Sunday, 8 December 2019



Moon Phases

We are being affected by the frequency of the Moon, the Law of Rhythm, decisions and situations are coming up for many, these decisions that you are going to make are going to aid you like never before because of the timelines that we are in.

This is the last Moon phase of this decade, the next decade that we will begin to start, will be smooth, the full Moon is around the 9th into the 12.12.12 [12.12.19] = 9, the light of the Moon is expanding and the former reptilian death-star is growing, it's about the shape that we are seeing, because this affects the energy of the Moon and thus will affect you, the water in your body and around your organ [brain].

There is a build up of energy right about now and we need to channel this energy wisely, many are going off line, you can see this out here, people are losing it, our actions matter, they really do because our desired outcomes are dependent on these actions.

Stick to the kode and your plans and the process, maintain your integrity and y-our confidence during this shift of energy, do not act impulsively because yes, we have all this energy built up, but these decisions will affect your life, think before you act, take a knee, let your higher-self [Sakhu] take a look at what is on your mind, the perspective will come to you on what you should do and double up and trust in your intuition.

Do not hold yourself back by not following what the signs, symbols, numbers, intuition are indicating to you, do not override logic and reason, give yourself enough time to go through what is on your mind and what you need to action, sacrifice your pride, your ego for the rewards outweigh the intermediate, because after all, these are your hearts desires.

Over the last few years I have been missing the heart chakra, tri-ing to open the green door and image [manifest] my hearts desires, sumtimes I cannot because I don’t see myself coming back down here again, not sure if I AM, at times I don’t have any hearts desires because I don’t look forward to the future and live in the now.

I had to make sum decisions sum time back and sum when others presented the ptah-way, this is the road that I must take, the Laws of Correspondence [as above, so below] as within, so without, and now these energy shifts are taking place for me, I have to go, but when the time is right, not impulsively, staying comfortable is a losing game because the energy shifts and if you don’t make the right decisions your energy will become stagnant and in staying in your comfort zones you are holding yourself back from greater things, the universe is listening, she already knows but is awaiting on you, you’ve attracted this change and now you must implement the energies, take the ptah of the least resistance, don’t block yourself off, you know the ptah that you must go down, if even the one you are on is uncomfortable will lead you to your ptah.

Know yourself and not believe in yourself, keep pushing and don’t watch other lanes, your spirit wants growth and not substitutions, its time to grow and growth is coming, keep the subconscious at bey and work with it because you are going with the flow of the energy because your already in a uncomfortable situation.

This Moon phase is going to affect us greatly and a lot of people do not realise what this phase, all of it really means, the frequencies are going to keep on shifting, so its not the Moon itself but the vibration, the frequency, the illumination is growing bigger and the energy is growing bigger but take your time, connect with source and the Ka’A [spirit] worlds.

You will feel balanced, your chakras will feel aligned bringing your soul, mind and body together, connect with the sub-mind and connect with your intuition without the need for conscious reasoning.

You want to be in the highest position to see out the last full Moon of 2012 because the Nu Moon is on the 25.12.12 [25.12.19] which is Heru(s) incarnation, many think it will be a new-year on the 1.1.20 but technically it’s the Nu year on April the 1st 2020 and the Nu year was already on the 11.09.19 [11.09.12].

The energy is releasing now and when we get to the peak you best be ready, here eye come and after the peak the energy will start to extract [Moon gets smaller].  

Work with this Moon phase because sum are going to get caught out, work with the flow of the energies around us, Ki is being drenched in kodes, frequencies, energies and vibrations, do this for you, for you are setting up your life to be. 

You know where that road [ptah] leads, you've been down that road before.

Get yourself together, 43% of all orcs including the recessive genes will be insane on many degrees, primarily due to a type of post-traumatic stress that is due to the pole shift, that’s nearly half of them, the di-men-sional shift is a mental [crown] shift, this does mean an uptick in this mental distress has already started as Ki changes, you can see this out here in the matrix in them, only themselves will create distress, no 3rd eye [calcified] and no chakra system and no soul. 

Chakra energies, Blue is lifeforce, NI.BIRU is pushing the energies back into Ki, nothing is wasted, look at the colours, NI.BIRU magnifies the energies.

[Kosmic] Rays are intensifying with the major timeline shifts currently occurring, we are hearing lots of high-pitched ringing sones [sounds] and vibrational and humming in the ears, tune in and drop out, collective Konsciousness in our RNA [DNA], times are changing and so are we.

Watch yourselves [yourCells]. 

A group of Sperm Whales float in water vertically whilst connecting to source. 

Antennas, the harmonics of Ki, now you know why the orcs kill them.

There was a gas leak on a ship which contained 1k of oil, the resulting panic lead members of the vessel to jump off before the proper emergency procedures were taken and lifeboats had been set to sea, the swimming crew members were then ferociously attacked by a school of Orcas, that decimated a large number of the crew within moments, 16 dead in 30mins.

