Wednesday, 11 December 2019


This Ul-Mex [Olmec] 3d printed granite blocks portray the story of our ancestors fleeing Aztlan [Aztec] [Atlantis], you can see a man in a boat and a man swimming, the volcano erupting and a Mir [Mer] aka pyramid going down, repeating cycles that we are about to break once and for all. 

And the clock of destiny continues her countdown
12.12.12 [9] 12.12.19

12:12:12 am [Fiv5] planets will be in the mix [the fallout of having them fiv5 will be sum M8+ sumwhere]

The 12:12 portal is both positive and negative, if you are not on the right frequency you could be opening yourself up to an alternative, watch yourself and check yourself, watch the company that you are keeping. 

In the middle is a portal [Tardis] 

Look at your life and the tribulations, everyone has a guardian(s) many of you are up late because you have them with you, communicating with you even when you put yourself through those situations, tribulations, you have your guardian but you also have creative [free] will, guardians are not allowed to step in any decisions that you make, they will watch you ride that wave and watch you figure that situation [wave] out and they will wait until you do, they are there to protect you, that no harm comes to you, but self-inflicting waves are your own, trapped family members on the 3D can help you in the man-made matrix but this is not from source, you are here to learn, that is why you came here, there was sumthing that you wanted to know.

Stay activated [awakened] many are going to witness greatness but not experience greatness, many are not going to ascend, they are coming back to repeat this very cycle over and over again and again.

This planet is being rebooted  

The dimensions are colliding [merging] once again, many different types of entities will be about, they will come from the ground, they will come from the sky when s-he pulls back the sky, there are a lot of orcs and their offspring and their previous offspring [generations] that were trapped here on the 3D that are still here because they had nowhere to go, that are appearing because the dimensions are colliding, they are in your visions, they are in your dreams, they were created here and will be deleted here. 

Do not buy into the crying and prayers for others, yes cities, crops and land is being burnt out, flooded out, frozen out, this is nature and her forces, she is in control now, all other races had a choice to harmonise with the other species, the land and animals, they had a choice, you have yours, those who chose to unplug from the man-made Matrix did so through choice.

We had to learn how to be a HuMin Being, a Ka’A [spirit] tri-ing to learn the HuMin experience, that timeline is over, this was a test being down here.

I had been fasting for a number of days, sumone showed me her detox, listen, if your detox tastes like sugar, throw it away, detox tastes like dirt because its full of herbs and things, you need more Koppa [mushrooms] in your diet because your aura is telling me so, cut the meat out and no dairy, the 9 ethers body cannot process them at all.

Memories are being brought back to you in fragments, there is a star in the sky that is yous, we all have a star, you are a Ma’Star, the dreamworld is where you come from and is to where you shall return.

Sum things you’re not letting happen right now because the timing isn’t right for you, sum you’re not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are.

Nothing happens before the time.  

Pay attention to what your institution is telling you for there are sum things that you are not meant to do, listen to the innervoice, Sssh, be still now.

Fluoride Kills Magnesium [Magi]

The frequency is making us all very aware. 

A nu frequency [vibration] from the universe recorded by the man-made #schumannresounance machine, there is another pulse [frequency] that has been with us for over 6months and was at 35hz and another at 25hz yesterday and is here to stay, that means no more base rate of 7.89hz, its now higher by 4 times what the orcs are used, slowly the universe has been amplifying the frequency, retuning her higher, many will be going offline in behaviour, you may be feeling tired and calm, if you can sleep and rest with it while you adjust, so that is two pulses that we have, two frequencies, two nu base rates.

E.M.P is spiritual 

Charging,  Black and White extreme

When electromagnetic field is broke this allows the radiation [kosmic rays] to recharge Ki and you.  

#Earthquake watch
M5 Turkey
M6 Cayman Islands [offshore banking centre]
JapanM6 [M5.5] M4.5
M5 Greece 
California seabed opens up with 15,000 sinkholes.

All these explosions taking [sum underground] place and industrials explosions are for a reason. 

Huge craft sparks New Zealand Volcano, star family are not playing.

Columbia River Gorge Portland, Oregon 


Remember Purple skies is radiation, when you see Red skies that is radiation, pure radiation and when the ozone layer breaks indefinitely, means the artificial races cannot come outside, this will soon be permanent, the ultraviolet will burn their skin [without melanin] right about now.

UVC [Ultraviolet] index chart in Australia shows that the UVC is burning the shit out of them and this will be the trend in the USA has Re and the others melt this system down, the ozone layer is being removed starting at Greenland, around Greenland is Kanada and nearby is the USA and also Russia and Europe and in the middle is Greenland, the whole planet is having the ozone layer removed but it starts in Greenland, 20[20] is the separation. 

9 ether Skin

KMT [Egyptian] plagues are here, Saudi gets 1000’s of locusts, this means famine is on the way, this planet is turning vegan, eco-systems are shutting down, coming to a place near you.

Mother nature and Nature and our Star Family are shutting down the ecosystem around the world. 

Greece [snow]



Brasil landslide or is this a sinkhole, means land moving.

Bush fires are about to reach the suburbs, there is a dirty secret in Australia that is about to be purified, the fire is raging [anger] and they cannot contain her.


That craft is double pointed

double portals or energy porta[s, sumthing going down or up.

Bulgaria [chakra colours] energies in the skies 

Crafts like the Mir [pyramid] that we see over land are scanning the underground, and have you seen the uptick in wombmen and children that are going missing.

 The [NWN] sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

No beginning of days [ASet] no ending of nights [Asaru].

Three of the sons of [gods] are on the horizon.

The era of a Nu dawn 

This is Bes and he is in KMT and Ul-Mex cultures at the same time. 

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Smiling Faces

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