Saturday, 19 October 2019


Solar Being Sol [Soul] Ba’A is one of the highest levels of intelligence [intel-agent], the realist and honest, you live this life down here in your avatar, you are an astronaut abroad your spacecraft called the [Mekaba], your Ba’A is so advanced that the sol can be many other people and many other personalities and entities all at the same time, that is how advanced you are.

The Ba’A is a experiencer and is looking for an experience in which you can experience and grow and learn even though it knows everything, look at yourself has having amnesia and your trying to remember everything, you have the Akashic records and symbols, signs, visions to also aid you remember, remember means putting things back together again, that is what the sol is attempting to do right now, when you are in dimensions and realms, expanses, sum may seem familiar to you, that is your Akashic records.

You also have an aspect of yourself call the oversoul, the oversoul knows that you have amnesia and is aware of itself having amnesia down in the lower-realm but at the same time is sorter like a puppet master and is aware of everything that’s going on here in the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions, this is your oversoul.

 The Ba’A is multidimensional and can be many things all at the same time while its searching, what is the truth, the truth is you, you are the truth and you just have to know who you are or come to a self-realisation [observer] of who you are. 

This experiencer comes down to the lower-realm to seek the experience, there are different aspects of the oversoul and different aspects of your own soul.

On the lowest level of your oversoul you are a human [humin] being, so you are experiencing life has a human being, this is the lowest aspect of your soul of yourself now based on a human being level and in parallel universes you are also all of these people and you are all of the passed lives and all of the future lives, your avatar changes per cycle but never your eyes, the portals [windows] to your sol, your future lives your oversoul already knows and is already designed, its already planned out, the past, present and the future, even though time [emit] doesn’t exist, when we talk about this from a physical level and we reside in time, then yes we can talk about past, present and future because you have a past-self, and a  present-self that you are now and a future-self, if you have karma to do you will have future-selves and future-lives and the oversoul already know this and inner-stands this, this is who you are, all your past lives and you are that person now and you are the people in the future which all equal the aspects of your oversoul.

That is the basic level of the oversoul, another deeper level of the oversoul is the extra-terrestrial level, your chakra are alien implants, the oversoul is [god] is an angel [angle], the oversoul can be considered the creator, many look at [god] as the higher aspects of everything but the truth of the matter, is that is not really true, first of all there are different levels of [god] and then which [god] are you talking about, the creator is you [oversoul] and the soul comes from you, it is too vast to understand in human terms, this is the unknowable and this is where your oversoul is at.

All immortal [gods] are men and all men are immortal [gods] that’s just how it goes, the oversoul is aspects of all of that, there are aspects of you that is extra-terrestrial that you cannot perceive, say like your on a ship [craft] or you wake up on top of a table, these are aspects of yourself, these ships are yours, that’s on one level and on another you could be [god], you feel me, commander, you already know that there is one plane that rules over all planes, and this is all of you, you just don’t realise it yet, when you do, these levels start to level up and you align and things start to activate, through awareness and mediation and realisations do you activate all that is within.

Those on the left-hand-ptah tend to be separate from the idea of the creator(s) in this dimension, the left-hand ptah will reach a certain level and separate themselves from the creators and that kool because everything leads back to the one and that one is you.

You can never separate from the collectiveness of creators, the divine realms, the top.

In the physical realm the Supreme Being(s) had nothing to do with creating the physical realm, the [gods] do, that is left-over junk that the [gods] used to create what you see down here, the oversoul just wants the experience of what the [gods] created, so on one level we have to go down into a human level so that you can experience itself on the way up, on one hand you have the creator of a computer game [stimulation] and then you have developers [engineers] of the computer game, then you have extra-terrestrials who are playing the video game and can be in the video game and out of the video game whenever they feel like it and then you have human beings who are actually players in the game but the players in the game are being controlled by sumthing else and they don’t know this and are not aware or conscious of this, that is who we are down here, players, engineers, who are experiencing the whole game, the whole system.

We reside in a holographic stimulation, the person that invented the game, the holographic
un-iverse [Nu, the deep, the abyss, vibration] stimulation, none of this is real, its only because you have a physical body, your soul knows its not real, the soul wants to play the game, the human experience is to learn and develop, most are here for the ride only, leave them be, life is a game and if you have the right tools you can reach the highest levels, sum are equipped with the right tools and sum have to acquire the tools along the way or they steal them from others to make it in life, many simply do not get the rules or instructions of this game, the game is all energy.

