Monday, 23 December 2019

Supreme Intuitive

Demi [God]

The Anunnaqi who have so many different names and are led by the Neteru, we have a soular [26.12.19] eclipse coming up [72mins] and this will mean in a spiritual and metaphysical world the opening of doorways, the opening of portals are opened and that we’ve entered into a nu entire dimension and a nu type of consciousness.

For those who are sensitive to energies [empath = emotional pathways = ptah] and the psychics, the ones that are intuitive, you may have started to see sum shadow people in your peripheral view, seeing them, hearing things in your home, many entities are creeping around and we are seeing them, and feeling them, sum of these beings are minding their own business.

There is no such thing has space, there is always sumthing occupying that space, there is no empty space, when you see them its just you seeing into another whole dimension, sumtimes they may see you and think that your the [ghost], you could have heard sumthing but its you in their reality and they got a glimpse of you.

Everything when it comes to the spiritual life is subjective, you need to know that the Anu-Naga are here, from above, so below, as it was in the beginnings, so shall it be in the end, because life is in cycles.

In their Bible that has truths in there, they talk about how the giants use to walk the earth, how angels [angles] use to come and walk the earth and how the [gods] use to walk among man and even in the book of Kha-Nowk [Enoch] they talk about how the Sons of [god] matted with the daughters of men and thus created Demi [gods] the Nephilim those demigods and those Nephilim or demigods, those giants are you, you can ask the ones before us, the celestials, the ancient masters to assist you and guide you, for they are here now.

People are activating [waking up], the soular eclipses are potent and we have the retrogrades there is so much energy happening right about now, a lot of energies and they are so high, never before have we felt this much poWRA, these are the moments to be doing your imagery [manifestations] to be bringing protection and to be bringing the sweetness, keep your mind on positivity and keep your mind out of negativity, negative entities will tri you, distract you, they will be in the form or friends and family and love ones and co-workers, if your partner is not spiritual minded, its too late now, but you should have got rid of them a while back, they will test you, they are here to instigate, don’t get into the temptation, all is designed to keep you in a low frequency so that you cannot evolve to the higher dimensions, to the next level, keep your mind on positivity and focus on what you do want and not what you don’t want.

Another sign that the ancestors and the Anunnaqi are here and are communicating with you are the frequencies in your inner-ear, portals are opening up and you are going to hear the call [horns in their bible is talking about the frequencies in your ear] when you hear the sones [sounds] in your inner-ear what you do is you silence yourself, you mediate and you see what it is that they are calling you for, because that is them getting your attention, you are tuning in like a radio dial and they are calling you directly, tune-in to what it could be, pick up on the telepathic message which is our first language, you could be getting an upgrade from them or a download or they could be giving you sum data at that time, many peoples body, feet or inner-eye are vibrating, pulsating, hot flushes, bursts of heat or coolness, its all energies, RNA [DNA] activations all getting you ready for the next level, for the next dimension, headaches, body aches, all are natural symptoms, dizzy, lightheaded are all to do with energies and when this soular eclipse takes place these can be sum of your symptoms, huge surge of energies can be overwhelming for a lot of people especially those who are toxic or in toxic environments whereby your body wasn’t grounded enough, its alright however because your body was readjusting, the soular energy will aid your body adjust and be ready for the 12.01.13.

For the children who come from the Annunaki, you will start to see your gifts coming through, real gifts and none of this making light bulbs blow out, your gifts will start to come forth, if you’re a psychic your gifts will become more sharper more vivid dreams [visions] lucid dreaming is going to become common to you, watch what you eat for this will aid your astral projection and your lucid dreaming, water is a must [distilled] spirits communicate through water and if you don’t have enough water in your body how can they channel that energy through you to do your Magi [Magic] or to even stream into your higher source, get yourself centred and grounded to get back into your natural element.

The portals will open and they will try and chemtrail more, they will try and block the sun, to block our view, no mater what, the ancestors are here already, NI.BIRU is here already, the second coming of the Sun [Son] is NIBIRU [Nibiru] Neb-Heru [25.12.12] 25.12.19, the veil has lifted already, you will see other beings, you will see other entities at night don’t be nervous but by all means protect yourself because not all these beings coming through the portal are good, sum are negative entities but you must learn how to have discernment.

Don’t forget who you are, we have been stuck reincarnating over and over again into this HuMin body sum of the demigods purposely came back for this moment with the intention of overseeing the reinstatement of the HuMin Ki-Nd but in order for you to do that I have to get inside of a HuMin body, knowing that you would forget who you are, knowing all the risks, knowing that you could get lost and forget who you are and get trapped back into this matrix, but the difference is memories are coming back, we are in the age of Aquarius, the age of information, all our ancient knowledge is housed on the electromagnetic fields of Ki and have been accessible and the [gods] are waking up, imagine if we all woke up, do you know what kind of an impact that would have do you really know what changes are about to take place on a grand scale, the Annunaqi led by the Neteru are here.

