We are having a full multi-coloured backdrop, all chakra full
colour spectrum in the skies and in tornadoes, hurricanes, weather systems, light is data and data is kodes, these are light-kodes for the
9ethers, they think the sun data won’t reach us but hey, that is only a
reflection, Ki has an Inner-sun which is projecting from inward to outward, yesterday the energies came in and no matter
why they say why they are spraying the skies, we are going to receive these energies, these
light-kodes are different geometric energies that are coming from Nu [Kosmos]
from Re, sum from the moon and sum from different planetary bodies, sumtimes
you receive light-kodes in your mediation, which you’ve seen when you see the
flashes of lights or light- patterns flash, these are all the energy of Nu, her DNA,
the abyss, the deep, vibrations, all designed to upgrade your database for the organic
machines, remember you are a computer and you have programs and these programs
must be updated has we go along.
They were desperate yesterday because they sprayed heavy
all over the planet so that we wouldn’t receive yesterdays programs, sumthing did
take place yesterday, sum did get to the core but the battle is on, dark-nrg
can still filter through even though they are using elements of Ki to work
against us.
The download came in on Tuesday and many did not make it, where were you Tuesday, they couldn't pre-warn us, you had to be outside to have received the download, Tuesday around 3pm is when Ki cuts out and that energy came in.
The download came in on Tuesday and many did not make it, where were you Tuesday, they couldn't pre-warn us, you had to be outside to have received the download, Tuesday around 3pm is when Ki cuts out and that energy came in.
This is a spiritual war with spiritual warfare that is being
deployed, the negative and disagreeable know what is taking place to a tee because
the writings are on the wall [KMT].
The energies are increasing and with more poWRA comes
end-times, they are worried about these energies coming down because there are
also messages within the kodes, we also receive clarity to our thoths, concerns
within the data, and upgrades, you are multidimensional beings and
each dimension is geometric, [DMT] stands for Dime-thyltryptamine and Dime is
short for Dimension, these light kodes are geometric lights of energies, each
dimension and each dimension has a different geometric shape to it, you might
have one that is the shape of a Tri-angle, one that is shaped like an Octagon, another
dimension will be in the shape of a Cube and a Sphere inside that Cube because they
both fit, sacred geometry, each dimension has a different geometrical shape and
these light-kodes are for the access into these dimensions has we are going
through the higher dimensions has we are multidimensional beings and these
energies are making us more stronger beings so we can leave this mother and do what we got to do, they said they were protecting their
systems, no you was not, they fear the awakening [activation], stay on the ptah.
Nun is a Ma'At-Ma'At-ical [Mathematical] equation or the universe is a mathematical equation or the holographic universe is in kode.
The route frequency was 216 = 9
Ma'At 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA
The strongest shape in mathematics is a triangle [pyramid] or the strongest shape in the universe is a triangle [Mir].
Femi9 electron energy is surrounding the female entity called Ki.
We are in Judgement.
Fleets of crafts are being seen everywhere.
Repeated numbers [Un][NU] 333[1111]144[222] recurring or
repeated numbers, angel numbers the word comes from those on the bandwagon.
The word Angel Numbers didn’t exist until the new-age
people, this is sumthing that already existed and it’s the same information and
what they are doing is putting their take on it, new-age community are just a
spin off from the Ka’A [Alkebulan] spirituality systems.
Look at the image, this is why they call a one a one and
a two a two, see the number one, it has a one angle and the two has two angle
and a three has three angles, you follow, this is how we wrote the numbers out,
they were shapes, patterns, dimensions.
Numbers where originally based on angles or sacred
geometry, based on angles [angels] that is where you get the numbers and these
angles are also angels, their Bible uses the word angel for angle, these angles
are on shapes and allow light to enter and light is information [data] the four
corners of Ki all have angles in which to let light enter, angles of light.
In KMT with have the 72[9] N.TU [Neteru] deities, all had
a soular disc around their heads [crown] and sum had wings to which we get the
name angel to describe the supernatural according to their Bible, sumone just
took the term and flipped it.
