Tuesday, 17 December 2019


The energetic, Kosmic shift that we are feeling at this present time will allow the Ka’A [spirit] to come through you, things will become clearer has you go along.

The Kosmic [Magi] energies that is coming to this planet is nothing nu but is being recycled once again, what happened in the beginning will soon be in the end and overstand that nothing shall be hidden no more, the truth shall come forth and teach the HuMins and the HuMans their highest potential, overstand that disclosure is happening all around us which is allowing you to walk into this ptah of truth, this ptah of awakening, this ptah of your coming into the higherself [Sakhu], overstand that the HuMin and HuMan Beings, are at the most they have ever been evolved during this period that we find ourselves in than at anytime, whilst there are entities who are trying to thwart your evol-ution and in doing so they have violated Universal Law.

No species should be inhibited or stagnated in their evolutionary growth, there are beings who have violated this law and do not attain to the conduct or ethics of planetary kodes and laws, there are serious repercussions for going against Universal Law.

The positive and agreeable, the Annunaqi lead by the Neteru, the elders, advisers, the creators have not intervened with the HuMin [HuMan], its not that they do not care or its not that they are not here or that they do not have the poWRA to assist, everything happens doesn’t happen before the time, that time is now, they are in the skies and on the ground and under the ground.

You also have a great lesson to learn, HuMins and [HuMans], you have your own morals and karma that you have to deal with, nothing is happening without a reason, there are no coincidences or is anything is random, all is by design, every effect has its cause and in order for the species to evolve you must go through these karmic lessons and karmic [negative energy] debt must be paid off, you will start to see that, had there been no challenges in your life [in your many lives because it is not one life that you the 9ether live, because you have a Ba’A [soul] and that soul incarnates into many different physical HuMin bodies, the other artificial species does not have a soul] you would not have grown.

You have a purpose here and if you are alive today, your purpose is coming 13up, your sol purpose is to elevate Ki [earth] Tiamat [Maiden of Life], your sol purpose is to evolve spiritually and has you evolve you will learn that the people and the things around you shall follow suit.

Reason being is that light attracts light and we tend to repel against the things that no longer serve us and this is why you are outgrowing your friends, family and associates and this system, you no longer subscribe to the intermediate, conversations are kept at a minimum, you avoid certain environments, why you seek the calm, why you no longer fit into the their bracket, you have no interest, you are not stimulated by them, why is because this is needed for your evolutionary growth, the frequency had been changing for a number of years and so had you, if there is change there is growth, you already know that has your environment changes you also change, has HuMin beings you are a product of your environment, for whatever reasons and you cannot change the external influences of your life then it is you that must change what is going on with your internal life, as within, so without, as without, so within, as above, so below, so below, as above, this is the Law of Correspondence, these are Laws that must be adhered to by all means.

Overstand that you are the master [Ma’Star] of all your thoughts and has we are in this nu-age and dawn [2019] 2012 know that this is the year, a very important year because there are many shifts that are happening right now and there will be sum things that you will not be able to comprehend to your innerstanding, but you know it because you feel it.
The HuMan mind cannot grasp it but the HuMin heart and the sol knows what it is feeling, pay attention to your intuition, pay attention to your visions [dreams], pay attention to what your sol[spirit] tells you.

The guardian angles [angels] and spiritual poWRAs that be are guiding you to your ptah of purpose, the year before was a time [emit] of transformation and this was peeling off the layers off of you that no longer served you, and has you know, as you transform or go through any type of any evolutionary process 9 times out of 9 the process is a painful one, but overstand that before you can reap the pleasures of life we must first endure its pains, before a child is born into this world, doesn’t the mother absorb his or her pain, high intensity of pain brings high intensity of pleasure, you know that you are unravelling yourself, spiritual caterpillars, blossoming into vibrate butterflies, and children of the sun have you not forgotten that you are the true potential, that you are the seeds, the seeds that had been planted on this planet to become [gods], did they not tell you that you can metamorphize and become the true Negus and Negusti that you were bounded to be, they had carved this knowledge and left for you in stone, granite stone because the stones hold frequencies, you are the frequencies [OM144] many of you have forgotten who you are, who you were and now its time to know what you are to become, you are not anybody, you chose nobody, but you are sumbody, the data is being brought back to you, who you are, this is the information centre, these so-called leaders are being exposed in the light for a reason, who are in repercussions for their actions [intent].

