Saturday, 14 December 2019

Master Builder

Ma’Star 22 [2020]

Master [22], the year of the Ma’Star, the year 2020 is the star date [22] double numbers you add together to bring them down to a single digit unless they are master numbers like [11] or [22].
2020 [22] is an extremely poWRA-ful year, for example [11] is spiritual and master number but [22] is also a master number but is a master builder, [22] is more the spiritual builder, building the spirit or building things in general, this is the year were you start to build whatever your heart desires, maybe you want to build your family, your body, your business, your Ka’A [spirit] this is the year that you build-up.

The universes frequency is changing and she is opening up and giving you the opportunity to build, [432hz] we are getting ready to connect with the higher planes, the 432hz is more natural to the universe, to us, and to the planet and is the frequency that we had been vibrating on since we got here, the 432hz is mathematically consistent to the Fibonacci series of numbers and therefore is by universal design, the difference between 432hz and 440hz [manmade] is 8 vibrations per second but is a big difference in our [consciousness experience].

This [2020] is going to the year of great change, the 3 planets that you must pay attention to are Jupiter, Pluton and Saturn, another conjunction is coming up, the planetary energy signatures will be a symbol for advanced change, monumental change is coming to this planet.
Pluton and Saturn are going to start proceedings but not like we have ever seen before, be ready, Pluton and Saturn are going to take on a bit of one another has they interchange between energies, Saturn is going to be intense and extreme in his poWRA and Pluton will become heavy, weighed down, concreate, you are going to have to deal with both their energy signatures, they will be in your face whether you like it or not, Saturn will be dealing with karma, time, if you don’t have time he is going to make sure you find time, Pluton is going to come down to your reality and make you deal with it, Pluton deals with transformation and death, we are going to see a lot of old systems die out, a lot of old ideas die out, old ways of living and old ways of thinking, all are dying out and nu systems coming in because he deals with transformation, recycle, taking sumthing old and making it nu.

This year is going to start out with extreme change, you have been reading what western scientist have been doing with dark matter, Ki is changing and she is going to be divining in consciousness, because Ki is getting ready to transform, this is the beginning of the end, the end is already here [recycle] the beginning of the end and this is a nu beginning [2012].

You will start to see a lot of people, because of transformation and Saturn, forcing people to deal with their reality and forcing people to deal with their own karma in their own life because Saturn will be kicking ass for all those who are hard headed and refuse to change their ways, Saturn will be pushing people into their destiny for those who are scared to go into the void and once you get into the void, Pluton will be waiting for you to make you change, to make you transform and if you refuse to transform you are not going to be around for too long, don't come back on repeat [stop reading the page DW].

We are about to see a supreme increase level in consciousness [432hz] we will see this all over the planet people becoming spiritual in droves, many are going to want to be spiritual on mass levels, activation for the masses, not for everyone even the 9th kind, this is the moment that the older guides from the 80’s and 90’, the older energies spoke about, the time is near, the old ones are coming back to see how it all ends [begins], this is the beginning, the is the real dawn of Aquarius, this is the true nu [infinite] energy that is coming in, true technological advances in this next decade, more than you have ever seen whilst being here on this planet, sum things many might not agree with because the old ways of thinking has to die, a lot of this transformation period will have a lot to deal with technology [Uranus and Taurus], a great change with our spirituality and technology [physical] are going to merge together, [physical and spirit worlds merging], I can see auras [energies] with my eyes [eye] but we will have advanced readers [devices] chakra scanners, that will be integrated within the next decade, the readers will allow us to read many and you will know how to repair your aura [building] this is a moment of healing and building one another.

There is going to be sum disasters, the east to the west coast will be going down, well if you reside by the coast anywhere, its going down because the energy is re-tuning itself, birth pains are occurring, Ki is growing, she is transforming, she is waiting for the imagery [manifestations] of the sons and daughters of the [gods] and we are coming, this is also the year of the spiritual masters, I have been following and seeing many spiritual masters out and about and on YT, they are rising and finding their voice, this pleases me greatly.

Magi [Magic] done the right way is pure evolution, point-blank and simple, I see many building their spiritual body, re-search-ing, making conscious decisions, how much are you evolving, how much energy do you have, what is your bloodline and how much light can you gather, how much energy can you give out, the 9th Chakra the Ba’A [soul][strength] blueprint, the individuals’ total skills and abilities learned in all lives [pervious] times.

[432hz] we are ready to connect with the higher planes; we are seeing a great rise in the energy and poWRA.

[eye can still see you]

You also need to work on your Wadjet [3rd eye]  to be on a supreme level in terms of what you can see, take your time because sumtimes it will take time to fully activate the Wadjet, you need to start seeing energies, animals always see in chakra lights, the orcs and the recessive genes do not have a soul or the chakra system, only low-spirit, we are going into the full light spectrum [dark mode] and you will need to see in the Wadjet mode.