You had better had been manifesting positive things because whatever you reap your about to sow, the Annunaqi descendants are about to be fully activated, your hidden gifts will become more transparent, the Annunaqi are going to come to you telepathically, so listen up and pay attention, centre yourself don’t be distracted by this that and the third dimension, see things in the 4th and 5th dimensions, be aware and watch your angel [angle] numbers, tune in for the biggest ride of your life.

The Annunaqi have come back for Ki and their children and have returned back for their throne   Neb-Heru [Nib-iru] throne, pulpit, they gave certain mortals on Ki a certain amount of time on Ki before they returned and that time is now.

You were made different for a reason.

Love is and is not an emotional experience; that is what sum have reduced it to, Green NRG is a life force but is also a healing NRG, Green Chakra is heart and is the one chakra that poWRA's the rest of the chakra system, now apply that to Ki and the planets in this soul-ar system. 

This is a soul-ar system, you are not from this soular system, you believe in body, mind and soul, when we know it is soul [Baa] mind [Khu] and body [Khat] which is last, the physical realm is the last realm. 

Are you stronger than yesterday when you didn’t know anything, are you stronger when you weren’t activated [woke], be honest, are your stronger than yesterday, can any worldly or physical thing get to you given what the European has done to you and this planet, you are already on h3ll, you choose to activate, you choose to come down here, are you stronger than you were yesterday when you didn’t know about all this sh9t, with all the changes you see going on today, and on this planet, with the sun and the moon out on a 90 degree angle, what you see with the radiation the redness, the orange skies, the riots and the outbursts around the world the eco-systems that are shutting down around the world on this planet, be honest, can anything get to you right now, no, you are just vibing waiting for the right time [emit]. 

Every soldier is assigned to a daughStar, a man can have a child until he is 6ft under, yet the female is cut off from having children at a certain age and that is because a man is all physical and she is only living in the physical realm long enough to create because she will always be in the spiritual realm.

We have been programmed to deal with everything on a physical plane and not from the spiritual plane, the Romans and Greeks changed us from soul, mind and body to mind body and soul.

She is the one with the poWRA, she is the highest from of energy, the 9 ether wombman.

The first language is telepathy, be still. 

Love light and healing energy to all the Negusti to all the lovely star-seeds, to all my fellow Negus who see the [Negus] in me, who see the femi9 and the universe in me, eye see the femi9 and the universe in you, eye see you, eye honour you, love light and healing energy to Metu Ki, Netu and Metu Mut [Nut] Nu aka the Universe, our extended family and all life that move interdimensional that follow Universal Law that are assisting with the clean up with all the negative off of this planet.

36 Degrees
This message was left in 2008 which was 11 years ago, however now that you know the western date is incorrect by -7 years, this message was left a year ago and shows three suns making their way towards this planet, Tiamat the maiden of life, which is now. 

We are at the end of an Arc [10 decimal points] dec-ember.

Three suns are making their way into this orbit, the three sons are already on the Horizon
 [Hours and Aten] names wielded together. 

21-12-12 = 9 [21.12.19]
triple alignment

We are being separated, none of us are responsible for the removal of the Ozone Layer, none of us are responsible for NI.BIRU’s arrival or for the arrival of y-our star-family, for the water, heat and the eco-systems shutting down, Metu Netu [MTR NTR] has had enough, we abide by her rules now. 

I-Know most of us have heard the spiritual story of the Kaa or Spirit being sent to Sahu [Orion] and Sibtu [Sirius] Septet systems and so on+.

But what about the scientific part of the story.

This is Mir [MA.RE] Mar [MaRe] Mer. was one of many things, one, its usage was a communications device to speak to different Star-Systems.

The 3Mir(s) are the 3 crosses at Calvary, put the Mir in the intersection where the 2 lines cross each other, the Mir has 4 sides and as the sun’s rays down the Mir with its white coat that was over the limestone, would reflect the sunlight in 4 directions creating the symbol of the 3crosses.

The name of the kross is called the [Amsu Tau] and was a symbol of the phallus-penis as well as a symbol of the vertical fire and the horizontal water as a symbol of creation through photosynthesis >> sunlight and water = Male and Female. 

Electromagnetism, the energy source you cannot see the astral connection, this came from original laws that we have lost, eye share them with you at no cost.

This is the prison that you cannot see but gaining this knowledge will set you free, bridging the voids that separated you from me.

 Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world, each [sone] sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

Law of Rhythm - Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms, these rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns, each cycle reflects the regularity of [God's] Universe.

Ma’stars know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - All persons have within them the poWRA to change the conditions of their lives, higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change

Ancient records from KHM speaks about a temple [Iy] Ramses was crown on.
The dark chambers of WaSet that great mystic shrine at Nu-Amun, Thebes or Luxor today, and the other two great cities Heliopolis and Memphis, that is H.I.M the place to learn the secrets.