There are many who are on the right-hand-ptah and are here to aid you in this game called life, electric word life, they offer the realisation that you need to know thyself, to get out of the game or to aid you play the game, the oversoul is the creator, the oversoul is you.

You have an extra-terrestrial or elemental force behind you, your just not aware of it, you have a part of you that is [god] you have a part of you that is angelic and a part of you that is an oversoul

You could be one of many [thousands] that is a collective under say Kali and just don’t know, you will know who because you will carry out aspects of these [gods], you can be an angelic soul and operating on that soul in this life, with each cycle the rules, avatar and dimensions change, you are sumtimes not aware, that’s all, you then start to use sum of that junk DNA that the west says you have no use for and that is because its Ka’A [spiritual].

You are experiencing a human experience and also on a deeper level you are experiencing the [god] level, we had these experiences with energies and you become that energy.

Left and right ptahs all lead back to the creators but at the same time left-hand people are selfish to the point they say, I know how to play the game, I know what this thing is about, I’m getting out and taking my children, good luck with your life type-thing, the right ptah people, I know the way out let me see if I can grab a few people on the way out of here, [truth of this is that is an illusion].

Different dimensions, what you must keep in mind is that we reside in an illusion, so even when you die your still an illusion, the fourth dimension is on that high, you have the ability to go higher, sum of these extra-terrestrials are stuck and they are really scared of you and many of them do not have souls but you have the ability to go higher and that is why they don’t want you to evolve and yes they run this planet.

[4]5[6]7 dimensions are all an illusion no matter how beautiful it all looks, once you get to the [8] dimension its all the way down is all an illusion, these dimensions are all illusions, they are all the actual plane, just higher vibrations of the extra-worlds or the astral plane.

Once you get passed the [8] dimension you break past the illusion, you enter the beyond world [9].

No one knows what you are going to think of five minutes from now but at the same time, where does that thoth come from, what is this thoth that is leading you and at the same time is allowing you to make you own decisions, so your thoths come from sumwhere and you don’t know from where, but the thoths are coming from sumwhere based on the decisions that you’ve made in your life and that’s how it works.

The oversoul is the supreme creator manifesting itself as you, the supreme creator is you, all aspects of you.

Negative Thoth Patterns

Negative thought forms had been plaguing me for sum time now, staving those thoths that are all started and was created by me.

There are a lot of entities in this world that many do not know about, too many words that all describe and mislead who or what these entities are and if they are positive and agreeable energies.

Thoths forms are energies that you created that receive so much energy that they actually start to form a body for themselves on the mental plane and that mental energy goes into the astral world.

If you keep thinking about a negative thoth then you create a thoth form, if you think about how much you hate sumbody one day and it makes you feel a certain way to hate that person, you think about how much a person angers you or sumone abused you or hurt you and you keep thinking about that thing over and over again and again, its ok to feel the way you do but it’s the danger of what you are doing to yourself because if you feel a certain way about that thoth that you keep having about what happened to you or what angers you, what you are doing is creating an energy signature in the astral world that is basically turning on and is activating itself and thus this energy seeks to be fed.

Energy seeks to be fed over and over and if you don’t feed it, it will come around in your dreams and bring on nightmares, anxiety attacks, depression, this person you hate you will dream about the person that you want to hurt or you will dream about that person who did sumthing to you, this energy will make you have a rising in emotions in your life, the more you think about that thing that happened to you, the stronger the thoth form gets.

That thoth form can become so powerful that when you die that thoth form can live on, the thoth form will find another person to live on who has the same mental energy and is looking to hurt sumbody or so and will feed from that person, these are negative thoth forms, people deal with them every-day, you hate your boss and now your dreaming about your boss, you hate sumone you love and now your dreaming about them.

There are many people who never get past negative things that happened and they feed these negative thoth forms to they become the negative thoth form, the negative thoth form take over the Khu and takes over their life.

Negative thoth forms are parasites by nature and what they are seeking to do is infect you with the negative thoth form and normally it’s a copy of themselves, they want you to think the way they think, they are draining your energy full stop, be careful, they can drain your life-force, you do not want these things floating around in your life.

Who do you not like, what negative things do you have in your life, what negative people do you have in your life, an attack doesn’t need to come from what you created, it can be sumone around you, sumone you love and wants you to be just like them, these people are physical embodied negative thoth forms, watch those around you and the environments [work, hospitals] that you frequent.  

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