What’s happening with these [angle] numbers is that your
higher-self [Sakhu] is sending you messages to let you know sumthing is going
on in your reality, its just that simple.
To many people today are on the bandwagon and are
misleading with the teachings, too many meanings for this and that and it
doesn’t work like that.
When you get the numbers, pay attention to what is going
on around you, location, place, thing or person, these numbers also carry
frequencies of the N.TU [gods], you may need to study numer-ology [Lloyd
Strayhorn] to really work out what the numbers mean and not the stupid meanings
on the internet.
Numbers carry geometric shapes and they carry frequencies
because they have angles [angels], so these numbers connect to the Universe, Nu[Nun][Nut]
translates the deep, the abyss, vibration, the energy of Nu, where they got the
words Universe and Numbers from [Nu] and [Un].
When your Sakhu wants to imprint sumthing into your life,
when it wants to communicate with you its in kode by way of your subconscious mind,
the sub-mind talks to you in pictures, imagery, kodes and connects around 3am.
You left yourself higher kodes to aid you in your ptahway
from your Sakhu, don’t get stuck on the numbers, don’t get stuck on one thing,
move forward with the energies.
Sumtimes you cannot remember your dreams [visions]
because you don’t have enough energy to bring the knowledge back to Ki.
Your more than a StarSeed, there are different levels to
the StarSeed, activation is worldwide.
The crescent Moon, the moon is rising upside down, but Ki
is upside >>> Turkish Flag = Crescent Moon [SIN][KUNGA], the G
prefixing Gaia, is for [God] or Geometry, of the Grand Architect of the
Universe, who to them was Tah, the original name as Ptah.
The G being the seventh letter and the mystical number of
religious beliefs, in particular the Bible, Gea the female deity or Mary and
Mother Nature is symbolic of the crescent Moon, or the Greek deity Diana, and her son
as the star of Bethlehem, which to sum is Jesus, but in reality is Aset and
The crescent moon is a tool that the star-family use
along with the unidentical twins the cube and square who are both 360.
Gea is a Greek word, so Pangea means all of earth, when
all of earth was called Lemuria aka Le-Mu-ria = Mu = Muurs = Moors = Mars =
LAH.MU = Mu.
Geometric mathematics [Ma'At-Ma'At-ics] is the keys to
their secrets, that adds up to no more than simple geometry.
Much is taking place inside this soular system, the route frequency changed in September and now we are being turned back on-line, rebooting is next, frequency overload.
The earlier on in the year attack on the power grid in a Venezuela
will now have effects on the United States which we are seeing today, the grid
will start to go out over there with a real possibility that it won’t come back
on, the electrical grids are stacked on one another around the world, 90% of
people alone will die, black-out wars.
China, North Korea, Iran, Russia and many more+ but there
is also another threat, our brothers and sistars are in Antarctica and are erecting
the towers for us to go back on-line, ancient technology is being brought back
on-line, Ki is a giant machine with programs and so are you.
We are constantly receiving updates and upgrades while
the grid is being fully restored, time is running out for many and they know it.
Ozone is nearly finished, the Equinox system is also shutting down.
Rebooting to come back on-line, this does not mean you die.
Super-Nova [9].
Muslims and Jews opened those 30 Neb-Ankhs [sarcophagi] in KMT, sumthing will
be unleashed to them, remember these are dead people that the Muslims are
digging up which shows you once again that these people [Muslims] inside KMT
have no correlation to those that are found in KMT, these are Annunaqi members, they are from the N.TU [Netru].
Central Park was called Seneca = Senegal Park [its in the
pronunciation] we know this now because when they went to build over the 911
they found bones that could not have been from those inside the buildings because
they had been vaporised, that was a burial ground.
Stocks and Bonds = stock yes they sold cattle but they also
sold humins, bonds comes from the word bondage, wall street still has the prisons underground, that street is called Chamber St.
The off-spring that were taken into bondage, their parents are here now.
USA = Atlantis
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