This moment [year] you will receive a lot of divine instructions, this moment a lot of [strange things] will occur, this moment is when many dreams [visions] aspirations and thought forms will image [manifest] know that has you are able to image [manifest] things when you are in a dream state then you will be able to image [manifest] physical things before your eyes, it is very important that you pay attention and take heed to your dreams and your thought patterns and to your psychological development, if you do not pay attention to your thought forms then you will pay for the thoughts that you conceive, there is no way around this for you are being held to a certain level of responsibility and because of that you must know better and you must do better, there are no more excuses or ways to blame each other but for you to take full responsibilities for your actions, what you have done thus far, for many of you it will be too late to change you.

Moving into your poWRA, overstanding that the Universe is mental [crown] and this is just a projection of your own reality that you have created for what you basically understand, innerstand and overstand, it is highly important that you spend time with yourself and that you meditate and that you go within yourself because what you seek what you want to know, the answers will be revealed unto you, lucid dreaming, astral projection, practising telepathy, using your magi [magic] tuning into your higherself is key to unravelling your true spiritual cell [self].

You have come a very long way, know that the people, things, that are being pulled from your life, let them go, the more you resist, the more painful it will be, learn to ride upon the waves instead of going against the tide, for if you go against the universes flow of energy then you will forever be battling yourself until you surrender, learn to surrender your lowerself to your higherself, learn to master your Khu [mind], learn to be the master of your Khat [body], learn to be master of your emotions, the master of your reality if not you will always be the slave-drive to your lower mind, to your lowerself, you will always be a slave to this 3D reality, you must let go of things, people that make no sense and let go of these materialistic things, do you not know that this is not your first physical program [life] that you have experienced, there have been thousands if not hundreds of thousands of programs [realities] that you have lived, do you remember them, most of you don’t, so why are you taking this experience so personally, don’t take it personal, this is just a school for you to learn for you to grow, for you to unravel, for you to discover who you truly are, know that ye are [gods] you are [god] looking through your own physical eyes experiencing life has a HuMin being, know that you were made in [our] image, know why you are here, once your purpose has been established everything else shall follow suit, once you know the ptah of where you want to go, the ptah shall be opened to you, you are the key, you have the map to get there but what will you do once you are before the doors, the gateway or [heaven’s gate].

The Kosmic energy that is coming into this planet is activating [awakening] the HuMin [HuMan] consciousness at a accelerated rate, there will be many more deaths this moment [year] however there will be many births, the spirits that are dying are either reincarnating into higher evolved beings or they are being trapped back into this physical reality on the 3D plane, don’t get it twisted, there are many planes, there are many universes, there are many dimensions and there are many realities all within one, this knowledge is out there and was left for you to read, granted the knowledge has been covered in untruths, its been hidden from you but there is no more confusion, only clarity, don’t fear your poWRA, walk into it, do not fear the things that you cannot control because you are always in control of your reality, your always in control of your destiny, your always in control of what is to come in your visions, in your dreams because when its all said and done, what matters is what have you contributed to the world, how have you evolved the consciousness of the planet, how have you contributed to sumone else’s life, how have you contributed to their evolution.

There is only two types of energy, constructive and destructive, there is no in-between, so make a choice, are you going to be a creative force or are you going to be a destructive force, what side are you going to choose, overstand that duality is necessary for this physical reality but you must choose what side you are on, if you are not constructing the evolution, if your not constructing your life, other peoples life then you are only destroying, you are taking up space, it is time for you to take responsibilities for you actions, it is time to be conscious of your mental thoughts that you project onto yourself and onto others, it is time that you evolve into the real [god] that you are meant to be, no more excuses, no more saying I’m only HuMin, no, you are much more than HuMin, the Federation and those who are part of the Adama Project, the Annunaqi and Neteru are here to remind you of who you really are, that its time to stop waiting for the things to come into fruition when its you that you are waiting for, do you get that, star-family are waiting on you and you are waiting on you, but do you know that you are waiting on you, the only thing that is in your way is you, utilise your resources, reach out to your guardians, reach out to your higher self, reach out to your guides, reach out to your ancestors, reach out to the ones before you, the ascended masters, reach out to your royal genetics, your RNA [DNA], your kodes, the secrets, the mysteries are within you.

The Mystery and MyStory are different for everybody, the mystery is your story, what does it mean to you, how does it help you evolve, pay attention to the signs and the symbols, to the clues for they are all around you in imagery, music, numbers, the sights, the sone [sound], in nature, do not be tricked in the illusion of the senses, know that there is a hidden spiritual meaning in everything, once you master these you would have mastered the Universe and to Ma’Star the Universe one has mastered oneself and vice versa.

