Tuesday, 17 December 2019


The HuMin anatomy reveals two truths, the feet [Sole-Soul] connect us to the earth [Ki] plane, the head connects us to the heavenly plane.
There are lower energies and higher energies, the Master Number 22, connects us with higher consciousness.

Accessing the higher dimensions, the lower dimensions were ruled by the Buddha(s) on the planes above us thus placing us in more of an SA.HU [Orion] [Septet][Sibtu] Sirius of realities, layers of what we call planes, expanses, dimensions and realms, the Buddha(s) are under the umbrella of the Tamare elite, the Neteru that lead the Anunnaqi [AnuNaga].

Here we see from the many, many artefacts that came out of the Gansu and Mogoa caves (China) the Buddha(s) Naags, they are being depicted in the Kosmos, on another plane, another dimension.

Buddha(s) tone [vibration] is the number 22 [2020] the master builder and is pure dynamic strength which are keywords that describe its potential poWRA.
Souls [Baa] who incarnate with the vibration has their destinies struggle with the heavy weight of their emotional self, their feelings are like the depths of a mighty ocean, consuming them with high sensitivities like em-paths [emotional ptahs], mainstream society misdiagnosed these souls as unworthy not overstanding that these souls are streaming into a vey high vibration, that most are not privy to.
It can be very hard on these types of souls, in time sum of these souls learn to master and control these higher vibrations, these souls are guided to the ptah of metaphysics, studying with other who have a better overstanding of these great poWRA’s.

A great sol that carried this vibration in their name was the Buddha(s) [Naaga], the earth tone of compassion.   

As we are made of Quantum particles, to turn a potential into a reality in the Quantum Field, we have to combine a clear Intention with an elevated emotion.

The electromagnetic fields are fuelled by our emotions, energy in motion [e.motion].

Mogoa caves


Nubian Kau [Black Cow] dark matter [dark Magi] its not yellow 

Nut and Geb form an opening, gateway or birth canal through which all physical matter is born into existence, this is seen symbolically has the Kosmic Egg.


Ki [earth] Ta [Tiamat] Geb is a realm, its not a plan-et [plans of the E.T], she is not an object, therefore she has no edge, Ki would be easier to define as a system environment.
Ki is a machine, she is a coil, the sun and moon are poWRAed wirelessly with the electromagnetic field [the Aether], the field suspends the celestial spheres with electro-magnetic levitation.
Electro-magnetic levitation disproves their word gravity because the only force you need to counter is electromagnetic force, not gravity, the stars are attached to the firmament aka the translucent dome.

The Stars and Earth centres are a direct link to the very source of our spiritual [star] and material [earth] sustenance.

Their duality image [manifest] and ensures our HuMin experience, their union forms our biofield providing us with a map of possibilities for our life and making us uniquely who we are.

Each centre sits inside a flower like funnel of energy [Star = Blue Lotus = Earth] which acts has a two-way valve or gateway to the centre of the universe to the centre of Ki, they are connected by the central energy channel.  

Geb = Earth [Kosmic Father] Green life force [healing energy]
In-between is the HuMin Biofield
Nut = Sky [Kosmic Mother] Blue life force [portal]

KMT [Egipt] Khami N.TU [Neteru] are not of an extinct forgotten tradition but are archived elements that live in all of us today. 

Nun [Nu] the Abyss
Nut [Mut] the energy of Nu
Nu = vibration = EMC2

Aove image, your in the middle [biofield] Geb is below you and Nut [Nu] Nun [Mut] is above you and we [trinity] are all connected. 

Alkebulan [Sumerian] Kush [Cush] aka African [Femi9] poWRA’s

Orula = Green [Yellow]
Ogun = Green
Chango = Red [White]
Obatala = [white]
Yemaya = Blue
Elegua = Red
Ochun = Yellow 

Green is life force but is also healing energy.

 Red radiation [red iron oxide] over a doomed Australia.


Quote: photograph of a cloud ship or a large alien vessel using cloud-type camouflage. However, what interests us more is the faint picture of what looks like large buildings on the distant coastline. Whatever is going on there, it is clearly more than just a few scientists studying penguins.

The entrance to the inner world and our kind is being protected, huge fleets surround the lockdown zone, and around the world, the war has already begun, the C-130 has disappeared and not shot down, what was on the Chilean plane and was not supposed to be, our star family are on duty 24hrs 360 days, our br’others and siStars fight for us

Blue Kachina alongside the Moon
Australia [one of Nibirus satellites] 

Mexico [Dulse] several sinkholes in one day
Nature wants to breathe, she wants to break free, one of these sinkholes will start a trend, those reptilian nests, tunnels, humanoids are going to start coming from deep within into the light, all that is hidden must be revealed, infrastructure is being destroyed. 

Adriatic Sea, Croatia, the ocean's are restless

Philippines is moving, move on the way for that region 

Shields up, reflection from the translucent dome.

She is humming, heartbeat is around the 25hz without any spiking, the pulse is hitting, Ionospheric charging taking place, earthquake watch, elevated levels for many because the base rate is now 25+hz from a low 7.89hz and its consistent for over the last week at the minimum, many going offline.  

Colorado overnight drops to -44, that is not windchill. 

M6 Philippines
M6 Japan


 Giant shrimp caught recently 

Pakistan [Indus] Naaga


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