Tuesday, 29 October 2019


The dark-energy is here and many are anxious with this nu energy, this energy is very different and cannot be accessed like the others, it takes time to move into this type of energy and the energy will not be for all and that includes the 9ethers.

[dark-energy] anti-matter, matter, melanin, consciousness+ are all talking about the same thing
= Magi [Magic] your Black Magic [Magi], its active, its in-tell-i-agent, its knows ancient tones [words] you need to use ancient language to raise the energy, like Obatala, which is another word for
Mag-netism which is [Mag-ic] Magi.   

You have to be watching your energies around others, you have to be watching your poWRA, you must keep your energy to yourself, you cannot give it away and with this nu energy the negative and disagreeable do not know how to use it, you cannot give what you get away, they need this energy to survive on this planet but in actuality this planet is deleting them, desperate times require desperate measures.

This dark-energy, you have to want it, you have to want to move into this energy field, the energy is already active and is self-aware, the energy evolves, so if your part-time the energy will not consume you, this is a full-time exchange, you have to have a want or desire to be the energy, be in the electricity, be in the magnetism and be in the plasma and frequencies, the tones [sones] sound is a force, if you listen carefully you can hear. 

Concentration, focus and stay grounded, clarity is out there, your soul is searching all the while, the force flows itself, you have to be one with her, be her, but you cannot control the force but you can be one with her.

Thoths are still the most poWRA-full weapon still known to you; the 9 ethers must connect with the internal networking internet.

Empty mind, hallow heart, no emotions connected to stupidness, free-range thoths around this phase.

That blue spot of cool ocean temperatures stands out like the proverbial sore thumb in a recent NASA image of the warming world – a circle of cool blue on a planet increasingly shaded in hot red.
A region of the North Atlantic south of Greenland has experienced some of its coldest temperatures on record in recent years, a cooling unprecedented in the past thousand years, but yet they have extreme heat.

Use the original words [thoths, symbols and names] because the ancients don’t speak satanic English

Energy is streaming into Ki from the dark-side and the front-side from a source close to us the Mekaba aka NI.BIRU.

[XX]Mistral cycles are not from nature, they are going, you must have knowledge of self for the monthlies to go, diseases are not handed down to you, never was, the wombman is the only one that supports life from the metaphysical realm to the physical realm, she is the only one that can bring spirits into the physical realm, the only way to Ki is through the 9 ether.

In Greek the word is parthenogenesis [partheno = virgin] and [gin and generation], Genesis is also Barashiyh which comes from the root word Bara, meaning to reconstruct[reconstruction] replenishing, she can do this without man.

[XY] Brute force, he used to enforce her throne [A-Set]

We are not the same, we are different for a reason, you have alien implants, 10% of them have the system as well, 10% have a working Wadjet, either way we have lost our world [work].

Femi9 electron energy is surrounding this planet and is bending Ki(s) only electromagnetic field, the field houses ancient knowledge [NRG] and is open to you now and is in red, no more will I roam, this is un-iversal law [Ma’at] and [Nun]Nu[Nut]  laying down the law, the real order of this soul-ar system, the lov9 in this soular system and on Ki and in you came from her.

You have over 7trillion blood-cells in your [khat] body, you take one cell, if you’re a male, the head cell is proton, the second one is neutrons and the third one is electrons, but you know what is surrounding that cell [NI.BIRU surround Ki [neutron ball and you, think about this] 8 electrons [if you’re a male] is surrounding the cell, femi9 electron energy, that is the re-al poWRA, all is returning to zer0.

Love and hate could never be friends, we need Ki to end [recycle] in order for the chaos and out of chaos comes order, that which is straight, balance, seeking balance means suffering, we are all under the cuss, tears of joy, hapi-ness, and sadness.

How it was in the beginning is how it will be in the end, we are not here to repeat their hiStory, we came down here to break the cycles, you must be in-tune, you must be in-tune.

The black-patches in your eyes that you see around you and that you see in the skies are real in the field, moving shadows, moving orbs, moving light, moving time [emit], all of the dimensions are coming together, that means sum of them cannot hide no-more, tic-toc, tic-toc, all dimensions are coming together, no more hiding.

Knowing you, knowing me

Sh9t it coming up for many, when you know better you have to do better, it’s that simple, if not you stay in your cycles, if you keep on doing those things and don’t grow from them, then you stay put.