Japan has slaughtered 10's of thousands of whales and dolphins since commercial whaling was made illegal by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) aka the USA, moratorium passed in 1986.

Animals hate the europeans, animals see in auras, europeans don't have auras. 

Payback is a Bitch.

Scarlet Fever aka one of three forms of the plague hits the United Kingdom, no its not from foreigners, its already in the USA called the Flu which comes from the word In-flu-enza.  

No we are not Nile you dildo. 

Black wolves are actually earliest Atlantis [USA] dogs, all black animals are conscious. 

Siberia at sunrise

NI.BIRU has a lifeforce star, its greenish blue, green is healing.

Houston you do have a problem, boots on the ground, equipment, tech, logistics+

Heaven meets Ki, star-family are getting lower, semi cloaked, tic toc. 

I don't under-stand how many don't realise that your government is about to fu9k you.

Iraq-Syrian border where the Annunaqi [Anu-Naga] are, read between the lines. 

Ecosystems are shutting down, coming to a place near you.



Westport beach cleaned after dead rats wash up without their skin and are white

Spiders have spun webs over whole fields and caterpillar larvae have covered whole trees in silk.

Shut down
Whales and dolphins stranding themselves on beaches in droves or getting lost upstream in coastal rivers because the USA and the likes have been sonic booming the waters know that these animals are the harmonics of Ki, plus radiation has been leaking out in the tons from Japan, wouldn’t you strand yourself on beaches.

Large fish and bird kill, flocks of birds falling dead from the sky [manmade 5G] and shoals of fish dying and floating to the surface of lakes, rivers and washing up along coastlines.

Animal behaviour have included sheep that charged at a farmer’s wife off a cliff, deer attacking a car and rabbits biting pedestrians. 

Nature is calling on [OM] her allies, when the Italians invaded Aksum [9th gate], it was the animals that attacked the Italians, who did that.

Birds dropping from the skies, birds have an inner-eye that is being blocked when they hit a 5G wall.

20 tonnes of dead herring which washed ashore in Norway and 1200 pelicans found on a beach in Peru [Heru], fish all gone, Gulf of Alaska fishery to close for the first time ever, no more cod or Salmon all but gone and millions of small sea birds died since 2015, nature is shutting the ecosystem down so that you do not eat for free no more, overstand the real situation here, this is reSet and all that is artificial must be deleted.

2019 Alaska Seabird Die-Off
Cannibalism is coming back to the recessive genes.

NIBIRU and Ki [Earth] Ki is about the size of Jupiter and their magnetic fields will clash until they equalise themselves out, hence the sinkholes, NI.BIRU is mindful of her approach, NI.BIRU controls her magnetic fields and holds her.

Natures rules.


When the Romans invade KMT [Khami] Egipt [Egypt] this what they found when they broke in, the trinity concept, Mother, father and Child, in religions namely Christianity and Islam they suppressed the Femi9 aspect by replacing the Mother with the Holy spirit.

Spirit is nothing more than emotions [energy in motion] which is obviously the Femi9 aspect of your spiritual essence.

The Soul is the Masculine aspect of your spiritual essence which deals with thought, the Soul is more intellectual and directs you through your intuition.

The Child is the physical body, learning how to navigate through the physical realm with the spirit and soul as its guide, separate but equal, all three [tri] aspects are necessary in the formation of what most refer to as [God].

Heru and Set

The struggle between the Higher-Self and the Lower-Self [Purification]

The struggle between Heru [Horus]and Set [Seth] Suk is the struggle of every HuMin being to control the mind with its erratic desires, longings, unfulfilled expectations and disappointments.

This struggle is not avoidable by anyone who is not enlightened.

Set represents the lower self of all Humin beings, his impulsiveness and reckless passionate pursuits are the ever-present enemy of anyone striving for control over the urges of the mind, body, and senses.

The lower self is represented by desires of the mind which lure the soul into varied situations of pain and pleasure in the world of T.I.M.E.  and space [the relative eXistence].

Heru represents the Rebirth of the Spiritual Life [Aspiration for Freedom], the nu life of the resurrected soul, the union between spirit [Asar] and creation [Aset].

Heru is the [God] of Light.

Heru-Set shows us that the enemy or foe of Truth [Maat] is inside each of us.

Set, the symbol of negativity, is actually a part of Heru that must be conquered, Set is what we must conquer within ourselves, ignorance, passions, desires, restlessness of the mind, temptation, lust, greed, depression, insecurity, fear, and pain.

Thru the journey of Life, a battle rages on between the Higher and Lower self, and only by living a life of virtue can the [God of Light] aka [Hru] inside come alive and vanquish the unrighteous Lower nature.

If you continue to suppress the signs, ignore your calling to wake up and ignore what your intuition is telling you to do, there will be continuous catastrophic events and losses that will happen in your life until you listen, you agreed to activate [wake-up] at a certain time, its time to align, you agreed terms and conditions.  

