiritual system for positive and yes it can be for negative, if you choose negative you put weight onto your Karmic-debt or spiritual debt that will come back to you because you put negativity onto another soul using this form [Voodoo] of spirituality.

Voodoo science, when you heal sumone or a loved one you would heal them on a New-Moon cycle when the Moon’s light cannot be seen at night and equally if you wanted to cast a spell out it would be the same way, on the Full-Moon that is when your spell-energy will be harnessed and activated manifested and put back on the planet for the recipient, hence why out here many go crazy on the Full-Moon, spells have been actioned, crystals and meditation is key and very important and residing by water, fire destroys physical demons because fire is spiritual, water destroys spiritual demons, water is the key in this 3rd dimension, anytime you have demons you need to go to moving water, burn sum sage and go to a place that makes you hapi, a memory that makes you glow, the one that takes you there and gaze into the sun and watch the demon exit your body.

The sun’s electromagnetic cords, the electromagnetics in the water, the heart chakra energy from remembering that positive memory will fuse with your heart-chakra energy, they put this in the Harry Potter movie when he remembered the most joyful memory, all this is from the word that told you that this was evil.

This science comes straight out of the Muurs and out of KHMT and straight out of Babylon.

Magic comes from the word Magi which are Magicians Black Magic or Nubian-Magic.

The Knights of Templar and Hollywood elite and the likes are using this against us when it is for us, this magi is connected to our DNA stands that are 2 strands connected to the original 13 strands, western science tells you about 10 junk DNA, junk is jump, 10+2 = 12, this means our ancestors that where living on this planet had 12-13 strands of DNA, which connects us to our 13 chakra stars, each strand of our DNA rules a different chakra point on our body and the 4 DNA structure is made from four major protein kodes, ATCG [this varies for the races, species because sum of us have 13 stands of DNA and sum have thousands of kodes on their ladder] the difference between animals and humins on this planet is the order of the arrangement of ATCG that is it, this means we are connected to all the animals on this planet, we are made of the same building blocks by the same creator, that is why KJ said that the serpent was evil, the serpent is the Kundalini energy, he wanted to keep you away from tapping into your [god] given right of tapping into and activating your generic kodes which would allow you to tap into your ancestral memory, ancestral memory is in the DNA, our Akashic records which is the souls memory is in our pineal gland, that is what your Jacob [Ya’quwb or Ya’qob] ladder is referring to.

Follow this move and your DNA will send you from 3D to 5D, Jacob’s Ladder is the ladder in and out of dimensions, in your D [deoxyribo-nucleic-acid] NA, acid because it’s a form of plasma [Khaybet] that comes from the stars, where you come from.

Don’t remain blind like wonder, don’t keep his superstition.

Infinite energy is on and continues to come to this planet and is never going to leave, I need you to innerstand this and the ancestral energy is here.

The knowledge [energy] of building is here, both the physical and the spiritual, it is down to the individual to enrol in this energy, in this knowledge, in this powra, the energy is here there is no two-ways about that.

Energy knows no weight, energy knows no boundaries, energy is infinite, energy is limitless, your Kaa depends on one force and that is Nrg.

Go beyond nature and what is beyond her, nature is energy, we are energy, 9ether skin, condensed sunlight or sunrays, the skin is energy and you need to tap into this energy and move into the energy using the Kundalini, using the energy and powra that is within us, each one of us came from different tribes, that means we come from thousands and thousands and thousands of different planets in this galaxy and universe, there are thousands and thousands and thousands of different tribes, don’t worry about what vessel you have now, all past lives are one, hence why we must tap into knowledge because each one of us built differently, I cannot tell you, only you can tell you, go to your Akasha records and access your past lives, memories and you will find you.

Infinit8, the architects of this planet, building new lives with renewable energy, create and develop, you can see what is taking place around us, we must do our part mentally, focus on the nu world and create it, you have space if you want space, the ascended masters are here and provide logistics if you ask for it, ask for what you want.

The chants of the ancient ones have been going on for the longest, if you are singing, humming, chanting more than you do or are without knowing why, their frequency has been going on and on, join in, the seven [Ptah] dwarfs whistle while they worked.

In reflection, did you fit into this one, this world, if honestly you didn’t, did you ever consider that you are part of the nu one and are here to create it.

