Sunday, 13 October 2019

Sub Zer0

A lot has taken place for me in the last 3 months, I wasn’t in a good place for over 2 years, during the last 3 months eye have reprogramed the sub-mind, the sub-konsciousness-mind, my thoths betrayed me, so this is what eye did, the sub-mind is like your storage unit of everything you’ve ever seen throughout your lifetime, this is the area of the Khu [mind] where all data [information] is contained.

The consciousness mind is your present, moment, awareness, so for example when your thinking, what do eye want for dinner tonight, do eye want to cook or order out, no eye need to save money, that is your conscious mind speaking back to you.

Now your sub-mind [sub-konsciousness] mind is below [sub] your conscious so the Khu is below your awareness and cannot speak back to you but everything that you’ve experienced in life thus far is stored in that sub-konsciouness mind and that sub-mind controls 90% of your behaviour, the sub holds; what you follow [believe in], long-term memory, habits, dreams [visions], where the laws of attraction meets your magi [magnetism], where you can merge into the collective, the seat of NWN [psychic] abilities, and you hold; plans, short-term-memories, thoths and analyses.

So, you think that the subconsciousness is running the show like when you think shall eye have this or that for dinner because you can hear your mind speaking back and because you think you can make that decision that you think that you are in control of your life and what you do but whenever your on autopilot that is when the sub-mind kicks in and what ever is implanted in the sub-mind, that is what your behaviour is going to match up with, so if you’ve been programmed in the sub-mind to believe that you are not worthy of love, you will constantly gravitate towards those that cannot love you the right way, look at people and their partners or managers who employ people, are they not a reflection of themselves.

You think that you are in control of this, you think that in your conscious mind you’re saying to yourself, yeah eye like this person, we can date, yes your conscious mind is controlling that but underneath this all is reason why you are attracted to that certain person [energy] so technically you are not in control of your life in the way you think you are, your sub-mind is.

Your sub-mind is programmed between the ages of zer0 to nine and so you are hardwired at that age the mind is fused with how you view the world and so on+ so your parents basically have complete and total control over who you become has a person which is scary given that many are sh9t parents to start off with in the first place, all they had to do is lay down and pass that test and that is it, fu9ked up people sleeping with one another for all the wrong reasons.

Zer0 to nine a child can be programmed to be anything that the parent wants the child to be from a programmed serial killer to a world champion chess player.

There are maturity levels with the muscle itself, there are 3 cycles [waves] Delta, Theta and Alpha, the first two are the easiest way to programme you and they know this, not just your parents, your mother is also programming you while you are in the womb, whatever your mother was going through, you were going through as well.

If you had sh9t parents [toxic] or your environment was toxic in general then most likely all of your destructive habits that you take part in right now and that you don’t understand why you take part in these things, they were already implanted into you during this time-frame, and even before you understand language you will have subconscious imprints, like this, if your parents do not hug and pick you up, at two-years your muscle will internalise that this is danger, there should be a test for those that just lay down for they know what they do, you still have basic instinct and you can interpret danger, this is dangerous to the child’s development has if unattended can lead to unhealthy attachment styles [inconsistency in danger] so your subconscious mind is imprinted right there.

The backlash is that has a child you cannot determine that your parents are sh9t, I mean broken people at your age and now you start imprinting that sumthing is wrong with you, you see this cycle that is starting, are you defective, are you not worthy of love for your parents love is your first love and if you are not even worthy of your parents love then you are not worthy of any or to be loved, you see what this cycle has started, you now imprint, I need to work harder, I need to serve them more in order for me to receive that love, around and around we go, now has an adult you’re a people pleaser, you kiss ass and then sum, you sale yourself short and we see this and now your wondering why you let people walk all over you and that includes you letting them walk over you, from your children to your manager, why you jump through hoops for people and why you always have to fight for sumone to love you, these imprints come from a young age, at these ages you accept all to be true and fact, why wouldn’t you not, this is the price of innocence.

Not matter how logical your muscle is, the brain is making assumptions about yourself and about the world around you, no matter how sumone comes across, they can seem bright, loving but if their sub-mind is telling them that they are trash and you deserve nothing in life, then you will constantly self-sabotage and never go after the things that make you hapi and go after all that makes you miserable because your sub-mind tells you so, there are many out there who think that they can masquerade and hide how they operate and how they move and despite you letting them know, eye can see you, its very irrational and illogical behaviour that we see, however there is ways to reprogram the mind.

When you’re a kid your able to be programmed, as an adult you are able to reprogram your mind while your asleep has your muscle is going through these similar cycles that you had has a child, this way is better because when you are asleep, your conscious mind is shut-off.

If you have come to the awareness that you have low-self-esteem and that your subconsciousness mind is negative and that imprinted in your mind is that you are unworthy, then counteract this by saying that I AM worthy and your sub-mind will say, no you are not, the reason why the sub-mind says that is because is because your sub-mind is your awareness at the moment and is at war with you when you tri to put these positive waves into your subconscious because when your asleep your conscious mind is off, your conscious mind cannot dismantle the nu commands, this is known in therapy has subliminal sleep hypnosis, you go to sleep listening to these positive waves [affirmations] which by-pass your conscious mind because you are asleep and they start to restructure your subconsciousness mind and deal with the negativity that is in there.

I record my own voice and all asleep while listening or you can read over and over your words [waves] or you can record nature and lay the two audios over one another and turn down the words so that after a while your sub-mind will pick up the words, make your own waves.

Negativity is all around us and in different forms, many out here haven’t a clue about themselves and don’t learn from themselves or their partners, sum just cannot be helped and after a while you get bored of trying to help them when they don't even help themselves. 

Change your mind and you change your reality.





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