The biggest change you will need to do, is to change the way you respond to things, change the way you respond to the Matrix, bad things happen and we do ignorant things and you are going to have to stop looking at things as bad because its not, its only a problem because of the way you responded to the situation, turn lemons into lemonade, read the situation and know what it is in an instance, step back to situations, circumstances.

Work on your emotions and reprogram your organ to watch your emotions and the way you emotionally respond to situations to the world [matrix] around you, especially in 20[20] because a great amount of things are going to happen that is going to bother you and there will be sum exciting things that if you’re not careful you can get caught up in that also and get trapped, stay on the road of least resistance.

We will also see the rise of the Rainbow children, the Indigo children we are in our 30’s- 40’s and for the most part we are the adults in the world right now and many have families, children and a lot of your children are the Rainbow children and they came in around the 2000 mark, many of them are now 18, most are rebel-ish, because they don’t have karma like we do, and we may look at them has hard headed and wonder why they do the things that they do but eventually these children will be activated [awakened] especially when a specific person arises, that soul is going to speak to the soul of these children, these children are our ancient ancestors that have returned or were sent back, I saw a friends baby, wide eyes, fully alert, looking around, moving her head, they belong here, they already know where they are, pay attention to the Rainbow children through the 9ether wombman only, they have returned for this great moment that we are residing in.

Nature is technology, you are technology, use your technology to aid others evolve, for those on snapchat, fb, Instagram and other dick-boobs and ass sharing formats, you didn’t use the technology to build others up but instead you used it for your low vibrating activities, wasted venture is you, you didn’t aid others evolve and nor have you.

People with a real sense of poWRA are going to be presenting themselves into the world, levitation and the likes, the Rainbow children will already know how to control and dispense poWRA, sum already have spiritual poWRA they just haven’t presented themselves in this world yet.

When the world looks like she is ravaged, that there is no more, there will be a rise in the warriors of the Rainbow, they will lead the way forward, these children will become the leaders, Prince sang about them.  

Please prepare yourselves, really open your eyes and work on your Wadjet.

The last will be first and the first will be last, the people that were last on this planet will be first as we move forward with the energies, monumental changes are coming 13up, order comes out of chaos, change yourself up or Saturn or Pluton will shake you down.

Intergalactic file sharing, Sprites [Spirits] they are intelligent and alive; space should be viewed has a deep ocean and everything that is present in deep space [water] is present in space.

The Octopus is not from Ki, the Jellyfish has no brain but works off of instinct.

Pittsburgh, yesterday, the Moon was on full power for two days and is out with the sun and there are two, one blue and behind is red [kachina] 

The machine [schumann] is still recording the secondary pluses that are according to the scan, on and off, but they are there, there will be earthquakes taking place because its the weekend.

 Kosmic energy rays are surging, you need 666 and 999 and melanin to avoid the implications, the planet is separating us, the light is separating us whether you want to or not, UVC is changing us, the skies are holding radiation [red, orange, purple and yellow skies] which is changing us changing the planet, this is sitting on the magnetic field, once upon a time we never saw the magnetic field, our bodies are adjusting to the radiation, this takes time for your mind and body to adjust.

Australia burns out of control

Meteorites that change tajatory and ones that look like convoys of crafts

  Congo Natty 

Kanada [-44]
The water continues to flood around the world, nature is forcing the issue, all this water fills up the groundwater that then fills up to surface water level so that when the rest of the water comes in and when Ki flips there is no return, so that you cannot return, so that crops cannot grow, so that you walk the plains, eviction notices are being served by nature.
Bugs and Locusts eat and damage crops, tornadoes tear crops up and much more, water means you cannot plant, snow makes the land solid, do you see the trend, livestock is also being depleted, heat burns crops and Humans, why would nature do this, she made all these fruits, vegstation from the goodness of her heart for you to sell and use paper made from her trees to pay one another for her work, tic toc.  

Ecosystems around the world are being shut down for a reason, do we have your attention now.

December 13, 2019. 
Earth's magnetic pole is racing toward Siberia at "unprecedented" speed.
Vital point on planet’s surface races at unprecedented speed across Arctic.

They say that the poles are moving at 30-40 miles every year, this is a di-men-sional shift and when the minds [144,000] are ready [activated] the poles will be in the desired position in an hour, the shift of the minds [men-tal] will be a very poWRA-ful and will be an emotional event.
Europe and Russia will be frozen once again.  


Diamond Ice

Seen from places around the world, shields up, what is coming in
Indian skies.

Look at the sun and huge craft on the left, reminds me of the one from Star Wars, that is because it is the one from Star Wars.

3pm South Australia - what’s going on here

Crafts over your cities
Warship = Worship 

Iridescent clouds are energies hitting the skies or and emitting off of the crafts

Watching windows 

 A collective
One consciousness, One thoth. 

Your organ [brain] is a receiver, in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.
[knowledge is energy]

Heart [earth] chakra, plug in and drop out. 

Reinstating the Femi9
ASet throne [seat] of the Khu [mind] where the Ba'A [soul] sits at.

75% of the universe's energy is femi9, the balance is within her, true poWRA is within her.

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