Know that you are an advanced being, superior to all, lock arm and arm, which is wrist to hand, wrist to hand that is how we locked arms.

All of us have ancestors with us no matter where we go, the chants are and have been done, the flame and fire, the rage and fury of the Dragons [Dagan] have spoken, begin building, open mind, mind open, open up your mind to the universe.

Nostrils are shaped into the number 8 [Infinite]

The Humin body is a Biological Avatar that is controlled by Frequency and Vibration, your light beings animate and operates your Biological Machine aka Avatar.

Your light being operates on #frequency and #vibration, your light being transmits information into the #Crystal receiver in your brain.

This is what animates and operates your third dimensional #Avatar.

Nu era of life and energy right now, this dark energy that is being released to the planet, its pure poWRA making our hearts pure, many will fight this, they want to stay in the mindSet that they are in, it’s safer for them, we all free-will, everyone has the will to do what they deem right for them, whether wrong or right.

Eye need to make it clear that we all have different abilities and purposes.

Remain focus with nature and with your meditation and Tai Chi, stay within nature, there is a tea, Maringa (for upbringing) and Jasmine (well balance-meditate state) Marijuana (spiritually heightened).  

There are energies passing over Ki, loads, take yours, tap into the stream during meditation.

Continue to praise yourself, know (believe) in yourself, gratitude to the ascended masters who guide you and continues to build you, the revolution will not be televised, the pole shift is a dimensional mind shift, we want to move smoothly and not off-key like the rest of them, the dimensional shift also shifts nature,  the planet, the soular system, the universe, the galaxy, all the animals know what is taking place, all of them, every planetary-being will all shift, this is a magnetic pole shift, the poles are remotely moved, who by, by the magnetic sun, the one the orcs fear the most, they call him the destroyer, yes b9999, destroyer of all that is negative, everything is affected, the entire universe, every realm, expanse, this is how huge this shifting is going to be.

Elemental upgrade

Dust YoursCellf Off and Tri Again

Keep your family members at bey, your enemy where you can see them, your best friend your worst enemy and your enemy your best friend.

It’s a hard one, they tell me that blood is thicker than water but water don’t sh8t on me, you been here before, when chasing your visions (dreams) you must become sCellf-centred being for no-one is going to serve you but you.

Night-stalkers, many where placed in our lives to test us, to take from us, the ones we deem the closes to us, there are spirits here that their sole purpose is to destroy yours.

Toxic waste, eye got my eye on you is not for the beta of you, aiding you but they are really hurting you, keep your dreams inside, don’t tell everybody your moves, don’t you know bad-boy’s move in silence, your highness, first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again, it’s because they are waiting for you to fail, its ok to fail but fail frontwards not backwards, energy pushes us forward. 

Associate with souls like you the ones that they will aid you get there, if no-ones around, keep quiet, don’t kill your dream inside of you, no-ones opinions and perceptions becomes your reality unless you make so, they are not yours, nobody can be you but you, you were placed, you’re here for a reason, innerstand you have a life to live [if] you choose to.

L[if]e you have a vision, a dream that you want to go after, that you want to do, eye care not what it is but, your heart and mind and soul are to be in alignment, then chase down that vision-dream, make it yours.

The most beautiful (thing) about achieving your goal is the journey, the journey in which you undertook, therein lies the real achievement, the end result becomes secondary, and the journey is the journey of your lifetime.

#meready #digdeep #harder #deeper #i’mtrying #release #mytime #myspace #inmytime #eyeknow #notalone #wheni’mready

Show me your friend and I will show you your character.

You are microcosm (god-self) of the microcosm (supreme being), you are to become a vessel for Amun-Re to enter his creation
-from within the creation.  


TAR is the original name of Ki by the Kuwshites [Kush]Cush or Ptahites [Tahites] who are the children of Ptah.

Tarnun, Tanun, Tanen, Tay-neen [Taniyn] of the Torah, which comes from the ancient Tama-Rean-Tanen, the serpent or dagan [dragon], from Ta for Ki or P-ta-h.

TA is land and Nun is the symbol of water represented as creation, #TAR #NUN is dealing with the harmonics of the planet Tar- Earth. 

Planet Tar-Earth is harmonically attuned to #F #SHARP #CHORD and your body vibrates on #A and are natural, nature vibrates on #C equalling #A #F #C harmony or frequencies.