We are treading a fine line in this phase, your emotional intelligence is being tested all the while for a reason,  your emotional intelligence allows you to work through things, places, location and person with clarity, think about everything that has happened to you in this past month and the last three-months, whatever triggers you had, sumthing went bad or sumthing triggered you, what was your response emotionally and what was the outcome, did you deal with it or is it on the back-burner, what was the cause and effect of what you did.

Are you learning from your own mistakes, are your defining yourself or refining yourself during these times, we are being judged on what we have done this current life-time and not our past, stagnant energy does not allow you go grow or change your mind-Set, your just sticking in your comfort zones, looping.

Your emotional intelligence and how you are allowing your energy to be spent, how you allow things to affect you, maybe you like it, maybe that is all you know, you have control over what you allow your energy to pay attention to, you are participating with these things that you allow yourself to be a part of your life, things are not just happening to you, you are attracting these things for a reason and only you know why, coasting along in life hoping that this and that does not happen to you, but yet your not taking control or demanding things that are yours, no action or intent.

You have a responsibility and you must serve soul; you are here for the experience.

The universe [Nu][Nun]Nut is tri-ing to teach you sumthing, she is tri-ing to make you stronger, your lesson plans may seem relentless but who is causing all these lessons in love, is it not you, take sum responsibilities, we are probably learning the same lessons but these lessons are coming to us in different forms depending on our energy that we are spending out here, separate yourself from your material self, from your physical self, you cannot access your emotional intelligence without doing so, keep yourself enriched, keep your soul enriched and stay away from sh9t people.

Watch yourself and check yourself, get your energy of emotions in check, don’t let your emotions run your programs, watch your attitudes in your realities, self-development, self-realisation, self-reliant, take your [faith] poWRA out of the stimulation [matrix] and know yourself, know your Soul, Mind and Body.

You need a Sol to be in this soular system, you better be ready for the crash, when the emotions switch your either good to go or you are going to be really bad, very bad.  

Ba’A [soul]+ Ka’A [spirit] and Khu [Mind] and the Khat [body] is last, that Khat is going to be transformed.

 Not sure about the scan its already 6hrs in front, the universe is speaking out, energies are penetrating Ki and you, heavy, watch your thoths, you know the drill.

Chaos is looming, the animal in them is coming out, they are wearing sunglasses, umbrellas, staying indoors, Re is speaking to them, bad diets, bad habits all add up to no Order, Order is coming.

Look at the blue spot [Alaska] under the magnifying glass. 

Crafts are protecting the multi-dimensional portal that is the sun and the gatekeeper’s portal that is Sahu [SA.HU] aka Orion-Belt, just sitting outside 24hrs for 7 days and 360 days.

Ki has titled to the south, the moon also to compensate for the angle change.

  Quarter of the world’s pigs wiped out, global authorities brace for worldwide protein shortages, protein for who. 

Swine fever is killing millions upon millions of pigs all over the world, and this threatens to create a crippling global shortage of protein as we head into 2020, this epidemic began in China last year, and it is now also running wild in North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines, but this crisis is certainly not limited to Asia, according to the Washington Post, so far in 2019 there have also been outbreaks in Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine.

The Earth-pig, mixed with the warthog and aardvark and canine [dog], no one knows where the Earth-pig came from, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a pig’s valve and there is Botox, all that is not from nature is being deleted.

  They have to take your energy and keep it, they cannot take your energy you have to give it away to them, you have to welcome that type of NRG into you, inot your home, into your vessel, energy is temporary and has to be given back one day, that day is here.

Sheba [Makeda]  

Metu Netu is a symbolic language [symbols][pictures], we are returning back to that language.
[Telepathy] [Ptah]

Your soul is searching, it can hear and feel the calling, we all have a calling that you agreed to a long time ago, the magnetism is calling us to magnetism or Magi to Magi, self-guiding beacon, we are returning home.

The frequency, energy has changed and with this nu change we have to adjust, this takes time and you needed to be aligned, this energy is beyond your understanding, takes time, we have been dormant for so long, a great force awaits us all [1619-2019] the frequency changed and we can see this, we have the [11.11.11]

The Galactic Federation and alliance and allies are very methodical and are precision, they have the patience and can wait.

Many have different ptahs out here and have different abilities

What energy you hold and your bloodline.

Heaven meets Ki
A nu King-dome is right beside this dimension.

Cities in the SKA 

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