Your organ-brain- muscle is an app application

In order to lov3 who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.
You were chosen to be here for a reason, when it’s all finished you will discover it was never random.

Stay focus and pay attention, keep yourself in high vibrations, all will be well and worry not because as it was in the beginning, so shall it be again in the end. 

Sefech [seven] Ba-Ra 
The Sefech [seven] Ba-Ra which are the Seven Souls [Ba] of Re [sun], or the word Chakra(s), translates Wheel for they rotate at 360 degrees.

KHMT is the benchmark civilisation, Chakra comes from the knowledge provided by the Naga into the Buddha.
Ultimately this is one knowledge, energy flow as tools for consciousness, expressions of individual existence.

The KHMT Tree of life Heru pa khard [Heru as the divine soular child] has seven aspects which are a reflection of Re(s) Ra seven souls Sefech of Ra.
Those seven souls [Ba'A] are associated with the seven spheres of consciousness that are weighed in the judgement of Ma’at, along with your heart.

The Sefech Ba-Ra is also featured on the Scales at the Duat.

The seven spheres are levels on the shaft of the balance scales of Maat, Ammit demarcates between the spheres that represent the lower nature [3 lower spheres] and those that represent higher consciousness [4 upper spheres], your most high is called Sakhu.

Those spheres are related to the concept of Arat-Sekhem or Serpent PoWRA.

She who rears up translates Arat and Sekhem translates spark of life of yours.

When the spheres are superimposed on the nexus points of the Tree of Life the dynamic forces are graphically illustrated as references to every form, elements that awaken the varied levels of higher consciousness.

Sekhem [Chi][Prana] the Life-Force energy that is needed for spiritual evolution, these forces must be opened and purified in order to allow the free flow of the Life Force Powra, in order to be successful in the struggle to inner-stand the philosophy of the ptah and have the stamina to endure the trials of the ptah specifically, controlling the ID [ego Greek word] it’s the strength, controlling the Ba'A and forces of nature.   

The Pineal Gland is referred to as the Eye of Re [Ra],  it is a gland, they were always glands, these glands are the houses for those energies in the body called Chakra.

Chakra translates wheel, for each Chakra spins, rotas at 360 degrees.

The Djed Pillar represents the Spinal Column, its where the Khudalini-Kundalini representation comes from in the Naga-Buddha system.

Djed translates Stability, all seven stars are on the Djed Pillar, which is Asaru [Osiris] Spinal Column to which we are all part of.

This Soular System is conscious, this Universe is conscious, she is conscious. 

Heru is incarnated on 25.12.12, this is nu energy or virgin energy coming in. 

The #Baa [soul] is the invisible source of life outside of Nature because at the physical death of a person the soul possessing that person must transmigrate to another state or pass to one of their bloodline, this is called external life and this is by the soul and not the #Kaa [spirit] or living person or race, this is continuous procreation, perpetual reproduction, birth of the family or Kin, we are reborn through our families RNA and DNA. 


9 Ether is a combination of all existing gases in Nature, ether state deals with the sub-atomic.  

Naabu is in relation to Nubuwn UBUWN and means
NaaBu is in relation to [those that were created before the light]
We, the 9 Ether melanite Karbon beings existed as conscious gas in the triple state of darkness [womb] which is dark matter and dark energy, before the light was created, we existed. 
You existed as conscious gas in the triple state of darkness which is the womb [dark matter] and [dark energy] before the light was created, we existed. 


There are 1 ether energies sumtimes referred to as demons who can get into your physical body through for example drinking, eating habits, smoking, over-sexxed, so on+.
If you cut yourself, they may come in through your blood DNA, these are examples.

Others can see your aura and wait until they see your aura frequencies change from Blue for example to Red they can see this and at this time can enter your body and effect the way you think and if the negative energy is not destroyed [dispense] it can then connect to your mental [crown] energy after they innerstand your auratic frequency and understand how to fully take over making you the host for what people call a demonic spirit.

Same principles apply for CERN, they will be looking for hosts, they have come from one dimension- spirit into the physical world, they need a body, they need a host in order to exist.

At times the Schumann resonance is without whiteout spiking, but looking at the amplitude readings it's clear the amplitude is showing continued unrest, the secondary pulse is now solid and is about 25hz. 
Ki(s) heartbeat has risen, suicide will be up, they cannot take the rising frequency, watch your own heartbeat, don't go doctors, watch your diet while we are changing, your pulse rate will be the same, the energy is flowing through you.