Crosslines, any beings that tri it with you, say inside, innerpeace, innerpeace, innerpeace, this will allow your spirit to create space around you..

Say the word Love to yourself without moving your mouth, without saying a word or saying the word outside, say this to yourself Love don’t say it out loud, on the count of 3, 3-2-1 Love.

Now the question to ask if you said Love in your mind, the question to ask is, what voice is that, who’s voice just spoke, you just said the word Love without moving your mouth at all, on top of saying Love, you heard yourself say Love how can you hear yourself say Love and no vibration of sound [sone] has happened.

This puts a different perspective on what is sound actually is and what memory is, memory is not in the muscle [organ], memory is in the Soul.

The only thing you take with you after this physical life is your memories, your knowledge, your experiences, that’s the only thing you take.

If you said Love in your mind or in your being, which is the true statement, in your being, what was that voice.

What was the voice that spoke and that you heard yourself speaking but these ears did not hear you say anything because your mouth didn’t move, the ears didn’t hear it, the mouth did not move but you spoke, you heard yourself speaking, if you close your eyes and put this image (main image) in another sight, if you close your eyes you can still see this.

What is this sight, that can see your future.

These two eyes didn’t see the future
These two eyes don’t see the past
Yet you can see your past and you can see your future, you can actually see your past.

What is the sight that you can see beyond time.

This is nothing to do with religious or man-science, this is fact, you can speak without moving your mouth, you can hear without ears you can see without eyes.

So what happens when this mouth, eyes and ears drops off in the grave, these other senses are all your left with, death is an illusion.

Once you are aware of this, you will live your life.

No one wants to die before their time, see you try and protect yourself, but know this body is not the ultimate limitation of you, it’s not your ultimate, your ultimate is that voice that just said Love.

That voice that said Love without physically moving, that person is immortal, that person is not here with you.

let’s go deeper.

The body is in 3D-forward-back-right-left-up-down and time this is the fourth dimension.

3 dimension plus time, that's all or physical reality.
Front-back-right-left-up-down-that is 3D+time, but what happened to in and out look at the English thought, right-left-up-down, front-back, where is in and out.

The 5th dimension In and Out

What happened to in and out what is in and out, Love says I exist without the body, so where is the other existence, where is it, it’s not here, it’s not in the 3-dimensional space where you really are, the person who said Love is in a whole different dimension.

Just switch a bit, talk to yourself more, affirm to yourself more, don’t move your mouth, close your mouth and shut the fu9k up, and go within and say, whatever it is, just have affirmative on your tongue or in your being.

This is how the positive and agreeable (GODS) created this whole reality.
The first humans came from Innerspace, the 5th dimensions, The Kingdom of God is within the first humans came from interspace, they came out (study the Annuanqi) came out of innerspace, not from outerspace, innerspace, Love.

Before there was a body there was a voice, traveling in this voices dimension to get here to Ki, the inner voice created this outer extension of itself to be in this dimension.

Once you realise that you are not just in this dimension but your also in another dimension
You are now free because whatever happens to you in this dimension is not your only reality.

Once you realise that level of consciousness and you identify yourself with the Ka-spirit and not the flesh, that you are the inner-voice not the outer-voice, once you become the inner-voice now your outer-voice has power, now when you speak it’s not just a shell speaking, there is a being speaking through the shell, this is where you heal all sicknesses in your body (shell).

This is where you command reality to work with you and it works in according with your level of consciousness.

Why, because it’s not a shell that is speaking, there is a real being in the shell that is speaking and when the real being speaks-all of nature and the universe responds.

Left foot [leg] forward. 

A-Set throne

Siddi [Sidi] Siddhi [Sawahili] Habshi
Indus [Naga]

We are members of the BANTU [TWA] people.

To Black 
To Strong
Apsara from modern India to Ka-mbodia [Naga]  

You are the original Wombman

Aset is not yellow, she looks like this

You are the offspring of the creators who have returned, the rest of the recessive genes, the artificial races will all be deleted, that is universal law, you will have to walk away from the systems that are manmade, so was it in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.

Mother Gene


Ka[Na]Ta[Ba]Ra[Ma] all words that begin or end with these words all find their way back to Khami [Kmt].  

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