No matter what race you are you will have to go through the Gatekeeper, there is no getting away from this and many including the recessive genes will be brought back down here for a life of sorrow along with the organic species, and for those who are mixed race and the 10% of orcs who have a functioning inner-Eye, when you know better and didn’t do better, you will be stripped of your abilities and gifts.

Cause and affect handle your energy correctly, your energy is unique to you, you are going to lose your gifts, the next cycle is 12,500 with the full cycle is 312,000, that is a long time, you will be on repeat until you come correct.   

Remember spilt blood is still liberation. 

Between 3am and 4am your sub-mind connects with the Ka’A [spirit] world.

If you cannot remember your visions [dreams] this can mean that you don’t have enough energy to bring them back to Ki or and, you smoked to much weed and this can block your recall..

Your visions and mindSet changes when you realise the truth. 

Aum [Owm]

Amen-Re [Amenre] Sun of Khami [Egipt]
Tehuti [Thoth] scribes; Psalms >> even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me, thy rod [Khu] and staff [Waas] thy comfort.

These are not coffins or are they found in burial quarters, these are Neb-Ankh] what the Greeks call Sarcophagus, the Neb-Ankh are charging hubs, when the elite go soular-travelling [Astral-Traveling] it is to keep the Khat [avatar] at optimum peak, hence why they are made from metals like Nub = Gold, all found at an [Iy] pronounced Ee, which are deliberately mistaken by the West has tombs or burial sites or temples, they are abodes or coasts, isles.   

Digesting sacred records as each question is put forward as if it is coming from your being and each answer is coming toward you as if I, Atum-Re, presently standing there dressed in the attire of the ancient Tama-Reye, Egiptain [Namuz] the noble Headdress, [Hiq] the scepter, [Khu] the flail, [Khajur] the apron, and the [Waas] the staff, bringing the great principle of ancient Ihm, Illyuwn and handing it to you as a feather called Ma’at.

Ihm-Ilyuwn is the coastlands, isles, and is one of the names for the 19th galaxy which we are entered into by 9 degrees.

Allow yourcellf to hear the voice Om the sound of many waters as eye convey upon you the degrees that will raise you step by step.

You can feel my presence surround you and protect you [as I walk through the darkest valley, eye will fear no negative (evil) for you are with me], for you are with me, until through the absorption of these sacred records you are able to protect yourcellf, and then become a part of the heavenly host, who are in constant spiritual war against the disagreeable beings and know without doubt that success is yours.

Now embark upon this journey inward and outward at the same time.
For the time is now and you are now ready to want what I have come to give.

When connecting, meditating, the crossing of the arms is so that when you detach from your Khat, no-spirit can use your khat has their host, while your astral-travelling.

We are in a new era, a new dawn, some of you will not understand and some of you will innersatnd.     

Aum-Owm-Om translates Sone [Sound of Life] aka [Gods] voice.

The US military have a set of words that go like this, no-one gets left behind, so do we, for we are with you.

144,000 x 750,000 = 108,000,000,000 = 1+8 = 9.

As above so below
Multidimensional Nu [universe] inside your Orgon [muscle] is activated, the HuMin muscle [brain] is home to structures and shapes that have up to 9-11 dimensions.

This is a world that the West and modern man never expected let alone Einstein.

Find structures and multidimensional geometric spaces in muscle networks, estimated to be home to staggering 86 billion neurons, with several connections from each cell webbing in every possible direction, forming a super-vast cellular network that makes us capable of thoth [TehutI] and consciousness.

Researchers used mathematical models of algebraic [Ghibbore = Jabbarians from the word Jabbar, Jabar- which is Algebra, the great alchemist] topology to describe structures and multidimensional geometric spaces in muscle networks.

Structures are formed at the same time that they are interlaced in a union that generates a precise geometric structure, connecting us to the universe.

The organ [brain] reacts to a stimulus by building tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods [1D], then planks [2D], then cubes [3D)], and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D and into 9D.

The progression of activity through the muscle resembles a multi-dimensional sandcastle that materializes out of the sand and then disintegrates.

While shapes that are three-dimensional have height, width and depth, the objects discovered by experts in the new-age study don’t exist in more than those three dimensions in the real world, but mathematicians used to describe them can have 5, 6 7 or up to 9-11 dimensions.

Outside of physics, high-dimensional spaces are frequently used to describe complex data structures or conditions of systems, for instance, the state of a dynamical system in state space.

The Hu-Min muscle is the greatest computer because it is self-aware self-thinking, and self-learning and can even reprogram itscellf.

Why would the creators implant such great abilities into the heads of HuMins and then give us religions that discourages intelligent critical thinking in exchange for blind dumb faith.

 That's the way it is

Fighting the enemy within, when he says you have to go, his whole demeanor changes, the eyes go dark, and facial expressions all change, the heat in his body reaches its limit, the corner of his lips.

 Iron Mike

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