Thursday, 12 December 2019


PoWRA-ful waves are coming in

PoWRA-ful krystal light kode energies are streaming through today [energy lingers for 3days] to prepare us for the major shifts that are coming as we move towards the [21:12] into the Nu Karast [Christ] NRG [Heru].

As the portal of evolution, there is a completion of the 12 strands of DNA leading to full balance, Ma’star-y and kompletion within the 13 strands upholding y-our nu HuMin body energy template, Avatar consciousness within us, awakening, the nu program that is being inserted into the matrix.

All house signs were involved and affected yesterday into today by the Masculine side of Mercury and talking too much [sphering] can get you, becarful of what you say and who you are listening to because the wrong idea about sumthing may go too far.

Mercury [communication] contracts.

Watch your moods [monos] and your energy in motion aka your emotions, it should be another full moon tonight.


Meditation is in the 7D and higher, you have 7 more inner-eyes that allow you to see and beyond, superior connections, your body will need to adjust, you know the drill. 


This is your last Christmas

There was ever only one trinity concept recorded in KMT
Ausar [Auset] and [Heru]

ASet and HerU are the [Black Madonna], there is no religion, there is no spoon. 

Two, hour long+ strikes of around 70hz and 75hz and the two-secondary pulses at 28hz and another at 35hz, they are running parallel with one another.

No more base rate of 7.89hz. 

Central USA is going to freeze, is the north going into the ice-age 

 Red and blue areas are under high load and black and white is extreme, the atmosphere is charged.

Earthquakes are low, means sumthing is brewing. 

Radio effects, earthquakes, volcanoes, changes of the crystalline core and in you, human DNA and humin RNA [DNA]  peoples and other beings.
The electromagnetic fields cuts in and out and when they do this chakra poWRA enters the fields, NI.BIRU is right there and pushes all energies right back into Ki, nothing is wasted.

Kundalini energies, blue is life-force  

Plagues are here

Ohio 3rd in less than 7 days, and they were hit in June [when nature comes looking]
 M3 West Virginia
M3 Tennessee 
Small in sizes but means more+ is on the way, earthquakes started 3 years ago from the outside to work their way within. 

The fat innkeeper worm is a type of spoon worm with a spatula-shape limb, which it uses to both feed and swim.

It spends most of its existence underground in muddy and sandy parts of the sea floor - and it lives for up to 25 years.

1000’ wash up on California shores and Methane build up beneath CALIFORNIA, while scientists are anticipating a mega earthquake in the WEST COAST of America, then California can actually go down in the blink of an eye. 

Two beams of light and the chakra colours around it.
 Mt Ventasso[Italy]

Brazil the super cell [craft] swallows towers in seconds.


A significant and unprecedented disturbance took place over New Zealand that has meteorologists stunned.
On the weekend of December 7, sum 857,000 [nearly a million strikes] lightning strikes were recorded around the country and in the surrounding waters.
The electrical disturbance from this huge craft set off the volcanic eruption on New Zealand's White Island, star family are not playing.

what were you carrying to AntarctiKa..

Industrial explosions, factory chemical warehouses are going up in smoke and are not random.

Russia's only aircraft carrier is on fire, what is your desire.

Star-family read thoths, they read intentions, the poWRA of thoth, NI.BIRU is a Mekaba [spiritual vessel, a conscious vessel] and had been guided in by the 144,000, the dimensional shift is when this 144,000 frequency is ready. 

Spirito is a Greek word for another Greek word spirit and spirit is from Ka'A, the 
Ka'A [sprite] are conscious, they are alive and intelligent.  

The Ka'A world is merging with the physical [3D] world, behind NI.BIRU and Re is the Ka'A holographic worlds, for love and hate to exist the world must come to an end [recycle]. 

Speak life with life and not with dead people 


The poWRA of your thoth

Cause and effect, your words, your thoths, what you are thinking is the reason why you get caught out there, why you cannot see the light in your situation, why is this happening to me, all these thoughts are yours and is the main cause has to why your in the dwelling zone.

The dwelling zone only has one resident member and that is you, whatever is your situation you must find the balance in whatever it is, when looking at outcomes don’t dwell in the negative zone your to find balance and look for the positive in the positive zones, basic 101 of Laws of Attraction.

The more you walk the ptah in that situation and you decide to dwell there, the more you fester [mani-fest] in the negative zone the more you will receive more negative thoughts, why, because the universe thinks you like this and she is only responding to your own thoughts, another is that negativity only attracts negativity when in that dwelling zone.

18 seconds can alter your ptah, reverse the negative by seeking out the good in that same situation, do not make the mistake of replacing the same thought [situation] with sumthing positive from another situation, place, thing, location, that is not how it works, seek out sumthing good within that same situation that you are dwelling in and find the positive with the thought and or the outcome, what did you become aware of, what did you learn about yourself.

You are here because you came to serve out your Ba’A contract and to learn about the wrongs in you, to find balance, order amongst the chaos that you are a times, 18 seconds of pure focus of the positive within the same timeframe of the negative thought(s) reverse straight away and replace with positive thoughts that are from the same situation.

One positive thought attracts waves of fused positive thoughts, the universe is magnetic [men-tal] di-men-sion.

You must change your mindSet and reprogram your Khu [mind], 18 seconds, you must control your thoughts, regulate what goes in and out, what you thought about already, stave the Khu and the negative that lingers within you.

Finally, are you grateful for the basics in your life, are you truly grateful, t-ankh-ful for the very basics that sustain your life, remember that. 

You are stronger than your life, you are stronger than a situation, Ba’A [Soul] translates Strength, the Greeks chose the word ego, the identity of the soul, no, it’s the strength of the soul, you were only given what you could achieve in your life, dig deeper in your situation and stop making a situation. 

Sum people are actually intimidated by your strength. 

Did you know that you can change your outcome with your thoths, to the Virgo, you are the only house sign that can create your own realities [take no energy but produce a Virgin energy, a nu energy, a nu energy of thoths-realities, change you and change your outcome, mindSet.  

Once you learn to control your element, no one can stop you. 

Be at your best, tri. 

The greater the smile, the deeper the scar. 

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