Ionospheric charging activate Red/blue areas are under high charge and black/white is extreme

Singapore M6
Solomon Islands M6 [ I thought the SI had gone] 

Your god hasn't finished with you yet.

South of France [Foreign Policy]

Tornados come in chaos and leave in peace, Louisiana, when natures serves you eviction notices  

these images are showing the same thing, radiation [energies] hitting the field that when the field breaks the energies penstrate Ki and are harmful to orcs and off spring. 

Radiation and heat Australia

Alaska = Alas =Atlantis = crown chakra
Green is life force and healing energy for ki and offspring. 

Colorado USA radiation, orange.

Colorado USA radiation, red and craft 

#Cusps #Beach | Beach Cusps are a strange pattern of waves along the shores of the water

crafts Nevada 

Mount Fuji


Huge craft on the left
The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

Hull doors wide open, that is one huge mothership and very low

Energies hitting a craft or emitting from the craft in Brazil

Watching windows 

What is a joke and entertainment, what is a calendar or mugs or planting 20 million trees or is a skydiving exhibition is reality to us, the joke will be on you once star family go pro. 

Port holes to a huge window on a huge craft
Watching windows, last image you can see the being watching this person take the image.

Planetary bodies, war planets are here also with the 36,000+ that have assembled, sum are in this dimension and sum are in the ones beside these one, crafts in and out of these dimensions with many more arriving, sum you will never see because they are beyond the human eye.

I keep on reading about the Pleiades, they are not blond haired with blue eyes, if anything they are the Albino Reptilians underneath that are trapped here or they are the Nubian Reptilians, but there is nothing white in space. 

All these crafts are part of the Galactic Federation, alliance and allies, and Anunnaqi.  

Italy, Sardina [Roman]

Texas [green orb or craft] 

Get ready. 

During the time of PaTaLa called Pangia by the Greeks, the people walked [pushed] out of Alkebulan [Africa] into what is called Florida today, crossing over into what we call today the USA [Atlantis].
They came out of Sudan, from a town called Nupa, which also included #NUBIA #ETHIOPIA #KENYA and #UGANDA.
At this time they were one ki-ng-dome, until the Europeans came in and separated the land for their own satisfaction, European nations divided Alkebulan for its riches and spiritual knowledge.
There is an old tribe, a starting point, there is an old ancestral language to which we have today 5K+ languages as a direct result of the first language that was brought from above, this older, pioneer tribe the where called the Ul-Mec [Olmec] by their children the #MAYANS #INCAS and #ZU #AZTECS.

America is North-West Africa [west Alkebulan]. 

The deepest point on KI is at AntarcticKa because that is where the entrance is to inner-Ki that man or reptilian or grey cannot reach, our brothers and siStars protect [-i-protect], they fight for us. 

 3[6]9 Algorithm forms self-similar fractal shapes seen on Cymatics [Ki-Maat-ics], Flowers, Orbital Patterns of Planets, in our RNA [DNA] and in the dynamics of Electromagnetic Fields.

A hidden Kode in is inside, revealing her secrets of the universe 369, the Standing-Wave and the Double-Phi-Spiral.  

Seed of the Serpent

KMT(s) highest N.TU [deity], Netjer [Nter-Neter] ANKH is the veneration of the Sumerian [Alkebulan aka Africans] reptilian elite [Gods] is U.SHUM.GAL. [U-SHUM-GAL] translates or its meaning is, great fiery flying serpent.

Also referred to has the Nagas [Snakes-Cobra] in Indus, the Quetzalcoatls [plumed-serpents] in Mexico, the Djed-hi [snakes] in KMT [Egypt], the Adders [snakes] in Britain and the Lung [dragons] in China.

The Toltec Mayan god Gugumatz was described as a serpent of wisdom – a feathered snake god, one of all three groups of gods who created Ta [Earth] and human-kind and gave them knowledge.

Ancient references to Serpent gods, flying serpents, or lizard-beings and Dragons, are quite common, collectively they have been called – the Serpents of Wisdom.

Netje, a KMT word meaning divine power-NRG is the One Self-Created N.TU [deity] which manifests in myriads of forms, which we call names. 
Netjer-Ankh [living god] in gilded wood, found in one of the black shrines of the Tutankhamun [Iy aka coast, Isles, abode] that the west calls temple-burial-tomb when they are not, now in the Muslim-Egyptian Museum, Cairo.


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