Memphis is [Tattu] Tat-too, this is when the land was one mass, the Mir(s) in what we call Tamare, in Northeast Alkebulan [Africa] is different, there was an [Iy] referred to has a temple-tomb, but is really, adobe-coast-isles, and a double staircase that is mentioned.

Now there is no double-staircase Mir in Alkebulan, none of the Mir(s) in Tamare have staircases on their exteriors or their Iy(s) on their summits.
The ancient text (hieroglyphs) were describing Mir(s) (pyramids) in the Americas, not the Mir(s) in Northeast Africa.

Ramses was crowned on top of the Iy of Ptah at Memphis in the KMT in the Americas.

Ra-me-sees translates the begotten sun of Re
Wahanee translates Golden City is in (America) aka Atlantis or West KMT. 

Proper breathing and eating is Key to Life.
Vibrate and Medi-tate.  
Sum of the works also show Kinetic [A-Shu-tat] positions. 
Shu = Air

Nun or Nu [Mut] Nut translates the deep, abyss and Nut translates the energy of Nu, and 
Nu is Un-iverse, she is a vibration [432hz].  

Sum of the Tama-re works only show one-side of the body and show only one-eye, showing you we have a spirit-side that we cannot see.


Jaguar also known has Pantehra Onca [painted Onça], Kat species, the only extant member of the genus [Panthera] indigenous to the AmeriKas.

The A-kat-a [a-Kat-a] present range extends from Southwestern parts of the States and Mexico across much of central America and south to Paraguay and northern Argentina aka all is called Atlantis.

Though they are single kats now living within the western states of America, the species has largely been extirpated from the United States government since the early 20th century.

Like with most animals the Akata [Jaguar] is on the IUCN red list; and its numbers are declining, trophy killing and the threats also include loss and fragmentation of habitat and man.  

The representation of Jaguars in Mesoamerican cultures has a long history, with iconographic examples dating back to at least the mid-Formative period of Mesoamerican chronology.

The Black panther in the Americas are Black Jaguars or Nubian Akata and all Nubian [black] animals are conscious.  

Atom Bomb

Alchemy = Cosmic Electromagnetism

In the Beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was >>> and the Logo was with <<< who is >>

The Big Bang, no sone [sound] which a Big Bang implies.

Neberdjer saith, I am the creator of what hath come into being, and I myself came into being under the form Khepera, and I came into being in the primeval time.

I had union with my hand, and I embraced my shadow in a love embrace; I poured seed into my own mouth, and I sent forth myself issue in the form of Shu and Tefnut.

I came into being in the form of Khepera, and I was the creator of what came into being, I formed myself out of the primeval matter, and I formed myself in the primeval matter.

I was alone, for the gods and goddesses were not yet born, and I had not emitted from myself neither Shu nor Tefnut, I brought into my own mouth, Hekau [Heka] aka the divine words of poWRA, and I forthwith came into being under the form of things which were created under the form of Khepera.

Pert M Heru [Coming Forth by Day].


NUT = NUTRIENT / Nuts (Seeds)
GEB + AL GEBRA / Geo (Earth)

Aten / Aethien - Aether / Aether
Atumti / Atum / Etim / Etym / Itatem
Atum / Atom / Adam / Ædom / Ety / Ite
Aethiopian / Ethiopian / Ethereal - Opic
Ethiopia / Etyopya / Ethereal - Utopia

Amun / Amon / Omen / a Man
Amn / Amin / Amino / a Mineral

In order to properly be enlighten about proper nutrition, we must first comprehend the words and science of being Bio Cosmic ElectroMagnetic Beings, Ædom, the Dark Clay; Carbon [C], Hydrogen [H], Oxygen [O], *Nitrogen [N].

Then we learn the difference between amines and amino, and the nature of *Mineral - Amines – Amino, Vitamins = Vita+Amine, Amino and Peptides, and other topics like Free Radicals AntiOxidants, Electrolytes, Ionization, Enzymes, Protein and Carbs.

We are Krystal Lattice Star Dust, inhabited by mysterious animate intelligent spirit- energy.

The first language was the Cosmic Language, live by it.

The Garden is the 1st Classroom.

Heart and Mind determines Health and Wealth.

Atom Bomb

 ATUM is Spirit  = KA / CHI



 NUT = NUTRIENT / Nuts (Seeds)
 GEB + AL GEBRA / Geo (Earth)




 Aten / Aethien - Aether / Aether
 Atumti / Atum / Etim / Etym / Itatem /
 Atum / Atom / Adam / Ædom / Ety / Ite
 Aethiopian / Ethiopian / Ethereal - Opic
 Ethiopia / Etyopya / Ethereal - Utopia

 Amun / Amon / Omen / a Man
 Amn / Amin / Amino / a Mineral

375 Minerals
375 Gold [Nub] and metals [50 are rare golds [Nub] not traceable on Ki
375 Krystals
= 1125 = 9
Metallic Exoskeleton, Full Metal Jacket 

When they say we were not connected, show them this.

The Cippus of Heru

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe

Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic 9

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